pahljáti to fan
pahljáti se to fan oneself
Zadetki iskanja
- pálec thumb; (nožni) big toe; (mera) inch (krajšava: in.)
odtis, madež od pálca (na knjigi ipd.) thumbmark
brez pálca thumbless
širina pálca a thumb, a thumb's breadth
gristi (si) pálec to bite one's thumb
vijak za stiskanje pálcev zgodovina, mučilno orodje thumbscrew
potipati s pálcem to thumb
imeti pod pálcem (figurativno, biti premožen) to be rich, to be well off, to be a man of means
pálce vrteti (figurativno, dolgočasiti se, lenariti) to twirl (ali to twiddle) one's thumbs (ali one's fingers) - pámet (um) intellect, intelligence, sense, brains pl, wits pl; (duh) reason, mind; prudence; mother wit; (razumevanje) understanding; (spomin) memory; pogovorno gumption
na pámet by heart
zdrava pámet common sense, sanity
si ob pámet? are you out of your senses?, have you lost your wits?
ali si pri pámeti? are you in your right mind?
sem pri kraju s svojo pámetjo I am at my wit's end
bodi no pri pámeti! be sensible!, be reasonable!, have a bit of common sense!
on ni pri pravi pámeti he is not in his right mind, he is out of his mind
nisem bil pri pravi pámeti I had not my wits about me
on je počasne pámeti he is slow-witted, pogovorno he is slow on the uptake
ona je kratke pámeti she is rather slow (ali dull, slow on the uptake)
še (vedno) mi je na pámeti... it is still fresh in my mind...
nima toliko pámeti, da bi (u)videl... he has not the wits to see...
to se krega s pámetjo it is thoughtless (ali senseless)
si se s pámetjo skregal? have you taken leave of your senses?
padlo mi je na pámet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, the thought crossed my mind
na kraj pámeti mi ne pade, da bi (rekel) far be it from me to (say)
reči, kar človeku pade na pámet to say whatever comes to mind
imeti več sreče kot pámeti to have more luck than brains
izgubiti pámet to go out of one's mind (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali one's reason)
to presega mojo pámet this is beyond me, that's over my head, that passes my comprehension
priti k pámeti to come to one's senses
kdo, ki je pri pravi pámeti, bi šel...? who in his senses would go...?
moram ga spraviti k pámeti I must make him see reason (oziroma see sense)
spraviti koga ob pámet to drive someone out of his mind (ali pogovorno up the wall, round the bend)
sklicevati se na zdravo pámet to appeal to reason
(iz)računati na pámet to calculate mentally
učiti se na pámet to learn by heart, to commit to memory
znati na pámet to know by heart (ali from memory), (vlogo) to be word-perfect
ko te bo pámet srečala... when you see reason... - pámeten reasonable, sensible, wise, judicious, intelligent, prudent; clever, rational; pogovorno brainy
pámeten človek a man of sense
vsak pámeten človek any man in his right senses...
pámetna misel a sound (ali sensible) idea
pámetno gledišče (stališče, vidik) a sensible point of view
bodi no pámeten! use your brains (ali intelligence)!, be sensible!, be reasonable!
biti pámeten to be sensible (ali reasonable), to have one's wits about one
pámetno ravnati to act sensibly
imeti zelo pámetne nazore o življenju to have very sound ideas on life
kar govoriš, je pámetno what you say is sound
pámetno govoriti to speak wisely, to talk sense, to speak reasonably
mislim, da boš tako pámeten, da ne boš šel tja I suppose you will know better than go there
storil bom vse, kar se mi bo zdelo pámetno I will do anything in reason
pámetno je, kar praviš there is reason in what you say
poslušati pámeten nasvet to listen to reason
pametnejši popustí the wiser head gives in
lahkó je biti pámet, ko je že storjeno hindsight is easier than foresight, it's easy to be wise after the event - pánika panic; scare; stampede
pánika na Borzi a panic on the Stock Exchange
pániko povzročajoč panicky
povzročíti pániko to panic
polastila se jih je pánika they were struck with panic, they became panic-stricken
pánika se je polastila množice panic seized the crowd
prebivalstva se je polastila splošna pánika the population was seized with a general panic - pára2
uboga pára poor fellow; poor devil; vulgarno poor bastard; arhaično luckless wight
počutiti se kot uboga pára to feel like nothing on earth - parfumírati to perfume
parfumírati (se) to scent (oneself)
parfumiran robec a scented handkerchief - páriti1 (s paro) to steam; to boil; (popariti) to scald
páriti se to steam; to stew; (izparevati) to evaporate, to fume; to exhale, to reek - páriti2 (družiti v par, zlasti živali) to mate, to couple, to copulate; to pair; to unite, to match
páriti se to couple, to pair, to copulate, to mate; to rut; to unite; to cohabit
páriti enake stvari, dele to match equal things, parts - parlamént parliament
zgradba parlaménta parliament building
seja parlaménta sitting of parliament
odgoditev (zasedanja) parlaménta prorogation of parliament
zasedanje parlaménta session
sklicati parlamént to convene (ali summon) parliament
parlamént je bil odgoden parliament was prorogued
nanovo odpreti parlamént to reopen parliament
parlamént se bo sestal parliament will meet
razpustiti parlamént to dissolve parliament
član parlaménta member of parliament (krajšava: M.P.)
parlamént kimavcev (figurativno) rubber-stamp parliament - párnik steamer, steamship, steamboat
párnik na vijak screw steamer
tovorni párnik cargo steamer
párnik na kolesa side-wheel steamer, side-wheeler, paddle steamer
linijski párnik liner
poštni párnik mail steamer
s párnikom by steamer
majhen párnik steamboat
párnik plove v... the steamer sails for...
párnik je na poti, plove v New York the steamer is bound for New York
párnik je na poti domov the steamer is inward bound
párnik je nasedel the steamer has run aground (ali is grounded, stranded)
párnik se je potopil the steamer has sunk (ali has gone down, has gone to the bottom)
párnik se je razbil, je doživel brodolom the steamer is shipwrecked - pást trap; (jama) pitfall; (zanka) snare
pást za podgane (miši) rat trap (mousetrap)
pást za tanke tank trap
nastaviti pást to lay (ali to set) a trap
pasti v pást to fall into a trap, to be waylaid
ujeti se v pást to fall (ali to walk) into a trap, to be caught in a trap
ujeti se v lastno pást (figurativno) to be hoist with one's own petard
v pást ujeti koga to trap (ali to entrap, to ensnare) someone
zapeljali so ga v pást they led him into a trap - pásti2 (pasem) to pasture; to graze; (čredo) to herd, to tend
pásti čredo, krave to tend a flock, cows
pásti se to graze, to pasture, (smukati listje) to browse
oči pásti na (figurativno) to feast (ali to feed) one's eyes upon, to gloat over
lenobo pásti to laze, to loaf, to lead an idle life - páv pávica peafowl; (samec) peacock; (samica) peahen
mlad páv, pávica young peacock, pea chick
ošaben kot pav proud as a peacock
páv, pávica vozi kočijo, napravi kolo the peacock spreads its tail
šopiriti se kot páv, pávica to strut like a peacock - pázduha armpit
pod pázduho se voditi to go arm in arm - pazíti (biti pozoren) to pay attention (to), to observe, to mind, to be mindful (of), to look around, to look out (for), to watch, to be watchful, to keep watch; to take care, to be careful (ali cautious, wary, wide-awake, on the alert, on one's guard); (hraniti) to have in custody; (skrbeti za) to take care of, to have in one's care (ali charge); (negovati) to nurse, to look after, to tend; (pobrigati se) to look (to), to see (to), to attend (to)
pazíti na otroke v odsotnosti staršev to baby-sit
ne pazíti na to take no heed (ali no notice) of, to disregard, to be mindless of, to be unmindful of, not to bother, to pay little or no attention to; to lose sight of
pazi(te)! look out!, attention!, mind!
napeto pazíti to be all attention
pazi na otroka! look after the child!
pazite na mojo prtljago! take care of my luggage!
pazite na stopnice! mind the steps!
pazite bolje! take more care!
pazi nase! take care of yourself!
pazite, da vas ne vidijo! mind they do not see you!
niso pazili na moje besede my words were ignored
pazite na žeparje! beware of pickpockets!
pazíti na formalnosti to be a stickler for the formalities
pazíti z budnim očesom na to keep a watchful eye on
pazi se! mind what you are about
otroci, pazite nase! children, look after yourselves!, be careful!, take care! - pêči to bake; to burn; to roast, (na žaru) to grill; to broil; (na ražnju) to barbecue; (okus) to be (ali to taste) spicy (ali hot, peppery, pungent); (oči) to smart; (kopriva) to sting; (boleti v duši) to be galling, to gall, to rankle
pêči se to be roasting, to be cooking
na žaru to broil, to grill
pêči koruzo to parch corn
oči me pečejo my eyes are smarting
roka me peče my hand smarts
poper peče na jeziku pepper stings one's tongue
zgaga me peče I have heartburn
vest ga peče his conscience stings him, he has pangs of remorse - péd pédenj (mera, 9 col, 2,5 cm) span
(eno) péd, pédenj širok a span wide
péd, pédenj za péd, pédenjjo little by little, arhaično inchmeal
niti za péd, pédenj se ne premaknem I'm not budging an inch
niti za péd, pédenj ne odstopim, popustim gledé... as regards... I'm not yielding an inch
premikati se péd, pédenj za péd, pédenjjo to inch along, to move inch by inch (ali by inches) - peháti to push; to thrust
peháti se za bogastvom to scramble for wealth
peháti se iz želodca to eruct, to eructate; to belch - peljáti to lead, to conduct; to guide; to drive, to convey, to cart
peljite ga v mojo sobo! show him into my room!
peljite me na postajo! drive me to the station!
peljáti koga na sprehod to take someone out for a ride
vse poti peljejo v Rim all roads lead to Rome
ta cesta pelje v mesto this road leads to town
peljáti se (z vozilom) to go, (z avtom) to drive, (s kolesom) to ride, (s sanmi) to ride
peljáti se z vlakom to go by train (ali rail)
peljáti se z avtom to drive, to motor, to go motoring
peljáti se z avtobusom to go by bus, to go for a bus ride
peljáti se na sprehod to go for a drive, to take a drive
peljali se bomo z vlakom we shall take the train
pelji se z avtobusom! take the bus!
peljáti se čez reko to cross the river
peljite ga noter, prosim! show him in, please