
Zadetki iskanja

  • oprézno prislov cautiously, carefully, circumspectly, warily, guarrdely

    oprézno se lotiti to go gingerly (about something)
    oprézno iti to go warily (tudi figurativno)
  • oprostíti to excuse, to pardon, to forgive; (česa) to exempt (from), to dispense (izpita with an exam); (na sodišču) to acquit; (iz zapora) to release, to set free, to free; (obveznosti) to release; (osvoboditi) to deliver (from), to rid (of), to absolve (from); (spregledati) to condone

    oprosti! pardon me!
    oprostite, prosim! I beg your pardon, I am sorry, excuse me, Sir (Madam)!
    oprosti, da to rečem! pardon my saying so!
    oprostili so mi ono pismo I was forgiven that letter
    oprostíti koga zaradi pomanjkanja dokazov to give someone the benefit of the doubt
    oprostite, da vam nisem takoj odgovoril I must apologize for not having replied at once
    oprostíti se to excuse someone, to apologize
    oprostite besedi! (opravičilo za nespodobno besedo) saving your presence!
  • ôreh (drevo) nut tree; (sadež) nut

    ameriški beli ôreh botanika hickory
    laški ôreh (sadež in drevo) walnut
    to ni piškavega ôreha vredno I don't give a fig for it, it's not worth a brass farthing
    ôrehe tolči, treti to crack nuts, to shell nuts
    iti nabirat ôrehe to go nutting
    on je trd ôreh (figurativno) he is a tough (ali hard) nut
    to bo trd ôreh (figurativno) that will be a hard nut to crack
    to se je izkazalo za trd ôreh (figurativno) this proved a tough not to crack
    kleščice za ôrehe nutcracker, -s pl
    nožek za čiščenje ôrehov nutpick
    majhen ôreh nutlet
    puhel ôreh blind nut
    muškatov ôreh nutmeg
    najtrši ôreh the toughest nut
  • organizírati to organize; to arrange; to get up

    delavci so dobro organizirani the workers are well organized
    organizírati se to get (ali to become) organized
  • orientírati to orientate, to orient

    orientírati se to orientate oneself, to find one's position (ali one's bearings), to take (ali find) one's bearings, to find one's way
    ne morem se več orientírati I have lost my bearings
  • oróžje weapon; arm (s pl)

    k oróžju! to arms!
    brez oróžja armless, weaponless, bare-handed
    hladno oróžje, bočno oróžje cold steel, side arms
    strelno oróžje firearms pl
    noseč oróžje bearing arms
    nositelj oróžja arms bearer
    izdelovalec oróžja armaments (ali arms) manufacturer
    dovoljenje za nošenje oróžja licence to carry fire-arms, ZDA gun-license
    položitev oróžja (udaja) surrender, capitulation
    premoč v oróžju superiority in arms and equipment
    olje za oróžje gun oil
    tovarna oróžja armaments factory, ZDA armory
    uporaba oróžja use of arms
    trgovina z oróžjem (prodajalna) gunmaker's (ali arms dealer's) shop
    tihotapljenje oróžja gun-running
    učinkovitost oróžja effectiveness of a weapon
    tovariš v oróžju brother in arms, comrade
    ognjeno oróžje (zlasti revolver) firearm, handgun
    biti pod oróžjem to be under arms
    položiti oróžje to lay down one's arms
    poklicati pod oróžje to call to arms, to call to the colours
    nositi oróžje to bear arms
    zgrabiti za oróžje to take up arms (proti sovražniku against the enemy); to seize a weapon
    zateči se k oróžju to have recourse to the sword (ali to arms)
    pograbil je prvo oróžje, ki mu je prišlo pod roke he seized the handiest weapon
    premagati sovražnika z njemu lastnim oróžjem to hoist someone with his own petard
  • ós (pri vozu) axle; axletree; spindle, arbor; shaft; matematika axis, pl axes

    prečna (vzdolžna) ós transverse (longitudinal) axis
    zemeljska ós axis of the earth
    zemlja se vrti okoli svoje osi the earth turns on its axis
    ós pri vozu se je zlomila the axle of the carriage broke
  • osámiti to isolate (od from); to quarantine

    osámiti se to live an isolated (ali retired, secluded) life
  • oskrbéti to provide (z with); to procure; to supply (z with); to furnish (z with)

    oskrbéti se z to provide oneself with, to take (ali to lay in) a supply of
    oskrbeli smo mu potrebne listine we got him the necessary documents
    oskrbel sem jih z vsem I fitted (ali pogovorno kitted) them out with everything
  • osladíti to sweeten, to make sweet; arhaično to dulcify; figurativno to sugar-coat

    osladíti se to sweeten
  • osméšiti to ridicule; to hold up to ridicule; to treat with ridicule; to poke fun at, to make fun of, to make a fool of

    osméšiti se to make oneself ridiculous, to make an ass of oneself, to make a fool of oneself
    ne osmeši se! don't go and make a fool of yourself!
    zelo pošteno se osméšiti to make a complete prize ass of oneself
  • osovrážiti to make odious (ali hateful, disliked, unpopular)

    osovrážiti se to become hated (ali disliked, unpopular, hateful, obnoxious); to render oneself odious (pri kom to someone), to be unpopular (ali hated, hateful, disliked, odious, obnoxious)
  • osprédje foreground, forefront; fore; front

    biti v osprédju politične dejavnosti to be prominently active in politics, to be in the forefront of political activity
    on je rad v osprédju (figurativno) he is fond of the limelight
    v osprédje se postaviti (siliti, riniti) to put oneself forward
    stopiti v osprédje to come to the fore (ali to the front), to stand out
    ne siliti v osprédje (figurativno) to take a back seat, to stay (ali keep) in the background, to keep a low profile
  • osramotíti to shame (koga someone), to make ashamed, to abash; to humiliate, to disgrace, to dishonour, to discredit, to degrade; to bring disrepute (koga upon someone); to put (someone) to shame

    osramotíti se (blamirati) to disgrace oneself, to bring disrepute upon oneself
  • ostál left (over), remaining

    ostáli pl the rest, the others, those left
    med ostálim among other things, (latinsko) inter alia
    v ostálem (= sicer) for the rest
    in vse ostálo (drugo) and everything else, and all the rest of it
    in ostálo (podobno) and so on, and so forth; et cetera (krajšava: etc.)
    ostáli od nas the rest of us
    vsi (drugi) ostáli gredó (hočejo iti) all the others (ali the rest of them) are going
    bil je pijan kot vsi ostáli (drugi) he was drunk like the rest
    mi (ki smo) ostáli (mi drugi) the rest of us
    (vse) ostálo (drugo) se je izgubilo the remainder was lost
  • ostrašíti to intimidate; to deter; to discourage; to frighten; (terorizirati) to terrorise

    ni se dal ostrašíti he was not discouraged
  • ostríči (ovce) to shear; (lase, živo mejo) to cut

    dam se ostríči I have (ali I get) my hair cut
  • ostváriti to realize; to carry into effect, to effectuate; to bring about; to achieve

    ostváriti se to be realized, to become reality, to come true
  • osušíti to dry; (les) to season; (zemljišče) to drain; (močvirje) to reclaim; to exsiccate, to desiccate

    osušíti se (les) to season; (izvir) to dry up, to run dry
    osušil me je za 50 funtov (figurativno) he soaked me for fifty pounds
  • osvežíti to refresh; to freshen (up); to brace

    osvežíti se to freshen oneself up
    osvežíti si znanje to polish up one's knowledge, to freshen (ali to brush) up one's knowledge