Sáva (reka) the (river) Sava
vodo v Sávo nositi (figurativno) to carry coals to Newcastle
misliš, da sem danes po Sávi priplaval (figurativno) do you see any green in my eye?, do you think I'm still wet behind the ears?
nisem včeraj po Sávi priplaval (figurativno) I was not born yesterday
Zadetki iskanja
- séčen urinary; uric
séčna kislina uric acid
séčni mehur urinary bladder
kamen v séčnem mehurju urinary calculus - séči2 (sežem) to reach (po for)
segel je po palici he reached for his stick
séči v žep to put one's hand in one's pocket
globoko séči v žep (figurativno) to dip deep into one's purse
kakor daleč seže oko as far as the eye can see
séči si v roke to shake hands
kakor dolgo bodo segle (trajale) naše zaloge as long as our provisions last - sedánji present, actual; present-day; current; existing; existent; modern; now in force, now ruling, now in fashion
sedánji časi (doba) modern times pl
v sedánjih okoliščinah in the present circumstances
sedánje cene current prices
sedánja moda the modern fashion, the fashion now prevailing
sedánja vrednost ekonomija present value - sedé sedéč sitting
v sedé, sedéččem položaju in a sitting position (ali posture)
sedé, sedéčča oseba sitter
sedeč v naslanjaču seated in the armchair - sédem seven
(v skupinah) po sédem by seven
ob sedmih at seven o'clock
sédem in pol seven and a half - sedéti to sit, to be sitting, to be seated; (ptice) to perch; (na jajcih) to hatch
sedéti s spodvitimi nogami to sit cross-legged
sedéti ob kom to sit beside someone, to sit by someone's side
sedéti pri mizi to sit at table
dobro sedi na konju he has a good seat
sedéti slikarju to sit for a painter
vedno sedi pri knjigah he is always bent over his books
vedno doma sedi he is a stayat-home, he leads a sedentary life
sedéti in lenariti to sit idle
sedéti v zaporu to be in prison, to be imprisoned, to be confined, to undergo one's term of punishment, to serve one's sentence; pogovorno to do time; žargon to do bird
sedéti na trnih, kot na šivankah to be on tenterhooks
sedéti na ušesih (figurativno) to be deaf to, not to listen to, to be inattentive - sédež seat; place
sédež v cerkvi pew
sédež za sovozača na motorju pillion
rezerviran sédež reserved seat
ta družba ima svoj sédež v Londonu this company has its headquarters in London
izgubil je svoj sédež v parlamentu he lost his seat in Parliament
v tej dvorani je sédežev za 2.000 oseb this hall can seat 2,000 people - sêdlo saddle; (za sojahača) pillion
tovorno sêdlo packsaddle
gorsko sêdlo (prelaz) mountain pass, saddle, col
brez sêdla bareback, barebacked
torba pri sêdlu saddlebag
žulj od sêdla saddle sore
jahati konja brez sêdla to ride (a horse) bareback
to se podá kot sêdlo kravi (svinji) pogovorno that's a fat lot of use
sesti v sêdlo to mount, to climb into the saddle; (tudi figurativno)
vreči iz sêdla to unhorse, to dismount, pogovorno to spill, (figurativno) to oust, to supplant, to supersede
trdno sedeti v sêdlu to be firmly in the saddle
biti vržen iz sêdla to be thrown from the saddle - ségati to extend; to stretch (od... do from... to); to range (od 50 do 60 from 50 to 60)
ségati nazaj v 4. stoletje to go back to the 4th century - sekúnda second; glasba second
v (eni) sekúndi in a second
na sekúndo točno on the dot - selítev migration; (iz hiše) removal; change of abode (ali of residence, of dwelling)
selítev narodov migration of people; (masovna) trek; (ponoči, ne da bi plačali stanarino) moonlight flit
doklada za selítev allowance for removal
po naši selítvi v to hišo after our removal to this house
tri selítve je isto kot požar three removals are as bad as a fire - séme seed; (kal) germ; (moško sperma) semen; (potomstvo) progeny, offspring
brez semena seedless
prodajalec semen seedsman
trgovina s sémeni seed trade
izprijeno séme seeds of vice
vražje séme (figurativno lopov) spawn of the devil
iti v séme to go (ali to run) to seed, to seed
sejati séme to sow (seed)
sejati séme razdora to sow the seed of discord (ali of dissension) - sèn (sanje) dream; (spanje) sleep; slumber
miren (nemiren) sèn undisturbed (troubled, disturbed) sleep
trden sèn sound sleep
on hodi v snu he walks in his sleep; he is a sleepwalker (ali a somnambulist)
zazibati v sèn to lull to sleep
zbuditi iz sna to rouse (from sleep) - sénca (hlad) shade, pesniško arhaično umbrage; (predmeta, osebe) shadow
niti sénce dvoma not a shadow of a doubt
vlada v sénci (figurativno) shadow cabinet
on je le (še) sénca samega sebe he is a mere shadow of his former self, he is worn to a shadow, he is reduced to a skeleton (ali to a shadow)
iti v sénco to go into the shade
sedeti v sénci to sit in the shade
boji se lastne sénce he is afraid of his own shadow
dajati sénco to give (ali to afford) shade
izginiti kot sénca to vanish like a shadow
delaš mi sénco you are in my light, you are standing in my light, humoristično you'd make a better door than a window
sonce meče sénce the sun casts shadows
metati, vreči sénco na to cast a shadow on, (zasenčiti) to overshadow, to outshine
to meče sénco nanj (figurativno) this puts him in a poor light, this reflects discredit on him
slediti komu kot sénca to shadow (ali to dog) someone, to be someone's shadow, to follow someone like a shadow - seník hayloft, hay shed, hay barn
iskati šivanko v seníku (figurativno) to look for a needle in a haystack (ali in a bundle of hay) - serpentína bend, turn; (ostra) hairpin bend; (papir) streamer
pot se dviga v dolgih serpentínah v hrib the road winds uphill in a series of long hairpin bends, the road zigzags uphill - sêrvis1 šport (tenis itd.) service, pogovorno serve
kdo ima sêrvis? whose serve is it?
vi imate sêrvis it is your serve; tehnika service
popraviti, pregledati avto v sêrvisu to service a car
gospodinjski sêrvis domestic cleaning service - sesekljanína minced meat, pogovorno mince
dušena sesekljanína (v omaki) fricassee - séver north; (veter) north wind
na séveru in the north, north
proti séveru northward(s), northerly
točno proti séveru due north
ležati v smeri séver-jug to lie north-south
na skrajnem séveru northernmost
plovba proti séveru northing
pluti proti séveru to sail northward
séver brije a bitter north wind is blowing