
Zadetki iskanja

  • opêči to burn, to scorch; (sonce) to tan

    opêči svež (bel) kruh to toast bread
    opêči na ražnju to roast
    opêči se to get burned
    opêči si prste to burn one's fingers
  • opeháriti to cheat (koga someone), to take someone in; to diddle (ali to dupe) someone; pogovorno to take someone to the cleaners

    opeháriti koga za kaj to trick someone out of something
    dati se komu opeháriti pogovorno to be taken for a ride
  • operácija medicina surgical operation, operation

    operácija na medicina operation for
    napraviti, izvesti operácijo medicina to perform an operation
    finančna operácija financial transaction
    vojaške operácije operations pl, troop movements pl (oziroma movement of ships)
    podvreči se operáciji medicina to undergo an operation
    moram iti na operácijo I must undergo a surgical operation, I must be operated on, pogovorno I've got to have an operation
  • operírati (s čim) to manage, to conduct, to use; medicina to operate (koga on someone); to perform an operation (ali a surgical operation)

    operírati koga na slepiču to operate on someone for appendicitis
    moram se dati operírati I must be operated on, I must have an operation
    ki se ne da operírati medicina inoperable
  • opériti to fit (ali to decorate) with feathers; (puščico) to feather, to fledge

    opériti se to put on feathers, to fledge, to become fledged
  • opijániti to intoxicate; to inebriate; to make drunk

    opijániti se to get drunk (ali intoxicated); pogovorno to get sozzled
  • opírati

    opírati na to base (upon)
    opírati se na to rest on, to lean on, to be based (ali founded) on
    opira svoja sumničenja na ono pismo he bases his suspicions on that letter
  • opís description; (poročilo) account, report

    podroben opís specification
    opís z drugimi besedami paraphrase, circumlocution; (prikaz) representation
    tehnični opís engineering detail
    opís se ujema z... the description tallies with...
  • opísati opisováti to describe; to depict, to picture; to delineate; to represent; to paraphrase; geometrija to circumscribe

    to se ne da opísati, opisováti this is indescribable, this baffles all description
  • opíti to intoxicate, humoristično to tipsify (koga someone); to make someone drunk (ali tipsy); figurativno to go to someone's head, to inebriate someone

    opíti se to get drunk (ali tipsy), (žargon) to have a (real) skinful
  • oplašíti to intimidate, to discourage, to dishearten; to frighten; to deter; to daunt; (ptice) to scare

    ne dam se oplašíti I am not to be frightened
    oplašíti se to take fright, to shy (česa at something)
    ki se ne da oplašíti undeterred
  • oplétati

    oplétati z rokami to swing one's arms
    noge so se mu opletale his legs wrapped themselves one round the other
  • opočásniti

    opočásniti (se) to slow down; to slack
    opočásniti svoje delo to slacken one's pace of work
    opočásniti svoj korak to slacken (one's) pace
  • opogúmiti to encourage; to embolden

    opogúmiti se to take courage (ali heart); to pluck up one's courage (ali heart, spirits); to take one's courage in both hands; to screw up (ali to summon up) one's courage
  • opojíti to make drunk, to intoxicate

    opojíti se to get drunk (ali intoxicated)
  • opozorílo opozorítev admonition, admonishment; advertisement; warning (na, pred of); tip-off (na, pred about, regarding, concerning)

    ne se zmeniti za opozorílo, opozorítev to ignore a warning
  • opráti to wash; pesniško to lave; figurativno (zlasti krivo osebo) to whitewash

    opráti se to wash (someone), to have a wash, to perform one's ablutions; figurativno to excuse oneself, to exculpate oneself
    opráti posodo to wash the dishes, to wash up
  • opravíčiti to excuse; to exculpate

    ne skušaj ga opravíčiti! do not try to excuse him!
    to ne opravičuje njegove odsotnosti that does not excuse his absence
    opravičite me zaradi moje odsotnosti! excuse me for my absence!
    opravíčiti koga, opravíčiti komu odsotnost to excuse someone, to excuse someone's absence
    opravíčiti koga pri kom to apologize for someone to someone else
    prosil je, da ga opravičijo (mu opravičijo odsotnost) he begged to be excused (from attending)
    opravičen(a odsotnost) zaradi bolezni excused from attending owing to illness
    opravíčiti se to excuse someone, to apologize (za, zaradi for)
    pri kom to someone; to make (ali to offer) an apology (for)
    dovolite mi, da se vam opravičim allow me to apologize (to you)
    opravičil se je za svoje vedenje he apologized for his conduct
    opravíčiti se moram, ker sem zamudil I must apologize for (zdaj) being, (prej) having been so late
    to se ne da opravíčiti that allows of no excuse!, there is no excuse for it!
  • opredelíti to define

    opredelíti se (izjaviti se) za to declare for, to take sides with (someone), to take someone's side, to side with (someone); to opt (za for)
  • opréti to support; (podpreti) to prop

    opréti se na to lean on; to be based on, to recline on; to rely on