
Zadetki iskanja

  • resór (področje) competence, -cy

    to ne sodi v moj resór I am not competent to deal with this question; this is outside my competence
  • revólver revolver; gun

    ki ima takoj revólver v roki (figurativno) trigger-happy
  • rezêrva reserve

    v rezêrvi in reserve, vojska in support
    bančna rezêrva bank(er's) reserve
    gotovinska, kapitalna, obratna, tajna rezêrva cash (capital, operating, secret) reserve
    skrite rezêrve hidden (undisclosed) reserves pl
    zlata rezêrva gold reserves (banke of a Bank)
    železna rezêrva vojska iron rations pl
    (na)kopičiti rezêrve to accumulate reserves
    objaviti z vso rezêrvo (s pridržki) to state with due reservation
    držati v rezêrvi (zalogi) to keep in stock
    vpoklicati rezêrve vojska to call up reserves
    zateči se k rezêrvam to fall back on one's reserves
    imeti železno rezêrvo (figurativno) to have an arrow (ali a shaft) left in one's quiver
  • rezervírati to reserve; to set apart (za for); (sobo, vstopnico) to book

    rezervírati vstopnico to book a ticket
    brzojavno rezervírati sobo v hotelu to telegraph to a hotel for a reservation
    rezervírati sedež to book a seat in advance, to secure a seat
    izključno si rezervírati to earmark
    velika vsota je rezervirana (predvidena) a large sum is earmarked
  • rezidírati to reside; (službeno) to be in residence

    rezidírati v tujini to reside abroad
  • ríba fish

    Ribe astronomija Pisces pl (s konstr. v sg), the Fishes
    ríbi podoben fishlike
    ríba pilot pilot fish
    ríba roparica predatory fish
    leteča ríba flying fish
    morska ríba sea fish, salt-water fish
    sladkovodna ríba freshwater fish
    koš(ara) za ríbe fish basket, creel
    prodajalec, -lka ríb fishmonger
    trgovec z ríbami fish merchant
    nož za rezanje ríbe fish slice
    gojitev ríb fish farming, pisciculture
    nasoljena ríba salt fish
    jata ríb shoal, school
    zdrav kot ríba sound as a bell, fit as a fiddle, in the pink, in fine fettle
    zdrav je kot ríba he is as fit as a fiddle
    loviti ríbe to fish, s trnkom to angle, s podvodno puško to spearfish
    poloviti vse ríbe v ribniku to fish out a pond
    počutiti se kot ríba na suhem (kopnem) to feel like a fish out of water
    molčati kot ríba to be as mute as a fish
    počutil sem se kot ríba v vodi I was fit as a fiddle
    bogat z ríbami abounding in fish
    male ríbe (figurativno) small fry, ZDA pogovorno small potatoes pl
  • ribáriti to fish, (s trnkom) to angle; to catch fish

    iti ribarit to go fishing
    v kalnem ribáriti (figurativno) to fish in troubled waters
  • Rím (mesto) Rome

    Rím ni bil grajen v enem dnevu Rome was not built in a day
  • ríniti to push, to shove

    ríniti naprej to push forward
    ríniti v nevarnost to run one's head into danger
    ríniti z glavo skozi zid (figurativno) to bump (ali to batter) one's head against a (brick) wall
    ríniti se skozi to push one's way through, (prebijati se) to rub along
  • rit bottom; backside, behind, fundament, buttocks pl, posterior, arhaično posteriors pl; vulgarno arse

    brca v rit a kick up the arse
    brcniti koga v rit to kick someone's arse
    piši me v rit! my arse!, ask my arse!
  • rítem rhythm

    plesni rítmi pl dance rhythms pl
    življenjski rítem vital rhythm
    imeti čut za rítem to have a sense of rhythm
    nauk o rítmu rhythmics pl (s konstr. v sg)
    dajati rítem to rhythmize
  • rítensko backwards; stern foremost

    rítensko (nazaj) pluti to have sternway
    rítensko zapeljati avto v garažo to back one's car into the garage
  • rivál; riválinja rival

    rivál; -injaa v ljubezni rival lovers pl
  • rivalizírati to rival; to vie (s kom with someone); to compete (z with), to emulate

    rivalizírati s kom v pogumu to vie with someone in courage
    rivalizírati za prvo mesto to vie for the first place
  • róba (blago) goods pl; ware; merchandise; (poedin kos) article

    lesena róba wooden ware
    mešana róba grocery
    oblačilna róba articles pl of clothing
    róba v carinskem skladišču bonded goods pl
    róba, ki ne gre v prodajo a drug on the market
    ničvredna róba shoddy
    prvovrstna róba top quality goods pl
    kolonijalna róba colonial produce
    lončarska róba pottery, hollow ware
    prvo (drugo, tretje) razredna róba firsts (seconds, thirds) pl
    tekstilna róba textiles pl
    volnena róba woollens (ZDA woolens) pl
    železna róba hardware
    slaba róba inferior goods
    subvencionirana róba subsidized goods
    dobava róbe supply, purveyance
    róba na poti goods in transit
    prispela róba deliveries pl
    pošiljka róbe (z vlakom, kamionom) consignment, (z ladjo) shipping
    pomanjkanje róbe scarcity (ali shortage) of goods (ali commodities)
    prodaja, promet róbe turnover of stock
    inventura róbe inventory (of goods ali stock)
    seznam róbe list of goods
    skladišče róbe warehouse, storehouse, (azijsko) godown
    izročitev róbe delivery
    zaloga róbe stock
  • róčen manual; hand(-); (spreten) handy, skilful

    róčno delo handiwork, manual work, (žensko) needlework, (fino) fancywork; (v šoli) manual training; (obrt) handicraft
    narodno, ljudsko róčno delo handicrafts pl
    ti čevlji so róčno delo these shoes are handmade
    róčen je pri delu he is a good hand at
  • ród (poreklo) stock, descent, origin, family, race, lineage, extraction, birth; generation; (pleme) tribe, clan

    človeški ród human race, mankind, human species
    visokega (nizkega) ródu highborn (lowborn), of high (low) birth (ali origin)
    po ródu by birth
    po ródu Rus Russian born, Russian by birth
    iz róda v ród from generation to generation
    po ródu biti iz Maribora to be a native of Maribor
    biti v ródu z to be related to
  • róg horn

    jelenov róg antler
    lovski róg hunting horn, bugle
    róg obilja the horn of plenty, cornucopia
    trobiti na róg to blow the horn
    tema je kot v rógu it is pitch-dark
    róge pokazati (figurativno) to show one's horns, to resist, to show resistance
    trobiti v isti róg (figurativno) to sing the same song (ali tune); to act in concert
    róge nastaviti (možu) to cuckold
    nositi rógove (mož) to be cuckolded
    ugnati koga v kozji róg (figurativno) to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone, to stalemate someone, to stymie (ali to stimy) someone, to intimidate someone
    njega ne uženeš lahkó v kozji róg he does not scare easily
    zgrabiti bika za róge (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
  • ròj (čebel, muh) swarm; (os) flight

    v ròjih in swarms
    ròj čebel a swarm of bees, a bee swarm
    ròj žuželk a flight of insects
    otroci so ga v ròju obkrožili the children swarmed round him
    obsul ga je ròj nosačev he was surrounded by a swarm of porters
  • rojíti to swarm; to swarm like bees

    v deželi roji divjačine the region is swarming with game
    v mestu roji (mrgoli) špijonov the town is swarming with spies
    v glavi mi roji neka misel an idea keeps running through my mind
    samó letala mu rojé po glavi he thinks and talks aeroplanes
    čudne muhe mu rojé po glavi (figurativno) he's got bats in the belfry