včérajšnji yesterday's
včérajšnji dan yesterday
ves včérajšnji dan all yesterday, the whole of yesterday
včérajšnji časopis yesterday's paper
včérajšnji večer yesterday evening, pesniško arhaično yestereve, yestereven, yester e'en
Zadetki iskanja
- véder serene; cloudless; clear; (vesel) cheerful, merry
kot blisk z védrega neba like a bolt from the blue
védra starost serene old age
védro vreme serene (ali fair) weather
véder dan bright day
pod védrim nebom (taborjenje, prenočevanje) in bivouac, (v šotoru) under canvas - véren believing; faithful; (pobožen) devout
vernih duš dan religija All Souls' Day - ves vsa, vse all; whole; entire; total; complete
mi vsi all of us
vse, razen... all but...
vsa Slovenija all Slovenia
vsa dežela the whole country
po vsej Angliji all over England
vsa Evropa all Europe, the whole of Europe
po vsem svetu all over the world
na vseh straneh on all sides
vsa družba the whole (ali all the) company
vsa moja družina je tu all my family are here
(skozi) ves dan all day long, the whole day long
vsi in vsak all and sundry
vse moje življenje all my life
v vseh ozirih in all respects
po vseh štirih on all fours
vse mogoče all sorts, all kinds (of)
za ves svet ne not for all the world
z vso (možno) hitrostjo with all speed
vse mesto je bilo tam the whole town was there
vse je zaman it is all in vain, it is all to no avail
to je vse, kar lahko storim zate that's all I can do for you
vsi trije so krivi they are all three guilty
delati vso noč to work all night
preživeli smo skoraj ves julij na deželi we spent nearly the whole of July in the country
biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with fury
on je vse prej kot pošten he is anything but honest
hiša je vsa iz kamna the house is entirely of stone
to je vse, kar lahko rečem that is all I can say
prebral sem vso knjigo I have read the book from cover to cover
pripravljeni smo storiti vse zanj we are ready to do anything for him
razpravljati o vsem mogočem, samo ne o politiki to discuss anything but politics
tresti se po vsem telesu to tremble all over
ne delaj si skrbi, vse se bo uredilo! don't worry, it'll be all right! - vihár storm; thunderstorm; tempest; hurricane; (na morju) gale
vihár smeha gale of laughter
vihár odobravanja storm (ali a tempest) of applause
peščeni vihár sandstorm
področje, pas vihárjev storm zone, storm belt
mir, tišina pred vihárjem lull before a storm
vihár v kozarcu vode (figurativno) storm in a teacup
ves dan je divjal vihár the storm raged all day
dvigniti vihár to stir up a storm
sončni zahod, ki naznanja vihár a stormy sunset
pustiti, da vihár mine to let the storm blow over - volítev volítve pl election, elections pl; poll; balloting; polling
ožja volítev, volítve second (ali final) ballot
spodbijana, sporna volítev, volítve disputed (ZDA contested) election
priti v ožjo volítev, volítve to be on a short list
volítve v zvezne organe elections for federal agencies
javne volítve (glasovanje) open voting
tajne volítve (glasovanje) secret ballot
občinske volítve municipal elections
splošne volítve general election, parliamentary elections
dopolnilne (delne) volítve byelection
dan volítev election day, polling day
neveljavne volítve void election
visoka (nizka) udeležba na volítvah heavy (light) poll
razpisati (nove) volítve to issue writs for an election, (figurativno) to go to the country
snubiti glasove pri volítvah to canvass, to solicit votes, to electioneer
iti na volítve to go to the polls, (kandidat) to stand for election
poraziti koga pri volítvah to defeat someone at the polls
izgubiti mandat na volítvah to lose one's seat, to be unseated
volítve so odložene the poll is postponed
delavska stranka vodi pri volítvah the Labour party is in the lead
razglasiti, objaviti rezultat volítev to declare the result of the election
biti poražen na volítvah to be defeated at the polls
dobiti največje število glasov pri volítvah to get most votes, to head (ali to top) the poll - vóščiti1 (želeti) to congratulate; to wish
vóščiti dober dan to bid good day
voščil mi je mnogo uspeha he wished me great success
voščim vam vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - vsák -a, -o every; (posamezen) each
vsák, -a, -o dan every day, daily
vsák, -a, -o tretji dan every three days
vsák, -a, -o teden every week, weekly
vsák, -a, -o od dveh (obeh) either
vsák, -a, -o posamezen each and every one
vsák, -a, -o čas any time
vsák, -a, -o učenec every pupil
vsák, -a, -o učenec tega razreda each pupil of this class
na vsák, -a, -o način at any rate
vsakih 20 korakov every twenty paces
ob vsák, -a, -oem vremenu in all weathers
vsák, -a, -o posebej, vsák, -a, -o ločeno separately
vsák, -a, -oemu svoje! to every man his due!, to each his own!
vsák, -a, -o po svoje each (one) in his own way
imava vsák, -a, -o svoje mnenje we have each our own opinion
vsák, -a, -o je dobil 5 SIT they got 5 tolars each
poznam vsák, -a, -oega učenca tega razreda I know every pupil in this class
vsák, -a, -o učenec mora to vedeti, znati every pupil must know this
lahko prideš ob vsák, -a, -oem času you can come at any time - za for; for the purpose of; in favour of; after; behind; (= za časa) during
dan za dnem day by day
eden za drugim one after another, one behind the other
korak za korakom step by step
enkrat za vselej once and for all
za ves svet ne not for (all) the world
za gorami beyond the mountains
jaz za svojo osebo as far as I am concerned
za mojim hrbtom behind my back
za primer (v primeru) potrebe in case of need
za glavo večji taller by a head
za sedaj for the present
za šalo by way of a joke
argumenti za in proti the pros and the cons
razlogi za in proti the reasons for and against
za menoj! follow me!
(kar) za menoj, prosim! this way, please!
starejši za pet let five years older
jaz, za sebe (zase) as for me
beseda za besedo word for word
mož za možem man by man
zanimanje za... interest in...
za mladino neprimeren film a film unsuitable (ali not suitable) for young people
vstopnica za gledališče a theatre ticket
za vlade (vladanja) kralja Karla II during the reign of Charles II
za (= po pooblastilu) (acting) for, per pro., latinsko per procurationem (krajšava: p.p.)
biti za kaj to be in favour of something
kdo je za (to)? who is in favour?
sem za to, da mu odpustimo I'm in favour of (ali I'm for) pardoning him
večina je za nadaljevanje stavke there is a majority in favour of continuing the strike
to je važno zame (za mene) this is important to me
nekaj je za tem (figurativno) there's something behind it
za hišo je vrt there is a garden behind the house
to je hud udarec za nas it is a hard blow for us
brali smo eden za drugim we took it in turns to read
za koga me (pa) imate (smatrate)? who (arhaično whom) do you take me for?
nimam ga za genija I do not regard him as a genius
za to ceno lahko dobiš to blago povsod you can get these goods anywhere at that price
on jé za tri he eats as much as three
povleči koga za lase to pull someone by the hair
on porabi preveč za sebe (zase) he spends too much on himself
smatrati za dobro to think it advisable
odšel je za vedno he left for good
voditi koga za roko to lead someone by the hand
vzel jo je za ženo he has married her, arhaično he has taken her to wife (ali as his wife)
on zaostaja za časom he is behind the times
zapri vrata za seboj! shut the door after (ali behind) you!
zgrešil je za pol metra he missed by half a metre
zmotil sem se za 10.000 SIT I made a mistake of 10,000 tolars
sedeti za mizo to sit at the table
pustiti za seboj to leave behind - zadéva matter; affair; business; thing; subject; (osebna) concern; pravo case
o tej zadévi on this subject
v zadévi with reference to, on the subject of
državna zadéva affair of state
družbena zadéva social matter (ali problem)
notranje zadéve internal affairs pl
zadéva javnega pomena matters pl of public concern
zadéve skupnega pomena matters pl of common interest
tekoče zadéve current affairs pl
zunanje zadéve foreign affairs pl
dogovorjena, domenjena zadéva a put-up job
ministrstvo za zunanje zadéve VB Foreign Office (krajšava: F.O.); ZDA State Department
lepa zadéva! (ironično) that's a nice mess!
v zadévi X. proti Y. pravo in the case of X. versus Y.
brigaj(te) se za svoje zadéve! mind your own business!
to je zadéva zase it is a separate question (ali problem, matter)
to je čisto druga zadéva that's an entirely different thing
to ni moja zadéva that's no business of mine
to je tvoja zadéva that's your affair, that's your lookout, it's up to you
kot je zadéva sedaj... as matters now stand
zadéva prihaja na dan the affair is coming out, the matter is being aired
pusti zadévo pri miru! let the matter rest!
zadéva se vleče the affair is dragging on
vmešavati se v tuje zadéve to meddle in other people's afairs
vzeti zadévo v roke to take the matter in hand
voditi zadéve to conduct (ali to direct) affairs
opustiti zadévo (pogovorno) to drop the whole business
govoril sem z njim o vaši zadévi I talked to him regarding your business - zahválen of thanks; thanksgiving
zahválni dan (praznik) ZDA Thanksgiving Day (zadnji četrtek v novembru)
zahválni cerkveni obred ZDA thanksgiving service
zahválno pismo letter of thanks - zmága victory (nad over), conquest; triumph
zmága na morju, pomorska zmág naval victory
moralna zmága moral victory
Pirova zmága Pyrrhic victory
sijajna zmága swingeing victory
lahka zmága (pogovorno) walkover, walkaway
odločilna zmága šport clean sweep, whitewash
boginja Zmage Victory
nagrada za zmágo reward for victory
dan zmáge victory day; (8. V. 1945) VE Day
zaupajoč v zmágo, prepričan o zmági confident of victory
pijan zmáge intoxicated (ali elated, flushed) with victory
znak zmáge trophy, (v 2. svetovni vojni) V-sign
doseči zmágo to gain (ali to win) a victory (nad over), to win (ali to carry) the day, (pogovorno) to bring home the bacon
doseči odločilno zmágo to win a decisive victory
voditi čete k zmági to lead one's troops to victory
zmága nad samim seboj to win a victory over oneself
Dan Zmage zaveznikov nad Japonsko v 2. svetovni vojni VJ-day - že already; as early as; yet
ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
že 30 let as long as 30 years
že včeraj as early as yesterday
že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
dan je že it is daylight already
(do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it! - želéti to desire, to want; to wish; to be desirous (of), to long for
zelo želéti to long, to yearn, to thirst, to crave, to hunger (after), to be dying for
želéti lahko noč (zbogom) to bid good night (goodbye)
kaj želite od mene? what do you want from me?
ali želiš, da on pride? do you want him to come?
on želi dobiti to mesto he wants to get that post
želite, gospod? (v trgovini) what can I do for you, sir?
želéti komu dobro (slabo) to be well (ill) disposed to someone
želéti si to long for, to yearn for
zelo si želéti domov to long for one's home
želel si je vesti od svoje družine he longed for news of his family
vsi želimo, da bi se kmalu vzpostavil mir we all wish that peace may soon be restored
želéti komu srečo to wish someone luck, to wish someone, well
kakor želite as you please, just as you wish
tega ne bi še psu želel! (ZDA) it shouldn't happen to a dog!
želim van srečno novo leto! I wish you a happy New Year!
želim ti vse najboljše k rojstnemu dnevu! many happy returns of the day!
kaj si želiš za svoj rojstni dan? what would you like for your birthday?
hoteti in želéti je dvoje, ni isto willing and wishing are not the same thing