
Zadetki iskanja

  • pogòj condition; term; stipulation; clause; understanding; pravo proviso

    pod pogòjem on condition, under the proviso
    s pogòjem, da... on condition that..., provided that...
    pod istim pogòjem on the same condition
    pod kakšnimi pogòji? on what conditions (ali terms)?
    pod sedanjimi pogòji under present conditions
    pod nobenim pogòjem not on any terms, on no account
    delovni pogòji working conditions
    plačilni pogòji terms pl of payment
    prodajni pogòji terms pl of sale
    življenjski pogòji living conditions pl
    predaja brez pogòjev vojska unconditional surrender
    diktirati svoje pogòje to dictate one's terms
    izpolniti pogòje to fulfil (the) conditions
    radi bi spoznali vaše pogòje we should like to know your conditions
    (po)staviti kot pogòj za... to stipulate as a condition for...
    staviti kot pogòj to make it a condition
    kot pogòj staviti, da... to stipulate that...
    predati se brez pogòjev vojska to surrender unconditionally
    sprejeti pogòje to accept the conditions
    sporočite nam, prosimo, svoje pogòje! let us know your terms, please!
    vztrajati pri (svojih) pogòjih to abide by (one's) conditions
    postaviti pogòj, da... to make it a proviso that...
  • pokázati to show; to demonstrate; to indicate; to point (na at); to expose to view, to exhibit; to manifest, to display

    pokaži mi to! let me see it!, show it to me!
    ti bom že pokazal! I'll teach you!, I'll show you!
    pokázati s prstom na koga to point one's finger at someone
    pokázati svoje načrte, namere to show one's plans, intentions
    pokázati svoje dokumente to show one's papers
    pokázati svoje karte to show one's cards (tudi figurativno)
    pokázati pête (zbežati) to show someone a clean pair of heels
    pokazali so mi sobo I was shown the room
    pokazal je veliko spretnost he displayed great skill
    pokázati svojo strahopetnost (figurativno, arhaično) to show the white feather
    pokázati svojo zlobno naravo (figurativno) to show one's cloven hoof
    pokázati slab okus to show bad taste
    pokázati znake utrujenosti to show signs of fatigue
    pokázati (opozoriti) na kaj to point out something
    pokázati zobe to show one's teeth (tudi figurativno)
    pokázati komu vrata to show someone the door
    pokaži, kaj znaš! do your stuff!
    pokázati se (v javnosti) to show someone; to appear, to turn up; to become manifest, to come to light; (izkazati se) to prove (oneself)
    pokazal se je (prišel je) šele ob desetih he didn't show up until ten
    pokazal se je hvaležnega he showed himself grateful, he proved to be grateful
    on bi rad pokazal, kaj zna he wants to show off
    se bo že pokazalo! time will show!
    pokazalo se je, da... it turned out (ali it became evident, it was found) that...
    kmalu se bo pokazalo, ali imate prav we shall soon see if you are right
  • póln full; (napolnjen) filled, replete; (nabit, natrpan) crammed, filled to capacity, full up, chockfull; (obilen) abundant, abounding, plentiful; (popoln, cel) whole, entire, complete

    pólno prislov fully
    do roba pólna čaša brimful glass (ali bumper)
    pólna luna full moon
    pólna jadra swelling (ali billowing) sails pl
    pólna košara (škatla, žlica, čoln) a basketful (a boxful, a spoonful, a boatful)
    pólna vsota the entire sum
    póln ljudi full of people, crowded
    do vrha póln brim-full
    pólne tri ure three good hours
    póln voz a cartload
    s pólno paro (figurativno) at full blast
    s pólno hitrostjo (at) full speed
    v pólnem diru at full gallop
    v pólni vrednosti at full value
    s pólno pravico justly; with perfect justice
    póln predsodkov prejudiced, partial, biased, arhaično prepossessed
    póln veselja in high spirits, exuberant
    v pólnem pomenu besede in the full sense of the word
    pólno upravičen fully authorized (ali entitled)
    pólno zaposlen fully employed
    pólna zaposlitev full-time job, (za vse) full employment
    pólno zasedeno! (v hotelu) (we are) full up!, fully booked
    v knjigi je pólno napak the book is rife (ali abounds) with errors
    lokal je bil pólno nabit the place was crowded (crammed full)
    da bo mera pólna let us have full measure, pogovorno let's have no short measure
    da bi bila nesreča pólna to make things worse
    drevje je pólno the trees are laden with fruit
    sod je tri četrti póln the barrel is three quarters full
    na ulici je bilo pólno ljudi there was a big crowd in the street
    igrati pred polno hišo gledališče to play to a full (ali a capacity) house
    trajati dve pólni minuti (tri pólna leta) to last two full minutes (three whole years)
    do zadnjega kotička póln full (ali filled) to capacity
    delati s pólno paro to work to capacity
  • položáj situation; position; state of affairs; condition; circumstances pl; (lega) site; lay, standing; bearings pl; (služba) rank, status; (drža telesa) attitude, posture, (pri mečevanju) guard; vojska post

    resnost položája the gravity of the situation
    socialni položáj social standing
    položáj poslanika the post of ambassador
    položáj tržišča, trga market position
    težaven položáj (figurativno) a close call
    materialni in družbeni položáj economic and social status
    biti gospodar položája to be master of the situation
    biti v neprijetnem položáju (v žalostnem položáju) to be in an unpleasant position (in a sorry plight)
    določiti čemu položáj to locate something
    ne biti kos (dorasel) položáju not to be equal to the situation (ali occasion)
    on nima (ne zavzema) položája svojega brata he has not his brother's standing
    nismo v položáju, da bi mogli narediti drugače we are not in a position to be able to do otherwise
    izbrati dober položáj za svojo hišo to choose a fine position (ali site) for one's house
    to je komaj izboljšalo naš položáj that has scarcely made us any better off
    položáj se je poslabšal the situation has deteriorated
    pojasni mu svoj položáj! show him where (ali how) you stand!
    razumem tvoj položáj I see how you stand
    biti v nejasnem položáju (figurativno) to be up in the air
    sedeti v zelo nerodnem položáju to be seated in a very uncomfortable position
    položáj je videti brezupen things look desperate
    vem, kakšen je položáj (figurativno) I know how the land lies
    vreči iz položája to eject, to dislodge, to supplant, to oust
    vztrajati na položáju vojska to stick to one's post
    on je rešil položáj he saved the situation
    umakniti se na vnaprej pripravljene položáje vojska to withdraw to positions prepared beforehand
    izrabiti, izkoristiti položáj to make hay while the sun shines, to strike while the iron's hot
  • pomísliti to think (na of); to imagine, to conceive; to fancy; to consider (na kaj something); to be struck by an idea; to reflect

    pomisli! imagine!, fancy!, just think!
    pomisli, kaj delaš! think what you are doing!
    samó pomislite! just fancy (ali think)!
    pomisli, da si na mojem mestu! suppose you were in my place!
    na to ni niti pomísliti it is out of the question!
    na to še v sanjah ne bi pomislil nothing is further from my mind
    čakaj, da pomislim (vidim)! let me see!
    niti pomisliti ne smem na to I can't bear the thought of it
    pomisli(te) si to!, pomisli(te) kaj takega! fancy that!
    če pomislimo, da... considering that...
    pomísliti na najhujše to anticipate the worst
  • poscáti (vulgarno) to piss (kaj on something)

    poscáti se to piss, to piss oneself, to pee oneself; to urinate, to make water
    poscati se v posteljo to piss (ali to pee, to wet) the bed
    skoraj bi se poscal od smeha I almost pissed myself laughing
  • poslovíti se to take (one's) leave (od of); to say goodbye (ali farewell, adieu); to bid farewell (ali good-bye); to part (od from)

    po francosko poslovíti se to take French leave
    odšel je, ne da bi se (bil) poslovil he took French leave
  • posréčiti se (uspeti) to succeed (in); to manage

    če se mi to posreči if I succeed in it
    načrt se ni posrečil the plan did not succeed
    njemu se vse posreči he succeeds in everything
    posrečilo se mi je pobegniti, uiti I succeeded in escaping
    posrečilo se mu je to napraviti he managed to do it (ali to get it done)
    ni se nam posrečilo, da bi ga videli we did not succeed in seeing him
    ni se mi posrečilo, da bi našel izgubljeni denar I failed to find the money I'd lost
  • potréba need, necessity; want; needfulness

    brez potrébe without need, needlessly
    iz potrébe from necessity
    po potrébi as necessary, as circumstances require
    v primeru potrébe in case of need (ali of necessity)
    za mojo osebno potrébo (rabo) for my personal use
    nujna potréba urgent need
    neobhodna potréba indispensability; exigency
    šel je na potrébo he has gone to the toilet
    opraviti telesno potrébo to relieve oneself, to obey the call of nature
    zadovoljiti dolgo časa občuteno potrébo to supply a long-felt want
    ne čutim potrébe, da bi to naredil I have no need to do it
    imeti potrébo po to have need of
  • práv just, right; (zelo) very

    práv zdaj just now
    práv rad with (great) pleasure, very (ali most) willingly, gladly
    práv! all right!, okay! (krajšava: O.K., OK)
    takó je práv that's right, all right
    práv dobro quite well
    práv takó! just so!, quite!, quite so!
    práv nič nothing at all
    práv škoda je, da... it is a great pity that...
    práv nobenega denarja nimam I have no money whatever
    nimamo práv nobenih izkušenj we have no experience whatsoever
    ta klobuk mi je práv this hat suits (ali fits) me well
    moja ura gre práv my watch goes well (ali keeps good time)
    moja ura ne gre práv my watch is going wrong
    ravno práv prihajaš you come just in time
    práv blizu stanujemo we live quite close by
    ne razumeš me práv you do not rightly understand me, you mistake my meaning
    ne vem práv, kaj naj naredim I hardly know (ali I am at a loss) what to do
    to mi je ravno práv it is just what I want
    če vam je to práv if it is convenient for you, pogovorno if it's all right by you
    če ti je práv ali ne whether you like it or not
    práv ti je; práv se ti je zgodilo (se ti godi) it serves you right; you got what you deserved
    práv mu je! serves him right!
    imeti práv to be right
    imaš práv you are right
    práv napraviti, delati to do right, to do what is right
    komu práv napraviti to suit, to please someone
    vsem ne moreš práv narediti you can't please everybody
    to ni práv od tebe you are wrong there
    meni je práv I don't mind (ali object), that's all right with me, I agree
    vam je práv, če pridete jutri? does it suit you to come to-morrow?
    to mi je práv (mi ustreza) that suits me fine
    práv priti (koristiti) to come in handy
    vse práv pride every little helps
    to utegne práv priti it may come in useful
    práv tako bi lahko rekli, da... we might just as well say that...
    ta vrvica utegne pozneje práv priti this string may come in handy later on
    priti ravno práv (kot nalašč) to be most welcome
    práv takó likewise
    práv nocoj (še nocoj) this very night
    práv na začetku at the very beginning
  • pre- too

    predrag too expensive
    pretežaven too difficult
    prevroč too hot
    prelepó, da bi bilo resnično too good to be true
    to gre predaleč that's going too far
  • prebudíti prebújati to wake (up), to awaken, to awake; to arouse, to rouse (tudi figurativno)

    prebudíti, prebújati se to wake (up), to awake, to be awakened (ali roused), to rouse
    hrup me je prebudil the noise woke me up
    vso hišo boš prebudil you'll wake the whole house
    hrup, ki bi prebudil mrtvece a noise to waken the dead
    žal mi je, da sem vas prebudil I am sorry I woke you up
    prebudíti, prebújati iz letargije (apatije) to arouse from lethargy (apathy), to shake someone out of his lethargy
    narava se prebudi spomladi nature wakes in spring
  • precéj2 (mnogo) a great deal, a good deal of; in no small measure; much, many; pretty; rather; quite a few

    precéj (kar) dober rather good
    precéj dolgo a pretty long time
    precéj pozno rather late
    precéj denarja a great deal of money
    precéj knjig a good many books
    precéj dolga pot rather a long way
    kar precéj daleč od tu a good distance from here
    njegova opazka je bila precéj bedasta his remark was rather foolish
    jaz bi precéj rajši ne šel a I would (ali I'd) much rather not go there
  • prêdlog proposal, proposition; (na skupščini ipd.) motion; (pobuda) suggestion; (ponudba) offer, tender; (priporočilo) recommendation

    na prêdlog upon the proposal (ali motion) of...
    na moj prêdlog at my suggestion
    spremljevalni amendment
    zakonski prêdlog bill
    mirovni prêdlogi peace proposals pl
    kdo je za prêdlog? who is in favour?
    dati prêdlog na glasovanje to put a motion to the vote, to get a motion voted on
    izdelati prêdlog to draw up (ali to frame) a proposal
    prêdlog je naletel na splošno odobravanje the proposal met with general approbation
    odkloniti prêdlog z večino glasov to vote down a proposal
    prêdlog je bil odklonjen z 20 glasovi proti 12 the motion was lost by 20 votes to 12
    podpreti prêdlog to support (ali to second) a motion
    ni upanja, da bi prêdlog postal zakon the bill has no chance of becoming law
    sprejeti prêdlog to adopt a proposal
    prêdlog je bil (soglasno) sprejet the motion was carried (unanimously)
    prêdlog je prodrl the proposal went through, the ayes had it
    staviti prêdlog to move; to put forward a motion
    strinjam se z vašim prêdlogom I agree with your proposal
    zavrniti prêdlog to reject (ali to turn down) a proposal
    umakniti prêdlog to withdraw a proposition
  • predpostáviti (domnevati) to suppose; to presuppose; to presume

    predpostavimo, da (bi to bilo res) supposing that (it were true), let us suppose (that to be true)
  • pregovoríti to persuade

    (koga) to talk someone into, to prevail upon someone, pogovorno to get someone to do something
    z dobrikanjem koga pregovoríti, da kaj naredi to coax someone into doing something
    niso ga mogli pregovoríti he could not be prevailed upon
    skušal me je pregovoríti, da bi kupil knjigo he tried to talk me into buying the book
    pregovoríti koga, da opusti svoj namen to talk someone out of his purpose
    hotel je zapustiti svojo domovino, pa so ga pregovorili he wanted to leave his country, but they talked him out of it
  • préj sooner, earlier; before, beforehand, previously; formerly, prior to; rather

    préj ali slej sooner or later, some time or other
    malo préj a while ago
    čim préj tem bolje the sooner the better
    čim préj as soon as possible, at your earliest convenience
    préj kot ne as likely as not
    vse préj kot anything but
    dan préj the day before, on the preceding day
    préj navedeni aforementioned, aforesaid
    X.Y., préj Z.U. X.Y., formerly Z.U.
    préj sovražnik kot prijatelj rather an enemy than a friend
    toliko préj all the sooner
    on je vse préj kot bogat he is anything but rich
    moj položaj je vse préj kot siguren my position is anything but a safe one
    préj kot odideš before your departure
    ne da bi nas préj obvestil(i) without giving us any previous notice
    nismo pisali préj, ker nismo vedeli vašega naslova we did not write before, not knowing your address
    jaz bi préj (= rajši) (šel) kot... I would rather (ali I would sooner, I prefer to) (go) than...
  • prenágljen rash, overhasty, precipitate

    biti prenágljen to be overhasty
    prenágljen korak a rash step
    prenágljeno dejanje precipitate action
    bilo bi prenágljeno... it would be rash to...
  • preneúmen too silly

    (to) je preneúmno, da bi sploh govoril o tem it's too silly for words
    preneúmno (je) (figurativno) it is too bad
  • pretrésti ➞ pretresati; (ganiti) to shock, to affect (ali to move) deeply; to stir; to thrill

    prizor, ki bi te pretresel a sight that would shock you
    bila je pretresena, ko ga je videla tako bledega in shujšanega she was socked to see him so pale and thin
    pretrésti vprašanje to discuss (ali to debate, to examine) a question