
Zadetki iskanja

  • poróčati to report, to relate (komu to someone); to make (ali to give) a report (to someone), to inform (someone), to give an account (o čem of something)

    sproti poróčati komu to keep someone currently informed
    poročajo o skupini sovražnikov na drugem bregu vojska a hostile party is reported on the other bank
    podrobno poróčati to report in detail, to give full particulars
  • poskúsiti to try, to attempt; to make an attempt; to essay; to test; to experience

    poskusi srečo! try your luck!, take your chance!
    poskusi to napraviti, če moreš! try and do it if you can!
    poskúsiti koga udariti to try to strike someone
    še enkrat bom poskusil I will make another attempt, pogovorno I'll have another try (ali go)
    vse poskúsiti to make every effort, to leave no stone unturned, to do one's utmost, to leave nothing undone
    vse se je poskusilo no stone was left unturned
    poskúsiti se v čem to try one's hand at something
  • poštenják an honest man; a man of hono(u)r
  • potrúditi se to endeavour; to trouble oneself; to make an effort, to try hard; to take pains

    potrudil se bom, kolikor bom le mogel I'll do my best
    zelo se potrúditi se to take great pains (z with)
    moral se bom potrúditi se za kako drugo mesto (službo) I shall be obliged to look out for another situation
    zame se je posebno potrudil he has taken special pains for my sake
    potrudil se je k meni he came to see me
    na vso moč potrúditi se to use one's best efforts
  • pozírati to pose; to strike an attitude

    pozírati kot junak to pose as a hero
    pozírati za svoj portret to sit for one's portrait
    on preveč pozira he puts on too much side
  • pregrešíti se to sin; to commit a sin (proti komu against someone), to commit an offence; to trespass (proti against); to wrong (proti komu someone)
  • prekléti to curse; to execrate (koga someone); arhaično to imprecate; cerkveno to pronounce an anathema on, to anathematize, to damn

    vse po vrsti prekléti to curse by bell, book, and candle
    prekléti koga to call down curses on someone
  • prekmórec inhabitant of an overseas country
  • prenapétež an eccentric; an extravagant person
  • preslíkan copied from an original painting (ali picture)
  • preslíkanje copying from an original painting (ali picture)
  • preslíkati to copy from an original painting (ali picture); to paint over, to paint out
  • preveličeváti to exaggerate; to magnify to an extreme degree; to extol
  • pripréči to harness an additional pair of horses (of oxen)
  • priredítelj editor (teksta of a text), adapter; glasba arranger; organizer; giver of an entertainment (concert itd.)
  • priséči priségati to swear, to take an oath

    slovesno priséči, priségati to swear a solemn oath, to swear solemnly
    po krivem priséči, priségati to commit perjury, to perjure oneself, to forswear oneself
    priséči, priségati pri bogu to swear by God
    prisegam! I swear on oath!
    lahkó prisežem na to I can swear to it
    priséči, priségati maščevanje (pokorščino, zvestobo) to swear revenge (ali vengeance) (obedience, the oath of allegiance)
    priséči, priségati prijateljstvo to swear friendship
    lahkó prisežem, da je to on I can swear this is the man
    prisegel bi, da... I could take my oath that...
    ne bi hotel priséči, priségati na to I would not take my oath on it
    prisegam na njegovo nedolžnost I swear he is innocent
    on »prisega« na svojega zdravnika (figurativno) he swears by his doctor
    prisegam, da je moje blago dobro I swear by the quality of my goods
  • priséžnik person who swears an oath, person giving evidence under oath
  • príti prihájati to come; (dospeti) to arrive (at, in); (pojaviti se) to turn up, to put in an appearance

    príti, prihájati do to come to, to get to, to reach
    príti, prihájati po kaj, koga to come for (ali to fetch) someone, something
    príti, prihájati noter to come in
    príti, prihájati skupaj to meet
    príti, prihájati nazaj to come back, to return
    príti, prihájati ob (denar) to lose (one's money)
    ne príti, prihájati z besedo na dan (figurativno) to beat about the bush
    príti, prihájati na dan to come (ali to be brought) to light
    príti, prihájati bliže to come near, to approach
    príti, prihájati z dežja pod kap (figurativno) to jump from the frying pan into the fire
    ta beseda pride iz grščine this word is derived (ali comes) from Greek
    príti, prihájati nad koga to befall someone
    ne príti, prihájati blizu to keep (ali to hold) aloof, to keep one's distance
    príti, prihájati peš to come on foot
    sem je prišel peš, na konju, z avtom he walked, he rode, he drove here
    príti, prihájati do krize to come to a head
    odkod pride ladja? where does the boat hail from?
    príti, prihájati na izpit to present oneself for an examination
    najhujše še pride! the worst (of it) is yet to come!
    príti, prihájati med ljudi to mix with other people
    odkod to pride? how comes that?
    naj pride, kar hoče! come what may!, whatever may happen!
    tako ne boš prišel naprej this is not going to get you very far
    prišlo mi je na pamet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, it crossed my mind
    príti, prihájati v rabo to come into use
    príti, prihájati k sebi to recover one's senses, (iz nezavesti) to come to, to come round, to come to oneself
    kdor prej pride, prej melje first come first served
    príti, prihájati komu v roke, v pest (figurativno) to fall into someone's hands
    príti, prihájati zopet do sape to recover one's breath
    to pride na isto that amounts to the same thing, pogovorno it all boils down to the same thing
    príti, prihájati na svoje stroške to cover one's expenses
    príti, prihájati komu na sled to get on someone's track
    kako si prišel na to? how did you come to think of that?, what ever put that into your head?
    nikoli ne bo prišlo do tega it will never come to that
    pridi(te) z menoj! come (along) with me!
    príti, prihájati do sporazuma to reach an understanding
    prišel bom po tebe I'll call for you
    včeraj mi je prišel povedat he came and told me yesterday
    moja ura je prišla (figurativno) my hour has come
    príti, prihájati komu na ušesa to reach someone's ears
    kdo pride na vrsto? whose turn is it?
    prišlo bo do vojne we shall have war, it will come to war
    príti, prihájati do pretepa to come to blows
    príti, prihájati na svet to come into the world, to be born
    príti, prihájati na beraško palico to be reduced to beggary, to fall on evil days
    slučajno príti, prihájati to happen ta come
    príti, prihájati na vrsto to have one's turn
    príti, prihájati na svoj račun to profit, to benefit (pri, ob by)
    zelo prav príti, prihájati to come in very handy
    príti, prihájati kot poklican, kot nalašč to arrive opportunely
    príti, prihájati v poštev to come into consideration
    ne príti, prihájati v poštev to be irrelevant (ali to be beside the point)
    príti, prihájati do zaključka to reach a conclusion, to decide
    ne pridi mi več pred oči! I will never see you again!
    iz tega ne bo prišlo nič nothing will come of it
    na to jaz ne bi bil nikoli prišel that would never have occurred to me
    prišlo je čisto drugače it turned out quite differently
    slučajno sem prišel na to I found it out accidentally
    príti, prihájati do odločitve to come to a decision
    priti v modo to come into fashion
    príti, prihájati v denarno stisko to be hard up, to run short of money
    prepozno príti, prihájati to be (too) late
    príti, prihájati na spregled to turn up, to make one's appearance
    príti, prihájati k zavesti to come to one's senses
    kolikokrat prideš skupaj z njim? how often do you meet him?
    nesreča nikoli ne pride sama misfortunes never come singly
    to pride od tvojega dolgega ležanja v postelji that comes of your staying in bed so long
  • pritoževáti se pritožití se to complain (komu o, nad čim to someone about something, of something); to appeal against, to lodge an appeal against; to make complaints to someone about something

    pismeno pritoževáti se, pritožití se to complain in writing, to file a grievance; (tarnati) to lament
    ne morem (ne smem) pritoževáti se, pritožití se (figurativno, godrnjati, nergati) I can't (I mustn't) grumble
    nimaš vzroka, da se pritožuješ you've no reason to complain
    pritožil se je na pošto zaradi tega he complained of it at the post office
  • privatíst boy not attending school, but only sitting, for an examination