
Zadetki iskanja

  • zbesnéti to be enraged (ali furious); to be driven mad; pogovorno to flip one's lid, to blow one's top; to fly into a passion

    zbesnim, če slišim takšne nesmisle it drives me mad to hear such nonsense
  • zgrozíti se to shudder (ob at); to be horrified (ob čem by something); to shrink (from something)

    zgrozim se, če pomislim na to I shudder to think of it
  • zmotiti to disturb (someone), to distract (someone)

    zmotiti se to be mistaken, to make a mistake; to go astray
    ne se zelo zmotiti not to be far wrong
    vsakdo se lahko zmoti we are all apt to make mistakes
    zmotil sem se v svojih računih I'am out in my calculations (ali reckoning), I miscalculated
    če se nisem zmotil if I am not mistaken
    zmotili smo se o njem we were quite mistaken in him
    zmotil sem se o datumu I was quite mistaken about the date
    ne dajte se zmotiti! don't disturb yourself!
    zelo se zmotiti (figurativno) to be wide of the mark
  • zóna2 (groza) shudder

    zóna me obhaja it gives me the shudders, I shudder (ob tem pogledu at the sight ali at the sight of it)
    zóna me spreleti, če samo pomislim na to I shudder to think of it
  • zvônec (hišni) bell

    električni zvônec electric bell, (brenčalo) buzzer
    zvônec pri vratih doorbell
    gumb zvônca bell push, bell button
    vrvica, ročaj za zvônec bellpull
    obesiti komu zvônec to bell someone
    obesiti mački zvônec to bell the cat
    nositi zvônec to take the first place, to be in the lead, arhaično to bear the bell
    potegniti za zvônec to pull the bell
    pritisniti na zvônec to press the button
    iti in odpreti vrata, če pozvoni zvônec to answer the doorbell (ali pogovorno the door)