razočáranje; razočáranost disappointment, disillusion (z with); pogovorno let-down
razočáranje; -nost v ljubezni disappointment in love
Zadetki iskanja
- razpásti to fall to pieces, to crumble (v into), to decay, to dilapidate; to decompose, to disintegrate, to decline; to fall asunder
razpásti v prah to disintegrate (ali to decay) into dust
razpásti v skupini to fall into two groups - razpoložèn disposed; inclined
biti dobro razpoložèn to be in a good humour (ali mood), to be goodhumoured
biti slabo razpoložèn to be in a bad humour, to be bad-humoured, to be out of humour
nisem razpoložèn za delo I don't feel inclined (ali much inclined) to work, I don't feel much like working
danes je oče dobro razpoložèn Father is in a good mood today
biti veselo (sijajno) razpoložèn to be in high (in the best of) spirits
nisem razpoložèn, da bi šel v gledališče I don't feel like going to the theatre, I don't care to go to the theatre
biti razpoložèn za kaj to be in the mood for something - razpoložênje humour; mood; disposition; temper; frame of mind
častnik na razpoložênju officer on half-pay
veselo (potrto) razpoložênje high (low ali poor) spirits pl
v sijajnem razpoložênju in magnificent spirits
dati koga na razpoložênje to detach someone - razprávljanje discussion, debate
v razprávljanju under discussion - razpréči (konja) to unharness, to take (a horse) out of the shafts; (vola) to unyoke; (plug) to unhitch
v moji starosti je treba razpréči (figurativno) at my age, one has to go slow (ali to give up active work) - razprodája sale; clearance sale, selling off; stock taking sale; liquidation; (dražba) auction sale
popolna razprodája winding-up sale
kupiti kaj v razprodáji to buy something at a clearance sale - rázred (učilnica) classroom, schoolroom, form room; (stopnja osnovne šole) standard, ZDA grade, (srednje šole) form; (učenci, dijaki) class; (rang) rank; (v vlaku)
prvi (drugi) rázred first (second) class; (službeni) rating
prvi v rázredu top boy, the top of his class
delovni rázredi working classes pl
razdelitev v rázrede classification
razdeliti v rázrede to classify, to class - razsájati (oseba) to storm, to fume; (veter, morje) to rage, to roar; (bolezen) to rage
kuga je razsajala v Evropi the plague raged in Europe - razsékati to cut up, to cut to pieces; (drva) to hack, to chop (up)
razsékati v koščke to hack to pieces - razsodíti to arbitrate; to judge, to give judgment; to settle by arbitration; to give (ali to deliver) a verdict
razsodíti v korist, za (v škodo, proti) to give judgment for (against) - razsòl pickle; brine
kisle kumarice v razsòlu pickled gherkins pl - raztŕgan torn (to pieces), torn apart; (razcapan) ragged, tattered; disrupted
raztŕgano mesto (v obleki) tear - raztŕgati to tear up, to rip open, (z zobmi) to tear, to rip (apart)
raztŕgati v kose to tear to pieces, to rip to pieces; to tear to tatters; to tatter, to rend, to rend in pieces (ali apart, asunder)
raztŕgati na dvoje to tear in two
raztŕgati si obleko na žeblju to tear one's clothes on a nail
raztŕgati dopisnico na koščke to tear up a postcard in small pieces; (čevlje, obleko) to wear out
raztŕgati se to rip, to rend, to tear
rajši bi se pustil raztŕgati na kose, kot da bi priznal he would rather let himself be cut to pieces than admit it - razvalína ruin
človeška razvalína figurativno wreck
on je samo še razvalína he is a complete wreck
biti v razvalínah to lie in ruins
razpasti v razvalíne to collapse in ruins - razveseljív delightful, pleasant, agreeable, favourable, encouraging, pleasing; gratifying
kar je zame najbolj razveseljívo, je to, da... what pleases me most is that...
razveseljíva novica good news
pogled v prihodnost ni nič kaj razveseljív (the) prospects for the future are far from (being) cheerful - razvézati to loose, to untie, to undo, to unbind; to dissolve; (ločiti) to divorce; (vozel) to unknot, (vrv) to unravel
vino mu je razvezalo jezik arhaično his tongue was loosed (ali became loosened) by wine, pogovorno he talked freely under the influence
razvézati vrv to undo a rope
razvézati vozel to untie a knot
razvézati se to come undone
razvézati se (ločiti se v zakonu) to get a divorce
dati se razvézati od to obtain a divorce from
razvézati se od moža (od žene) to divorce one's husband (one's wife) - razvój development; evolution; growth, progress, advance
potek razvója course of development
razvój dogodkov progress of events
dežela v razvóju politika a developing country
čakati na razvój dogodkov to await developments
materialni in družbeni razvój material and social development - rêbro rib; (lista) vein (of leaf)
rêbro ladje rib, timber of vessel; (oboka) groin
dregniti koga v rêbra to poke (ali to dig) someone in the ribs, to nudge someone in the ribs
sunek (dregljaj) v rêbra (pogovorno) dig (ali poke, nudge, thrust) in the ribs
zlomljeno rêbro fractured rib
lahkó mu rêbra prešteješ (figurativno) you could count his ribs, he has no flesh on his bones - recépt medicina prescription; (figurativno, kuhinjski) recipe
izdelati recépt (v lekarni) to make up a prescription, to dispense medicine