tvéganje risk, hazard; chance
brez tvéganja riskless
na lastno tvéganje at one's own risk
ob tvéganju svojega življenja at the risk of one's life
poklicna tvéganja occupational hazards pl
na tvoje tvéganje at your own risk
Zadetki iskanja
- učênje study, learning, reading; (vajeništvo) apprenticeship
učênje na pamet learning by heart, learning by rote; (guljenje) žargon cram, swot, grind - učínek effect (na on); result; consequence; impression
delovni učínek efficiency
brez učínka of no effect, ineffectually, without effect
imeti učínek to have (ali to take) effect; to work on (ali upon), to leave an impression, to be effective (ali efficient, efficacious, operative)
ne imeti učínka to have (ali to take) no effect, to prove ineffectual
napraviti učínek na koga to leave an impression on someone
doseči dober učínek to obtain a good result
to ni imelo nobenega učínka nanj it had no effect on him, it did not affect him
zdravilo ni imelo učínka the remedy did not work
učínki vojne the results of the war
učínki bolezni the results of a sickness
plačilo po učínku ekonomija merit pay
po učínku plačano delo piecework
ni učínka brez vzroka every effect has its cause - učinkováti to effect, to be effectual; to operate (na on), to take effect, to have an effect; to act; to produce an effect (na on); to have an influence (na on)
učinkováti na koga to have an effect on someone, to influence someone, to impress someone, to tell on someone
to ni prav nič učinkovalo nanj it had no effect on him, it did not affect him
to nanj ne učinkuje (figurativno) this cuts no ice with him
ona učinkuje nanj kot rdeča ruta (na bika) she makes him see red
slika učinkuje mnogo boljše iz daljave the picture looks much better at a distance
zdravilo ni učinkovalo the remedy did not work - učíti (koga) to teach, to instruct, to give instruction (to), to give lessons (to); to train
učíti se to learn, (študirati) to study, (guliti se) to swot, to cram, to grind, (pogovorno) to bone up on; (vajenec) to serve one's apprenticeship
učíti se na pamet to learn by heart (ali by rote), to commit to memory, to memorize
zopet se učíti to relearn, (pogovorno) to brush up
marljivo se učíti to study hard, to be a diligent student
učíti se brati (branja) to learn to read
on se zelo dobro uči he is quick to learn, he is a quick learner
učíti se za izpit to get up (ali to brush up, pogovorno to bone up on) a subject for an examination
učíti se pisanja to learn how to write
moj brat se uči mizarstva my brother is learning joinery (ali is training to be a joiner) - udáriti to beat; (ura) to strike; to hit; to knock; (dati klofuto) to slap, to smack, ZDA pogovorno to slug; to smite; (s pestjo) to punch
udáriti ob to strike against, to bump against
nazaj udáriti (puška) to recoil, to kick
rahlo udáriti to tap, to dab
udáriti po obrazu to slap, to box, to cuff
udaril me je v obraz he struck me in the face
udaril sem z nogo ob kamen I hurt my foot by knocking it against a stone
udáriti po prstih to rap
udáriti po mizi to pound the table; (žogo s palico) to bat
on je prvi udaril he was the first to strike
strela je udarila v drevo lightning has struck a tree
ura je ravno udarila dve it has just struck two
kri (voda) je udarila iz... blood (water) gushed out of...
reka je udarila čez bregove the river overflowed its banks
vino mu je udarilo v glavo the wine went to his head, the wine made his head swim
udáriti takt to beat (the) time
udáriti koga s slepoto to smite someone with blindness
toča je udarjala na okenske šipe the hail was rattling on the windowpanes
udáriti komu v hrbet (figurativno) to attack someone in the rear, to stab someone in the back
udáriti z nogo ob tla to stamp one's foot (on the ground)
isti zvok mu je znova udaril v uho the same sound struck his ear again
s pestjo je udaril po mizi he pounded the table - udárjati
udárjati na levo in desno to hit out right and left ➞ udariti - ugájanje like, liking; pleasure; delight; (zadovoljstvo) satisfaction
na splošno ugájanje to the satisfaction of all
vse je narejeno za ugájanje očem everything is arranged to delight the eye - uhó ear; (šivanke) eye (of a needle); (košare, posode) handle
srednje uhó middle ear
zunanje uhó auricle
ostro uhó keen ear, quick ear
oslovsko uhó (v knjigi) dog-ear
napraviti oslovsko uhó (v listu, knjigi) to dog-ear (a page, a book)
bolečina v ušesu earache
vnetje ušesa otitis
vnetje srednjega ušesa inflammation of the middle ear
ušesa me bolé I have (ali pogovorno I've got) earache
krik, ki gre skozi ušesa an earsplitting, earpiercing scream
šumenje v ušesih buzzing in the ears
ščitnik za uhó earflap, ZDA earmuff
zrcalo za uhó medicina auriscope, otoscope
biti gluh na levo uhó to be deaf in the left ear
do ušes je zadolžen he is up to his ears in debt, he is over head and ears in debt
biti do ušes zaljubljen to be head over heels in love
imeti ostro uhó (figurativno) to have a quick (ali a sharp) ear, to have excellent hearing
pocukati, povleči koga za uhó to tweak, to pull someone's ear
napeti ušesa to prick up one's ears, to be all ears
naleteti na gluha ušesa to find deaf ears
nekaj bi ti rad povedal na uhó I'd like a word in your ear
prišlo mi je na uhó it came to my hearing
naviti komu ušesa to tweak someone's ears
pridigati gluhim ušesom (figurativno) to fall on deaf ears
(za)mašiti si ušesa to stop up one's ears
poslušati le z enim ušesom to listen with only half an ear
konj striže z ušesi the horse twitches his ears
vleči na ušesa to listen attentively, to prick up one's ears
za ušesa privleči (kako zadevo) (figurativno) to drag in a matter by the ears
v (levem, desnem) ušesu mi zveni my (left, right) ear is ringing (ali is burning)
pri enem ušesu noter, pri drugem pa ven (figurativno) (it goes) in (at) one ear and out (at) the other
v ušesih mi je zvenelo (= morali so govoriti o meni) my ears were burning
stene imajo ušesa walls have ears
v uhó me piši! (žargon) go and fly a kite! - újcati újčkati to dandle (otroka a child)
újcati, újčkati otroka na kolenih to dandle a child on one's knees - ujéti to catch; to capture; to take (someone) prisoner; to seize
ujéti koga pri dejanju to catch someone red-handed (ali in the act)
ujéti v past to trap, arhaično to entrap
ujéti koga na laži to catch someone out in a lie
nevihta nas je ujela we were caught in a storm
noč me je ujela I was overtaken by night (ali darkness)
ujel sem ga za rokav I caught him by the sleeve
niti ene ribe ni ujel he did not catch a single fish
naša mačka je ujela dve miši our cat has caught two mice
biti ujet, ujeti se to be caught, to get caught
bil je ujet vojska he was taken prisoner
bil sem ujet med umikom I was taken prisoner during the retreat
tatu so ujeli the thief has been caught - ukáz order; command; (odredba) ordinance
na ukáz, po ukázu by order (of)
do novega ukáza until further orders
izpolnjevati ukáze to adhere to orders
izdati ukáz to issue an order
narediti kaj na ukáz to be under orders to do something
ubogati ukáze to obey orders - ukázati ukazováti to order; to command; to give orders; to bid; to tell
ukazali so nam, naj takoj krenemo na pot they ordered us to start at once
ukazali so mu, naj pride they told him to come, arhaično they bade him come
stori, kot ti je ukazano! do as you are told! - úlica street, (ozka, majhna) lane, alley
na úlici in the street, ZDA on the street
glavna úlica main street, high street
enosmerna úlica one-way street
stranska úlica side street
čez úlico across the street
slepa úlica cul-de-sac, street with a dead end, dead-end street, figurativno blind alley, dead end
tlakovana, asfaltirana úlica paved, asphalted street
živahna úlica busy (ali crowded) street
človek z úlice the man in the street, man on the Clapham omnibus
prodaja na úlici street sale
seznam úlic street directory
čiščenje úlic street cleaning, scavenging
soba gleda na úlico the room faces the street
za parkiranje prepovedana úlica no-parking street
v kateri úlici stanujete? which street do you live in?
postaviti na úlico (na cesto) to turn out, to put out (in the street)
za promet zaprta úlica! street (ali road) closed for traffic! - úličen (of the) street, street(-)
úlično blato street mud
úlični govornik street orator, soapbox orator
úlični hrup street noise
úličen (kanalski) jarek, kanal (side) gutter, drain, sewer
úlični prodajalec street seller, street vendor, street trader
úlični prometni otok refuge, traffic island
úlični pevec street singer
úlični prehod street crossing
úlični podhod subway, underpass, tunnel
úlična razsvetljava street lighting
úlični promet street traffic
úlična svetilka street lamp
úlična tablica street-sign
úlični vogal street corner
na úličnem vogalu at the corner of the street
úlično življenje street life - úlkus medicina ulcer
úlkus na dvanajstniku duodenal ulcer
úlkus na želodcu gastric ulcer - úm reason, intellect, intelligence; sense; understanding; mind; brains pl; wit
človek ostrega úma a man of sharp intellect
brez úma out of one's senses, out of one's (right) mind
omračen úm clouded mind
je bistrega úma he is quick-witted, he is bright
bil je največji úm svojega časa he was the greatest intellect of his time
ves iz úma je he is out of his wits (ali out of his mind)
úm se mu je omračil he is mentally deranged, he is out of his senses, his mind is unhinged, he has lost his reason, he has gone mad
kaj ti pade na úm! what an absurd idea!
ne pade mi na úm, da bi to naredil I am not so stupid as to do it
ni ji prišlo na úm, da bi zaprla plin she had not the sense to turn off the gas
priti na úm komu to enter someone's mind
prišlo mi je na úm, da... I was struck by the idea that..., it occurred to me that...
priti nazaj na um to recur (ali to come back) to mind - umík umíkanje withdrawal, withdrawing; (vojske) retreat
v umík, umíkanjeu na celi črti in full retreat
trobiti k umík, umíkanjeu to sound the retreat - umòr murder; (iz zasede) assassination; pravo homicide
težak umòr pravo ZDA first-degree murder
navaden umòr pravo ZDA second-degree murder
nameren umòr wilful murder
premišljen umòr premeditated murder
nepremišljen umòr manslaughter
poskušan umòr attempted murder
umòr očeta (matere, brata ali sestre) patricide (matricide, fratricide)
zakriviti, zagešiti umòr to commit a murder
dokazati komu umòr to convict someone of murder
vsak umòr pride prej ali slej na dan murder will out
justični umòr judicial murder - umréti to die, to pass away; to expire; to decease; to depart this life; to give up the ghost; to yield up one's breath, to breathe one's last; to close one's eyes; žargon to bite the dust; žargon to pop off, to kick the bucket, to push up the daisies; (evfemistično) to go West, to go the way of all flesh, to go to one's long rest
umréti naravne smrti to die a natural death, to die in one's bed
nasilne smrti umréti to die a violent death, to die with one's boots on, to die by violence
umréti na grmadi zgodovina to die at the stake
umréti na morišču to die on the scaffold
umréti za jetiko to die of consumption
umréti od lakote to die of hunger
umréti od mraza to die of cold
umréti za rakom to die of cancer
umréti bedne smrti to die like a dog (ali the death of a dog)
umréti v bedi to die destitute (ali a pauper)
umréti od žalosti to die of grief
umréti od lastne roke to die by one's own hand
umréti sredi (aktivnega) dela to die in harness, to die in the shafts
umréti junaške smrti to die a hero (ali a hero's death)
hrabro umréti to die game (to the end)
umréti od strahu to die of fright
umrl je v najboljših letih he was taken in the prime of life
mislil sem, da bom umrl od smeha I thought I would die laughing
naj umrem, če je to res! I'll stake my life it isn't true (ali there isn't a word of truth in it)!
umrl je kot berač he died a beggar
naj na mestu umrem, če... I'll be damned if...