
Zadetki iskanja

  • pridržánje pridrževánje (tuje lastnine) retention

    pridržánje, pridrževánje urina medicina retention of urine; (v zaporu) (preventive) detention
  • pridržáti to retain; to hold; to hold back; to keep back; to reserve (kaj something, za for, to); not to part with

    pridržáti kaj zase (ne izdati) to keep something to oneself
    pridržáti koga v zaporu (pripreti koga) pravo to detain someone
    pridržáti si pravico to reserve a right
    pridržáti si pravico odločitve to reserve the right to decide
  • prigíb bend

    v prigíbu (v prilogi) enclosed, annexed, herewith, under this cover
    izvolite sprejeti v prigíbu please find enclosed (ali herewith) (fakturo the bill)
  • prihódnji next; future

    v prihódnje for the future, in future
    prihódnji čas time to come; gramatika future tense
    prihódnji mesec next mouth, proximo
    prihódnji ponedeljek next Monday, on Monday next
    v prihódnjih nekaj dneh in the next few days
    prihódnje leto next year
  • prihódnost future

    v prihódnosti in future
    v bližnji prihódnosti in the near future
    načrti za prihódnost plans pl for the future
    imeti veliko prihódnost to have a great future
    napovedati prihódnost to predict (ali to foretell, to prophesy) the future
    videti v prihódnost to look into the future
  • prihránek saving; economy

    prihránki savings pl
    čisti prihránek net savings
    vložiti prihránke v... to put one's savings into...
  • prijátelj friend; (tovariš) pal; (ljubitelj) amateur; (dvorilec) admirer, lover

    velik, intimen prijátelj great, intimate (ali bosom, close) friend
    zvest prijátelj true (ali fast, staunch) friend
    prijátelji na življenje in smrt sworn friends pl
    dopisni prijátelj pen-friend, pogovorno pen pal
    star prijátelj old friend, pogovorno crony, chum, (v nagovoru) old man, old chap, old boy
    brez prijátelja friendless
    dekletov prijátelj boyfriend
    kot prijátelj as a friend
    prijátelj ljudstva the people's friend
    on je moj prijátelj he is a friend of mine, I am on friendly terms with him
    sem njegov dober prijátelj I am a good (ali close) friend of his
    smo veliki prijátelji pogovorno we're great pals (ali chums)
    sta intimna, velika prijátelja (figurativno) they are as thick as thieves
    sem prijátelj glasbe I am fond of music, I am a lover of music
    on je prijátelj vina he likes wine, he is rather too fond of the bottle
    vsak je najprej sebi prijátelj figurativno arhaično near is my shirt but nearer is my skin
    govoriti kot prijátelj to speak as a friend
    postala sta velika prijátelja they have become great friends
    pridobiti si mnogo prijáteljev to make many friends
    pes je človekov prijátelj the dog is the friend of man
    prijátelja spoznaš v nesreči a friend in need is a friend indeed
  • prijáteljstvo friendship; amity, amicableness, amicability, friendly intercourse, familiarity

    v prijáteljstvu in amity
    veliko prijáteljstvo a bosom (ali close) friendship
    skleniti prijáteljstvo to strike up a friendship, to make friends with
    gojiti prijáteljstvo to cultivate a friendship
    dolgo prijáteljstvo a friendship of long standing
    živeti v največjem prijáteljstvu to live in the closest amity
    čisti računi, dolgo prijáteljstvo arhaično short reckonings make long (ali lasting) friends
  • prijáviti

    prijáviti koga (obtožiti) to denounce, to report, to inform against, to lay (ali to give, to lodge) information against, to bring charges against; to announce, to give notice of
    prijáviti otroke za šolo to register children for school
    prijáviti patent to apply for (ali to take out, to register) a patent
    vso škodo je treba prijáviti all damage is to be reported
    prijavil sem ga I reported him
    prijáviti se to report (pri at), to register, to enrol; to send in one's name
    prijáviti se za tekmovanje to enter one's name for a competition
    prijáviti se za kaj to apply for something (pri at)
    prijáviti se za službo to put in for a job
    prijáviti se za izpit to enter (ali to go in) for an examination
    prijáviti se (za bivanje v hotelu, v bolnici ipd.) to check in
  • prijázen kind, amiable, friendly, affable, pleasant; gracious; (ustrežljiv) obliging, complaisant; (vljuden) courteous

    bodite tako prijázni in podajte mi... be so kind as to pass me...
    bodi tako prijázen in naredi to! be kind enough to do this!
    bodite tako prijázni in zglasite se zopet v petek! be so kind as to call again on Friday next
    prijázno mestece a nice little town
    prijázna soba a cheerful room
    prijázno prislov kindly, in a friendly manner, amiably, affably
    bili smo zelo prijázno sprejeti we were given a hearty welcome
  • prikrásti se to come stealthily upon; to steal (ali to sneak) towards; to approach furtively (ali stealthily, unobserved)

    prikrásti se v sobo to steal into the room
  • príličen suitable, convenient; well-timed

    prílično isti pretty much the same
    prílično v letih well on in years, getting on
    pred prílično mnogimi leti a fair while ago
  • prilóga (pismu) enclosure; subjoinder; (časopisu) supplement, insert, annex, addition; inset

    v prilógi enclosed
    trgovska prilóga (časopisa) commercial supplement
    literarna prilóga literary supplement
    prilóga k mesu side dishes for a meat course
    v prilógi si dovoljujemo poslati... enclosed please find...
    v prilógi boste našli podrobnosti..., ček enclosed you will find details..., cheque
    v prilógi pošiljam informacije o... I enclose information on...
    reklama prilóga (list) stuffer
  • priložèn enclosed; annexed; added

    za poravnavo vašega računa izvolite prejeti priložèni ček to settle your bill please find enclosed cheque
    priložèno (v prilogi) attached, enclosed
  • primanjkljáj deficit; deficiency; shortage

    pokriti primanjkljáj to make good (ali to make up for) a deficit
    v blagajni je 200 SIT primanjkljája there is a shortage of 200 tolars in cash
    nadomestiti primanjkljáj to make up a deficiency
    imeti 8 SIT primanjkljája to be 8 tolars short
    obračun kaže 8 SIT primanjkljája the balance shows a deficit of 8 tolars
  • primér example; instance; case; illustration; (vzorec) model, pattern

    kot na primér... such as...
    za primér, kot primér as an example, as an illustration; by way of example
    na primér for instance, for example, e.g.
    v tem priméru in that case, in this instance
    v vsakem priméru in any case, at any rate
    v priméru, da... in case...
    za vsak primér at all events
    v najslabšem priméru at the worst, if the worst comes to the worst
    v skrajnem priméru at a stretch, (največ, maksimalno) at the outside
    brez priméra matchless, unparalleled, unprecedented
    jaz, na primér... I, for one,...
    po priméru... following the example of, in imitation of
    v najboljšem priméru at the best
    v devetih primérih od desetih nine times out of ten
    precedenčen primér precedent
    slab primér a poor example
    svarilen, strašilen primér a deterrent example, an awful warning
    kričeč primér a blatant case (ali example)
    šolski primér a copybook case, a test case
    tipičen, šolski primér test case
    smrtni priméri fatal cases pl
    moramo biti pripravljeni za vsak primér we must be ready for any contingency
    krutost, ki nima (ji ni) priméra an act of unexampled (ali unprecedented) cruelty
    dati primér to set an example
    dajati dober primér komu to set a good example to someone
    vzemi brata za primér! follow your brother's example, model yourself on your brother
    kaznovati koga za primér (zgled) to make an example of someone
    postaviti kot primér to set an example
    navesti kot primér to exemplify, to instance, to cite as an example
    naj vam navedem le nekaj primérov let me cite a few instances only
    slediti priméru kake osebe to follow someone's example
    služiti za primér to exemplify, to serve as an example
    primere nudi... examples are afforded by...
    ti priméri naj zadoščajo these instances may suffice
  • priméra comparison; parallelism

    v priméri z in comparison with; (as) against, (as) compared with, as compared; (prispodoba) simile
    to ni nič v priméri s tem, kar smo doživeli v vojni that is nothing to what we experienced in the war
    brez primére beyond (ali out of) all comparison, without comparison
  • primérek copy; specimen; (vzorec) sample

    primérek (knjige) na ogled sample copy, complimentary copy, (knjige preden pride v prodajo) advance copy
    poskusni primérek (na ogled) specimen copy, copy sent on approval
  • princíp principle; maxim

    v princípu in principle, as a matter of principle
    princíp povprečne vrednosti principle of averages
    odkloniti iz princípa to refuse on principle
    Arhimedov princíp the Archimedian principle
    v princípu se strinjam s teboj I agree with you in principle
  • pripísati (opombo) to annotate, to make a note; to add in writing; (vzrok) to ascribe to, to attribute to, to assign to, to put down to

    pripísati krivdo komu to impute the blame to someone, to lay the blame at someone's door; (zaslugo, v dobro) to put to someone's credit
    to je treba pripísati njegovi nevednosti this is due to (ali owing to) his ignorance
    to pripisujem njegovi malomarnosti that I ascribe to his negligence
    to si ima samó sebi pripísati he has only himself to thank for it
    slabo letino pripisujejo pomanjkanju dežja the crop failure is attributed to poor rainfall