tjúlenj zoologija seal; harbour seal; arhaično
ladja za lov na tjúlenje sealer
lov na tjúlenje sealery
lovec na tjúlenje sealer
iti na lov na tjúlenje to seal
Zadetki iskanja
- tlà (sobna) floor; (zemlja) soil, ground
na tleh on the floor
na trdnih tleh on firm ground
gola tlà (deske) bare boards pl
na francoskih tleh on French soil
rodna tlà native soil
rodovitna tlà rich soil, (črnica) mould
nerodovitna tlà barren ground, barren (ali jejune) soil
peščena tlà sandy soil
parketna tlà parquet floor
tlà mu gorijo pod nogami (figurativno) the place is getting too hot for him
ta tlà so jim prevroča (figurativno) this place is too warm (ali hot) for them
napraviti komu tlà vroča pod nogami (figurativno) to make it hot for someone (ali too hot for someone)
izgubiti tlà pod nogami to lose one's foothold (ali footing), (v vodi) to be swept off one's feet, to go out of (ali beyond) one's depth
spodnesti, spodrezati komu tlà pod nogami to cut the ground from under someone's feet
vreči na tlà to knock to the ground
vreči koga na tlà to knock someone down, to floor - tobák tobacco; pogovorno (travica) weed; (njuhanec) snuff
grobo rezan tobák shag
žvečilni tobák chewing tobacco, žargon baccy
lahek tobák mild tobacco
tobák za kajenje (za pipo, za žvečenje) smoking (pipe, chewing) tobacco
tobák za njuhanje snuff
davek na tobák tobacco tax, duty on tobacco
duh, vonj po tobáku the smell (ali slabšalno the reek) of tobacco
gojitev tobáka cultivation of tobacco
pridelovalec tobáka tobacco grower
mehur, mošnja za tobák tobacco pouch
prodajalna tobáka tobacconist's
poraba tobáka tobacco consumption
gojiti, pridelovati tobák to grow tobacco
kaditi (žvečiti) tobák to smoke (to chew) tobacco
to je hud tobák (figurativno) that's too strong
tovarna tobáka tobacco factory - tóbogan (sani) toboggan; (drča) chute, toboggan slide; (v zabaviščnem parku) roller coaster, switchback, slide, chute
vozač na tóboganu (sankač) tobogganist, tobogganer
vožnja s tóboganom tobogganing
voziti se na tóboganu (na sankah) to toboggan - tóčen precise, accurate, correct, punctual; exact
tóčen čas the correct (ali the right) time
tóčen kot ura as regular as clockwork
moj brat je tóčen plačnik my brother pays up promptly (ali is very prompt in his payments)
tóčen spomin exact memory
tóčno prislov precisely, punctually, exactly, in due time, in (ali on, to) time, at the right time
na sekundo tóčen to the second, on the dot
tóčen ob osmih at 8 o'clock sharp, on the stroke of eight
koncert se je začel tóčen ob 9. uri the concert began at 9 o'clock sharp - tóčka point; (poročila) item, point, (dnevnega reda) point; (kraj) spot, place; (mesto v knjigi) passage, item; (postavka) point, item; (živilskih kart ipd.) point, coupon
tóčka za tóčko point by point, item by item, in detail
do neke (določene) tóčke to a certain extent
njegova močna (šibka) tóčka his strong (weak) point
bistvene tóčke pravo the merits pl of a case
boleča tóčka (one's) sore point
izhodiščna tóčka starting point, point of departure
mrtva tóčka dead centre, (figurativno) deadlock, standstill
sporna tóčka point at issue
stična tóčka point of contact
kritična, mrtva tóčka (zastoj) deadlock
zmaga po tóčkah winning on points
dotakniti se boleče tóčke to touch a sore spot
doseči tóčko šport to make (ali to score) a point
izgubiti po tóčkah to lose on points
premagati po tóčkah koga to outpoint someone
priti na mrtvo tóčko (figurativno) to reach deadlock, to come to a standstill
spraviti z mrtve tóčke to release from a deadlock - tólšča fat; grease
pridobivati na tólšči to put on weight, to grow fat - tóna ton
metrska tóna (1.000 kg) metric ton
angleška tóna (2240 funtov, 1016kg) long ton
ameriška tóna (2.000 funtov, 907kg) short ton
ladja z 2.000 tónami a 2,000-tonner
registrska tóna (2,83m3), bruto registrska tóna (gross) register ton
tovorna tóna freight (measurement) ton
on ima denarja na tóne (kot smeti) he has tons of money
tehtati celo tóno (biti zelo težak) to weigh a ton - topíti to melt; (mast) to render (fat); to liquefy; to dissolve; to fuse, to found
topíti led to melt (ali to thaw) ice
topíti se to melt, to liquefy, to dissolve
sneg se topi the snow melts (oziroma is melting)
topíti se kot sneg na soncu to melt like snow in the sun
topíti se v solzah to melt into tears
topljeno maslo melted butter
ta hruška se topi v ustih this pear melts in the mouth
sladkor se topi v vodi sugar melts in water
topíti svinec to melt lead - torpéden torpedo(-)
torpédna cev torpedo tube
torpédni čoln torpedo boat
lovec na torpéde čolne torpedo-boat destroyer
torpédno letalo vojska torpedo bomber (ali plane) - tradícija
1. (izročilo, navada) tradition
po tradíciji by tradition
ustna tradícija oral tradition
2. pravo (predaja, izročitev) delivery; (kriminalcev) tradition
tradícija je da gremo k njim na novoletni dan we have a standing arrangement to go to their place on New Year's Day - trájati to last, to continue; to take time; to be; to go on
to mi traja predolgo I can wait no longer
to ne more dolgo trájati that cannot last (ali go on for, continue for) long
to traja že nekaj let this has been going on for a few years
to bo dolgo trajalo it will take along time
to mi bo dolgo trajalo this will last me for a long time
to bo trajalo vsaj do jutri it will last out the night
prelepo, da bi trajalo too good to last
dokler bo trajalo lepo vreme, ostanemo na deželi as long as the fine weather continues we shall remain in the country
kratko, malo časa trájati to be of short duration
vihar je trajal vso noč the storm lasted all night long
potovanje bo trajalo 5 dni the journey will last 5 days
ta igra nam traja predolgo we find this play too long
trájati dalj (časa) kot (kaj) to outlast (something)
naše življenje traja le kratek čas our life is but a short span - trák ribbon, (narrow) band, (dolg in ozek) strip, tape, slip; (znak časti) stripe
trák na cilju šport tape
izolirni trák insulating tape
lepilni trák adhesive tape
pisan, vzorčast trák fancy ribbon, figured ribbon
trák za čevlje shoelace, shoestring
trák za pisalni stroj typewriter ribbon
merilni trák tape measure; (kovinski) steel tape
prozoren lepilni trák Sellotape, Scotch tape
magnetofonski trák recording tape
trák za klobuk hatband, (znojilni) sweatband
modri trák (najhitrejše ladje) the Blue Riband
tekoči trák conveyor belt, assembly line
proizvodnja na tekočem tráku assembly-line production
proizvajati na tekočem tráku to produce on the (assembly) line
(pre)rezati trák (na cilju, šport) to breast the tape
posneti na trák to record on tape, to make a tape recording - trapéz geometrija trapezium, ZDA trapezoid; (v cirkusu ipd.) trapeze
akrobat na trapézu trapeze artist, aerial acrobat, ZDA aerialist - trávnik meadow; pasture; pesniško mead
trávniki pl grassland, pastureland; ZDA prairie
na trávniku in the meadow - tŕčiti to clash (z with); to collide (s kom with someone); to strike against, to knock against
avtomobila sta trčila the cars collided
tŕčiti s kozarci, tŕčiti na zdravje to clink glasses (s kom with someone), to chink glasses, to touch glasses - trébuh anatomija belly; abdomen; paunch; zastarelo womb; (ladje) bottom
poln trébuh bellyful
s praznim trébuhom with an empty belly
bolečine v trébuhu bellyache, evfemizem stomachache
velik trébuh (vamp) pot belly, pogovorno corporation
ležeč na trébuhu prone
pristanek na trébuhu aeronavtika belly landing, (žargon) belly flop
pristati na trébuhu aeronavtika to belly-land, to make a belly landing
govoriti iz trébuha to ventriloquize
napolniti si trébuh to fill one's belly - tréma (strah) funk; (gledališka, govorniška) stage fright; (pred izpitom) examination nerves pl
imeti trémo to be in a funk, to have the wind up, to get the wind up
imeti trémo pred nastopom na odru to suffer from stage fright
nimam tréme I'm not nervous (ali pogovorno nervy), I don't suffer from nerves - trésti to shake; to agitate, (močnó) to toss; to jog, to joggle
trésti se to shake, to tremble, to shiver; to vibrate; to quiver (od with); (voz) to jolt
roke se mu tresejo his hands shake
mraz me trese I shiver with cold
dvorana se trese od... the hall shakes with...
hiša se je tresla od eksplozij the house shook with the explosions
trésti se od besa to quiver with rage
trésti se od mrzlice to shake with fever
trésti se kot šiba na vodi to tremble like a leaf
vsi se tresejo pred njim every one trembles before him (ali is scared of him)
trésti se od mraza to shiver (ali to shudder) with cold
hlače so se mi tresle (figurativno) I had my heart in my mouth, I shook in my shoes
tresel se je od smeha his sides shook with laughter, he shook with laughter
trésti se po vsem telesu to tremble in every limb, to tremble all over, to be all of a shake
tresti se od strahu to tremble (ali to shake) with fear - tréščiti to crush; to dash; (strela) to strike
letalo je treščilo na zemljo the plane crashed to the ground
strela je treščila v drevo lightning struck the tree
treščilo je v hišo the house has been struck by lightning