
Zadetki iskanja

  • pretékel past; bygone

    pretékli teden last week
    pretékli deležnik gramatika past participle
    pretékli čas gramatika past tense; preterite, ZDA preterit
    v pretéklih letih in time gone by, in bygone years pl
  • pretéklost past, past time; past history; former (ali past) times pl; (davna) ancient times pl, past ages pl, bygone years pl, time of yore, hoary antiquity

    v pretéklosti in the past
    dobra, neoporečna (slaba) osebna pretéklost good, irreproachable (bad) record
    burna (osebna) pretéklost chequered career
    osebna pretéklost (življenje) past, career, antecedents pl
    pogled, gledanje v pretéklost retrospection
    imeti burno pretéklost to have a turbulent (ali chequered) past
    čisto, neoporečno pretéklost (figurativno) to have a clean slate
    ne poznam njegove pretéklosti I do not know his past
  • pretípkati to type, to typewrite

    pretípkati rokopis v štirih izvodih to type out a manuscript in four copies
    pretípkati napačno črko to type over a wrong letter
    pretípkati s črko iks to cross out
  • pretočíti to decant; (vino v steklenice) to rack (off); to pour into another vessel

    pretočíti v steklenice to bottle
  • pretrés pretrésanje concussion, commotion; shock; emotion; thrill; (razpravljanje) debate, discussion, discourse; (rešetanje) sifting

    pretrés, pretrésanje možganov concussion of the brain
    vzeti v pretrés, pretrésanje to examine, to discuss, to review, to criticize
  • pretvéza pretext; feint; pretence, ZDA pretense

    pod pretvézo under the pretext (of), under the pretence (of), under the guise (of)
    pod pretvézo da pomaga, je v resnici metal polena pod noge while pretending to help he was really hindering
    pretvézo je vedno lahkó najti (figurativno) it is easy to find a stick to beat a dog
    z lažnimi pretvézami under false pretences
  • pretvórba transformation; transmutation; conversion

    pretvórba nežlahtnih kovin v žlahtne (alkimija) transmutation of metals
  • prevájati to translate; to make a version; to render into another language; to interpret

    prevájati Cankarja v angleščino to translate Cankar into English
    prevájati iz nemščine v fancoščino to translate from German into French
    dobesedno prevájati to translate word for word
    ta knjiga se da lepo prevájati this book translates well; elektrika to conduct
    kovine dobro prevajajo električni tok metals are good conductors of electricity
  • prevèč too much, too many; more than enough

    več kot prevèč enough and to spare
    eden je prevèč v sobi there's one too many in the room
  • prevêsti (knjigo) to translate; to make a version; to render (v into)

    dobesedno prevêsti to translate literally (ali word for word); (prepeljati) to convey (over); to transfer; to transport, to carry over; to lead (ali to take, to conduct) over (ali across) to the other side
    prevedel je knjigo iz slovenščine v italijanščino he translated the book from Slovene (ali Slovenian) into Italian
    napačno prevêsti to mistranslate
  • prevòd (dejanje) translation; (besedilo) translation, rendering, version

    dobeseden prevòd close translation
    prost prevòd free translation
    uporaba nedovoljenega prevòda (npr. v šoli) pogovorno crib
  • prezénca presence

    v prezénci in the presence (of someone)
  • preživétek; preživétje survival

    v primeru preživétka pravo in case of survival
    preživétek; preživétje starih običajev survival of the old customs
  • preživéti to live; to survive; (prebiti) to spend; to spend one's life

    ne bo preživel tega dne he will not survive this day
    preživéti precéj stoletij to last many a century
    preživéti koga to survive someone, to outlive someone
    preživéti teden dni v Parizu to spend a week in Paris
    to se je preživelo this has fallen into disuse (ali out of use)
    preživéti svoje otroke to survive one's children
    preživéti katastrofo to survive a disaster
    če me bo preživel if he survives me
    preživel je očeta za sedem let he survived his father by seven years
  • preživítev preživétje survival

    v primeru preživítja in case of survival
  • pri at, by, beside; in; with

    tik pri close to (by), (blizu) near, at hand, about
    pri nas in our house, at our place
    pri meni (v žepu) on me, about me
    pri bogu! by the Lord!
    pri kozarcu vina over a glass of wine
    pri prvi priložnosti at the first oportunity
    pri dobrem zdravju in good health
    pri tem vremenu in this weather
    pri mojem stricu (doma) at my uncle's
    pri peku at the baker's
    pri roki at hand; (na pismu)
    pri Brown c/o Brown
    pri sveči by candle-light
    pri moji časti upon my honour
    pri večerji at dinner
    pri delu at work
    pri kom? with whom?, in whose house?
    pri moji duši upon my soul
    pri oknu at (ali near) the window
    pri tej priložnosti on this occasion
    pri kaminu by the fireplace
    pri mojem prihodu (moji vrnitvi) on my arrival (return)
    pri ugodnem vremenu if the weather permits
    pri vsem tem... for all that, notwithstanding
    zelo priljubljen pri very popular with
    bitka pri Verdunu the battle of Verdun
    to je navada pri Italijanih it is a habit with (ali among) the Italians
    pri vsem svojem bogastvu ni srečen despite all his riches he is not happy
    mati je pri dobrem zdravju Mother is in good health
    ne vem, pri čem sem I don't know what the matter is
    on ni pri pravi pameti he is not in his right senses
    imaš kaj denarja pri sebi? have you any money on you?
    nimam drobiža pri sebi I have no change on me
    naročiti pri to order from
    ostal bo pet dni pri nas he will stay five days with us
    deset dni smo preživeli pri njih we spent ten days with them
    pri kom služiš? in whose service are you?
    pri kom stanujete? where (ali with whom) are you staying?
    spati pri odprtem oknu to sleep with the window open
    pri kom se učite nemščine? with whom do you take German lessons?
    utonil je pri kopanju he was drowned while bathing
    vztrajati pri... to stick to...
  • priblížanje approach, approaching; advance, coming near

    priblížanje sovražnika je zasejalo (povzročilo) paniko v mestu the approach of the enemy spread panic in the town
  • príča witness; (očividec) eyewitness

    pri tej príči (takoj) at once, immediately, on the spot, pogovorno straight off
    bremenilna (razbremenilna) príča witness for the prosecution (witness for the defence)
    zaprisežena príča sworn witness; deponent, ZDA affiant
    kriva príča perjured witness
    poročna príča witness to a marriage
    pred príčami in the presence of eyewitnesses
    (križno) zasliševanje príče (cross-)examination (ali hearing) of a witness
    izpoved príče deposition, evidence, testimony
    biti príča to witness
    poklicati za príčo call to witness, to call someone in evidence
    izjaviti, izpovedati kot príča to witness, to bear witness, to testify, to give evidence
    biti zaslišan kot príča to be put into the witness-box
    bil sem pozvan kot príča v tej razpravi I was summoned as witness in this trial
    príča je bila podkupljena the witness was bribed
    pripeljati príče to produce witnesses
    zaslišati príče pravo to hear evidence
    ne morem ti povedati pri tej príči (kar takoj) pogovorno I can't tell you straight off
  • pričakovánje expectation; waiting, looking forward to, anticipation; (dobitka) expectancy; (dediščine) expectation, expectations pl

    v pričakovánju in expectation (of)
    razočaran v pričakovánju disappointed
    proti vsemu pričakovánju contrary to expectation
    ves nestrpen od napetega pričakovánja agog with expectation
    v pričakovánju velikih dogodkov in expectation of great events
    izpolniti pričakovánja to answer (ali to meet, to come up to) one's (oziroma someone's) expectation(s)
    ne izpolniti pričakovánj to fall short of (ali not to come up to) one's (oziroma someone's) expectations
    preseči vsa pričakovánja to exceed all expectations
    tresti se od pričakovánja to be all of a dither
  • príd behalf, advantage, benefit, good, interest, profit, favour

    komu v príd VB on (ZDA in) behalf of someone, in favour of, for someone's good, for someone's benefit
    v moj príd on my behalf
    to mi bo v príd it will be to my advantage
    to je tebi v príd it is for your good (ali benefit), it is in your own interest
    v njegov príd to his profit
    njegovo vedenje govori v njegov príd his conduct speaks in his favour
    on obrne vse sebi v príd all is fish that comes to his net, all is grist that comes to his mill
    obrniti sebi v príd to turn something to one's profit
    vaša intervencija meni v príd your intervention on my behalf
    on ni kaj prída plesalec he is not much of a dancer
    to ni nič prída that is no use
    to ni mnogo prída that is of little use, that is not worth much
    ta knjiga ni kaj prída that book is not worth reading