
Zadetki iskanja

  • téhtnica balance, a pair of scales, scales pl; weighing machine

    skledica pri téhtnici scale
    Tehtnica astronomija Libra, the Scales
    rimska téhtnica steelyard
    javna téhtnica public scales pl
    držati téhtnico v ravnotežju to hold the scales even
    to je nagnilo téhtnico v njegovo korist it tipped the scales in his favour
    njegova usoda je bila na téhtnici his fate was in the balance
    vodna téhtnica (libela) spirit level
  • ték2 course; (tekmovalen) race; heat; (motorja) run, running

    v téku in progress, under way, going on
    v téku časa in the course of time
    v polnem téku (figurativno) in full swing, in full activity
    mrtev, prazen ték avtomobilizem neutral (gear)
    hitri ték šport sprint
    ték na pol milje half-mile race
    maratonski ték marathon
    štafetni ték relay race
    ték čez zapreke obstacle race, hurdle race, pogovorno hurdles pl
    ték čez drn in strn cross-country race
    ték na dolge (kratke) proge long-distance (short-distance) race
    tekmovanje v téku čez zapreke steeplechase
    biti v téku to be going on, to be in progress
    stvar je v téku the matter is being dealt with
    žetev je v polnem téku harvesting is in full swing
    spraviti v ték to set in motion
    spustiti se v ték to break into a run
    tekmovati v téku to run a race
    tekmoval bom s teboj v teku do onega drevesa I'll race you to the tree over there
    mrtev, neodločen ték šport dead heat
    prazen ték (stroja) backlash
  • tékma šport match, contest, competition; (tekmovanje) emulation, rivalry, contention

    tékma v boksanju boxing contest
    nogometna tékma football match
    odločilna tékma decider
    prvenstvena tékma championship match
    smučarska tékma skiing contest
    telovadna tékma gymnastics meeting
    veslaška tékma boat race, rowing race
    tékma v oboroževanju arms race
    neodločen rezultat tékme all square
    udeležiti se tékme to take part in (ali to enter) a competition
    surova tékma, tékma na življenje in smrt cutthroat competition
  • tekóč running; flowing; fluent; streaming; current; liquid

    tekóča (rutinska) dela routine work
    tekóče leto current year
    tekóči mesec current month
    tekóča pravda pending suit
    tekóči izdatki current expenses pl, ZDA operating costs pl
    tekóči račun current account
    tekóči posli, tekóče zadeve current business, pending affairs pl
    tekóča številka serial number, consecutive number
    tekóči trak conveyor belt
    tekóča voda running water
    v tekóčem letu during the current year
    biti na tekóčem to be up-to-date
    nisem na tekóčem (pogovorno) I am not in the swim
    biti stalno na tekóčem to be constantly well-informed, to be well up (with things)
    držati koga na tekóčem to keep someone posted (o on), to keep someone up-to-date (with the news)
    ostati na tekóčem to keep up with, to keep oneself well-informed
    tekóče govoriti angleško to speak English fluently
    ne biti več na tekóčem o, gledé to be out of touch, to be out of the swim regarding
  • telefón telephone, phone; žargon blower

    po telefónu by telephone, by phone
    preko telefóna over the telephone (ali phone)
    Gospod X. pri telefónu! Mr. X. here!, Mr. X. speaking!
    telefón dvojček party line
    telefón na kovance pay-phone, prepayment telephone
    hišni telefón inter-office communication
    ognjeni telefón signal fires pl
    imate telefón (= telefonski aparat)? are you on the phone?
    govoriti po telefónu to talk on the phone
    ostanite pri telefónu! hold the line!
    poklicati koga po telefónu to phone someone; to ring someone up, to give someone a ring
    telefón zvoni! the phone's ringing!
    telefón za te you're wanted on the phone, it's for you
  • telefónski telephonic, telephone(-)

    telefónska centrala (telephone) exchange, ZDA telephone central (office)
    javna telefónska kabina callbox, ZDA telephonebooth (ali box)
    telefónski imenik telephone directory
    telefónska linija telephone line
    telefónska mreža telephone network
    telefónski naročnik telephone subscriber
    telefónska številka telephone number
    telefónska slušalka (telephone) receiver, handset
    telefónski pogovor telephone conversation, (na veliko oddaljenost) long-distance telephone conversation
    telefónska instalacija telephone installation
    telefónski poziv telephone call
    telefónski urad telephone office
    telefónska zveza telephone communication, ZDA telephone connection
    telefónska žica telephone wire
    vzpostaviti telefónsko zvezo to put through a call
    naprava za prisluškovanje telefónskih pogovorov bug
    prisluškovati telefónskemu pogovoru to tap a telephone
    telefónski znak, da je telefónska linija prosta dialling tone
  • televizíja television, (krajšava: TV) pogovorno telly, the box, slabšalno goggle-box

    na televizíji on television
    (stalen) gledalec televizíje television viewer, televiewer
    primeren za televizíjo telegenic
    gledati televizíjo to teleview
    nastopiti na televizíji to telecast
    oddajati po televizíji to telecast, to televise
    prenašati v televizíji, videti na televizíji to televise, to see something on television
    barvna televizíja colour (ZDA color) television
    ljubitelj televizíje television fan, TV fan, telly addict
  • têmelj foundation; basis, pl bases; base; ground; groundwork

    iz têmelja fundamentally, radically, thoroughly; from the very bottom
    na têmelju on the grounds of, on the basis of, by reason of, in (ali by) virtue of, on the strength of
    na têmelju, da... (= češ da) on the grounds that...
    brez têmelja groundless
    položiti têmelj to lay the foundation(s pl)
    do têmelja pogoreti to be burned down to the ground
    do têmelja porušiti to level with the ground, to raze, to rase
    spodkopati têmelje države to undermine the foundations of the State
  • temperatúra temperature

    maksimalna temperatúra maximum temperature
    srednja letna temperatúra mean annual temperature
    povprečna temperatúra mean temperature
    variacija, variiranje temperatúre variation in temperature
    uravnavanje temperatúre (klimatizacija) air-conditioning
    merjenje temperatúre measuring the temperature, (telesne) taking someone's temperature
    stalnost, stanovitnost temperatúre temperature stability, constancy
    odvisen od temperatúre dependent on (ali responsive to) temperature
    krivulja temperatúre temperature curve
    normalna temperatúra normal temperature
    sprememba temperatúre change in temperature
    dvig temperatúre rise in temperature
    padec temperatúre drop in temperature, (nagel) slump (ali sudden drop) in temperature
    pri temperatúri pod ničlo at sub-zero temperature
    meriti komu temperatúro to take someone's temperature
    imeti (zvišano) temperatúro (= imeti vročino) to have (ali to run) a temperature
    temperatúra je padla na -5°C the temperature has dropped to minus 5 degrees centigrade
    temperatúra se je dvignila the temperature has risen
  • ténis šport tennis; lawn tennis

    ténis na trdih tleh hardcourt tennis
    namizni ténis table tennis
    igralec ténisa tennis player
    izvrsten igralec ténisa first-rate (ali pogovorno crack) tennis player
    igrišče za ténis tennis court
    žoga za ténis tennis ball
    lopar za ténis (tennis) racket, racquet
    sodnik pri ténisu umpire
    igrati ténis to play tennis
    čevlji za ténis tennis shoes pl
  • terén ground; field; land; soil

    peščen terén sandy soil
    smuški terén ski slopes pl
    terén za pristajanje aeronavtika landing ground, landing field
    sondirati, otipavati terén (figurativno) to throw out a feeler, to see how the land lies
    pripraviti terén (figurativno) to pave the way
    pridobiti (izgubiti) terén to gain (to lose) ground
    delo na terénu fieldwork
    terén za vadenje practice grounds pl
    terén za kriket cricket ground
  • têsen tight; (ozek) narrow; close; strait, straitened

    têsni čevlji tight shoes pl
    na têsnem smo s prostorom we are cramped for space
    na têsnem smo v tej pisarnici we are cramped tight in this little office
    têsno je z denarjem (figurativno) money is tight
    têsno mi je pri srcu I am sick at heart, I feel uneasy
    têsno zapreti to shut tight
    živeti na têsnem to have just about enough to live on; to be in straitened circumstances
  • tèšč empty; fasting

    na tèšče on an empty stomach
    biti tèšč not to have breakfasted
    sem še tèšč I have had no breakfast yet
  • tezálnica rack

    dati na tezálnico koga to rack someone
  • téža weight; gravity; ZDA pogovorno heft

    brutto, kosmata téža gross weight
    netto, čista téža net weight
    živa téža live weight
    téža embalaže tare
    mušja téža (boks) flyweight
    specifična téža relative density, specific gravity
    prekomerna téža overweight
    pod téžo (= prelahek) underweight
    lastna téža (nekega telesa) dead weight
    téža dokaznega materiala (figurativno) the weight of evidence
    izguba téže loss of weight
    porast téže increase in weight
    razlika v téži difference in weight
    dati dobro (preslabo) téžo to give good (short) weight
    imeti pravilno téžo to make one's weight (ali the weight)
    izgubiti na téži to lose weight
    pridobiti na téži to put on weight, to gain in weight
    proda(ja)ti po téži to sell by weight
    prodan po téži sold by weight
    peresna téža (boks) featherweight
  • težáva difficulty; hardship; trial; trouble; quandary; embarrassment; crisis; figurativno snag

    v težávi (stiski) in trouble
    denarne težáve embarrassments pl
    biti v denarnih težávah to be in financial difficulties
    delati težáve to raise difficulties, to make trouble
    on skuša delati težáve he tries to make trouble
    žal mi je, da vam delam take težáve (sitnosti) (I am) sorry to give you such trouble
    imeti težáve s policijo to be in trouble with the police
    sam (si) iskati težáve to ask (ali to go looking) for trouble
    težáva je v tem, da... the trouble (ali the snag) is that...
    naleteti na težávo to come up against a difficulty
    na nepričakovano težávo to come up against a snag
    nastopila je neka težáva a difficulty arose
    izogniti se težávi to avoid (ali to evade) difficulty
    biti v (hudih) težávah (figurativno) to be in deep water
    premostiti težáve to get over (ali to overcome) the difficulties
    premagati, prebroditi težávo to surmount a difficulty
    povzročiti komu velike težáve to put someone to much trouble
    prihraniti komu težáve to spare someone trouble
    priti iz težáv to escape from difficulties, (figurativno) to be out of the wood
    smelo se spoprijeti s težávami (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
    zabresti v težáve to get into trouble
    trpeti zaradi prebavnih težáv to suffer from digestive troubles
  • you; arhaično thou

    tí tepec you blockhead!
    tí norec! you fool!
    ko bi jaz bil ti (= na tvojem mestu) if I were you
    kakor ti meni, tako jaz tebi you play ball with me and I'll play ball with you
  • tíh still, noiseless, silent; (miren) quiet, tranquil; (utišan) hushed; (nem) silent, mute, dumb; (redkobeseden) (a man) of few words, taciturn

    Tihi ocean the Pacific (Ocean)
    tíha bolečina silent grief
    s tíhim glasom in a low voice, in a subdued tone
    tího družabništvo sleeping (ZDA silent) partnership
    tíhi družabnik sleeping (ZDA silent) partner
    tíha maša religija low mass
    tíha molitev silent prayer
    tíha poroka quiet wedding
    tíha sezona dull (ali dead) season
    tíh sporazum tacit agreement
    tíhe (skrite) rezerve passive reserve, hidden assets pl
    tího upanje secret hope (ali hopes pl)
    prosimo za tího sožalje! we request your silent sympathy!
    tíh kot miš as quiet as a mouse
    na tíhem si misliti to think to oneself
    na tíhem si svoje misliti to keep one's own counsel (o čem about something)
    tíha voda calm (ali smooth) water
    tíha voda globoko dere (bregove podira) still waters run deep
  • tího prislov in silence; quietly; softly; gently

    tího o tem! keep that to yourself!, (niti besedice o tem!) keep mum!, mum's the word!
    na tihem secretly, in secret
    biti tího to keep quiet
    tího govoriti to speak in a low voice
    zapirajte vrata tího! close the door gently, please!
    tího! silence!, be quiet!; hush!, shush!, sh! (beri: ššš)
  • tísoč a (ali one) thousand

    tísoč raznih stvari a thousand different things pl
    na tísoče thousands pl (of)
    Tisoč in ena noč (pravljice) The Arabian Nights pl, The Thousand and One Nights pl