premožênje (posest) property; (denar) fortune, means pl, funds pl; (bogastvo) wealth
ocenitev premožênja (davčna) assessment of property
prijava premožênja declaration of property
delež v premožênju share in property
davek na premožênje property tax
obdavčitev premožênja property taxation
prenos premožênja transfer of property
škoda na premožênju damage to property
Zadetki iskanja
- prenòs (radio) transmission; (v knjigah) transfer (na to); transference; (odstop) cession; (lastništva) conveyace, assignment
prenòs deviz transfer of foreign exchange
prenòs misli thought-transference
prenòs raziskovalnih dosežkov v prakso putting research achievements into practice - preobléči
preobléči koga to change someone's clothes
preobléči obleko to change one's dress (oziroma one's clothes)
preobléči posteljo to change the bedclothes
preobléči srajco to change one's shirt
preobléči se to change one's clothes
preobléči se v to change into
preobléči se v večerno obleko to change into evening clothes - preokrèt turning point; change; (nenaden, čustev itd.) revulsion
preokrèt v politiki reversal of policy, v mnenju of opinion
v bolezni je nastopil preokrèt the disease has reached a turning point - preostál letf, left over; remaining
preostála hrana, živež leftover food, leftovers
preostálo (v zalogi) left on hand; last of its kind; (nadštevilen) odd - prepír quarrel, altercation, conflict, wrangle, row, squabble; (pričkanje) bickering, dispute
za prepír je treba dveh it takes two to make a quarrel
imeti glasen prepír s kom to have a row with someone
biti, živeti v prepíru s kom ta be at loggerheads with someone
priti v prepír s kom to get into a quarrel, to come to words with someone
končati prepír to put an end to a dispute
iskati, izzvati prepír to seek, to pick a quarrel (s kom with someone)
začeti prepír to kick up a row, to pick a quarrel, pogovorno to tread on someone's toes (ali on someone's corns)
on vedno išče prepíra (pogovorno) he is always out for trouble (ali for a row) - prepíranje quarrelling
življenje v stalnem prepíranju a catand-dog life - prepísati to copy (in writing), to make a copy; to transcribe; (v šoli nalogo) to copy, to crib
prepísati na čisto to make a fair copy, to copy out; (literarna kraja) to plagiarize
točno, dobesedno prepísati to copy out exactly, to copy to the letter; (v lepopisu, dokumente ipd.) to engross; (lastništvo) to convey, to transfer, to make over (property)
še enkrat prepísati to write out once again
prepisal je nalogo, vajo od mene he copied (ali cribbed) his exercise from me - prepovédati to forbid, to prohibit; to disallow; (uradno) to interdict; to suppress; to ban; to veto, to put a veto on; (svobodo govora itd.) to suppress, pogovorno to gag
prepovédati vsa zborovanja to ban all meetings
prepovedali so mi iti tja I was forbidden to go there
prepovédati vstop v hišo to forbid someone the house
prepovedujem ti iti vén I forbid you to go out
zdravnik mi prepoveduje (piti) vino the doctor forbids me (to drink) wine - prepréčiti to prevent (from); to hinder, to obviate (something); to obstruct, to bar; to thwart; to frustrate, to foil, to baffle
prepréčiti delo (v parlamentu) to obstruct
prepréčiti nesrečo to prevent an accident
prepréčiti naklepe komu to baffle someone's designs
preprečili so mi načrte, naklepe I was thwarted in my plans, designs
prepréčiti načrte sovražniku to thwart the enemy's plans
bolje je prepréčiti kot lečiti prevention is better than cure, a stitch in time saves nine - prepríčanje conviction; persuasion; belief
iz prepríčanja, po prepríčanju from conviction, by conviction
po mojem najboljšem prepríčanju to the best of my conviction
moje trdno prepríčanje je, da... it is my firm belief that...
v polnem prepríčanju, da... fully persuaded (ali convinced) that... - prepróga carpet; (floor) rug
pokrit s preprógami carpeted
izdelovalec prepróg carpet-weaver
perzijska prepróga Persian rug
prepróga pred posteljo bedside carpet, mat
cvetlična prepróga carpet-bedding
prepróga tekač stair carpet, runner
blago za prepróge carpeting
pokri(va)ti s preprógami to carpet
premična kovinska prepróga (v podzemeljski železnici, veleblagovnicah) travolator
bombna prepróga aeronavtika saturation bombing
položiti bombno preprógo aeronavtika to saturate - preselíti to move, (formalno) to remove (pohištvo furniture)
preselíti koga to remove someone from his domicile (ali dwelling, residence), (s silo) to eject
preselíti se to change one's residence (ali domicile); to move house; ZDA to move away (to another house, place)
preselíti se v to move ali (formalno) to remove to, to migrate to - presenetljív surprising; astonishing
zelo presenetljív staggering; astounding
v tem ni nič presenetljívega there is nothing surprising in that - preslédek interval; interspace
v preslédkih at intervals, intermittently, on and off
polurni preslédek half-hourly interval
napraviti preslédek to interspace - prestáviti to displace; to transpose; (urednika) to transfer; (prevesti) to translate, to render into
prestavite bolj prosto! translate more freely!
prestavi to v francoščino! translate that into French!
prestavili so ga v Maribor he was transferred to Maribor - preštéti preštévati to count out (ali over, up); to enumerate
preštéti, preštévati volilne glasove to scrutinize, (v parlamentu) to tell - preštevátelj enumerator
preštevátelj glasov (v parlamentu) teller - pretákati to decant; to pour from one vessel into another; to transfuse
pretákati v steklenice to bottle - pretéhtati to weigh up (in the mind), to deliberate; to reflect on, to take into consideration; to ponder (on, over); to consider
pretéhtati v roki to weigh in one's hand
pretéhtati svoje besede to ponder one's words, to weigh one's words
pretéhtati na tehtnici to weigh on scales
če vse pretehtamo all things considered
dobro pretehtano dejanje a considered action