takó prislov so, like this, like that, thus, in this way, in such a manner
takó takó so-so, so so, fairly well, tolerably
takó ali takó in one way or other, this way or that (way)
prav takó likewise
točno takó! just so!, quite so!
zakaj takó? why so?
kaj takega! of all things!
ah, takó! oh, I see!, so that's it!
ne takó kot not so... as
takó da... so that...
takó velik kot... as big as...
takó malo? as little as that?
takó imenovan so-called
takó rekoč so to speak, so to say, as it were
kakor ti meni, takó jaz tebi pogovorno if you play ball with me, I'll play ball with you
in takó dalje and so on, etc (= et cetera, etcetera), and so forth
nikoli poprej takó koristen kot sedaj never before as (ali so) useful as now
takó bogat človek such a rich man, a man so rich
takó je! (popolnoma točno!) exactly!, quite so!, just so!
je to takó? (je to res?) is that so?
takó mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
če je to takó if that be the case
takó je na svetu so goes it
bodite takó dobri in odprite okno! be so kind as to open the window!
takó mi delamo that is our way of doing things
stori takó kot jaz! do as I do!
takó ne bo šlo! that won't do!
takó se je končalo moje potovanje thus ended my journey
nisem takó mislil I didn't mean that, that's not what I meant
zadeva je takó rekoč urejena the matter is as good as settled
dolgočasil nas je takó, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili he annoyed us so much (that) we never asked him again
kakor si boš postlal, takó boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie!
Zadetki iskanja
- tekóč running; flowing; fluent; streaming; current; liquid
tekóča (rutinska) dela routine work
tekóče leto current year
tekóči mesec current month
tekóča pravda pending suit
tekóči izdatki current expenses pl, ZDA operating costs pl
tekóči račun current account
tekóči posli, tekóče zadeve current business, pending affairs pl
tekóča številka serial number, consecutive number
tekóči trak conveyor belt
tekóča voda running water
v tekóčem letu during the current year
biti na tekóčem to be up-to-date
nisem na tekóčem (pogovorno) I am not in the swim
biti stalno na tekóčem to be constantly well-informed, to be well up (with things)
držati koga na tekóčem to keep someone posted (o on), to keep someone up-to-date (with the news)
ostati na tekóčem to keep up with, to keep oneself well-informed
tekóče govoriti angleško to speak English fluently
ne biti več na tekóčem o, gledé to be out of touch, to be out of the swim regarding - tém
tém bolj the more
čim... tem the... the
čim prej tem bolje the sooner the better
čim več dobiš, tem več želiš (hočeš) the more you get the more you want
tem slabše, tem hujše the worse
tem manj the less
tém bolje (all) the better, so much the better - tránša (reženj) slice; (obrok posojila ipd.) instalment
posojilo v več tránšah a loan in several instalments - tréba
tréba je it is necessary
kot tréba as it should be, properly, suitably
napravi to kot tréba! do it properly!
ni tréba! no need!
kaj ti tréba več? what more do you want?
če bi bilo tréba (= v potrebi) if need be
ne izostani dljè kot tréba! don't stay away longer than you need!
ni mi tréba tvojega denarja I don't need your money
tréba mi je I need, I want
to je tréba storiti this must be done
tréba je samo reči in... you have only to say the word and...
še marsikaj bo tréba napraviti there is still much to be done
ni se ti tréba bati you needn't fear (za for)
tréba bi ga bilo kaznovati he ought to be punished
ni se tréba čuditi, da... it is not to be wondered at that...
ni ti tréba skrbeti you need not trouble
tréba je delati, če hočeš uspeti you must work if you want to succeed
če je tréba, bom to jutri naredil I'll do it tomorrow, if it is necessary (ali if need be)
tréba bo še tri tedne, da končamo to delo it will take us three weeks to finish this job
pol ure nam je bilo tréba hoditi do postaje it took us half an hour to walk to the station - úpanje hope; hopefulness; expectation; expectancy; anticipation; (bright) prospect
goljufivo, varljivo úpanje false hope(s)
prazno úpanje vain hope
zadnje (skoraj neuresničljivo) úpanje forlorn hope, figurativno (zanesljivo) sheet anchor
brez úpanja hopeless, past (all) hope
poln úpanja full of hope, hopeful
niti trohice úpanja not a glimmer of hope, (pogovorno) not the ghost of a chance, not a dog's (ali an earthly) chance
Rt Dobrega Upanja the Cape of Good Hope
žarek úpanja a ray (ali a gleam) of hope
úpanje, da bo prišel there is (some) hope that he will come, it is hoped he will come, hopefully he will come
zanj ni več úpanja he is past hope
nobenega úpanja ni bilo, da bi on prišel there was no prospect of his coming
on je moje zadnje úpanje he is my last hope, he is my only remaining hope
dajati komu úpanje to hold out hope to someone
dajati mnogo úpanja to promise well, to be very promising
gojiti úpanje to cherish (ali to entertain) a (ali the) hope
imeti malo úpanja, da... to hope against hope that...
imam le slabo, šibko úpanje I have only a faint hope
nobenega úpanja več ne imeti to be out of hope, to have no hope left
imeti úpanje to stand a chance
nikoli ne izgubljaj úpanja! (= ne obupaj!) never say die!
opustiti vsako úpanje to abandon hope, to give up every hope
oklepati se úpanja to cling to hope (ali one's hopes)
preseči úpanja to exceed hopes
prevarati koga v úpanju to frustrate someone's hopes
razočarati koga v úpanju to disappoint someone, to frustrate someone
moje úpanje se ni uresničilo my hopes have not been realized
upati brez úpanja zmage to hope against hope
vdajati se úpanju, da... to allow oneself the hope of..., to hope for..., to be in hopes that...
komu vsako úpanje vzeti to deprive someone of all hope
vzeti komu úpanje to dampen someone's hopes
zbujati úpanje to give (ali to inspire) hope, to raise expectations, to provide grounds for hope
zbujati komu úpanje to raise hopes in someone
zbujati prazno úpanje to raise false hopes
živeti v úpanju za, za... to live in hopes of (kaj something)
malo úpanja je ostalo (ostaja) there is little hope left - úra (čas) hour; (žepna) watch; (stoječa, stenska, stolpna) clock; (namizna) timepiece
úra budilka alarm clock
peščena úra sand glass
sončna úra sundial
cerkvena úra church clock
úra z nihalom pendulum clock
zapestna úra wristwatch
ladijska úra chronometer
úra štoparica stopwatch
policijska úra curfew
konične úre rush hour
huda úra thunderstorm
učna úra lesson
proste úre free (ali spare) hours pl
smrtna úra the hour of death, dying hour, last hour
v zgodnjih úrah in the small hours
úra X vojska zero hour
v teku ene úre, v manj kot eni úri in less than an hour, within an hour
o úre do úre from hour to hour
prav ob tej úri at this very hour
po moji úri by my watch
pol úre half an hour, a half hour
pred pol úre half an hour ago
5 milj na úro 5 miles per hour, 5 miles an hour
vsake tri úre every three hours
več kot eno úro over one hour
ob tej úri at the present time, ZDA presently
polni, celi 2 úri for two hours at a stretch (ali pogovorno on the trot)
dobro úro a good hour
ob 12. úri at 12 o'clock, at noon
v smeri kazalca úre clockwise, (v nasprotni) anticlockwise
jermenček za zapestno úro watch strap, strap for wristwatch; (wrist) watch band; strap (ali cord, link, expansion) band
verižica za úro watch chain, (pri telovniku) watch guard
kolesje úre movement of a watch
ohišje úre clock case
vzmet úre watch spring
utež pri úri clock weight
kazalec úre hand
kazalec sončne úre gnomon
številčnica úre dial
tovarna úr clock factory, watch factory
trgovina z úrami clock trade, watch trade, trade in clocks and watches
koliko je úra? what time is it?, what's the time?, (redko) what o'clock is it
úra je 5 it is five o'clock
četrt na šest je it is a quarter past five
pol šestih je it is half past five
tri četrt na šest je it is a quarter to six
na moji úri je tri it is three by my watch
ob kateri úra? at what time?
je ta úra prav? is that clock (tvoja zapestna úra your wristwatch oziroma pogovorno watch) right?
on je točen kot úra he is as regular as clockwork
moja úra je točna my watch keeps perfect time
dobrih 5 úr je do mesta it's a good five hours to the town
moja úra gre dobro my watch is a good timekeeper
moja úra ne gre (se je ustavila, se je iztekla) my watch is not going (has stopped, isn't working)
moja úra je pokvarjena there is something wrong with my watch
navijte svojo úro! wind up your watch!
moja úra je navita my watch is wound up
úra bíje the clock strikes (oziroma is striking)
úra bo zdajci (od)bila 11 the clock is just about to strike eleven
úra je odbila 7 the clock has struck seven
odbila mu je zadnja úra his last hour is come
moja úra prehiteva my watch is fast (ali gains, is gaining)
moja úra zaostaja my watch is slow (ali loses, is losing)
vprašati koliko je úra to ask the time
naravnati (regulirati) úro po... to regulate (ali to set) one's watch by...
držati se rednih úr to keep regular hours
letalo je doseglo poprečno 450 milj na úro the plane averaged 450 miles an hour
dajati angleške úre (= lekcije) to give English lessons
to úro je treba naviti this clock needs winding up (ali rewinding)
moja úra je potrebna popravila my watch needs repairing
razmakniti konične úre (da ni navala na avtobuse itd.) to stagger office hours
rana úra zlata úra early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
delati 24 úr brez prekinitve (noč in dan) to work around the clock - váren safe; secure
váren pred safe from
na várnem in safety
absolutno, popolnoma váren (pogovorno) as safe as houses
toliko bolj várno so much the safer
váren kraj a safe place
váren pred napadi secure from attacks
váren obstoj, eksistenca a secure existence
váren pred nevarnostjo secure from danger
várna investicija a safe investment
most ni váren the bridge is not safe
biti na várnem to be on the safe side
biti váren pred volkovi to be safe from the wolves
hraniti kaj na várnem to keep something safe
tu smo na várnem pred vetrom here we are sheltered from the wind
moje življenje ni več várno my life is no longer secure
ni várno dotakniti se tega psa it is not safe to touch this dog, beware of the dog!
zdaj se čutimo várne we feel safe now
várno sem ga spravil (spremil) domov I saw him safe home
spravil sem ga na várno I have taken him to (ali put him in) a safe place
peljati na várno to lead to safety
položiti na várno mesto to put in a safe place - variánta variant; a variant reading
je več variant, da to napravimo there are various ways of doing it - védeti to know; to be aware (of); to realize
zanesljivo védeti to be positive about
védeti za kaj to be in the know, to be aware (of something), to be cognizant (of something)
dobro vedoč za kaj fully cognizant of something
vem za nekoga, ki... I know of someone who...
kolikor vem as far as I know, for aught I know (of)
ne da bi jaz vedel (= kolikor mi je znano ne) not that I know
pa še kako dobro to vem! don't I know it!
bojim se, da zdaj nič več ne vem (kot prej) I fear I am none the wiser
on dobro ve, kaj se je zgodilo he well knows (ali he is well aware of) what happened
ne védeti za kaj to be ignorant of something
rad bi vedel I should like to know, I wonder (ali, če whether, if)
ko bi bil (jaz) vedel! if only I had known!
védeti o čem to be well aware (ali arhaično apprised) of something
nihče ne ve, kaj se utegne zgoditi there is no knowing what may happen
védeti, kaj hočemo (= ne omahovati) to know one's own mind
kako, da jaz ne bi tega vedel! don't I know it!
to sam le predobro vem (= komu to pripovedujete?) you are telling me!
influenca, defterija in ne vem, kaj še vse influenza, diphtheria, and goodness knows what else
védeti najnovejše (o) to be well up (in), to be au courant (ali up-to-date) with
človek nikoli ne ve (= nikoli ne veš) you never know, you never can tell
kako naj vem, kam je šel how should I know where he went
ali še veš? do you remember?
ne vem ne kod ne kam I don't know which way to turn - védno always; every time, at all times; ZDA all the time; ever; pesniško aye, ay
skoraj védno nine times out of ten, as often as not
še védno still; as yet
za védno for ever, for good, for good and all
enkrat za védno (vselej) once (and) for all
védno več more and more
védno hitreje faster and faster
védno večji bigger and bigger
še védno ne not yet
za védno zapustiti to leave for good
še védno ga ni he hasn't arrived yet
védno je bilo tako it was ever thus
poslovila sta se za védno they bade each other farewell for ever
védno in védno se vra-, čati to keep coming back
védno naravnost (naprej)! keep straight ahead! - verjétno prislov probably, likely, presumably
prav verjétno in all probability
zelo verjétno, najbolj verjétno most likely, very likely, as likely as not
komaj verjétno most unlikely, hardly likely
več kot verjétno more than likely
ni verjétno, da... it's unlikely that...
ne zdi se verjétno it seems unlikely
to je bolj verjétno that's more likely
zelo verjétno je, da bo deževalo the probability is that it will rain, pogovorno it's probably going to rain
verjétno bo doživel uspeh he will probably succeed
verjétno bom pozabil I may forget, I'm apt to forget
verjétno pojdem I may go
malo verjétno je, da bo prišel he is unlikely to come, pogovorno it's unlikely he'll come - vérzija version
po vaši vérziji according to your story
slišal sem več vérzij o tem, kar se je zgodilo I have heard several versions of what happened - vídeti to see; to get sight of; to notice; (opaziti) to become aware, to perceive
dobro (slabo) vídeti to have good (bad) sight, to have good (bad) eyes
bežno vídeti to get a fleeting glimpse of
nič ni vídeti there is nothing to be seen
na prvi pogled, mižé vídeti (žargon) to see with half an eye
vídeti je zdrav he looks well
vídeti je, da... it seems that...
vídeti v prihodnost to see into the future
vídeti vse zvezde (figurativno, od udarca) to see stars
če prav vidim if my eyes do not deceive me
iz tega se vidi hence it appears
jasno se vidi it is clear
na prvi pogled se vidi you can see at a glance, it is self-evident
vreden, da se vidi worth seeing
sam lahko vidiš you can see it for yourself
malo se vidiva we see little of each other
sam sem to videl I saw it myself
nič ga ni vídeti he is nowhere to be seen
konca vojne še ni vídeti the end of the war is not yet in sight
videl sem smrt od blizu I looked death in the face
mesto se vidi od daleč the town can be seen from far away
videl je že lepše čase he has seen better times
si že kdaj videl kaj takega? did you ever see the like of it?; pogovorno can you beat it?
naj vidim, da vidim! (naj pomislim) let me see!
naj te več ne vidim! don't let me see you again!
rajši vidim, da ne prideš you had better not come
ne vidiš péd pred nosom! you can see no further than the end of your nose
vaš prijatelj je, kot je vídeti (kot vidim) starejši od vas your friend, I find, is older than you
videl sem, kako je padel I saw him fall
bomo videli! we shall see!, wait and see!
bomo že videli we'll see, time will tell
to bomo še (šele) videli that remains to be seen
rad bi to videl! I'd like to see that!
videl bo, kdor bo živel live and learn - vsè all; everything; all included; without exception
vsè, kar... all that...
vsè ali nič all or nothing, (figurativno) neck or nothing
vsè to all this
vsè zaman all in vain, all to no purpose
vsè do zadnjega to the last
vsè skupaj all together
vsè v vsem all in all
vsè več in več more and more
vsè manj in manj less and less
nad vsè above all, first of all
ona mu je vsè she is all to him
njemu vsè prav pride nothing comes amiss to him
vsè je izgubljeno all is lost
vsè mi je povedal he told me everything
vsè sem tvegal I have risked my all
vsè se mi zdi, da ti ni zanj I half suspect you don't care for him
jaz bi vsè prej kot (šel) I would rather have anything than (go)
vsè je dobro, kar se konča dobro all's well that ends well
vsè, kar se sveti, ni zlato all that glitters is not gold
storil bom vsè, kar želiš I shall do whatever you desire - vzdržáti to hold out; to stand; to sustain; to persevere (v in); to endure, to last
vzdržáti napad to withstand (ali to hold out against) an assault
vzdržite! hold out!
ne morem več vzdržáti I can't stand it any longer
ona ne vzdrži na soncu she cannot stand the sun
vzdržáti se to abstain (česa from something), to refrain (from)
vzdržáti se glasovanja to abstain from voting
nisem se vzdržal smeha I couldn't help laughing
vzdržáti se kajenja to refrain from smoking
vzdržáti se solz (joka) to refrain from tears (from weeping)
ni mogel več vzdržáti bolečine he could not endure (ali sustain, bear) the pain any more
čudim se, da je tako dolgo vzdržal I wonder that he has held out so long
vzdržáti se alkoholnih pijač to abstain from alcoholic drinks - začúdenje astonishment, amazement; surprise
na (veliko) moje začúdenje to my (great) surprise
strmeti, debelo gledati od začúdenja to stare in surprise
spraviti koga v začúdenje, zbuditi komu začúdenje to astonish someone
nobena stvar me ne spravi več v začúdenje nothing surprises me any more - zadovóljnost zadovóljstvo contentment, satisfaction, content; pleasure; contentedness; gratification
izraziti svoje zadovóljnost, zadovóljstvo to express one's satisfaction
svoje delo opravljam v popolno zadovóljnost, zadovóljstvo svojega očeta I do my work to my father's complete satisfaction
urediti (kaj) v svojo popolno zadovóljnost, zadovóljstvo to settle (something) to one's entire satisfaction
zadovóljnost, zadovóljstvo je več vredno kot bogastvo happiness is worth more than wealth, content is the true philosopher's stone - zadŕžati zadrževáti to keep back, to hold back, to retain; to detain, to restrain; to withhold; (ne vrniti) not to return; (ustaviti) to stop, to hold up
zadŕžati, zadrževáti sapo to hold in one's breath
zadŕžati, zadrževáti solze to hold back one's tears
kaj te je zadržalo? what kept you?
ne bom vas dolgo zadrževal I shan't take up much of your time
ne smem vas več zadŕžati, zadrževáti I mustn't keep you any longer
zadŕžati, zadrževáti se to be delayed, to stay (too) long, to make a stay
za krajši čas se zadŕžati, zadrževáti (se muditi) to sojourn (v, pri in, with)
zadŕžati, zadrževáti se pri predmetu to dwell upon a subject
obširno se zadŕžati, zadrževáti ob to expatiate on (ali upon)
kako se je zadrževal (obnašal)? how did he behave?
zadŕžati, zadrževáti predpis to withhold (ali to hold in abeyance, to stay) a regulation - zakléti (zakolnem) to curse, to swear (at), to spit out an oath
zakléti se to swear (by), to vow
zaklel se je, da se bo maščeval za žalitev he vowed to avenge the insult
zaklel sem se, da ne bom več kadil, pil I've sworn off tobacco, drink
zakléti se pri vsem, kar je svetega to swear by all that's holy (ali sacred)