izràz (beseda) expression, term, word; phrase, idiom, idiomatic expression
strokovni izràz technical term
zastarel izràz archaism
familiaren izràz colloquialism
neknjiževen izràz colloquialism, substandard form
francoski izràz (idiom) a French idiom, a gallicism
izràz v obrazu mien, air
brez izràza expressionless
besede, ki so izràz naših idej the words that we use to convey our ideas
imeti oči brez izràza to have lifeless eyes, to have a vacant look in one's eyes
priti do izràza v to find expression in
prejmite izràze mojih iskrenih čustev do Vas (v pismu) yours sincerely
da uporabim prav njegove izràze to use his own words
ona igra izvrstno, a brez izràza her execution is brilliant, but she lacks expression
Zadetki iskanja
- izráziti to express; to utter; to convey (the meaning); to be expressive (of); to phrase; to voice; (čustva) to express, to betoken, to reveal, to manifest; (formulirati) to put into words, to word
izráziti mnenje to express an opinion
izráziti svoja čustva to give voice to one's feelings
izráziti svojo misel to speak one's thought
izráziti sočutje z to express sympathy with
izráziti željo to voice one's desire
izráziti svoje začudenje to express one's surprise
izráziti stališče, da... to express the view that...
izráziti se to express oneself (v tem smislu to that effect)
jasno se izráziti to be explicit
jasno se izráziti, da... to make it clear that...
ne znam se izráziti I cannot find the appropriate words (ali terms)
ne vem, kako bi se ízrazil I don't know how to put it
ne najdem besed, da bi izrazil svojo misel I can't find words to convey my meaning
to se ne da izráziti that cannot be conveyed in words
lepota, ki je ni moč izráziti pesniško a beauty that beggars description
izráziti se energično o čem to express oneself strongly on something
dolgovezno, na široko se izráziti to expatiate (o on, upon) - izréči to utter, to say, (do konca) to speak out, to have one's say; to finish (a word, a sentence); (izgovoriti) to pronounce, to articulate, to express, to word, to sound; (izjaviti) to state, to declare, to profess
izréči besedo to utter a word
izréči napitnico, zdravico to propose a toast, to toast
izréči laž to utter a lie
izréči mnenje to advance an opinion
izréči obsodbo to pass (ali to pronounce) sentence (ali judgment) on, to find guilty
ne da se izréči it is unutterable
izréči prekletstvo nad to pronounce a curse upon
ne se izréči (figurativno biti pol ptič pol miš) to sit on the hedge - izúriti to train, to drill; to practise, ZDA to practice
izúriti psa, da prosi to train a dog to beg
izúriti se v to practise at, to acquire (ali to gain) skill (ali practice) in, to train oneself, to learn by practice (ali drill ali routine) - izvédeti to learn, to hear, to come to know, to get to know, to be informed, to understand; (odkriti) to find out, to discover
izvédeti o čem to find out about something
izvédeti iz zanesljivega vira to learn from a reliable (ali good) source
pravkar smo izvedeli, da je umrl we have just heard he is dead
če se to izve if it comes to be known - izvêsti (izvedem) to carry out, to carry through, to perform, to execute, to accomplish, to achieve, to effect, to carry into effect, to bring to effect; to realize; to consummate; to bring about, to put into execution; to bring to pass; (načrt, naročilo) to carry out, to execute, to perform (naročilo an order); glasba to perform, to execute, to play, to sing; to recite
nisem sposoben, ne morem tega izvêsti I am not able to manage that (ali bring it off)
upam, da bom to izvêdel I hope to manage - izvéžbati to train, to exercise, to drill; to practise (ZDA to practice) (v in)
izvéžbati psa, da prosi to train a dog to beg
izvéžbati se to acquire skill (ali practice) (v in), to train (oneself), to exercise, to practise, to earn by practice (ali by drill, by routine) - jámčiti to guarantee, to warrant; to pledge; to secure; to answer for, to be liable for, to vouch for; (za varnost) to grant safe-conduct; (za resničnost) to authenticate; (na sodišču) to stand (ali to be) security for, to give security for, to go bail for, to bail someone out
on jamči zame he stands security for me
ali lahko jamčite zanj? can you vouch for him?
jamčijo nam točno dobavo they guarantee us punctual delivery
jamčim, da je to poročilo resnično I guarantee the truth of this report
jámčiti za resničnost izjave to vouch for the truth of a statement - jèli
jèli da je res? it is true, isn't it?
jèli da je tako? is it not so?, don't you think so? - kadíti to smoke, to have a smoke; (v cerkvi s kadilnico) to incense
kadíti se to smoke
kadíti prepovedano! no smoking!, no smoking allowed here!, don't smoke!
kadíti cigareto za cigareto to chain-smoke
kadíti kot Turek to smoke like a chimney
že dve leti ne kadim I have not smoked for two years
toliko je kadil, da mu je postalo slabo he has smoked himself sick
včasih kadim pipo I sometimes smoke a pipe
ta cigara se ne kadi dobro this cigar does not smoke well
kadi se it's smoky
od konj se je kar kadilo the horses were steaming
kadíti komu (figurativno) to matter someone
kadíti se (dimiti se) to smoulder
peč se kadi the stove is smoking - káj what
káj še? what else?
káj zdaj? what now?, how now?, well?
káj ti je? káj je s teboj? what's the matter with you?
káj mi mar! what do I care!
káj šele let alone
ah, káj! go on!, stuff and nonsense!
káj ne poveš! you don't say!
ne, káj takega! well, I never!
torej káj? so what?
je káj upanja? is there any hope?
káj še, on (pa) že ne! not he!
káj storiti? what can we do?, what's to be done?
káj pomaga, káj koristi jokati? what is the use of crying?, it is no use crying
káj se je tedaj, potem zgodilo? what happened then?
imate káj novic? have you any news?
na káj misliš? what are you thinking about, what's on your mind?
povej mi, káj si slišal! tell me what you heard!
káj ko bi tudi ti prišel? what if you came too?
meso, kruh, vino in ne vem káj še vse meat, bread, wine, and what not
ne morem si káj, da se ne bi smejal I can't help laughing - kakó how; in what way
kakó to? how so?
kakó lepó! how beautiful!
kakó daleč? how far?
kakó to, da... how comes it that..., how come that...
kakó vraga... how the deuce..., how the devil..., how the dickens...?
kakó, prosim? I beg your pardon, pogovorno pardon?; what was that?, what did you say?
kakó se počutiš? how do you feel?
kakó stara je? how old is she?
kakó dolgo ste že v Ljubljani? how long have you been in Ljubljana?
kakó je z vstopnicami? what about the tickets?
kakó lepo jutro! what a lovely morning!
kakó sem vesel, da te vidim! how pleased I am to see you!
kakó je nesrečna! how unhappy she is!
kakó mu je ime? what is his name?
kakó imenujete to (rečete temu) po angleško (v angleščini)? what do you call this in English?
kakó to, da si še vedno tu? how is it you're still here?
ne razumem, kakó je to možno I do not understand how this can be
nihče ne ve kakó mu je uspelo no one knows how he has done
kakó vendar... how on earth...
pa še kakó! and how
Se lahko poslužim vašega telefona? - Kako, da ne! May I use your telephone? - Why, yes! of course! - kákor like, as; (za primernikom) than
kákor da as if, as though
tako... kákor as... as
ne tako... kákor not so... as
ni tako star kákor jaz he is not so old as I
kákor hitro as soon as
kákor običajno as usual
kákor po maslu (figurativno) without a hitch, like clockwork, swimmingly
človek kákor on... a man like him
moj brat, kákor jaz sam... my brother like myself...
kákor ti drago as you like
stori, kákor ti drago! do as you please!
kákor se vzame! that (ali it) depends!
kákor lahkó vidite as you can see
govorim ti kákor prijatelj I speak to you as a friend
tekel je kákor veter he was running like the wind
umrl je, kákor je živel he died as he had lived
ni bogat, kákor ljudje mislijo he is not as rich as people think
vstal je, kákor da bi hotel oditi he got up as if (he wanted) to go
kákor ga imam (zelo) rada, ljubiti ga ne bi mogla nikoli much as I like him, I could never be in love with him
kákor oče, tako sin like father, like son
kákor si boš postiljal tako boš spal you have made your own bed, so lie in it
kákor boste sejali, tako boste želi as you sow, so will you reap ➞ kòt! - kalkulírati to calculate; to reckon; to compute
naše cene so tako nizko kalkulirane, da jih ne moremo več zniževati we are charging rock-bottom prices and can make no further reductions - kámen stone; ZDA (vsake oblike) rock; medicina calculus, stone, gravel, concretion; (prodnik) pebble
brusni kámen whetstone, grindstone
drag kámen precious stone, gem
drobilec kámna (oseba) quarryman, quarrier, (stroj) crushing machine, jaw (ZDA rock) crusher
gradbeni kámen building stone
kisli kámen (galun) alum
kresilni kámen mint, flintstone, (za vžigalnik) (lighter) flint
kámen kaldrme cobble, cobblestone
ledvični kámen kidney stone
loščilni kámen (za kovine) Bath-brick
miljni kámen milestone
mlinski kámen millstone
peklenski kámen lunar caustic, silver nitrate
preskusni kámen touchstone; test
nagrobni kámen tombstone, gravestone
otesan kámen hewn stone, dressed stone, ashlar
sklepni kámen keystone
kámen spotike stumbling block
kámen modrih philosophers' stone
vinski kámen tartar
temeljni kámen foundation stone
vogelni kámen cornerstone
kámen v mehurju medicina urinary calculus
žolčni kámen gallstone
zobni kámen tartar
umeten drag kámen imitation gem
tvorba kámnov medicina lithogenesis
mrzel kot kámen stone-cold
gluh kot kámen stone-deaf
trd kot kámen (as) hard as stone, stone-hard
domet, lučaj kámna a stone's throw
kup kámnov a heap of stones
obdelovanje kámna stonework
srcé iz kámna a stony heart
trd kot kámen (figurativno) hard as stone, biblija arhaično hard as the nether millstone
lomiti kámen to quarry
metati kámne v koga to throw stones at someone
to bi še kámen omečilo it is enough to melt a heart of stone
odvaliti komu težak kámen od srca to take a load (ali a weight) off someone's mind
kámen se mi je odvalil od srca a great weight has been taken off my mind, that's a great weight off my mind
ne pustiti kámna na kámnu not to leave a single stone standing
zmrzuje, da kámen poka it freezes hard
porušiti, razdejati kámen za kámnom to pull down stone by stone
od zgradbe ni ostal kámen na kámnu not a single stone of the building was left standing
rajši bi kámne tolkel na cesti! I'd rather do hard labour, I'd rather join a chain gang
zagnati, zalučati kámen v koga to cast a stone at someone
ubiti dve muhi z enim kámnom to kill two birds with one stone
kámen do kámna palača (figurativno) look after the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves - kázati to show; to point out; to indicate; to present; to display; to exhibit
kázati pot (voditi) to lead the way
kázati slab okus to show bad taste
s prstom kázati na koga to point (one's finger) at someone
kázati znake utrujenosti to show signs of fatigue
toplomer je kazal 20° the termometer registered 20 degrees
ni kazal nobenega znaku strahu he showed no sign of fear
na dež kaže it looks like rain
kot vse kaže to all appearances
vse kaže, da... there is every indication that...
vse kaže, da bo izvoljen there is every prospect that he will be elected
letina dobro kaže the crop promises well, there are good prospects of an abundant harvest
stvar dobro kaže the business ali the affair looks promising
če bi kaj slabo kazalo (šlo narobe) if anything should go amiss
stvari slabo kažejo things have an ugly look, things seem to be taking a bad turn
ne kaže hoditi tja it is not advisable to go there
ne kaže mi drugega kot, da grem I can do nothing but go away
sedaj se kaže, da... now it turns out that...
njegov obraz je kazal razočaranje his face showed his disappointment
luna se je začela kázati th moon was beginning to appear (ali to come out)
dobro kaže za... it looks promising (ali it bodes well) for...
slabo kázati to bode ill - klasificírati to classify, to arrange in classes, to separate in classes; to categorize
ki se da klasificírati classifiable - kljúb in spite of; despite; notwithstanding
kljúb temu vsemu in spite of all that, for all that, notwithstanding; just the same, all the same, none the less
kljúb temu se mi je zahvalil he thanked me all the same
kljúb vsemu svojemu bogastvu ni srečen with all his wealth he is not happy
kljúb dejstvu, da... in spite of the fact that... - ko when; as; (= če) if, in case of, in the event of; (= kot, kakor) than; as
ko ne bi bilo tega »ko« if ifs and ans were pots and pans
šli bomo, ko boste pripravljeni we shall start when you are ready
to boš naredil, ko bo prepozno you'll do it when it's too late
strese me, ko samo pomislim na to I shudder even to think of it
ko ga človek samo vidi, bi mislil, da... if you only saw him, you'd think that...
aretirali so ga, ko je odhajal iz hiše he was arrested as he was leaving his house
močnejši sem kot ti I am stronger than you
več ko ima, več hoče imeti the more he has the more he wants - kómaj scarcely; hardly
kómaj..., že... (ko...) no sooner... than
kómaj kaj scarcely anything
kómaj kdaj hardly ever
kómaj kdo hardly anyone
kómaj 20 let je star he is only just (ali scarcely) twenty
kómaj ga poznam I scarcely know him
kómaj (da) si upam I hardly dare
kómaj je ušel (za las je ušel) he had a narrow escape, he had a narrow squeak
to moreš kómaj (skoraj ne moreš) pričakovati you can hardly expect that
kómaj je mogel govoriti he was hardly able to speak
kómaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes
kómaj še, da je bil vljuden he was barely polite
kómaj smo (še) ujeli vlak we only just caught the train
imam kómaj še dovolj volne, da spletem par nogavic I have only just enough wool left to knit a pair of socks
kómaj je spregovoril, ko... he had scarcely spoken when...
kómaj sem začel brati, že je stopil oče v sobo no sooner had I begun to read than my father entered the room