
Zadetki iskanja

  • víno wine

    čisto víno unmixed wine
    novo (mlado) víno new wine
    buteljčno víno bottled wine
    suho víno dry wine
    sladko víno sweet wine
    z vodo mešano víno wine mixed with water
    palmovo víno palm wine
    ribezljevo víno currant wine
    črno víno red wine
    kuhano víno mulled wine
    peneče se víno sparkling (ali effervescent) wine
    močno víno heady (ali full-bodied) wine
    izbrana vína choice wines pl
    ponarejeno víno adulterated wine
    žlahtna vína vintage wines pl
    víno (naravnost) iz soda wine from the wood
    letnica vína vintage
    vrsta vína kind of wine
    aroma vína bouquet
    moč vína body of a wine
    usedlina vína lees pl
    okus po vínu vinous flavour
    pokušnja vína wine tasting, wine sampling
    pokuševalec vína winetaster
    desertno víno dessert wine
    namizno víno (navadno víno) table wine
    maloprodaja vína retail wine trade
    trgovina z vínom wine trade, wine business
    trgovec z vínom wine merchant, wine dealer
    poznavalec vína connoisseur of wine, oenologist
    ponarejeválec (ponarejanje) vína adulterator (adulteration) of wine
    (velik) pivec vína winebibber, pogovorno slabšalno wino
    steklenica za víno wine bottle
    to víno gre v glavo this wine goes to the head
    víno mi prija wine agrees with me
    víno mu je stopilo v glavo the wine has gone to his head
    ojačiti víno z dodatkom alkohola to fortify a wine
    naliti komu čistega vína (figurativno) to tell someone the plain truth
  • vodíti (iti prvi) to lead, to go first; to lead the way; to take the lead; to conduct; (upravljati) to manage, to direct, to be the manager; to control; to boss; to run; (ladjo) to pilot, to steer

    vodíti v modi to set the fashion
    vodíti ples to lead the dance
    vodil nas je skozi pravi labirint ulic he guided us through an absolute labyrinth of streets
    pes je vodil slepca the dog was leading the blind man
    pustí se vodíti od žene he lets his wife manage him
    vodíti s 3 goli šport to lead by 3 goals
    človeka često vodijo njegove strasti a man is often swayed by his passions
    vodíti koga za nos (figurativno) to lead someone up the garden path, to pull someone's leg
    vodíti psa na vrvici to lead a dog on the leash
    vodíti razpašno življenje to lead a life of debauchery
    vodíti v skušnjavo to lead into temptation
    vodíti vojno z... to make war on..., to wage war with...
    cesta vodi v X. the road leads to X.
    vodíti pogajanja to be in negotiation
    vodíti v teku (preteči druge) to get ahead of, to outstrip
    kdo vodi (v teku, šport) who is ahead?
    vodíti posle to manage, to run a business
    on vodi vse (pogovorno) he runs the whole show
    kam to vodi? what are we coming to?
    to ne vodi nikamor that gets us nowhere
    to lahko daleč vodi that could take us a long way
    vodíti knjige ekonomija to keep the books
    vodíti sestanek (sejo, zborovanje) to be in the chair, to (take the) chair, to preside over a meeting
    kdo je vodil sestanek? who presided over the meeting?, who was in the chair?
    dejavnosti, zadeve to conduct activities, affairs
    vodíti družbene odnose to manage a society's affairs
    vsa pota vodijo v Rim all roads lead to Rome
  • vstòp entry, entrance; admission, admittance

    vstòp prost (brezplačen)! admission free!
    vstòp prepovedan! no admittance!, keep out!, no entry!
    nezaposlenim vstòp prepovedan! no admittance except on business!
    odkloniti komu, ne dovoliti komu vstòpa to shut someone out
    (s silo) si izsiliti vstòp v hišo to force an entry into a house
  • začéti to begin, to start; to commence; to set about; to make a start; (ples) to open, to lead off; (razgovor) to launch, to broach, to moot (a subject)

    zopet, znova začéti to begin (ali to start) again; (biti prvi) to be a pioneer, to pave the way (for), to break (new) ground
    začéti diskusijo to start a discussion
    začéti delikaten pogovor (figurativno) to break the ice
    začéti na napačnem koncu to begin at the wrong end
    začéti pogajanja z to enter into negotiations with
    začéti s proizvedbami to set enquiries on foot
    začéti pravni postopek proti to institute (ali to take) legal proceedings against
    začéti pogovor z to engage in a conversation with
    začéti govor to begin a speech
    začéti kampanjo to open a campaign
    začéti prepir to begin to quarrel
    začéti z učenjem latinščine to start learning Latin, pogovorno to start Latin
    začéti neko stvar (lotiti se) to start on a thing
    začéti trgovino to set up (ali to start in) a business
    začéti pri sebi (figurativno) to begin at home
    začéti peti to burst into song
    začel je pisati he began writing (ali to write)
    začel je z malega he began on a small scale
    zopet je začelo deževati the rain has set in again
    šole (pouk) se začno 1. oktobra school starts on October 1st
    začéti delati to start work, to commence working (ali to work)
    začni(te) od začetka! begin at the beginning!
    slabo je začel he has had a bad start
    začel je piti (figurativno) he has taken to drink
    predstava se začne ob devetih the performance begins at nine
    najslabši del poti se začne v X. the worst stretch of road begins at X.
    letos se je zima zgodaj začela winter has set in early this year
  • zdrúženje association; union

    poslovno zdrúženje business association
    zdrúženje državljanov association of citizens
  • zlò evil; ill; harm; mischief

    delati zlò to do evil
    izogibati se zlu to keep out of mischief
    vzeti za zlò to take amiss, to take offence at, to take in bad part, to be offended at
    ne jemljite mi tega za zlò! don't take it amiss!
    iti po zlu to go to rack and ruin, to go to the dogs, to go to ruin
    od dveh izberi manjše zlò! choose the lesser of two evils!
    snovati zlò to mean mischief
    moji posli gredo po zlu my business is going downhill
    želeti komu zlò to bear malice to someone, to wish someone ill
    to je potrebno zlò that is a necessary evil
  • znáti to know

    znáti na pamet to know by heart
    dobro znáti kaj to be A1 at something
    ne znam angleško I cannot speak English, I do not know English
    znate francosko? do you know French?
    znaš igrati šah? can you play chess?
    on misli, da vse zna he thinks he knows everything
    on zna brati grško he can read Greek
    znaš dobro današnjo lekcijo? do you know your lesson for today well?
    tega si ne znam razložiti I don't know what to make of it (ali of this)
    zelo dobro znáti lekcijo to have the lesson at one's fingertips
    ona zna vsaj (najmanj) 5 jezikov she knows at least five languages
    znáti (spoznati se na) svoj posel to know one's own business, (žargon) to know one's onions, (pogovorno) to know the ropes, to know what's what
  • zvéza union, association; alliance; league; federation; confederation; coalition; connection, connexion, relation; communication

    v zvézi z with reference to, in connection with
    v tej zvézi in this connection
    v zvézi z vašim dopisom, pismom with reference to your letter, in connection with your letter
    strokovna zvéza trade union
    Socialistična zvéza delovnega ljudstva Jugoslavije (Slovenije) the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia (of Slovenia)
    Zveza komunistov Jugoslavija (ZKJ) the League of Communists of Yugoslavia
    Zveza sindikatov Slovenije the trade Union Federation of Slovenia
    zvéza držav confederation
    strokovna zvéza professional association, trade union, VB trades union
    obrambna zvéza defensive alliance
    poslovne zvéze business connections pl
    poštne zvéze postal communications pl
    Svetovna poštna zvéza Universal Postal Union
    prometne zvéze traffic communications pl
    železniška zvéza communication by rail
    zakonska zvéza conjugal union, matrimony
    to nima nobene zvéze z mojim vprašanjem it has nothing to do with my question
    prav nobene zvéze ne imeti z to have no connection at all with, to have absolutely nothing to do with
    to nima nobene zvéze s tem vprašanjem this has no bearing on (ali bears no relation to) this question
    imeti zvézo z to be connected with; to have something to do with
    sobi sta med seboj v zvézi the rooms communicate with each other
    ostati v zvézi z to keep in touch with
    z njimi imamo telefonsko zvézo we communicate by telephone, we keep in touch by phone
    imeti (dobre) zvéze (figurativno) to have useful contacts, to know the right people
    z zvézmi si priskrbeti službo (figurativno) to get a job by pulling strings
    izkoristiti svoje zvéze to exploit one's contacts, to exert backstairs influence
    dovesti, spraviti v zvézo to bring into contact
    vlak ima zvézo s parnikom the train connects with (ali makes a connection) with the boat
    prekiniti, pretrgati zvézo z to break off contact with; to sever one's connections with
    skleniti vojaško zvézo to enter into a military alliance
    stopiti v zvézo z (zvezati se z) to ally oneself to (ali with), to enter into an alliance, to form an alliance
    stopiti v zvéze z to enter into relations with
    vzdrževati trgovske (prijateljske) zvéze z to entertain (ali to maintain) commercial (friendly) relations with
    zamuditi (železniško) zvézo to miss one's connection