kvás leaven (tudi figurativno); (penast) yeast
kruh brez kvása unleavened bread
(o pivu) ki ima okus po kvásu yeast-bitten
kvásen yeasty
Zadetki iskanja
- lagóden easy; comfortable; snug; pogovorno cushy; leisurely
lagóden sprehod (brez cilja) a leisurely stroll - lás lasjé hair; (ščetina) bristle
brez las hairless, (plešast) bald
kratki (dolgi) lás, lasjéje short (long) hair
gosti (redki) lás, lasjéje thick (thin) hair
kodrasti (gladki) lás, lasjéje curly (straight) hair
tanek kot lás, lasjé hair-thin; as fine as a hair
za las natančno to a hair, to a T
niti za las boljši not a bit (ali whit) better
beljeni lasje bleached hair
valoviti lasje wavy hair
rdeči lasje red hair, žargon carrots pl
na balin ostriženi lasje hair cut close to the skull
negovani lasje well-groomed hair
plavi (blond) lasje fair hair
umetni lasje false hair
za lasé privlečen (figurativno) far-fetched, strained
za lás, lasjé within (ali by) a hair's breadth; narrowly, nearly
beljenje las bleaching of hair
barva las colo(u)r of hair
barva za lase hair dye
sredstvo za krepitev lás, lasjé hair restorer
čop las tress, braid, pigtail
kita las braid of hair
čop las tuft of hair
izpadanje las hair loss, loss of hair, fall of the hair
pranje las shampoo, shampooing
losjon za lás, lasjéé hair lotion, hair tonic
pomada za lás, lasjéé pomade
puder za lás, lasjéé hair powder
navijač za lás, lasjéé wave clip, curler, curl clip, (iz papirja) curlpaper
klešče za kodranje lás, lasjé curling tongs pl, curling iron
rast las growth of hair
striženje las haircut, haircutting
sušílec za lás, lasjéé (fen) electric hairdryer, dryer
mrežica za lás, lasjéé hairnet
nakit za lás, lasjéé ornament for the hair
ščetka za lás, lasjéé hairbrush
trak za lás, lasjéé ribbon, bow for the hair
koder las curl, ringlet, lock
sredstvo za odstranjevanje las depilatory
biti si v lás, lasjééh z to be at loggerheads with, to be at daggers drawn with, (gledé, zaradi) over
lasje mi izpadajo my hair is thinning
delati sive lás, lasjéé komu (figurativno) to prove a headache for someone, to turn someone's hair grey
ne si delati sivih las glede, zaradi not to distress oneself about something
lás, lasjéé si puliti to tear one's hair
izgubiti lás, lasjéé to lose one's hair
(po)česati si lás, lasjéé to comb one's hair
urediti si lás, lasjéé, sfrizirati si lás, lasjéé to do (ali to dress) one's hair, ZDA to fix one's hair, to set one's hair
pristriči lás, lasjéé to trim the hair
razpustiti (si) lás, lasjéé to let one's hair down
(po)vleči koga za lás, lasjéé to pull someone's hair
imeti plave, blond lás, lasjéé to have fair hair
dati si ostriči lás, lasjéé to have (ali to get) one's hair cut
skočiti si v lás, lasjéé (figurativno) to come to blows; VB žargon to get stuck in
to je nekoliko za lás, lasjéé privlečeno that's a little far-fetched
lasje se mi ježé I feel my hair standing on end
lasje so se mi ježili my hair stood on end
pepelnato pobarvati lás, lasjéé to dye the hair grey
za lás, lasjé je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was within a hair's breadth, it was a near thing
za las je šlo! that was a touch too near (for comfort)!
niti lás, lasjéú ji niso skrivili they didn't harm a hair of her head, not a hair on her head has been touched
on ne bi nikomur skrivil lasá he would not hurt (ali harm) a fly
za lás, lasjéé privleči to drag in by the head and shoulders, to force in
oprati si lás, lasjéé to wash one's hair
za las uiti to have a narrow (ali a hairbreadth) escape, to have a narrow (ali close, tight) squeeze
za las smo ušli smrti we were within a hair's breadth of being killed, we just escaped death by the skin of our teeth
za lás, lasjé zgrešiti to miss by a hair
ni vredno, da si delate sive lás, lasjéé glede tega it is not worth while worrying yourself to death over it
to visi (je) na lás, lasjéu zdaj it is touch and go now
ta otrok mi dela sive lás, lasjée (figurativno) this child is a great worry (ali trial) to me - lepák bill, poster; placard
reklamni lepák (advertising) poster
volilni lepák election poster
papir za lepáke poster paper
lepilec lepákov billposter, billsticker
nalepiti lepák to post a bill (ali a placard), to placard, (brez dovoljenja) to flypost
objaviti na lepáku to placard
deska za lepáke billboard, hoarding - lésk lustre; brilliance, -cy; gloss
brez léska lustreless
da(ja)ti čemu léska to throw (ali to shed) lustre on something, to lustre something - lèt aeronavtika flight
prvi lèt maiden flight
poskusen lèt trial flight, (novega letala) shakedown flight
slepi lèt blind flight
lèt v višino soaring flight
lèt brez postanka nonstop flight - letálo aeroplane, plane, ZDA airplane; aircraft; flying machine; (veliko tudi) ship
letálo taksi taxiplane
enomotorno, večmotorno letálo one-engined, multiengined airplane
borbeno, bojno letálo fighter plane, fighter, strike aircraft
bombno letálo, bombnik bomber plane, bomber
enosedežno letálo single seater
izvidno letálo scout
lovsko letálo, lovec fighter, interceptor
potniško letálo passenger plane, airliner
hitro potniško letálo high speed passenger airplane
jadralno letálo glider, sailplane
raketno nadzvočno letálo supersonic rocket-powered airplane
vodno letálo seaplane, hydroplane
lahko letálo light aircraft, ZDA vojska žargon grasshopper
veliko, linijsko letálo airliner
letálo na dolge proge long-range plane
gigantsko letálo giant airplane
poštno letálo mail plane
reaktivno letálo jet plane, jet
tovorno letálo air-freighter, freight plane
sanitetno letálo ambulance plane
serijsko letálo production plane
brezrepno letálo tailless airplane
poskusno letálo test plane
letalonosilsko letálo carrier-borne aircraft
transportno letálo transport plane, ZDA sky truck
matično letálo supply plane
v letálu, na letálu aboard
raketno letálo rocket plane, jetrocket plane, rocket-propelled airplane
oborožitev letála armament of an aircraft
posadka letála flight crew, aircrew
tovarna letal aircraft factory, aircraft plant
trup letála fuselage, body, frame
razbitine letála aircraft wreckage
padec, zrušitev letála (brez mrtvih ali težko poškodovanih) crack-up, (z mrtvimi) (plane) crash
sestreliti letálo to bring down an aircraft
ugrabitelj letála hijacker (of an airliner)
ugrabiti letálo to hijack an airliner
ugrabitev letála hijacking
letálo za polete v veliki višini stratocruiser - ležêren leisurely
ležêren sprehod (brez cilja) a leisurely stroll - lístje leaves pl; foliage
brez lístja leafless
v lístju (v zelenju) in leaf
odpadanje lístja fall of leaves - lístnica notecase, portfolio, pocketbook, wallet; ZDA billfold
debela lístnica (figurativno) a bulging wallet
patentna lístnica zip notecase
minister brez lístnice minister without portfolio - ljubézenski of love, love-; erotic
ljubézensko koprnenje fond yearning
ljubézenski napoj love potion, love philtre
ljubézensko pismo love letter
ljubézenska zadeva, ljubézensko razmerje love affair, affair
ljubézenska pesem love poem
imeti ljubézenske bolečine, skrbi to be lovelorn, lovesick
začeti ljubézenske odnose z (žargon) to get off with
ljubézenska igra brez koitusa petting, žargon snogging (igrati tako ljubézensko igro to pet, žargon to snog) - lómljenec quarry stone
zid iz lómljenca (brez malte) drystone wall - lovíti to hunt; to chase; (zasledovati) to pursue; to race
divje, brez dovoljenja lovíti to poach
lovíti ribe to fish
lovíti miši to catch mice
lovíti postrvi to fish for trout
bolje je drži ga kot lovi ga a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
lovíti se (igra) to play at cat and mouse, to play at catching, to have a game of tag - mádež stain, spot; soil (tudi figurativno), (moralni) blemish, (majhen) speck; (sramotni) slur; mineralogija macula, macle
mádež od čaja a tea stain
brez mádeža stainless, spotless, taintless
poln tintnih mádežev ink-stained
sramotni mádež stigma, pl -s, -mata; taint
očistiti od mádežev to clean stains
odstraniti mádež to remove a stain
to blago bo v dežju dobilo mádeže that material will spot in rain
belo platno dobi hitro mádeže white linen spots easily
izvlekel se je iz zadeve brez mádeža na svojem ugledu he has come out without a stain on his reputation
vreči mádež na... to cast a slur on...
se ta mádež vidi? does this spot show? - málta mortar
brez málte mortarless
ometati z málto to mortar - maníra
1. (olika) manners pl
brez maníre ill-mannered
lepih manír well-mannered
imeti slabe maníre to have bad manners
nimaš nobenih manír? have you no manners?
on ima zelo lepe maníre he has very gentlemanly manners, he is quite a gentleman
ne maram njegovih manír I don't like his behaviour
2. (način, ponavljana oblika) manner - máti mother
stara máti grandmother, pogovorno granny, grannie, gran, (otroško) nana
máti Zemlja Mother Earth
brezsrčna máti unnatural mother
máti božja religija Mother of God, Our Lady, Holy Virgin
máti žalosti religija Our Lady of Sorrows
pisana máti (mačeha) stepmother
krušna máti foster mother
nezakonska máti unmarried mother
rodna máti one's own mother
brez matere motherless
posvetovalnica za matere maternity department, pogovorno maternity, (pred porodom) antenatal clinic
morilec, umor matere matricide
brat po materi uterine brother
postati máti to become a mother
držati se matere za krilo to cling to one's mother's apron strings
kot máti skrbeti za koga to mother someone - méč sword
dvorezen méč double-edged sword
méč dvoročnik two-handed sword
méču podoben sword-like
ročaj méča (sword) hilt
pas za méč sword belt
nosilec méča sword-bearer
nožnica méča scabbard, sheath
rana od méča sword cut
udarec z méčem stroke of the sword
z ognjem in méčem by fire and sword
na konici méča (figurativno) at the point of the sword
z golim méčem with drawn sword
ples (plesalec) z méči sword dance (dancer)
z méčem v roki sword in hand
brez udarca z méčem without striking a blow
izvleči, potegniti méč (iz nožnice) to draw the sword
nasaditi se, vreči se na méč to hurl oneself on one's sword
spopasti se z méči to cross swords
uničiti z ognjem in méčem to annihilate (ali to destroy) with fire and sword
vtakniti méč v nožnico to sheathe the sword (tudi figurativno) - mesečína moonlight, moonshine
brez mesečíne moonless
obsijan od mesečíne bathed in moonlight, moonlit
hoja v mesečíni (bolezen) sleepwalking, somnambulism - metóda method; form of procedure; system; manner
ta knjiga je napisana brez metóde this is a disjointed book
vsak ima svojo metódo every one has his own way of doing things
uporabiti novo metódo to apply (ali to adopt) a new method