
Zadetki iskanja

  • podróben detailed; in detail; minute; at great length; full; (izčrpen) exhaustive
  • podúhati to smell (kaj at something), to take a sniff at something; to sniff (at)

    podúhati vrtnico to smell a rose
  • podvòz (cestni) underpass; road leading under another road or railway at a crossing
  • podzavéstno subconsciously; at the back of one's mind
  • podžágati to saw through something at the base
  • pokúkati to peep (noter in, v into); to get a peep at

    pokúkati iz to peep out of, to peer out
    pokúkati čez to peep over, to peer over
  • politéhnik student at a polytechnic
  • polnovréden full; perfect; up to standard; undepreciated; at full value
  • pomudíti se to stay at (in, with); figurativno to dwell (pri on)
  • ponjúhati to smell, to sniff; to sniff at

    ponjuhal je ščepec tobaka in kihnil he took a pinch of snuff and sneezed
  • ponóči at night, by night, in the night

    danes ponóči (drevi) tonight
    danes ponóči (preteklo noč) last night
  • poznéje later (on); afterwards; thereafter, hereafter; subsequently; at a later date, at a later stage

    nekoliko poznéje a little later
    prišel bom poznéje I'll come later on
  • pôzno late; at a late hour

    prepozno too late
    pôzno zvečer late in the evening
    hoditi pôzno spat, prihajati pozno domov to keep late hours
    pôzno vstajati to get up late
    pôzno postaja it is getting late
    pôzno se je oženil he got married late in life
    bolje pôzno kot nikoli better late than never
  • prècej1 at once, immediately, instantly; straight off, straightaway

    pridem prècej! (I'm) coming!
    ne morem vam prècej povedati I cannot tell you straight off
  • prekipéti prekipévati to boil over; to brim over; (jeza) to boil with rage, to foam at the mouth, pogovorno to blow one's top, to flip one's lid

    srce mi prekipeva od sreče my heart swells with happiness
    prekipéti, prekipévati od ponosa to be brimming over with pride
    v meni je prekipelo I lost my temper, I lost patience, I flew into a passion
  • premišljevati premíšljati to deliberate; to meditate; to think over; to consider; to ponder (on, over); to revolve in one's mind (ali thoughts); to turn over at length in one's mind; to cogitate; to ruminate; pogovorno to chew it over
  • prepláčan overpaid; bought at too high a price
  • prezírati to despise, to scorn, arhaično to contemn; to disdain, to treat with disdain (ali scorn), to regard with scorn (ali disdain); to look down on; to slight, to spurn; to hold in contempt; arhaično to set at naught; (ne upoštevati) to disregard, to ignore

    prezírati predpise to ignore regulations
    prezírati nevarnost to spurn danger
    žgancev ni preziral he didn't turn his nose up at polenta
  • prikvartáti to win at cards
  • priróčen handy; near at hand

    priróčna knjižnica reference library
    priróčna knjiga reference book, manual, handbook