osirotéti to be left an orphan, to lose one's parents
ôslov of an ass, of a donkey
ôslova koža ass's skin
oškodovánec an impaired (ali a handicapped) person; the wronged party
paktírati to come to terms; to come to an agreement (with), to treat (with); to make an agreement; to agree (on)
paktírati z napadalcem to come to terms with the invader
párog point of an antler; prong of an antler; tine
paróžek point (ali prong) of an antler; tine
personálen personal; dealing with personnel; individual, private; referring to an individual
podmòl space under an overhanging river bank; grotto, pl -to(e)s
poglédati to look at (ali upon); to have a look at; to cast a glance at, to glance, to cast an eye at, pogovorno to take a peep (ali gander, shufti) at
debelo poglédati to open one's eyes wide, to make big eyes at, to stare (ali to gaze) in astonishment, to be all eyes
bežno poglédati to glance at
proč poglédati to look the other way
poglédati okoli sebe to look around
mrko poglédati to frown at
grdó poglédati to give someone a dirty look, to dart ugly looks at (ali upon)
kvišku poglédati to lift up one's eyes
stran poglédati to look the other way
dobro kaj poglédati to take a good look at
skrivaj koga poglédati to steal a look at someone
preteče poglédati to look black
v obraz koga poglédati to look someone full in the face
poglej! look!, behold!, lo!, lo and behold!
lahkó pogledate! you may have (ali take) a look!
morate bliže, bolj od blizu pogledati! you must get a closer look!
poglédati se (sebe) to look at oneself
pogledala sta se they looked at each other
pogledali so se they looked at one another
pogrešíti (napraviti napako) to make a mistake, to commit an error, to blunder; (strpeti brez)
to bom že pogrešil I shall do without it
poíti to run out, to come to an end, to be out of stock
bencin nam je pošel we have run out of petrol (ZDA of gasoline)
to blago nam je pošlo these goods are all sold
zaloge so nam pošle we are out of stock
ogenj je pošel the fire is out
polovíčarstvo (šušmarstvo) bungling, botching; amateurism, figurativno a pill to cure an earthquake
pólúren half an hour's; lasting half an hour
pólúrni interval half an hour's interval, thirty minutes' interval, a thirty-minute interval
pólúrni sprehod half an hour's walk
pomilostíti to amnesty; to grant an amnesty (ali a pardon) (koga to someone); to pardon; to reprieve; to give quarter
pomísliti to think (na of); to imagine, to conceive; to fancy; to consider (na kaj something); to be struck by an idea; to reflect
pomisli! imagine!, fancy!, just think!
pomisli, kaj delaš! think what you are doing!
samó pomislite! just fancy (ali think)!
pomisli, da si na mojem mestu! suppose you were in my place!
na to ni niti pomísliti it is out of the question!
na to še v sanjah ne bi pomislil nothing is further from my mind
čakaj, da pomislim (vidim)! let me see!
niti pomisliti ne smem na to I can't bear the thought of it
pomisli(te) si to!, pomisli(te) kaj takega! fancy that!
če pomislimo, da... considering that...
pomísliti na najhujše to anticipate the worst
ponesréčiti se to meet with (ali to have) an accident
smrtno ponesréčiti se to be killed; to perish; (ne uspeti) to fail, to miscarry
ponesrečilo se mi je I failed
njegov načrt se je ponesrečil his plan miscarried
popísati to make (ali to take) an inventory, to inventory, to list, to catalogue
popísati prebivalstvo to take a census
popísati zaloge (in blago) to take stock
popísovánje making (ali taking) an inventory
popísovánje zalog stocktaking
popívnati to remove (spilt liquid) with an absorbing agent; to blot; to mop up
s krpo popívnati polito kavo to mop up spilt coffee with a cloth
popustíti (ceno) to reduce, to rebate, to make an allowance for, to lower (a price), to deduct, to allow (ali to grant, to make) a reduction (ali concession), to lower one's figure; (bolečina, vročica) to pass off, to ease, to abate; (marljivost) to cool down, to relax, to abate, to fail, to flag; (sili) to yield, to knuckle under (ali down); (mraz) to abate; (napetost) to ease, arhaično to slake off; (veter) to abate, to subside, to calm; (struno, žico) to slacken (and lower the pitch of) a string
popustíti komu to indulge someone
ne popustíti (= odbiti) to persist in, to insist on, not to yield one iota, not to relent, not to remit a point
diciplina je popustila discipline has slackened (ali has weakened)
učenec je popustil v svoji marljivosti the pupil has been slacking
popustíti v ceni to make a reduction in the price
cene so popustile the prices have dropped (ali have come down)
nadzorstvo je popustilo control has been relaxed
nič ne popustíti v svojih zahtevah not to abate one iota of one's pretensions
od naših zahtev ne moremo popustíti we can abate none of our demands
popustíti strastem to give way to one's passions
popustíti vrv to slacken (ali to loosen) a rope