
Zadetki iskanja

  • tíkanje thouing; addressing someone as »thou«
  • tíkati1 to address someone as »thou«, to use the intimate form of address

    tíkati se (med seboj) to address one another as »thou«
    tíkati koga to thou and thee someone
  • tóliko so much (oziroma many); this much, that much; such a number (oziroma an amount, a quantity itd.); as many, so many

    tóliko kolikor as much as
    dvakrat tóliko twice as much (oziroma many)
    še enkrat tóliko as much (oziroma many) again
    še enkrat tóliko dolg as long again
    kolikor tóliko pretty well, fairly
    tóliko bolj (takó) ker... the more so because...
    tóliko bolje (slabše) so much the better (the worse)
    tóliko, da ga niso ubili they almost killed him
    tóliko hujše so much the harder
  • túdi also; too; as well; likewise; so; moreover, in addition

    ne samo... ampak tudi... not only... but also
    jaz túdi I too, me too, so (am) I, so (do) I
    on govori tudi nemško he speaks German too
    túdi tu here too
    túdi ne nor, neither
    lahko prideš in tvoja sestra túdi you can come, and your sister too (ali and so can your sister)
    on prihaja in njegov brat túdi he is coming and his brother is too (ali also ali and so is his brother)
    Moj brat govori angleško. - Jaz tudi. My brother speaks English. - So do I.
    Jaz tega ne morem verjeti. - Mi tudi ne. I cannot believe it. - Neither (ali nor) can we.
    Tega nisem vedel. - Jaz tudi ne. I didn't know that. - Neither did I.
    Tudi če bi to bilo res, ne smeš tega reči Even if it were true you should not say that
    to mislim túdi narediti I mean to do it, too
  • upléniti to take (ali to gain) as booty; to capture; to loot
  • zapleníti to confiscate; to seize; to sequestrate; (za dolg) to impound; to distrain, to attach; vojska to get as booty

    zapleníti komu premoženje to confiscate someone's property
  • zastópati to represent; (nadomestovati) to act as a substitute (koga for someone); to deputize; to act as deputy (for), to be deputy (of), to stand proxy (for)

    odvetnik, ki stalno zastopa stranko retained barrister
  • zastràn (gledé) as regards, as to, with reference to
  • že already; as early as; yet

    ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
    že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
    že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
    že 30 let as long as 30 years
    že včeraj as early as yesterday
    že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
    že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
    že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
    že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
    že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
    že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
    je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
    je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
    ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
    imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
    kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
    že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
    moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
    dan je že it is daylight already
    (do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
    koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
    kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
    kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
    vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
    pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
    on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
    moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
    vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
    si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
    to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
    on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
    o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it!
  • župánstvo mayoralty, term as mayor; mayor's office; rank of a mayor
  • amatêr amateur

    s slikarstvom se ukvarja kot amatêr he paints as a hobby
    amatêrstvo amateurism
  • ambulánten medicina ambulant, ambulatory

    ambulántno zdravljenje treatment as outpatient
  • arénda lease; lease on rent

    dati v aréndo to offer on lease, to put out to lease
    imeti v aréndi to occupy as a tenant
    vzeti v aréndo to take on lease
  • avtoritatíven authoritative

    avtoritatívno mnenje an authoritative opinion
    to je edino avtoritatívno delo o tem vprašanju it is the only authoritative work on the question
    njegovo mnenje je avtoritatívno his opinion is regarded as conclusive
    avtoritativno prislov masterfully, without paying heed to protests
  • baržún velvet, (za klobuke) velour, velure

    bombažno volneni baržún velveteen, cotton velvet
    kockasti baržún (pliš) plush
    svileni baržún silk velvet
    mehek kot baržún velvety, soft as velvet
    tkalec baržúna velvet maker
    tovarna baržúna velvet factory
    trak iz baržúna velvet ribbon
  • bédast stupid, silly, foolish; simple, idiotic ZDA pogovorno dumb; soft-headed; dull; brainless; ridiculous

    nisem tako bédast! I know better!
    tako bédast pa nisem I am not such a fool
    bédast kot noč as stupid as a donkey, as thick as a plank
    bilo je bédasto od mene it was very stupid of me
    ta bédasti natakar that fool of a waiter
  • beséda word; (izraz) expression, term; (izrek) saying; (obljuba) promise

    z besédami in writing
    z drugimi besédami in other words
    z eno besédo in a (ali one) word
    beséda ob (ne)pravem času a word in (out of) season
    in, niti beséde o tem! Pst! and mum's the word!
    in konec besédi! and that's that!
    na dan z besédo! (govori!) spit it out!, out with it, man!, ZDA pogovorno talk turkey!
    prav s temi besédami in so many words
    častna beséda word of honour
    častna beséd! word of honour!, upon ali on my honour!, honestly!
    nobene beséde več! not another word!
    beséda za besédo word for word, literally
    ostre beséde harsh (ali angry) words
    božja beséda gospel
    grde beséde foul language
    lepe beséde fair words
    prazne beséde empty (ali idle) words
    sladke beséde flattering words
    izvedena beséda derivative
    novo skovana beséda newly coined word
    zložena beséda compound word
    same beséde! mere words!
    enozložna beséda monosyllable
    težko izgovorljiva beséda tongue twister
    strokovna beséda technical term
    zelo zastarela beséda obsolete word
    zastarela beséda archaic word, archaism
    človek redkih besédi a man of few words
    spojena beséda portmanteau word (npr. smog = smoke + fog)
    izpeljava besed derivation of words; etymology
    tvorba besed word-formation
    števec besed telefonija word counter
    beséda je o... the point is, the point in question is...
    ne biti mož beséda not to keep one's word
    on je mož beséda he is a man of his word, he is true to his word
    vse to so same prazne beséde that's all idle chatter
    pametnemu je ena beséda dovolj a word to the wise
    beséda je dala besédo one word led to another
    dati svojo (častno) besédo to pledge one's word, to give one's word
    dati komu besédo to allow someone to speak
    biti mož beséda to keep one's word, to be as good as one's word; to be true to one's word
    njegova beséda je zakon (figurativno) what he says goes
    držati svojo besédo to keep one's word
    držal bom svojo besédo I will keep my word
    ni držal svoje beséde he went back on his word
    imam besédo na jeziku I have the word on the tip of my tongue
    ti imaš besédo it is your turn to speak, (na sestanku) you have the floor, you may take the floor
    ne dati drugim beséde to monopolize the conversation
    imeti zadnjo besédo to have the last word
    imeti odločilno (zadnjo) besédo pri to have the final say in
    jaz imam zdaj besédo it's my turn now, now I'll have my say
    imeti véliko besédo to talk big
    on ima glavno besédo he is the spokesman
    v tej stvari nimam nobene beséde več I no longer have any say in this matter
    od lepih besed še nihče ni bil sit fine words butter no parnips
    čim manj je besed, tem bolje je least said soonest mended
    izbirati beséde to pick one's words
    ni izgubljal, tratil besede o... he wasted no words on...
    naglasiti, poudariti besédo to stress (ali to emphasize) a word
    zaman izgubljati beséde to waste words
    izraziti z besédo to word
    niti beséde ni omenil o tem he did not breathe a word of it
    odvzeti komu besédo to stop someone from speaking
    pasti komu v besédo to interrupt someone, to cut short, pogovorno to chip in
    prositi za besédo to beg permission to speak, to ask leave to speak
    prosim za besédo! (ZDA) may I have the floor?
    oprostite besedi! saving your presence!
    prihranite si svoje beséde! save your breath
    sploh me ne pusti do beséde he does not let me a word in edgeways
    priti do beséde to get a word in edgeways
    ne priti z besédo na dan (žargon) to beat about the bush
    nisem mogel priti do beséde I couldn't get a word in
    prijeti koga za besédo to take someone at his word
    ne najdem (ne morem najti) besed I am at a loss for words
    tudi beséde resnice ni v tem there is not a word of truth in it
    prevračati beséde to quibble over words
    lastne beséde človek ne more slišati v tem hrupu in this din you can't hear yourself speak
    snesti svojo besédo not to keep one's word, to break one's word
    reči dobro besédo za koga to intercede in someone's favour, to say a good word for someone, to plead for someone
    premisliti beséde to ponder one's words
    skovati besédo to coin a word
    ne upati si z besédo na dan žargon to beat about the bush
    pretehtati svoje beséde to mind one's p's and q's, to ponder one's words
    vzeti komu besédo iz ust to take the words out of someone's mouth
    zastaviti svojo besédo arhaično to pledge one's word (ali honour)
    zastaviti dobro besédo za koga to put in a word for someone
    umakniti svojo besédo to retract one's word, to go back on one's promise
    verjeti na besédo to take on trust
    ubogati na besédo to obey to the letter
    lahko mi verjamete na besédo you may take my word for it; you can believe every word I say
    vleči beséde to drawl
    tudi beséde ni rekel he never said a word (ali žargon humoristično a dicky bird)
    reči besédo o pravem času to drop a timely hint; arhaično to say a word in season
    človek se lahkó zanese na njegovo besédo his word is as good as his bond
    izvleči se z lepimi besédami to talk one's way out
    dobiti besédo to have leave to speak, to be allowed to speak; parlament to catch the Speaker's eye
    (takrat) ni znal beséde angleški he could not then speak a word of English
    beséde ne ziniti to button up one's mouth
    iskal sem to besédo pri več avtorjih I have looked that word up in several authors
    beséda ni konj (figurativno) hard words break no bones
  • besedílo wording; text

    besedílo je naslednje the wording is as follows; the text reads as follows
  • bežáti to flee; to run away, to fly; to take to flight, to make one's escape

    bežáti pred (izogibati se) to avoid, to shun, (knjižno) to flee from
    kako čas beži! how time flies!
    bežal je, kar so ga noge nesle he ran as fast as his legs could carry him
    sovražnik je bežal v popolnem neredu the enemy was fleeing in a panic
    Beži(te) (pojdite no!) be off with you!
  • bik bull

    močan kot bik as strong as a horse
    draženje bika bull-baiting
    zgrabiti bika za roge (figurativno) to take the bull by the horns
    z bikom se ni bosti (figurativno) he that sups with the devil must have a long spoon
    plemenski bik service bull