
Zadetki iskanja

  • razbíti to break in pieces; to crash (ali to dash, to smash, to shatter, to knock) in pieces; (ključavnico) to force

    razbíti okno to shatter a window
    razbíti na tisoč koščkov to smash (ali to break, to batter) to (ali into) smithereens
    razbíti se to break in pieces; to be smashed; (ladja) to be shipwrecked, to suffer shipwreck, to founder; (upanja) to fall (ali to be dashed) to the ground
  • razdálja distance (od from)

    razdálja med 2 hišama the distance between two houses
    zavorna razdálja stopping distance
    žariščna razdálja focal length
    držati razdáljo (tudi figurativno) to keep one's distance
    na 15 m razdálje ne vidim nič at 15 metres' distance I can see nothing
    držati koga v razdálji (= proč od sebe) to keep someone at a distance
  • razdelítev distribution; repartition; division; dispensation; (vlog v gledališču) casting; classification

    razdelítev na stopinje graduation
    blokovska razdelítev sveta division of the world into power blocks
  • razkazoválec shower; exhibitor

    razkazoválec medveda (na sejmih itd.) bear-leader
  • razkláti to split; to cleave; to slit; to rip up, to rip open

    razkláti (se) na dvoje to split in two
  • razkropíti to disperse; to scatter

    razkropíti se to disperse, to scatter
    razkropíti se na vse vetrove to be scattered to the four winds
  • razlágati to explain; to explicate; to interpret; to comment; (s primeri) to illustrate; to expound (biblijo the Bible)

    ne morem si tega razlágati I am at a loss to understand it
    na široko razlágati to expatiate
  • razmére pl circumstances pl, conditions pl; (odnosi) relations pl

    v teh razmérah in (ali under) these circumstances
    po sili razmér of necessity
    napete razmére (odnosi) strained relations pl
    živeti preko svojih razmér to live beyond one's income (ali one's means)
    živeti v dobrih razmérah to live in good circumstances
    v ugodnih razmérah under favourable conditions
    gledé na današnje razmére in view of present conditions
    to je odvisno od razmér that depends on circumstances
    izboljšati ljudstvu življenjske razmére to improve the standard of living of the people
    ne moremo nadaljevati z delom v takih razmérah we cannot go on with the work under such conditions (ali circumstances)
    razmére so se močnó spremenile things have changed very much
    sprijazniti se z razmérami, prilagoditi se razméram to adapt someone to circumstances
    treba je živeti svojim razméram primerno (figurativno) one must cut one's coat according to one's cloth
    splošne razmére general conditions pl
  • razobésiti to hang out; to hoist

    razobésiti belo zastavo to hang out the white flag
    razobésiti na veliki zvon (figurativno) to cry (ali to shout), to publish from the housetops, to announce with loud pounding of the drum
  • razpéti

    razpéti jadra to set (ali to spread) sail
    razpéti na križ to crucify
    razpéti šotor to pitch a tent; (tkanino na okvir) to stretch on tenterhooks
    z razpetimi jadri under sail
    z vsemi razpetimi jadri with all sails spread; (platno) to stretch, to extend
  • razpétje stretching, strain, straining

    razpétje na križ crucifying; (šotora) pitching
  • razpolága razpoláganje disposal; free use of

    na razpolágo (za) available (for)
    imam na razpolágo I have at my disposal
    na vašo razpolágo at your disposal
    biti komu na razpolágo to be at someone's disposal
    imeti kaj na razpolágo to have something at one's disposal
    ves denar, ki ga imam na razpolágo all the money I have at my disposal
    dati komu svojo hišo na razpolágo to make someone free of one's house
    razpolága, razpoláganje z dohodkom disposing of income
    razpolága, razpoláganje z družbenimi sredstvi use of social resources
  • razpoložênje humour; mood; disposition; temper; frame of mind

    častnik na razpoložênju officer on half-pay
    veselo (potrto) razpoložênje high (low ali poor) spirits pl
    v sijajnem razpoložênju in magnificent spirits
    dati koga na razpoložênje to detach someone
  • razpótje crossroads, crossing; parting of the ways; intersection

    na razpótju at the crossroads
    biti na razpótju (figurativno) to stand at the crossroads (ali at the parting of the ways), to be undecided
  • razpršíti to spray; to atomize; to dispel, to disperse, to dissipate; to sprinkle

    razpršíti komu dvome to dispel someone's doubts
    razpršíti se na vse vetrove to be scattered to the four winds
  • razstáva exhibition, exposition; fair; (manjša) show, display; (prostori) showrooms pl

    na razstávi on display
    mednarodna razstáva International Exhibition
    svetovna razstáva Universal Exhibition, World Fair
    industrijska, obrtna razstáva industrial exhibition
    poljedelska razstáva agricultural show
    razstáva cvetlic, vrtnarska razstáva flower show
    avtomobílska razstáva motor exhibition, motor show
    umetniška razstáva art exhibition
    slikarska razstáva exhibition of paintings
    potujoča razstáva travelling show
    konjska razstáva horse show
    razstáva psov dog show
    živinska razstáva cattle show
    primerek za razstávo showpiece, exhibit
    biti na razstávi to be on show
    razstáva se je pravkar zaključila the exhibition has just closed
  • raztréščiti to dash (to pieces), to smash, to shatter, to crush

    raztréščiti stol to smash a chair
    raztréščiti se to be dashed (ali smashed, wrecked), to be smashed to smithereens, to be battered to pieces
    na koščke raztréščiti to smash in pieces
    čoln se bo raztreščil ob skali the boat will be battered against the rock
    vihar je raztreščil ladjo the ship was shattered by the storm
  • raztŕgati to tear up, to rip open, (z zobmi) to tear, to rip (apart)

    raztŕgati v kose to tear to pieces, to rip to pieces; to tear to tatters; to tatter, to rend, to rend in pieces (ali apart, asunder)
    raztŕgati na dvoje to tear in two
    raztŕgati si obleko na žeblju to tear one's clothes on a nail
    raztŕgati dopisnico na koščke to tear up a postcard in small pieces; (čevlje, obleko) to wear out
    raztŕgati se to rip, to rend, to tear
    rajši bi se pustil raztŕgati na kose, kot da bi priznal he would rather let himself be cut to pieces than admit it
  • razuméti to understand; to comprehend, to get, to make out; to grasp, to apprehend, to take in

    napačno razuméti to misunderstand, to mistake
    ne razumem vas čisto I don't quite follow you
    dobro se razumem z njim I get on well with him
    tega ne razumem this is beyond me, this is beyond my comprehension, I cannot make head or tail of it
    ali naj razumem, da...? am I to take it that...?
    me razumeš? do you get me?
    (že) razumem I see, I understand
    razuméti! radio roger!
    ne razumem se na konje I have no experience with horses
    nisem mogel prav razuméti njegovega imena I could not catch his name
    me razumeš?, si me razumel? do you understand me?, pogovorno got the idea?, pogovorno O.K.?
    to se razume that's understood, of course!, I quite see!
    slabo ste razumeli you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick
    ne razumite me napačno don't get me wrong
    to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course, that stands to reason, that goes without saying
    on se razume na to he is clever at it, he is well versed in it, he is at home in it, he is well experienced (ali skilled) in it
    naj me vrag vzame, če razumem! I'll eat my hat if I understand that!
    z njim se ni možno razuméti there is no dealing with him
    napačno me razumete you mistake me
    ona hitro razumeva she is quick-witted
    on počasi razumeva he is dull-witted
    on ne razume šale he can't take a joke
    dobro se razuméti na posle to know one's business
    brez nadaljnjega se razume, da... it is an understood thing that...
    dobro se razuméti s kom to stand well with someone
    dobro se razumejo they get on well together, they get on (ali along) with one another, they are on good terms
    ne razumejo se med seboj they are at odds (ali at variance)
    ne razumejo se preveč they don't take to one another much
    razuméti se kot pes in mačka (figurativno) to get on like cat and dog
    dali smo jim razuméti we gave them to understand
    dali so mi razuméti, da... I was given to understand that...
    tega nisem prav nič razumel (figurativno) I could not make head or tail of it
    da, razumel sem! aeronavtika roger!
  • razvíti razvíjati to develop (tudi fotografija); (sposobnosti) to evolve; (odmotati) to unfold (papir paper); (zastavo, jadro) to unfurl, to hoist; to spread, to unroll; (misli) to set forth; (program) to put forward; (plin) to release; matematika, funkcijo to develop

    popolnoma razvíti, razvíjati to bring to full development
    razvíti, razvíjati svoje poglede na... (na predmet) to develop one's views on... (on a subject)
    razvíti, razvíjati svoje načrte poslušalcem to develop one's plans for an audience
    motor razvije 5 konjskih moči the engine develops 5 horsepower
    razvíti, razvíjati se to develop, to make progress, to grow, to evolve (iz from), (nastati) to originate, to arise, to take rise (from)
    razvíti, razvíjati trgovino to promote trade
    razvíti, razvíjati si mišice to develop one's muscles
    razvíti, razvíjati socialistične samoupravne odnose to promote socialist self-management relations