
Zadetki iskanja

  • absorbirati (tekočino, toploto, svetlobo) to absorb, to imbibe, to soak up, to suck in, to suck up; kemija (plin) to occlude; (hrano) to absorb, to consume; (prevzeti, zaposliti) to engage, to occupy, to engross
  • absórpcija absorption

    absorpcíjski absorption; absorptive
  • absorptíven absorptive

    absorptívnost absorptivity
  • abstergènt abstergent

    abstérzija abstersion
  • abstinénca abstention (from); abstinence, abstinency (from); (skromnost) abstemiousness; (pri glasovanju) abstention

    popolna abstinénca total abstinence; teetotalism; water drinking
  • abstinénčen abstentious

    abstinénčen dan day of abstinence
  • abstinént(ka) abstainer

    popoln abstinént(ka) total abstainer; teetotal(l)er; water drinker
    abstinéntski abstinent
  • abstinírati se to abstain (from)

    abstinírati se od alkoholnih pijač, od mesa to abstain from alcohol ali strong drink, ZDA liquor; from meat
  • abstrahírati to abstract (od from); to leave out of account (ali out of consideration); filozofija to generalize
  • abstrákcija abstraction

    četrta dimenzija je čista abstrákcija the fourth dimension is a mere abstraction
  • abstrákten abstract

    abstrákte vede abstract sciences
    abstraktíven abstractive
  • abstráktno prislov in the abstract; abstractedly
  • abstráktum gramatika abstract
  • abstrúzen abstruse

    abstruznost abstruseness
  • absúrd absurdum; absurdity

    pritirati, privesti do absúrda to carry to absurd lengths, to reduce to absurdity
    drama absúrda theatre of the absurd
  • absúrden absurd

    absurdno absurdly
  • absúrdnost absurdity; absurdness

    to bi bil višek absúrdnosti it would be the height of absurdity
  • abundánca abundance

    abundánten abundant
  • abuzíven abusive

    abuzivno prislov abusively
  • abúzus abuse

    abúzus (zloraba) zaupanja breach of trust
    abúzus oblasti abuse of power