
Zadetki iskanja

  • volítev volítve pl election, elections pl; poll; balloting; polling

    ožja volítev, volítve second (ali final) ballot
    spodbijana, sporna volítev, volítve disputed (ZDA contested) election
    priti v ožjo volítev, volítve to be on a short list
    volítve v zvezne organe elections for federal agencies
    javne volítve (glasovanje) open voting
    tajne volítve (glasovanje) secret ballot
    občinske volítve municipal elections
    splošne volítve general election, parliamentary elections
    dopolnilne (delne) volítve byelection
    dan volítev election day, polling day
    neveljavne volítve void election
    visoka (nizka) udeležba na volítvah heavy (light) poll
    razpisati (nove) volítve to issue writs for an election, (figurativno) to go to the country
    snubiti glasove pri volítvah to canvass, to solicit votes, to electioneer
    iti na volítve to go to the polls, (kandidat) to stand for election
    poraziti koga pri volítvah to defeat someone at the polls
    izgubiti mandat na volítvah to lose one's seat, to be unseated
    volítve so odložene the poll is postponed
    delavska stranka vodi pri volítvah the Labour party is in the lead
    razglasiti, objaviti rezultat volítev to declare the result of the election
    biti poražen na volítvah to be defeated at the polls
    dobiti največje število glasov pri volítvah to get most votes, to head (ali to top) the poll
  • vólja will; will power; volition; (želja) wish, pleasure; (razpoloženje) mood, temper, frame of mind, vein, humour; (namera) intention, mind

    po vólji at will, at pleasure
    proti moji (lastni) vólji against my (own) will
    proti vólji (nerad) with a bad grace, unwillingly
    po moji mili vólji to my heart's desire (ali content), at my own sweet will, arhaično to the top of my bent
    za božjo vóljo! for goodness' sake!, good gracious!, for God's sake!, for heaven's sake!
    slabe vólje moody
    svobodna vólja free will
    iz lastne vólje of one's own volition
    zadnja vólja (oporoka) last will, (will and) testament
    drage vólje most willingly
    železna vólja iron will
    po lastni vólji of one's own will (ali accord)
    ljudje dobre vólje men of good will
    biti na vóljo to be at hand
    biti komu na vóljo to be at someone's disposal
    biti dobre (slabe) vólja to be in a good (bad) temper (ali humour), to be of good cheer (in a bad mood)
    če te je vólja if you care, if you are so minded, if you are willing
    ni me vólja I don't care
    slabe vólje je he is out of humour
    nisem pri vólji za (kaj) I am not in the humour for (sth)
    pri najboljši vólji se ne morem spomniti I can't for the life of me remember
    stori po svoji vólji! do as you like!
    to je moja poslednja vólja (napisana oporoka) this is my last will and testament
    storil sem to proti svoji vólji I did it unwillingly (ali reluctantly)
    spraviti koga v dobro vóljo to put someone in a good humour
    spravil me je v slabo vóljo he made me cross
    on vedno uveljavi svojo vóljo he always has his own way (ali gets what he wants)
    pokvariti komu dobro vóljo to ruffle someone's temper
    on nima nobene (svoje) vólje he has no will of his own
    pri najboljši vólji tega ne moremo napraviti with the best will in the world we just cannot do it
    nekako me je vólja, da bi (šel) I have half a mind to (go)
    on je brez vsake (svoje) vólje (figurativno) he is a mere rubber stamp
    svojo slabo vóljo je stresel name he vented his spleen on me
    kjer je vólja, je (tudi) moč where there's a will there's a way
    zgodi se tvoja vólja religija thy will be done!
  • vólk zoologija wolf, pl wolves

    morski vólk (riba) wolf fish, (star mornar) old sea-dog, (figurativno) old salt, an old weather-beaten tar; medicina (odrgnjena koža) gall, excoriation; (igrača, vrtavka) top
    vólk v ovčji koži wolf in sheep's clothing
    lovec na vólkove wolf hunter
    krdelo vólkov wolf pack
    lačen sem kot vólk I am ravenous
    biti lačen kot vólk to be as hungry as a wolf
    iti na lov na vólkove, loviti vólkove to go wolf hunting
    nasititi vólka in ohraniti kozo (figurativno) to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
    ne more biti vólk sit in koza cela (figurativno) you can't have it both ways
    ali vólk lahko spremeni svojo naravo? can the leopard change his spots?
    z vólkovi je treba tuliti (figurativno) one must do in Rome as the Romans do
  • vpíti1 (kričati) to shout, to cry, to scream

    na vse grlo, na vso moč vpíti to shout at the top of one's voice (ali of one's lungs)
    vpíti do hripavosti to shout (ali to scream) oneself hoarse
    vpíti na pomoč to call (out) for help
    vpíti od veselja to shout for (ali with) joy
    vpíti po maščevanju to cry out for revenge
    vpíti od smeha (od bolečin) to shout with laughter (with pain)
    v nebo vpijoč crying (to heaven)
    v nebo vpijoča krivica crying injustice
    vpíte (kričeče) barve screaming colours pl
  • vŕh2 (predlog)

    vŕh tega besides, in addition, moreover
    vŕh vsega on top of everything, to top everything
    vŕh strehe on top of the roof
  • zadíhati to breathe (again); figurativno to feel at ease (again); to respire

    zadíhati se to gasp for breath (ali for air); to become winded
    bil je precéj zadihan, ko je dosegel vrh he was fairly winded on reaching the top
  • zasópel out of breath, winded, panting, gasping (for breath)

    bil je precéj zasópel, ko je prišel na vrh he was gasping for breath when he reached the top
    zasóplo dihati to be puffing and panting
  • zložljív folding

    zložljív cilinder opera hat, collapsible top hat
    zložljív čoln folding boat, collapsible boat, canoe
    zložljíva (poljska) postelja folding bed
    zložljív stol folding chair
    zložljíva streha collapsible roof