prilésti to creep up; to approach creeping
prilésti na dan to come out
Zadetki iskanja
- príti prihájati to come; (dospeti) to arrive (at, in); (pojaviti se) to turn up, to put in an appearance
príti, prihájati do to come to, to get to, to reach
príti, prihájati po kaj, koga to come for (ali to fetch) someone, something
príti, prihájati noter to come in
príti, prihájati skupaj to meet
príti, prihájati nazaj to come back, to return
príti, prihájati ob (denar) to lose (one's money)
ne príti, prihájati z besedo na dan (figurativno) to beat about the bush
príti, prihájati na dan to come (ali to be brought) to light
príti, prihájati bliže to come near, to approach
príti, prihájati z dežja pod kap (figurativno) to jump from the frying pan into the fire
ta beseda pride iz grščine this word is derived (ali comes) from Greek
príti, prihájati nad koga to befall someone
ne príti, prihájati blizu to keep (ali to hold) aloof, to keep one's distance
príti, prihájati peš to come on foot
sem je prišel peš, na konju, z avtom he walked, he rode, he drove here
príti, prihájati do krize to come to a head
odkod pride ladja? where does the boat hail from?
príti, prihájati na izpit to present oneself for an examination
najhujše še pride! the worst (of it) is yet to come!
príti, prihájati med ljudi to mix with other people
odkod to pride? how comes that?
naj pride, kar hoče! come what may!, whatever may happen!
tako ne boš prišel naprej this is not going to get you very far
prišlo mi je na pamet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, it crossed my mind
príti, prihájati v rabo to come into use
príti, prihájati k sebi to recover one's senses, (iz nezavesti) to come to, to come round, to come to oneself
kdor prej pride, prej melje first come first served
príti, prihájati komu v roke, v pest (figurativno) to fall into someone's hands
príti, prihájati zopet do sape to recover one's breath
to pride na isto that amounts to the same thing, pogovorno it all boils down to the same thing
príti, prihájati na svoje stroške to cover one's expenses
príti, prihájati komu na sled to get on someone's track
kako si prišel na to? how did you come to think of that?, what ever put that into your head?
nikoli ne bo prišlo do tega it will never come to that
pridi(te) z menoj! come (along) with me!
príti, prihájati do sporazuma to reach an understanding
prišel bom po tebe I'll call for you
včeraj mi je prišel povedat he came and told me yesterday
moja ura je prišla (figurativno) my hour has come
príti, prihájati komu na ušesa to reach someone's ears
kdo pride na vrsto? whose turn is it?
prišlo bo do vojne we shall have war, it will come to war
príti, prihájati do pretepa to come to blows
príti, prihájati na svet to come into the world, to be born
príti, prihájati na beraško palico to be reduced to beggary, to fall on evil days
slučajno príti, prihájati to happen ta come
príti, prihájati na vrsto to have one's turn
príti, prihájati na svoj račun to profit, to benefit (pri, ob by)
zelo prav príti, prihájati to come in very handy
príti, prihájati kot poklican, kot nalašč to arrive opportunely
príti, prihájati v poštev to come into consideration
ne príti, prihájati v poštev to be irrelevant (ali to be beside the point)
príti, prihájati do zaključka to reach a conclusion, to decide
ne pridi mi več pred oči! I will never see you again!
iz tega ne bo prišlo nič nothing will come of it
na to jaz ne bi bil nikoli prišel that would never have occurred to me
prišlo je čisto drugače it turned out quite differently
slučajno sem prišel na to I found it out accidentally
príti, prihájati do odločitve to come to a decision
priti v modo to come into fashion
príti, prihájati v denarno stisko to be hard up, to run short of money
prepozno príti, prihájati to be (too) late
príti, prihájati na spregled to turn up, to make one's appearance
príti, prihájati k zavesti to come to one's senses
kolikokrat prideš skupaj z njim? how often do you meet him?
nesreča nikoli ne pride sama misfortunes never come singly
to pride od tvojega dolgega ležanja v postelji that comes of your staying in bed so long - pronícati preníkati to trickle through; to ooze out
pronícati, preníkati na dan (figurativno) to leak out
resnica (skrivnost) je pronikla na dan the truth (the secret) has trickled out (has leaked out) - pròst free, (na prostosti) free, at liberty, at large; (vstop) free; (brezplačen) gratuitous, free of expense; (dovoljen) permitted, allowed; (neodvisen) independent; (brez zaprek) unhindered, unobstructed, unimpeded; (brez nadzora) uncontrolled; (neprisiljen) unforced, uncompelled, unconstrained, unfettered, unconfined, unshackled; (nezasužnjen) unenslaved; (neujet) uncaught; (spuščen) released, freed, liberated; (nezaposlen) unengaged, unoccupied, disengaged, idle, at leisure, off duty
pròst vseh davkov exempt from all taxes (ali duties)
carine pròsto duty-free, free of duty
pròsta sobota Saturday off, free Saturday
pròst dan an off day, a day off
pròst službe off duty, off work
pròsti čas spare time, leisure hours pl, leisure
pròsta luka free port
pròst prehod free pass
pròsto službeno mesto vacancy
pròst predmet (v šoli) optional subject
pròst vseh skrbi free from all cares
poštnine pròsto prepaid, postpaid, (paket) carriage-paid
pròst prevod free (ali not literal) translation
pròsti pad fizika free fall
pròsti stil (plavanja) free-style (swimming)
pròsti strel šport, nogomet free kick
pròsta rokoborba catch-as-catch-can, all-in wrestling
pròsta trgovina free trade
pròste vaje gymnastic exercises pl, callisthenics pl
pròsta vstopnica free (ali complimentary) ticket
pròst izvod (za avtorja) author's (free) copy, gratis copy, (reklamni) free copy, free specimen, (za knjigarnarja) odd copy
prosto! (= naprej!, vstopite!) come in!, step in!
na prostem in the open air, outdoor, out of doors
plavalni bazen na pròstem open-air swimming pool
s pròstim očesom with the naked eye
v pròsti prodaji off rations, unrationed
vstop pròst! admission free!
prosto za pristanek! aeronavtika cleared for approach!
ob sobotah sem pròst I am free on Saturdays
ste pròsti jutri? are you free tomorrow?
ste pròsti? (taksistu) are you free?, you're not engaged, are you?
nobenega pròstega sedeža ni več bilo there wasn't a single seat left
brž ko bom pròst, vas obiščem as soon as I am free (ali through), I shall call on you
dati prost dan to give someone a day off
na pròsto vam je dano, da se lahko pritožite you are free (ali at liberty) to complain, it's up to you whether or not you complain
vsak teden imam en pròst dan I have a day off every week
dobiti pròst dan to get a day off
jutri bomo imeli pròsto we shall have a day off (ali a free day) tomorrow
imeti pròst dostop do koga to have free access to someone
imate kaj pròstih sob? have you any rooms unoccupied (ali free, available)?
imeti pròsto hrano in stanovanje to have free board and lodging
nimam nič pròstega časa I haven't any time to spare
imeti mnogo pròstega časa to have much time to spare
imeti pròste roke to have a free hand, to have full power
ne imeti pròste minute zase not to have a spare moment for oneself
prenočiti na pròstem to camp out
voziti kolo po klancu navzdol v pròstem teku to freewheel (ali to coast) down a hill
dati pròst polet svoji fantaziji to give one's fancy full scope - pŕvi (the) first; (vodilni) leading; foremost; (glavni) head, front; (najboljši) prime, top, topmost; (pri, sosednji) nearest, adjoining, next-door; (odličen) eminent
pŕvega marca on the first of March
pŕve dni v mesecu early in the month
pŕvi dan v mesecu the first of the month
na pŕvem mestu in the first place, first and foremost; at first
na pŕvi pogled at first sight
pŕva izvedba, predstava gledališče first night, première
pŕvi učenec (v šoli) top pupil, top boy
pŕvi govor poslanca v parlamentu an M.P.'s maiden speech
pŕva pomoč first aid
pŕvi prišlek the first comer
pŕvo potovanje ladje maiden voyage (ali trip)
pŕvi polet maiden flight
pŕvi (sadni) plodovi first fruits pl, firstlings pl
pŕva izdaja (knjige ipd.) first edition
pŕvi poskus first attempt
pŕvi človek the first man
pŕvi razred (v šoli) first form
pŕvi vzpon (na goro) first ascent, first climbing
Karl I Charles the First
pŕvih šest strani the first six pages
ob pŕvi priliki, priložnosti at the first opportunity
s pŕvo (obratno) pošto (odgovor) by return of post
v pŕvem nadstropju on the first floor
biti pŕvi (voditi) to have the lead
iti (kot) pŕvi to lead the way, to take the lead
kupiti iz pŕve roke to buy firsthand
potovati v pŕvem razredu to travel first
priti med pŕvimi to arrive among the first
kdor pŕvi pride, pŕvi melje (figurativno) first come, first served
imeti pŕvi govor (v parlamentu) to make one's maiden speech
nuditi pŕvo pomoč to render first aid - pustíti (dopustiti) to allow, to permit, to suffer, to yield, not to mind, not to hinder; to let; (opustiti) to give up (ali over), to leave off; to desist from, to abstain from, to refrain from, to forbear; (zapustiti) to leave, to quit, to relinquish, to abandon, to forsake; (izpustiti, spustiti) to let go, to let fly, to let loose; (prenehati, nehati) to drop, to cease, to omit
pustíti delo (o delavcu) to strike, to go on strike, to come out (on strike)
ne pustíti not to allow, not to permit, not to suffer (ali tolerate), to prevent, to hinder
pustíti koga na cedilu to leave someone in the lurch, to forsake someone, to abandon someone
pusti to! leave it alone!, let it be!
pusti to meni! leave it to me!
pusti me pri miru! leave (ali let) me alone!
pusti, naj gre stvar svojo pot! let it take its course!
pusti to tu! leave that here!
pustite ga noter! let him come in!; let him in!
pustite mi, da premislim! let me think it over!
pusti vrata odprta! leave the door open!
pustimo to za prihodnjič! we will leave that for the next time!
pustite me samega! leave me alone!
pustimo to in govorimo o čem drugem! let's drop it and talk of something else!
mi lahko pustite te dokumente dan ali dva? can you let me have those documents for a day or two?
pustil se je oslepariti he let himself be taken in
pusti si časa za premislek! leave yourself time to think!
to me pusti hladnega it leaves me cold
pustil je, da so ga pretepli he let them beat him
pustíti za seboj to leave behind
moral sem pustíti denarnico doma I must have left my purse at home
pustil je vse druge tekmovalce daleč za seboj he has outdistanced (ali has outstripped) all the other competitors
pustíti si rasti brado to grow a beard
pustíti koga v negotovosti to keep (ali to hold) someone in suspense
pustíti iz vida to lose sight of
pustíti koga čakati (pol ure) to keep someone waiting (for half an hour)
pustíti komu proste roke glede... to let someone have a free hand as regards...
ne more pustíti pijače he cannot break himself of the habit of drinking
pustíti si svetovati to listen to advice
pustíti pri starem to stick to the old ways
to se mu mora pustíti you have to grant him that
pusti, da luč gorí leave the light on!
ne se pustíti videti to keep out of sight
živeti in pustíti živeti! live and let live!
ali pusti ali vzemi! take it or leave it!
pustite dve prazni vrsti! leave two lines blank (ali blank lines)!
je oče pustil kako sporočilo? has Father left a message?
računam nate, zato me ne puščaj na cedilu! I count on you, so don't let me down!
pusti, da kdo drug opravi to! (figurativno) ZDA let George do it!
pustíti stroje teči to let the engines rip
pusti te stvari, kakor so! leave these things as they are!
pustil sem, da je avto drvel s polno hitrostjo (pogovorno) I let her rip
pustíti vprašanje odprto to leave the question open - rába use; usage
v rábi in use
v splošni rábi in common use
ne v rábi out of use, disused
s trajno rábo with use
(dober) za rábo (uporaben) fit for use
govorna rába (colloquial) usage
navodila za (upo)rabo directions pl, instructions pl for use
za nobeno rábo good for nothing
on ni za nobeno rábo he is good for nothing, he is no good (at anything)
ne biti v rábi to be out of use, to be disused
biti vsak dan v rábi to be in daily use
to ni za nobeno rábo this is of no use
priti v splošno rábo to come into general use
priti iz rábe to fall (ali to pass) out of use, to fall into disuse - rábiti to use, to make use of; to avail someone (of)
čému rabi to? what is this for?
to se je mnogo rabilo this has seen much service
ne se več rábiti to be out of use, to fall into disuse, to be disused (ali discarded, discontinued)
rábiti se to be used (ali in use, employed)
tega avtomobila ne rabim (= ne potrebujem, nimam kaj početi z njim) I have no use for this car
vsak dan se rábiti to be in daily use - rázen except, with the exception of; but; (knjižno) save
rázen če unless
rázen da except that, (knjižno) save that
rázen tega besides, in addition
vsi rázen enega all but one
vsi rázen mene everyone except (ali but) me
vsi rázen njega everyone except him
nič rázen... nothing but...
rázen v nepredvidenih okoliščinah barring unforeseen circumstances
nimam ničesar rázen tega, kar zaslužim I own nothing except what I earn myself
rázen nemščine govori ona tudi rusko besides German she also speaks Russian
pridem jutri, rázen če določite kak drug dan I shall come tomorrow unless you (should) decide on another day
počutil sem se dobro, rázen da me je bolela glava I felt well except that I had a headache
rázen dveh razbitih oken je bila hiša nepoškodovana except for two broken windows the house was intact
rázen ubijanja je on vsega zmožen he's ready for (ali capable of) anything short of murder - razlíčen different; dissimilar; diversified; heterogeneous; incongruous; (mnogovrsten) various, varied, diverse, arhaično divers, manifold, distinct
razlíčnih barv (pester) variegated, parti-coloured; (raznovrstni) several, sundry
biti razlíčen to be different, to differ
biti razlíčen kot noč in dan to be as different a chalk and cheese
okusi so razlíčni tastes differ
iz razlíčnih razlogov for various reasons
razlíčna mnenja various opinions pl - resníca truth; arhaično sooth
v resníci in truth, in fact; in (good) sooth
gola resníca naked truth
čista resníca the very truth
neolepšana resníca unvarnished truth
sveta (božja) resníca gospel truth, God's truth
nepotvorjena resníca unadulterated truth
resníci na ljubo out of regard for the truth
vsa, polna resníca the whole (ali full, plain) truth
povedati vso resníco (figurativno) to spill the beans
grenka, neugodna resníca home truth
dokaz resníce proof of truth
brez trohice resníce without a shred of truth
zaradi resníce for the sake of truth
resníca ni prijetna truth is unpalatable
to je sveta resníc! it's God's truth!
v tem ni niti besedice resníce there is not a word of truth about it
dokazati resníco to prove (ali to establish) the truth
imeti, vzeti kaj za sveto resníco to take something for gospel
ne lepšam resníce I call a spade a spade; I don't mince words, I speak frankly
postati resníca to become reality, to be realised; to come true
izkriviti, popačiti resníco to colour (ali to stretch, to heighten) the truth, to distort (ali to mispresent, to garble) the truth
potlačiti resníco to hush something up; to suppress the truth, to keep things (ali something) dark
povedati čisto resníco to tell the plain, unvarnished truth
povedal sem mu nekaj gorkih resníc I told him some home truths
da povem resníco... to tell the truth, truth to tell...
v obraz sem mu povedal resníco I told him bluntly (ali plainly)
v brk sem mu povedal resníco I told him point-blank
prikrojiti resníco po svoje to strain the truth
zabrusiti komu resníco v obraz to fling the truth in someone's teeth
to je pačenje resníce it is a distortion of the truth
resníca je počasi prišla na dan the truth has leaked out - rojévati se
dan se rojeva day is breaking - rôjsten (of) birth; natal
rôjstni dan birthday
za, na moj rôjstni dan for my birthday
rôjstni kraj birthplace, native parts
rôjstno leto year of birth
moje rôjstno mesto my native (ali) home town
rôjstna hiša the house in which someone was born
rôjstni list birth certificate
darila za rôjstni dan birthday presents (ali gifts)
kolač za rôjstni dan birthday cake
slavje rôjstnega dne birthday party
vse najboljše k vašemu rôjstnemu dnevu! many happy returns of the day! - sám alone; sole; only; solo; (brez pomoči) by oneself, unaided, single-handed
čisto sám, sám samcat quite alone, all alone
sám od sebe spontaneously; of one's own accord
jaz sám I myself
on sám he himself
stvar sáma na sebi the thing in itself
sám Cezar Caesar's self
na sám novoletni dan just (ali precisely) on New Year's Day
žrtvovanje sámega sebe self-sacrifice
zaupanje v sámega sebe self-reliance
sáma dobrota ga je he is kindness itself
sáma ljubeznivost ga je do mene he is a perfect angel to me
sám je na svetu he stands alone in the world
on je sám svoj gospodar he is his own master
sáma kost in koža ga je he's nothing but skin and bone, he's just a bag of bones
že sáma ideja je smešna the very (ali the mere) idea is funny
to ni nihče drug kot sám knez he is no less a man than the prince
imeti sám svojo hišo to have a house of one's own
javiti se sám od sebe (prostovoljno) to volunteer
sami so se izdali they betrayed themselves, they gave themselves away
sáma si delam obleke I make my own dresses
sáma si plete nogavice she knits her own stockings
sáma opravlja vse gospodinjske posle she herself does all the housework
sám si strižem lase I cut my own hair
sám si delam večerjo I get my own supper
sám si služi kruh he earns his own bread
vrata se sáma zapirajo the door shuts by itself
to sem sám naredil (brez tuje pomoči) I did it single-handed
to lahko sám vidiš you can see for yourself
leteti sám (brez spremstva, aeronavtika) to fly solo, to solo
presodite sámi! judge for yourselves!
jaz sám sem šel tja I myself went there
ne pustite ga sámega! don't leave him by himself!
to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course
lahko to sám napraviš? can you do it alone?
govoriti s kom na samem to speak to someone in private
vi sami to pravite you yourself say so
prepustil sem ga sámemu sebi I left him to himself
sám si kuham I prepare my own dinner
sami njegovi prijatelji ga sovražijo even his fiends hate him
sám vrag te je prinesel the devil himself has brought you
iz sámega egoizma for pure selfishness (ali egoism) - séjen
séjna dvorana council room, council chamber
séjni dan day of session (ali of sitting)
séjni poslovnik standing orders pl
séjni zapisnik minutes pl of a meeting - semánji market(-)
semánji dan market day - síniti (to begin) to shine
ko sine dan at daybreak, when day breaks - skadénčen trgovina due
skadénčni dan date due - slavíti to glorify, to celebrate, to extol; to praise
svečano slavíti to solemnize; (praznovati) to keep a holiday, to fête a person
slavíti obletnico to observe an anniversary (god someone's name day, rojstni dan someone's birthday) - slávnosten solemn; festive; festal, festival
slávnostna dvorana festival hall
slávnosten banket festive banquet
slávnosten govor festal address, official speech
slávnostni govornik official speaker
slávnostni dan festival day, festive day
slávnostni sprevod festive procession, pageant, parade
slávnostna predstava festival performance