
Zadetki iskanja

  • kampírati to camp; to be encamped
  • kapricírati se to be choosy ali hard to please; to take a fancy (na kaj to something); to stick (na kaj to something)
  • kasnéti to be late, (o uri) to lose time
  • kesáti se to regret; to repent; to rue; to be sorry (česa about something)

    bridko se tega kesam I regret it bitterly
    kesala se boš tega! you'll be sorry (for that)!
    vsega se kesam, kar seam naredil I regret everything I did
    kesal se je svoje nehvaležnosti he regretted his ingratitude
    ničesar se nimam kesáti se I have nothing to regret
  • klátiti se to tramp, to be a vagrant, to bum around; to roam, to rove; arhaično to vagabond, to vagabondize; to stroll

    klátiti se po gozdovih to roam the woods
    kod si se klatil? where've you been roaming?
  • kmetováti to farm; to be a farmer; to run (ali to manage) a farm
  • kolébati (cene itd.) to fluctuate; to vacillate; (biti neodločen) to be irresolute (ali undecided), to hesitate, to sway, to waver, to falter; (gugati se) to swing, (v hoji) to totter, to reel, to rock

    kolébati med upom in strahom to vacillate between hope and fear
  • kongruírati to be congruent; to coincide
  • konvenírati to suit; to fit; to be suitable (for); to be appropriate (for)

    ta klima mi ne konvenira this climate does not suit me
    kar enemu konvenira, drugemu ne (figurativno) one man's meat is another man's poison
    pridi jutri, če ti konvenira come tomorrow if that suits you
    bi ti konveniralo, da bi se sešla ob...? would it be convenient for you to meet me at...?
  • konvertírati to convert (v into); to change (v into); (spreobrniti k drugi veri ali stranki) to convert (to); (spreobrniti se) to be converted, to become a convert, to turn
  • koreníniti to be rooted (v in); to take root
  • korespondírati to correspond (z with); to maintain (ali to keep up) a correspondence (with someone); to be in correspondence (with someone)
  • korístiti to be useful (ali of use, of service); to serve; to be profitable (ali advantageous), to prove efficient (ali effective); to be good (for); arhaično to avail

    ne korístiti to be useless, to be of no use, to be of no good, (biti zaman) to be of little avail, to be in vain, to be fruitless (ali futile, to no purpose)
    to mi nič ne koristi arhaično it avails me nothing
    to lahko še kaj koristi it may still be of some use (ali of some service, serviceable)
    kaj koristi (pomaga), da (če)... what use is it (ali arhaično what avails it) that (if)...
    nič ne koristi it is of no use, pogovorno it's no use, arhaično it is of no avail
    nikomur (to) ni koristilo nobody was any the better for it
    vsa ta reč ti ne bo nič koristila all that stuff won't do you any good
  • kozláti (bruhati) to vomit, to puke, to be sick; žargon vulgarno to spew one's guts up

    človek bi (kar) kozlal ob tem that's enough to make you sick
  • krasíti to adorn; to embellish; to be an ornament; to beautify; to decorate; to trim
  • krčmáriti to run a public house (ali pogovorno pub), to be a pub manager
  • krmáriti to steer; to pilot; to govern; (čoln) to cox; to helm (zlasti figurativno); (vladati) to be at the helm, to helm
  • krókati

    1. (popivati) to be out on the spree, to have a night out, to make a night of it, to go pub crawling, to go on a pub craw, žargon to have a (glorious) booze-up

    2. zoologija, krakati to croak
  • kújati se to pout; to sulk (napram komu with someone); to be in a huff (ali in a sulk); to huff
  • kupljív purchasable, marketable; saleable; to be had (for money), on sale, for sale; figurativno venal, bribable, corruptible, corrupt, open to bribery