dímnica (za sušenje mesa itd.) smokehouse; (nekdaj) main room in a Carinthian peasant's house
diplomírati to take a diploma; to get a certificate; to take a degree (ali to graduate) (na univerzi v Ljubljani at Ljubljana University)
diskutánt person taking part in a debate or discussion; debater; contributor to a discussion; discussant
dišáti to give off a pleasant scent; to be fragrant (ali scented ali perfumed); to smell sweet
dišáti po to smell of
dišáti po govedini to taste of beef
dišáti po vinu to smell (ali to taste) of wine
jed mi ne diši I'm not enjoying my food
njegova opazka diši po zavisti (po ljubosumnosti) his remark smacks of envy (of jealousy)
moj predlog mu ni dišal he did not relish my proposal
resen študij mu ne diši he has no relish for hard study
vrtnice lepo dišijo roses smell sweet
divjáti (morje) to rage, (veter) to storm; to become (ali to run) wild, to rave, to behave like a madman; (otroci pri igri) to romp
ves dan je divjal vihar the storm raged (ali it stormed) all day; (brezobzirno voziti) žargon to blind along
dnévnica daily wages pl; (plača) a day's pay; (pótna) daily (travelling) allowance; subsistence allowance
dnévno daily; a day; every day
dvakrat dnévno twice a day
dnévno telovaditi pogovorno to do one's daily dozen
dobríčina a good fellow, a good soul
on je dobríčina he is a good sort
dobrovôljec a good-natured man; (prostovoljec v 1. svetovni vojni) volunteer (in the 1st World War)
dogradíti to complete a building; to finish building something; to add to a building
dojíti to breast-feed; to nurse; to feed a baby; to suckle, to give suck to
dokáj a good deal, much; a good few, a good many; (s pridevnikom ali prislovom) pretty; rather
dokazílen serving as a proof; proving; demonstrative
dokončán finished; completed; ended; accomplished; terminated; brought to a close
dokončáti to finish; to end; to complete; to terminate; to bring to a close
dokončáti se to come to an end, to end
dolgín a very tall person, a six-footer
suh, mršav dolgín (žargon) lanky person, pogovorno beanpole, lamppost
dolínec dolínar inhabitant of a valley; dalesman, pl -men
domačín native, aboriginal; indigene; member of a family
domačíni pl the local people, the locals; (v isti hiši) inmates pl
domačínska delovna sila native labour
zaposliti samo domačíne ZDA to indigenize
dominikálen dominical, belonging to a (feudal) demesne
domísliti se to have a bright idea; to hit upon something
domislite se česa! use your imagination!
domislil sem se it occurred to me, the thought entered my mind
nečesa sem se domislil an idea struck me