bôsti to sting, to prick; (z iglo) to prick with a needle ali pin, to pin, to stick; (z rogovi) to butt
bode me (v boku) I have a stitch in my side
to bode v oči that strikes the eye
to me bode v oči it hurts me to see it
bôsti se (z rogovi) to butt
Zadetki iskanja
- brán defence; resistance
postaviti se v brán to make a stand, to stand upon one's guard - bràt brother
bràt po krvi brother german
(pol)bràt po materi uterine brother
starejši bràt elder brother
najstarejši bràt the eldest brother
rodni bràt full brother
bràt po mleku foster-brother
mlajši bràt younger brother
samostanski bràt (menih) friar
dragi bràtje! religija dearly beloved brethren!
eden naših bràtov religija one of our brethren
bratje po krvi brothers pl, religija brethren pl
bratje v orožju brothers in arms
to je med bràti vredno that's a reasonable price - bráti (čitati) to read
skrbno bráti to peruse; (nabirati ipd.) to collect, to gather (in), to pick; (trgati) to pluck; to cull
bráti grozdje to gather grapes, to vintage
bráti hmelj to pick hops
bráti mašo to say mass
napačno bráti to misread
do konca bráti to read through
bráti zase (skrivaj) to read to oneself
bráti med vrsticami to read between the lines
to sem bral v časopisu I read it in the paper
ne zna ne bráti ne pisati he can neither read nor write
to se bere kot roman it reads like a novel
tvoja knjiga se mnogo bere your book is much read
bráti komu na obrazu to read someone's face
nedolžnost se mu bere na obrazu innocence is written all over his face, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
hoteti bráti v besedilu nekaj, česar v njem ni to read something into a text
vsak večer berem očetu časopis every evening I read the paper to my father
rada ima, da ji kaj berejo she likes being read to - brátranec cousin
pravi brátranec cousin german, first cousin
brátranec v drugem kolenu second cousin
brátranec v tretjem kolenu cousin twice removed - bŕca kick
bŕca v rit (vulgarno) a kick up the arse
dobiti bŕco v zadnjico to get a kick in the pants, (biti odpuščen) to get the sack - brême load; burden; (tovor) cargo, freight; charge; (teža) weight, charge; (trud) trouble; figurativno encumbrance
davčna brêmena taxespl
javna brêmena public charges
v brême (koga, komu) against someone's account, to someone's debit
natovorjen, obložen z brêmenom saddled with a burden
olajšati brême to ease the burden
biti komu v brême to be a burden to someone, to be a drag on someone
stroški gredo v moje brême the expenses are to be charged to my account
padel je občini v brême he became a charge on the parish
zapisati znesek komu v brême to debit someone's account (with) - brêsti (bredem) to wade (po, skozi through)
brêsti proti bregu to wade ashore
brêsti po blatu to wade through (the) mud
brêsti čez reko to wade across a river
brêsti v dolgove to run (ali to get) into debt - brezdélje brezdélica idleness; inactivity; leisure; inaction; spare time
tratiti čas v brezdélju to idle away one's time - brezizhóden without resource, without prospects
biti v brezizhódnem položaju to be in a cleft stick - brezobvézen without obligation; not obligatory
brezobvezno! no obligation is involved; (v trgovini) no obligation to buy! - brezúpen hopeless; desperate; despairing; past all hope; past remedy
brezúpna stvar a hopeless cause
v brezúpnem stanju in a desperate state - briljírati to shine; to excel; to be conspicuous
ni briljiral v družbi he did not shine in society
nisi ravno briljiral v tej zadevi you didn't exactly shine in this affair - brisálnik
brisálnik stekla glass cloth; (v avtu) windscreen wiper - bŕk
v bŕk (naravnost) (straight) from the shoulder
v bŕk reči, povedati to tell someone to his (ali her) face, to tell someone openly (ali without reserve)
v bŕk sem mu povedal I told him point-blank
laže mi v bŕk he lies in my face (ali without batting an eyelid)
smejati se komu v bŕk to laugh in someone's face - brúhniti ➞ bruhati
brúhniti v jok to burst into tears
brúhniti v smeh to burst out laughing - brzojáven telegraphic; telegraph
brzojávni drog telegraph post (ali pole)
brzojávni ključ (code) telegraphic code
brzojávni (Morzejev) ključ Morse code
brzojávna linija telegraphic line
brzojávni obrazec telegram form
brzojávni naslov (odgovor) telegraphic address (answer)
brzojávni transfer telegraphic transfer
brzojávna žica telegraph wire
brzojávni urad telegraph office
odgovoriti v brzojávnem stilu to answer briefly and to the point ali humoristično in telegraphese - budžét budget; (annual) estimates pl
debata o budžétu debate on the budget (ali on the finance bill)
predložiti budžét to present a budget
predvideti v budžétu to budget for - búšiti
v smeh to burst out laughing - cápa rag; tatter; shred
cápe pl old clothes, rags and tatters pl
v cápah torn to shreds, in tatters