
Zadetki iskanja

  • blízu near; nearly; near (ali close) at hand; close to; (približno) about, approximately, close upon

    blízu hiše near the house
    čisto blízu close by
    blízu in daleč far and near
    ni ga blízu (figurativno) he holds (ali keeps) aloof
    ne iti blízu to stand off, to keep one's distance
    priti blízu to come (ali to draw) near, to approach
  • bližína nearness; closeness; proximity; propinquity; (soseščina) vicinity, neighbourhood

    v bližíni in (one's) vicinity, near, nearby, close at hand
    iz bližíne at close quarters, closely
    v neposredni bližíni in the immediate vicinity, close by
    nekje v bližíni somewhere around, somewhere in the neighbourhood ali vicinity
  • blížnji near; imminent; forthcoming; nearby (hiša house)

    smo v blížnjem sorodstvu we are close relatives ali near relations
  • blónd fair, fair-haired; blond(e); light-coloured

    rdečkasto blónd sandy
    ona ima blónd lase she has fair (ali blond) hair
  • bóben drum

    priti na bóben (figurativno) (pod stečaj) to crash, to go bankrupt, to bust, to go bust; to tail; to come under the (auctioneer's) hammer
    toliko se razume na to kot zajec na bóben he hasn't the faintest idea (ali the faintest); he hasn't got a clue
  • bóbnati to drum; to beat the drum; to play the drum

    s prsti bóbnati po to drum with one's fingers upon
    s prsti bóbnati po mizi to beat a tattoo on the table with one's fingers
    v nestrpnosti bóbnati s prsti to tap (ali to rap) one's fingers impatiently
  • bóčen side; lateral; sideward; sideways; flanking

    bóčni ogenj vojska (covering) fire from the flanks
    bóčno kritje cover of the flanks
    bóčni napad flank attack
    bóčni premik vojska flanking movement
    bóčno streljanje (z ladje) broadside
    bóčno varovanje security (ali protection) of the flanks
    bóčni vdor vojska break through on the flanks
  • bóg God; the Lord; deity

    o bóg! dear me!
    moj bóg! good Heavens!, good Lord!
    daj bóg God grant!, would to God!; I wish to goodness!, I wish to God!
    bóg ne daj!, bóg obvaruj! God forbid!, zastarelo God forfend!; touch wood!
    bóg z Vami! God speed you!
    zbogom! goodbye, farewell!
    bógu podoben godlike
    vsemogočni bóg God Almighty
    bógu vdan devout, pious
    tako mi bóg pomagaj! so help me God!
    (bil je) prizor za bógove (it was) a sight for sore eyes
    to je kot od bóga poslano it's a godsend
    bóg (si ga) vedi God knows, I don't
    bogve arhaično God wot
    bogve zakaj goodness (ali God) knows why
    bogve, kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    če bóg da please God, God willing
    moj bóg, kaj pa delate? for God's sake, what are you doing?
    stati kot lipov bóg (figurativno) to stand like a graven image; to stand stock-still
    človek obrača, bóg pa obrne man proposes, God disposes; God commands, man obeys
    bóg je najprej sebi brado ustvaril charity begins at home
  • bogát rich (z in, with); wealthy; well off; affluent, opulent; (obilen) abundant, copious

    zelo, neizmerno bogát enormously rich; as rich as Croesus
    bogáta izbira a wide selection
    bogáta pojedina a rich feast
    bogáta rima rich rhyme
    bogáta zemlja rich (ali fertile) soil
    bogáta žetev a rich harvest, heavy crop, bumper crop
    z zlatom bogáta ruda an ore rich in gold
    bogát z živino rich in cattle
    bogáto ilustriran profusely illustrated
    biti zelo bogát to be rolling in money, to be made of money
    biti bogát z to be rich in
    postati bogát to become rich
  • bógve God knows; goodness knows; arhaično God wot

    bógve kdaj bo prišel God knows when he will come
    bógve kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    Je to res? - Bogve. Is that true? - I wonder.
    ne bógve kako dobra kakovost second-rate quality
    bógve zakaj goodness (ali God) knows why
    do bógve kdaj (figurativno) till the cows come home
  • bôjen fighting; of combat, combat

    bôjni duh fighting spirit
    bôjna črta firing line, front line
    bôjne čete fighting forces
    bôjni cilj objective
    bôjna enota combat (ali fighting) unit, tactical unit
    bôjno izkustvo combat experience
    bôjni konj war-horse; steed
    bôjni krik battle-cry, war-cry, ZDA (Indijancev) whoop
    bôjna cona combat (ali battle) zone
    bôjno letalo bomber (aircraft)
    bôjna moč fighting power, fighting strength
    bôjna oprema soldier's battle (ali combat) gear
    bôjna pesem war-song
    bôjni ples war-dance
    bôjni pohod (vdor) invasion, descent, raid
    bôjno polje battlefield
    bôjno področje fighting zone, combat theatre, battlefield, forward area
    bôjna postojanka fortified position, stronghold
    bôjni sektor combat sector
    bôjni red order of battle, battle array
    bôjna sekira battle-axe
    bôjni spopad action, engagement
    bôjna sreča fortunes of war
    bôjna sredstva means pl of waging war
    bôjno stanje state of war, war footing
    bôjni voz, bôjno vozilo tank; combat vehicle
    bôjni vrvež (gneča) thick of the fray, din of battle, turmoil of battle
    bôjna zvijača stratagem
    bôjna glava (rakete, torpeda itd.) warhead
  • bolán sick; diseased; ill (navadno predikativno); (slaboten) weak, (boleč) ailing, (trpeč) suffering (from)

    bolán od ljubezni love-sick
    bolán otrok a sick child
    bolán na srcu suffering from (ali with) heart trouble, figurativno heart-sick
    biti bolán na srcu to be suffering from heart trouble, to have a heart complaint, žargon to have a dicky heart
    biti bolán za pljučnico to have pneumonia, to be suffering from pneumonia
    moje bolne oči my sore eyes
    on je bolán he is ill, sick, unwell
    čisto bolán je zaradi tega (figurativno) he is quite upset about it
    biti bolán to be ill (ali ailing ali afflicted) (od with)
    biti na smrt bolán to be fatally ali terminally ill, to be at death's door
    ležati bolán to be laid up (in bed), to be bedridden, to be confined to bed
    javiti se bolnega to go (ali to report) sick
  • boléč painful; smarting; sore

    boléče mesto, boléča točka one's sore point
    boléč udarec sharp ali painful blow, pogovorno clout
    dotakniti se pri kom boléčega mesta to touch someone on a sore spot
  • bolézen illness, sickness; ill-health; (določena) disease; (organska) malady; (bolečine) ailment; (obolenje) affection; indisposition; (kronična) infirmity

    zaradi bolézni owing to illness
    angleška bolézen rachitis, rickets pl
    epidemična bolézen epidemic
    dolga bolézen prolonged (ali lingering) illness
    bolézen na jetrih liver complaint
    morska bolézen sea-sickness
    nalezljiva bolézen infectious ali catching ali (pri dotiku) contagious disease
    neznatna bolézen complaint, indisposition, trouble, disorder, distemper
    otroške bolézni (figurativno) teething troubles
    otroška bolézen disease of children
    poklicna bolézen occupational (industrial, trade) disease
    težka (lahka) bolézen a severe (a light) illness
    zahrbtna, nevarna bolézen malignant disease
    spalna bolézen sleeping sickness
    spolna bolézen venereal (disease) (krajšava: VD)
    zračna bolézen airsickness
    dopust zaradi bolézni sick leave
    izbruh (pojav, prenos, potek, žarišče) bolézni outbreak (manifestation, transmission, course, seat) of disease
    kal bolézni (disease) germ
    napad bolézni attack (ali bout) of illness
    nosilec bolézni carrier
    poročilo o bolézni bulletin, doctor's report
    preprečevanje bolézni prophylaxis, preventive health care
    simuliranje bolézni malingering
    znak, simptom bolézni sign, symptom
    bolézen gre na bolje (slabše) the illness has taken a turn for the better (worse)
    nakopati si bolézen to catch a disease, to contract a disease; to fall ill, to be taken ill
    ta bolézen ga je pobrala he was carried off by this illness
    preboleti (svojo) bolézen to get over one's illness
    prestati bolézen to go through an illness
    hliniti, simulirati bolézen to malinger, to pretend to be ill, zastarelo to affect an illness
    umreti za boléznijo to die of an illness
  • bólje better

    bólje in bólje, vedno bólje better and better
    čim prej tem bólje the sooner the better
    toliko bólje so much the better
    tem bólje all the better
    oziroma bólje (rečeno) or rather
    bólje je (vzeti...) it is preferable (to take...)
    zaradi tega mi ni prav nič bólje I am no whit the better for it
    gre mu (ekonomsko) bólje he is better off
    sedaj mi gre (zdravstveno) bólje I am getting better now
    bólje bi storil, če bi ostal doma you'd better stay at home, pogovorno you better stay at home
    bólje ne! (= tega Vam ne svetujem) you had better not!
    sinoči, oziroma bólje rečeno, davi smo imeli vihar last night, or rather, this morning there was a storm
    ni mogel napraviti bólje kot... he could not have done better than...
    bólje se počutiti to feel (ali to be) better
    posli gredo bólje business is improving
    obrniti se, spremeniti se na bólje to change for the better
    bólje drži ga kot lovi ga a bird in hand is worth two in the bush
  • bolník patient; sick person

    bolníki pl the sick, the ill
    bolník na okrevanju convalescent
    obisk pri bolníku visit to a patient
    pregled bolníkov doctor's round(s)
    bolník gre h koncu the patient is sinking
    bolníku se stanje boljša the patient is on the mend (ali is mending, improving, getting better)
  • bómba bomb; žargon egg; figurativno bombshell

    atomska bómba atom bomb, atomic bomb, A-bomb
    ročna bómba hand grenade
    leteča bómba flying bomb, pogovorno doodlebug
    eksplozivna (raketna, vžigalna) bómba (high-) explosive (rocket, incendiary) bomb
    vodikova bómba H-bomb, hydrogen bomb
    globinska bómba depth charge, (žargon) ash can
    smrdljiva bómba stink bomb
    tempirana bómba time bomb, delayed-action bomb
    zračna bómba aerial bomb
    poškodovan od bómb bomb damaged, blitzed
    razdejan od bómb bomb-battered
    od bómb razrušeno mesto bombwrecked town
    varen pred bómbami bomb-proof
    metalec bómb bomb-thrower
    odmet bómb bomb dropping, bomb release, bombing
    novica je učinkovala kot bómba the news was like a bombshell
    bómba je počila the bomb (figurativno bombshell) burst (ali exploded)
    odvrečI bómbe to release bombs, to drop bombs (na cilj on a target)
    obsuti z bómbami mesto to bomb a town
    odvreči bómbe (v prisilnem odmetu) to jettison bombs
    položiti preprogo bómb vojska to saturate
    težka letalska bómba vojska žargon tallboy
    zažigalna bómba incendiary bomb
  • bórba fight; fighting; struggle; strife; contest; (tekmovanje) competition

    po ostri bórbi after sharp fighting
    bórba moža proti možu hand-to-hand fighting
    bórba na življenje in smrt life-and-death struggle
    bórba na nož skin-game, fight to the finish
    bórba za obstanek, za življenje struggle for life (ali for existence)
    surova bórba a rough-and-tumble
    volilna bórba election campaign
    vroča bórba a ding-dong fight
    izločiti iz bórbe to put someone out of action; to knock someone out
    pasti v bórbi to be killed in action
    začeti bórbo to start a fight
  • bórec combatant; fighter; struggler; warrior

    Zveza bórcev League of Combatants; (angleška) British Legion
    biti prekaljen bórec to be a seasoned campaigner ali battle-scarred hero
  • bórzen (of) exchange

    bórzna cena exchange price, market price
    bórzni časopis commercial (ali financial) newspaper, money-market report
    bórzni zaključek final hours pl of trading; trading unit; full lot
    bórzno kotiranje quotation
    bórzno poročilo stock list, official quotations pl, financial news, market report
    bórzni pravilnik stock-exchange regulations pl
    bórzni senzal stockbroker
    bórzna špekulacija stockjobbing
    bórzni špekulant stockjobber