
Zadetki iskanja

  • slovár dictionary; vocabulary; lexicon

    žepni slovár pocket dictionary
    francosko-angleški French-English dictionary
    vpis v slovár (dictionary) entry
    ta človek je živ slovár (figurativno, vseved) that man is a walking (ali living) dictionary
    poiskati besedo v slovárju to look up a word in a dictionary, to consult a dictionary
    zateči se k slovárju to refer to a dictionary
  • slóvstven literary; of literature

    slóvstvena zgodovina history of literature
    slóvstveno izobražen človek literary man
  • snežén snow(-); snowy

    snežni človek (jéti) abominable snowman
    snežni čevlji snowshoes pl
    snežna kepa snowball
    snežén kosmič snowflake
    snežne krplje snowshoes pl
    snežni metež blizzard, snowstorm
    snežna odeja sheet of snow, snow cover
    snežna (temna) očala snow goggles pl
    snežni plaz snowslip, snowslide, (močen) avalanche
    snežne padavine snowfall
    snežna ploha flurry of snow
    snežno polje, poljana snowfield
    snežni plug snowplough (ZDA snowplow) (tudi šport)
    snežna slepota snow blindness
    snežne razmere snow conditions pl
    poročilo o snežnih razmerah snow report
    snežni mož snowman
    snežna streha (na železniški progi) snowshed
    snežno vreme snowy weather
    snežni vihar snowstorm, blizzard
    snežna veriga snowchain, skid chain
    snežni zamet snowbank, snowdrift
  • sposóben capable; apt; qualified; able; fit (za for)

    sposóben za delo fit for work; (nadarjen) gifted, clever; (pripraven za) proper, adapted for; (uspešen) competent, efficient
    sposóben človek a man of ability
    telesno sposóben able-bodied
    sposóben za plovbo (ladja) seaworthy
    ne čutim se sposóbnega za delo I don't feel up to work
    on ni sposóben za svojo službo (figurativno) he is a square peg in a round hole, he is a round peg in a square hole
  • sposóbnost capacity, ability; ableness; aptitude, capability, aptness; (nadarjenost, znanje) talents pl, accomplishments pl

    človek izrednih sposóbnosti man of remarkable talents
    spričevalo sposóbnosti certificate of fitness
    strokovna sposóbnost professional expertise
  • spréten dexterous, handy, adroit, deft; skilful, skilled (v in); proficient, adept; workmanly

    za vse spréten človek jack-of-all-trades, pl jacks-
    spréten v izmikanju vprašanjem adept at evading questions
    zelo sprétno with great skill
    on je spréten pri, v he is a good hand at (ali is skilful at)
  • stárost age, old age, oldness; advanced years pl; declining age

    na stárost in one's old age
    v stárosti od at the age of
    prezgodnja stárost premature decrepitude
    mož srednje stárosti a man of middle age
    visoka stárost extreme old age
    doživel je visoko stárost he lived to a great age
    umrl je v visoki stárosti (v stárosti 20 let) he died at a great age (at the age of twenty years)
    doseči visoko stárost to reach a great age, (pogovorno) to make old bones
    sem njegove stárosti I am his age
    ne kaže svoje stárosti he doesn't look his age
    v tem poklicu človek ne doživi stárosti in that occupation men never reach a great age
    on je palica moje stárosti (figurativno) he is the staff of my old age
    če bi mladost znala, če bi stárost mogla... if one had an old head on young shoulders...
  • stó a (ali one) hundred

    štiri stó four hundred
    120 dni one hundred and twenty days
    nekaj čez stó a hundred odd
    okrog stó about a hundred
    5 od stó five per cent
    stó let star človek a centenarian
    tek na stó metrov hundred metres, hundred metres' sprint (ali race)
    stodvajset (120) a great hundred, a long hundred
    staviti 1:100 to bet one to hundred
  • svét1 world; (zemlja) earth, globe; (vsemirje) the universe

    na svétu in the world
    na tem svétu in this world, in this life, here below
    po celem (vsem) svétu all over the world, the whole world over
    na koncu svéta (figurativno) at the back of beyond
    (ki je) daleč od svéta remote, out of the world, secluded
    širom svéta throughout the wide world, all over the world
    ves svét the whole world
    za ves svét ne, za nič na svét u ne not for all the world, not for worlds, not for anything in the world, for nothing in the world
    do konca svéta to the ends of the earth
    Novi svét the New World
    Stari svét the Old World
    Tretji svét politika the Third World
    oni svét (figurativno) the next life, the other world, the world to come
    od svéta odrezan kraj the back of beyond
    stavbni svét building site
    učeni svét (figurativno) the world of learning
    športni svét (figurativno) the sporting world
    rastlinski svét the vegetable world
    živalski svét the animal world
    začetek svéta the beginning of the world
    konec svéta the end of the world
    podzemeljski svét underworld
    širni svét the wide world
    današnji svét the modern world
    odkar sem na svétu since I was born
    to je na drugem koncu svéta it's on the other side of the globe, it's at the back of beyond
    to je narobe svét! (figurativno) that's making water flow uphill!
    on je najboljši človek na svétu he's the best man alive, you won't find a better man living than him (knjižno than he)
    ona mi je (= pomeni) vse na svétu she is all the world to me
    tako je (pač) na svétu that's the way of the world
    za nič na svétu ne bi tega naredil I would not do it for all the world
    odreči se svétu to forsake the world
    šel bi z njo do konca svéta I'd follow her to the ends of the earth
    poslati koga na oni svét (žargon) to send someone to kingdom-come
    priti na svét to come into the world, to be born, to be brought into the world
    on malo pozna svét he knows little of the world
    prinesti, spraviti na svét to bring into the world, to give birth (to)
    spraviti koga s svéta to do away with someone, to put someone out of the way, to kill someone, (pogovorno) to dispatch someone
    videl je mnogo svéta he is a widely travelled man, he is a great traveller, he is a globe-trotter
    zagledati luč svéta to see the light, to be born, to be brought into the world
    živeti odmaknjen(o) od svéta to live cut off from the world
    objadral je ves svét he has sailed the seven seas
  • štórast (neroden) fumbling, awkward; bearish, clumsy; cloddish

    štórast človek awkward (ali clumsy) fellow
  • študírati to study

    on študira pravo he is studying for the bar, he is reading law
    študírati vlogo to study a part
    študiran človek an educated man
  • takó prislov so, like this, like that, thus, in this way, in such a manner

    takó takó so-so, so so, fairly well, tolerably
    takó ali takó in one way or other, this way or that (way)
    prav takó likewise
    točno takó! just so!, quite so!
    zakaj takó? why so?
    kaj takega! of all things!
    ah, takó! oh, I see!, so that's it!
    ne takó kot not so... as
    takó da... so that...
    takó velik kot... as big as...
    takó malo? as little as that?
    takó imenovan so-called
    takó rekoč so to speak, so to say, as it were
    kakor ti meni, takó jaz tebi pogovorno if you play ball with me, I'll play ball with you
    in takó dalje and so on, etc (= et cetera, etcetera), and so forth
    nikoli poprej takó koristen kot sedaj never before as (ali so) useful as now
    takó bogat človek such a rich man, a man so rich
    takó je! (popolnoma točno!) exactly!, quite so!, just so!
    je to takó? (je to res?) is that so?
    takó mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
    če je to takó if that be the case
    takó je na svetu so goes it
    bodite takó dobri in odprite okno! be so kind as to open the window!
    takó mi delamo that is our way of doing things
    stori takó kot jaz! do as I do!
    takó ne bo šlo! that won't do!
    takó se je končalo moje potovanje thus ended my journey
    nisem takó mislil I didn't mean that, that's not what I meant
    zadeva je takó rekoč urejena the matter is as good as settled
    dolgočasil nas je takó, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili he annoyed us so much (that) we never asked him again
    kakor si boš postlal, takó boš spal as you make your bed, so you must lie!
  • tánek -nka, -o thin; tenuous; (vitek) slim, slender

    tánko črevo small intestine
    tánki dohodki modest income
    človek s tánkimi dohodki a man of modest means
    tánek, -nka, -o stas slender waist
    tánko preden thinspun
    tánka hrana slender diet
    na tánkem ledu (figurativno) on thin ice
    tánka mu prede (figurativno) he is badly off, he has a thin time
  • teló body; frame; constitution; (oseb) corporation, corporate body

    mrtvo teló (truplo) corpse
    nebesno teló heavenly body
    krepko, močno teló strong body
    lepo zgrajeno teló a well-knit body
    močnega telesa, močan po telesu strong-bodied, ablebodied
    človek krepkega telesa a well-built fellow
    trdno (tekoče, plinasto) teló solid (liquid, gaseous) body
    Rešnje teló religija the body of Our Lord, Corpus Christi, (praznik) Corpus Christi
    tuje teló foreign body
    zakonodajno teló legislative body
    biti vdan komu z dušo in telesom to be devoted body and soul to someone
    drgetati po vsem telesu to tremble all over
    predstavniško teló representative body
  • togôten choleric; boiling with rage; swift to anger; wrathful, ZDA pogovorno wrathy

    togôten človek person of choleric temper
  • ugléden reputable, respected, respectable, renowned; well-known, distinguished, eminent

    ugléden človek man of distinction (ali of rank, of quality)
    uglédna oseba distinguished person
    ugléden znanstvenik scientist of repute
  • úlica street, (ozka, majhna) lane, alley

    na úlici in the street, ZDA on the street
    glavna úlica main street, high street
    enosmerna úlica one-way street
    stranska úlica side street
    čez úlico across the street
    slepa úlica cul-de-sac, street with a dead end, dead-end street, figurativno blind alley, dead end
    tlakovana, asfaltirana úlica paved, asphalted street
    živahna úlica busy (ali crowded) street
    človek z úlice the man in the street, man on the Clapham omnibus
    prodaja na úlici street sale
    seznam úlic street directory
    čiščenje úlic street cleaning, scavenging
    soba gleda na úlico the room faces the street
    za parkiranje prepovedana úlica no-parking street
    v kateri úlici stanujete? which street do you live in?
    postaviti na úlico (na cesto) to turn out, to put out (in the street)
    za promet zaprta úlica! street (ali road) closed for traffic!
  • úm reason, intellect, intelligence; sense; understanding; mind; brains pl; wit

    človek ostrega úma a man of sharp intellect
    brez úma out of one's senses, out of one's (right) mind
    omračen úm clouded mind
    je bistrega úma he is quick-witted, he is bright
    bil je največji úm svojega časa he was the greatest intellect of his time
    ves iz úma je he is out of his wits (ali out of his mind)
    úm se mu je omračil he is mentally deranged, he is out of his senses, his mind is unhinged, he has lost his reason, he has gone mad
    kaj ti pade na úm! what an absurd idea!
    ne pade mi na úm, da bi to naredil I am not so stupid as to do it
    ni ji prišlo na úm, da bi zaprla plin she had not the sense to turn off the gas
    priti na úm komu to enter someone's mind
    prišlo mi je na úm, da... I was struck by the idea that..., it occurred to me that...
    priti nazaj na um to recur (ali to come back) to mind
  • umísliti si umíšljati si to imagine

    ne umišljaj si takih stvari! put such ideas out of your mind!
    to presega vse, kar si človek more umísliti si, umíšljati si that is beyond one's powers of imagination, that is beyond what can possibly be imagined
  • umrljív mortal

    človek je umrljív man is mortal