izgubíti to lose; to be a loser, to come off a loser, to meet with a loss, to incur (ali to experience) a loss; (s smrtjo) to suffer a bereavement (ali the loss of a dear one), to be bereaved, to lose someone; (založiti kam) to mislay
izgubíti se to be lost, to become lost, to lose one's way, to go astray
izgubi se! be off with you!, begone!, get along with you!, žargon get lost!
izgubíti se v gozdu to be lost in the woods
izgubíti bitko to lose a battle
izgubíti glavo to lose one's head, to become confused
izgubíti v igri to lose at gambling
izgubíti naklonjenost kake osebe to lose someone's good grace (ali someone's favour), to incur displeasure
nismo nič izgubili! (figurativno) not much of a loss!
izgubíti nedolžnost to lose one's innocence (ali chastity)
nimam česa izgubíti I have nothing at stake, I stand to lose nothing
izgubil sem X SIT pri tem poslu I am X tolars out of pocket by this transaction
izgubíti očeta to lose (ali to suffer the loss of) one's father
izgubíti svoje pravice to lose (ali to forfeit) one's rights
izgubíti svoj čas in trud to waste one's time and trouble (ali pains)
izgubíti čut sramežljivosti, sramú to lose one's sense of shame, to be dead to shame
izgubíti potrpljenje to lose (one's) patience, to lose one's temper
izgubíti pot to lose one's way. to go astray
izgubíti pravdo to lose a lawsuit, to be debated in a lawsuit
izgubíti nit svojega govora to lose the thread of one's discourse
izgubíti igro, partijo to lose a game
tudi hipa ne smemo izgubíti there is not one moment to lose
zaradi tega bi (on) utegnil izgubíti svoje mesto that might lose him his place
izgubíti pogum to lose courage, to lose heart, to be discouraged
izgubíti na teži to lose weight, to lose flesh, to slim
izgubíti tla pod nogami to lose one's footing
izgubíti sled to lose the scent, to lose the trail
izgubíti ugled to lose face, (pri kom) to sink in someone's estimation, to lose credit with someone
izgubíti voljo za to lose one's zest for
izgubíti vrednost to depreciate
izgubíti upanje to lose (ali to give up) all hope, to despair (of)
izgubil je pogum his heart (ali spirits) sank
izgubíti iz vida, iz oči to lose sight of
izgubíti zanimanje za to lose interest in
izgubíti zaupanje to lose one's confidence
izgubíti zavest to swoon, to faint away, to have a fainting fit
izgubíti življenje (v bitki) to lose one's life (in battle)
ne bomo izgubljali besed o tem we shall waste no words on that
kakor (pri)dobljeno, tako izgubljeno easy come, easy go
Zadetki iskanja
- izgubljèn lost; (zapuščen) forlorn; (zašel) astray
urad za izgubljène predmete lost property office
biti izgubljèn to be lost
izgubljèn je (umrl bo) he is lost, he is done for
izgubljèn si, če boš to naredil you are lost if you do that, pogovorno if you do that you've had it
če on izve o tem, sem izgubljèn if he hears of it, I've had it
to je izgubljèn čas it's a waste of time
to je izgubljèn trud it's wasted effort (ali a waste of time)
še ena izgubljèna iluzija another lost illusion
kakor dobljeno, tako izgubljèno easy come, easy go - izménjati izmenjavati to exchange; to replace (s, z by)
izménjati, izmenjavati fotografije s kom to swop photos with someone
imenjali so nekaj opazk o vremenu they exchanged a few remarks on the weather
izmenjajva sedeže! let's change seats!
izménjati, izmenjavati se to alternate - izpraševánje examination; questioning; asking (questions); interrogation
izpraševánje o, po, za enquiring about, for, after - izpričeválo certificate; testimony; testimonial; (potrdilo) attestation
ubožno izpričeválo certificate of poverty
zdravstveno izpričeválo certificate of health
zdravniško izpričeválo medical certificate
šolsko izpričeválo school report, ZDA (o opravljenem izpitu) report card; (pri prošnjah) letter of recommendation, (letter of) reference
zrelostno izpričeválo leaving certificate
slabo (šolsko) izpričeválo poor (ali bad) report, bad marks pl - izráziti to express; to utter; to convey (the meaning); to be expressive (of); to phrase; to voice; (čustva) to express, to betoken, to reveal, to manifest; (formulirati) to put into words, to word
izráziti mnenje to express an opinion
izráziti svoja čustva to give voice to one's feelings
izráziti svojo misel to speak one's thought
izráziti sočutje z to express sympathy with
izráziti željo to voice one's desire
izráziti svoje začudenje to express one's surprise
izráziti stališče, da... to express the view that...
izráziti se to express oneself (v tem smislu to that effect)
jasno se izráziti to be explicit
jasno se izráziti, da... to make it clear that...
ne znam se izráziti I cannot find the appropriate words (ali terms)
ne vem, kako bi se ízrazil I don't know how to put it
ne najdem besed, da bi izrazil svojo misel I can't find words to convey my meaning
to se ne da izráziti that cannot be conveyed in words
lepota, ki je ni moč izráziti pesniško a beauty that beggars description
izráziti se energično o čem to express oneself strongly on something
dolgovezno, na široko se izráziti to expatiate (o on, upon) - izrígati izbljuvati to vomit, to throw up, to spew, žargon to puke
izrígati, izbljuvati se to bring everything up; to stop vomiting (ali žargon puking), (o oslu) braying - izvédeti to learn, to hear, to come to know, to get to know, to be informed, to understand; (odkriti) to find out, to discover
izvédeti o čem to find out about something
izvédeti iz zanesljivega vira to learn from a reliable (ali good) source
pravkar smo izvedeli, da je umrl we have just heard he is dead
če se to izve if it comes to be known - jaháč rider; horseman, pl -men
akrobatski jaháč trick rider
sprevod jaháčev cavalcade
vreči jaháča raz sedla (o konju) to throw (ali to spill) a rider from the saddle - járem yoke; (par) team
járem volov a yoke of oxen
pet jármov volov five yoke of oxen; figurativno bondage, slavery, servitude, oppression
zakonski járem yoke of matrimony (ali of marriage), humoristično matrimonial noose, conjugal yoke, double harness
iti, skloniti se pod jármom (o premagancu) zgodovina to pass (ali to come) under the yoke
ječati pod tujim jármom to groan under a foreign yoke
izpreči iz járma to unyoke
vpreči v járem to yoke
nositi, prenašati járem to endure the yoke
držati v jármu (figurativno) to hold in subjection
otresti se tujega járma to shake (ali to throw) off a reign yoke, to get rid of a foreign yoke
járem suženjstva yoke of slavery - jásen (veder) unclouded, serene, unobscured, fair, sunny; (očiten) evident, obvious, manifest; (viden) clear, conspicuous; (svetel) luminous, bright, shining, light; (razumljiv) intelligible, easily understood; (nedvomen) indubitable, unmistakable, not to be mistaken, leaving no doubt; (nedvoumen) unequivocal, unambiguous; (izrečen) explicit; (točen) precise, exact; (barva) light, light-coloured; (slog, stil) clear, lucid; (samoumeven) self-evident
jásno in jedrnato izraziti to express tersely and neatly
jásen kot beli dan self-evident, as clear as daylight (ali arhaično as noonday), as clear as crystal, as plain as a pikestaff, as plain as the nose on your face, as plain as the palm of your hand
nebo je jásno the sky is clear
to je jásno that's clear, that's flat
kot strela z jásnega out of the blue
strela z jásnega a bolt from the blue
ni mi čisto jásno it is not quite clear to me
nisem si na jásnem o tem I am not (quite) clear about it
sem jásen? do I make myself clear?, have I made myself plain on that point?
jásno govoriti to speak clearly
jásno se izraziti to make it clear
jásno se odražati na obzorju to show clear on the horizon
priti na jásno (figurativno) to clear up, to settle (o čem something)
postalo nam je jásno it dawned on us
to je popolnoma jásno (figurativno) it's perfectly obvious - jávkati to wail, to whine, to moan, to lament (nad over, for); to complain
vedno javka o svoji nesreči she is always bewailing her misfortunes
jávkati od bolečine to whimper with pain - kjé where; in what place; on which side
kjé drugje somewhere else, elsewhere
kjé si dobil te informacije? where did you get the information?
ne vem kjé (= kjerkoli) somewhere or other
kjé pa!; kjé neki! (kaj še, ni govora o tem!) no such thing! - klásičen classic(al)
ima klásično izobrazbo he has had a classical education
to je klásično delo o tem vprašanju (problemu) it is the standard work on the question
klásična gimnazija VB grammar school
klásična umetnost (glasba, poezija) classical art (music, poetry)
klásično delo classic
posnemati klásični stil to classicize - kólikršen ➞ kolik -a -o
- koló wheel
na kolesih on wheels
brez koles wheelless; (bicikel) cycle, bicycle, machine, pogovorno bike
dirkalno koló racing bicycle, racer
gonilno koló driving-wheel
mlinsko koló mill wheel
motorno koló motorcycle, pogovorno motor bike
turno koló roadster
črpalno koló (za vodo) waterwheel
koló ladje na kolesa paddle-wheel
koló obroč (otroška igrača) hoop
mučilno koló zgodovina the wheel (mediaeval instrument of torture)
gumasto koló tyre, ZDA tire
ladja na kolesa wheel-boat, paddle-steamer
zob kolesa cog (of a wheel)
zamašno koló flywheel
voz na dve kolesi, na štiri kolesa a two-wheeled, a four-wheeled carriage
sprednje, zadnje koló front wheel, back wheel
rezervno, nadomestno koló spare wheel
zobato koló cogwheel, toothed wheel, geared wheel
vilice kolesa wheel-fork
delati, vrteti kolesa šport to turn cartwheels
on je pêto koló pri vozu (figurativno) he is not worth his salt, he is quite useless, he is a useless individual
napraviti koló (o pavu) to spread out its tail
priti pod kolesa (figurativno) to go to the dogs
mučiti koga na kolesu zgodovina to break someone on the wheel
vrteti kolesa (pri parterni telovadbi) to turn somersaults (ali cartwheels)
peljati se s kolesom to ride a bicycle
voziti koló enoročno to ride a bike one-handed
voziti koló to ride a cycle, to cycle, to bike, to pedal
treti žrtev na kolesu zgodovina to break a victim on the wheel - konkúrz bankruptcy; failure; insolvency
napovedati konkúrz to file one's (petition in) bankruptcy, to declare oneself insolvent
napoved konkúrza declaration of bankruptcy
odločba o konkúrzu bankruptcy act
priti v konkúrz to go bankrupt, to become insolvent - krč medicina cramp; convulsion; spasm
mrtvični krč (tetanus) lockjaw
nauk o krčih spasmology
nagnjenje h krčem spasmophilia
krč me je prijel I caught cramp, I was seized with cramp
dobiti bolezenski napad krča to go into convulsions; to have a bad attack of cramp
povzročiti krče to affect with cramp, to cramp
želodčni krči cramps pl, spasm in the stomach - kvadráten square; quadratic
kvadrátna enačba quadratic equation
nauk o kvadrátnih enačbah quadratics pl
kvadrátni koren matematika square root
izvleči kvadrátni koren to extract a (ali the) square root
kvadrátni meter square metre
kvadrátno število square number
kvadrátni okvir square frame. - kvás leaven (tudi figurativno); (penast) yeast
kruh brez kvása unleavened bread
(o pivu) ki ima okus po kvásu yeast-bitten
kvásen yeasty