izklícati to cry out; to call out; to exclaim; (razglasiti) to proclaim
izkliceválec (public) crier; bellman; showman; (na dražbi) auctioneer
izkljúčen exclusive; (izločen) eliminated; (dvom) excluded, precluded; (dijak iz šole) expelled from school, sent down
popolnoma izkljúčeno je it is out of the question; it is quite impossible
učenec je bil izkljúčen iz šole the pupil has been expelled from school
izkljúčenost exclusiveness
izključeválen izključílen exclusive, preclusive
izključeváti to preclude (from), to bar; to debar; to be exclusive of
izključeváti vse ugovore to preclude all objections
izključeváti vsako upanje na... to preclude all hope of...
to izkučnje vsako možnost pobega this excludes all possibility of escape
ti dve stvari se nikakor ne izključujeta these two things are not necessarily alternatives
izključítev exclusion; barring; (izločitev) elimination; (odstranitev) expulsion (iz šole from school); excommunication
izkljúčiti (dvom itd.) to exclude; to preclude (from); to bar, to debar (from); to shut out; to oust; (odklopiti) to disconnect; to expel (iz šole from school); (izločiti) to eliminate; to keep out; (izobčiti) to excommunicate, to ban, to interdict; (od udeležbe) to exclude
izkljúčiti javnost to bar the public
izkljúčiti električni tok to switch the current off
izkljúčiti člana iz kluba to suspend a member of a club
nikogar nismo izključili (izvzeli) we exempted nobody
izkljúčno exclusively; to the exclusion of
izkljúvati to peck out
vrana vrani oči ne izkljuje one crow does not peck out another crow's eye, there is honour among thieves
izklòp izklópljenje tehnika throw-out; elektrika circuit-breaking; disconnection
izklópiti tehnika (zlasti avtomobilizem) to disengage the clutch, to declutch, (sklopko) to throw out, to disengage, to disconnect; (tok) to cut out, to break; (luč) to turn off, to switch off
izknjížiti to free from all mortgages; to remove the name of owner or debtor from the land registry book
izkobacáti se to extricate oneself (iz from), to get out of (with effort)
izkòp excavation; digging out; (mrliča) exhumation; disinterment
izkopanína excavation
izkopáti to dig out, to dig up, to get by digging; to unearth; to excavate; (izdolbsti) to hollow out; (mrliča) to exhume, to disinter
izkopáti bojno sekiro to unbury the hatchet
izkopáti vodnjak to sink a well
izkopáti se iz to extricate (ali to disentangle) oneself from
izkopávanje excavation
izvedli so izkopávanja, da bi našli stare temelje excavations have been made to discover the old foundations
izkoreníniti to unroot, to uproot, to root out, to tear (ali to pluck) out by the root; to eradicate, to exterminate, to extirpate; (uničiti) to destroy; (drevo) to uproot, to pull up by the roots; (zlo itd.) to eradicate, to root out
izkoreníniti koga (figurativno) to uproot, to root out, (tudi) to displace
izkorenínjen (drevo itd.) uprooted, torn up by the roots; (oseba) cut adrift from oneself home (oziroma country), displaced