
Zadetki iskanja

  • saldíranje settlement (ali balancing) of accounts; striking (of) a balance
  • saldírati to balance, to clear; to settle; to square; to strike a balance
  • samévati to live a solitary (ali retired) life; to live by oneself; to live in retirement; to live single, to live in strict seclusion, to be alone; (hiša) to stand alone
  • samorástnik a self-made man
  • sánjati to dream; to see in a dream

    sanjalo se mi je I dreamt
    sanjal sem nekaj čudnega I had a strange dream
    niti sanja se mi ne (figurativno) I have not the haziest notion
    še sanja se mi ne, da bi... (daleč proč, kaj še) I would not dream of it!
    to se mi še sanjalo nikoli ni that never entered my head, I never dreamt (ali thought) of such a thing
    to se ti je moralo sánjati you must have dreamt it
  • scrkljánček a spoilt child
  • sedlárski of a saddler
  • sejmár market trader; visitor to a fair (oziroma market)

    sejmárji pl market people pl
  • sektáš sectarian; member of a sect
  • sénčiti to shade, to cast a shade; (črtkati) to hatch

    sénčiti se to sit (oziroma to lie) in the shade
  • sésti to sit down (na on); to sit oneself down; to take a seat; to seat oneself (v naslanjač in an armchair)

    sésti k mizi to sit down at table
    zopet sésti to resume one's seat
    sésti na konja to mount (one's horse)
    sésti na svoj (stalni) sedež to take one's seat
    sésti na prestol to mount the throne
    prisiliti koga, da sede to sit someone down
  • sinekúra sinecure; pogovorno a soft job
  • sítast sieve-like, like a sieve
  • sitnáriti to bother (komu someone); to fuss, to vex (someone); to importune (someone); to kick up a fuss, to nag; to repine (proti against); to trouble (someone)

    sitnáriti komu to be a nuisance to someone
    sitnarila je materi za to igračo she pestered her mother for this toy
    nočem vam sitnáriti I will not tax your patience
  • skicíranje making a sketch; sketching; tracing
  • skicírati to sketch, to make a sketch; to trace; to touch off; to make a rough draft; to outline; to give the general outlines; to delineate
  • skleníti to decide, to take a decision; to make up one's mind; to resolve, to be resolved, to form a resolution; to determine; (končati) to close, to terminate, to conclude

    skleníti mir to make peace
    sklenil je, da bo še malo počakal he resolved to wait a little longer
    skleníti pogodbo to make a contract, to contract
    skleníti račun to close an account
    skleníti svoj govor s temi besedami to conclude one's speech with these words
    trdno so sklenili (so odločeni), da nas bodo uničili they are bent on ruining us
    skleníti mednarodno pogodbo to conclude an international treaty
  • skočíti to jump, to spring, to make a jump (ali spring, leap, bound), to bound; to take a leap (ali jump, bound)

    na noge skočíti to leap to one's feet
    skočíti v vodo to jump into the water, (pri kopanju) to dive
    skočíti na glavo v vodo to take a header (ali a headlong, headfirst dive) into the water
    skočíti komu na pomoč to rush (ali to hurry) to someone's help
    skočíti z zidú to jump down off a wall
    skočíti na stol to jump up on (to) a chair
    skočíti iz postelje to jump out of bed
    skočíti v sedlo to leap (ali to vault) into the saddle
    skočíti na tla (dol, na zemljo) to jump down, (jezdec) to leap off, to dismount
  • skopúlja a miserly (ali stingy) woman
  • skrátka in short; in sum; in a word

    skrátka, nič noče slišati o tem in a word, he won't hear of it
    no, skrátka... well, the long and the short of it is..., to cut (ali to make) a long story short
    skrátka (= konec koncev) when all is said and done