
Zadetki iskanja

  • preizkúšnja test, trial, proof; tryout

    stroga preizkúšnja ordeal
    težka preizkúšnja stern test
    biti na preizkúšnji to be on probation
    najtežja preizkúšnja crucial test
    postaviti na preizkúšnjo to put to the test, to test
    na hudo preizkúšnjo stavljaš mojo potrpežljivost you are trying my patience
    preizkúšnja z ognjem (vodo) zgodovina ordeal by fire (water)
  • prék prislov over, to (oziroma on) the other side; (predlog) across, over

    prék hribov in dolin through the length and breadth of the country
    prék mere excessively, inordinately
    prék pričakovanja unexpectedly
    prék poletja pending summer
    prék moje volje against my will
    prodajati vino prék ulice to sell wine for consumption off the premises; VB to run an offlicence
    prék vrstnega reda out of turn
    vlak je imel prék pol ure zamude the train is more than half an hour late (ali overdue)
    iti prék vsega (na nič se ne ozirati) to disregard all considerations
  • prekíniti to interrupt; to make a break, to break off; (telefon) to cut off; to disconnect; to intermit; to cease, to suspend; (stike) to drop

    prekíniti delo to strike
    prekíniti predmet razgovora to drop the subject
    prekíniti naročilo časopisa to discontinue a newspaper
    koga na kratko, ostro prekíniti to cut someone short, to take someone up short
    prekíniti promet to interrupt (ali to hold up) the traffic
    osorno koga prekíniti to be curt (ali brusque) with someone, to snub someone
  • premestítev (premaknitev) shift, transposition; (uradnika) transference, transfer; removal; displacement

    prositi za premestítev to apply for a transfer
    premestítev uradnika na drugo službeno mesto transfer of an official (ali a clerk) to another post (ali place of employment)
  • premestíti to transpose, to displace, to shift; (v službi) to move, to transfer

    premestíti uradnika na drugo službeno mesto to move a clerk to another post (ali place of employment)
    premestíti se to move (ali to shift) to another place
  • premíkati to move, to displace; to shift; (železnica) to shunt

    premíkati se to move
    premíkati vlak na stranski tir to shunt a train to a siding
    premíkati (menjati) kulise to shift the scenes
    stvari so se začele premíkati (figurativno) things began to move
  • premóč predominance (v in, nad over); preponderance (over); superiority, superior force; paramountcy; figurativno overweight; vojska superior forces pl

    številčna premóč numerical superiority
    proti veliki premóči (z malo upanja na uspeh) against long odds
    imeti premóč nad to have the upper hand (ali advantage) over, to dominate, to predominate
    vdati (ukloniti) se premóči to yield to superior forces
  • prêmog coal

    prêmog lignit lignite
    mehki prêmog soft coal
    trdi prêmog hard coal
    rjavi prêmog brown (ali vegetable) coal; (antracit) anthracite, hard coal
    smolnat, smolasti prêmog bituminous coal
    nesortiran prêmog ungraded coal
    kopanje, proizvodnja prêmoga coal-mining
    nahajališče prêmoga coalfield
    lopa za prêmog coal shed
    shramba za prêmog coalhole, coal store
    nakladač, nakladalec prêmoga coal-heaver
    ladja, vagon za prevoz prêmoga coaler
    poraba prêmoga consumption of coal, coal consumption
    posoda za prêmog coal scuttle
    parnik na prêmog coal-burner
    rudnik prêmoga coal mine
    skladišče prêmoga coal yard
    trgovec s prêmogom coal merchant
    zaboj za prêmog coal-bin
    naložiti prêmog na ogenj to put coal on the fire
    naložil bom še malo prêmoga I'll just put a bit more coal on
    vzeti, založiti se s prêmogom (o lokomotivi) to take on coal
  • premožênje (posest) property; (denar) fortune, means pl, funds pl; (bogastvo) wealth

    ocenitev premožênja (davčna) assessment of property
    prijava premožênja declaration of property
    delež v premožênju share in property
    davek na premožênje property tax
    obdavčitev premožênja property taxation
    prenos premožênja transfer of property
    škoda na premožênju damage to property
  • prenêsti to transport, to transmit; to carry over; to transfer (z... na from... to), to turn over to; (pretrpeti) to bear, to stand

    prenesèn pomen figurative sense
    prenesel je posle na svojega družabnika he has turned the business over to his partner
    veliko prenêsti (figurativno) to have a strong back
  • preobràt (javnega mnenja ipd.) about-turn, turnabout, ZDA about-face; U-turn; (sudden) change

    preobràt z levice na desnico politika switch (in policy ali in allegiance) from the Left to the Right
  • preorientírati to change ali alter (a policy, practice, itd.)

    preorientírati se to cange course, to change over, to switch
    podjetje se je preorientiralo na izdelovanje plastičníh predmetov the business has switched (ali gone over) to the manufacture of plastics
  • prepád precipice, abyss; gulf; pesniško abysm; figurativno ruin

    na robu prepáda on the brink of a precipice
    dežela je na robu prepáda the country is on the brink of ruin
    stal je na robu prepáda he stood on the edge of the precipice
    prepád med razvitimi in nerazvitimi deželami the gulf between developed and undeveloped nations
  • prepíh draught; current of air

    prepíh je there is a draught here
    ne stoj na prepíhu! do not stand in the draught!
  • prepísati to copy (in writing), to make a copy; to transcribe; (v šoli nalogo) to copy, to crib

    prepísati na čisto to make a fair copy, to copy out; (literarna kraja) to plagiarize
    točno, dobesedno prepísati to copy out exactly, to copy to the letter; (v lepopisu, dokumente ipd.) to engross; (lastništvo) to convey, to transfer, to make over (property)
    še enkrat prepísati to write out once again
    prepisal je nalogo, vajo od mene he copied (ali cribbed) his exercise from me
  • prepláh alarm

    dati znak za prepláh to give (ali to raise, to sound) the alarm
    povzročiti prepláh to cause alarm
    konec prepláha all clear
    prepláh na borzi a scare on the Stock Exchange
    povzročiti prazen prepláh to cry wolf
  • prepríčati to persuade (o of), to convince (of); to prevail (koga on, upon someone)

    ki se da prepríčati open to persuasion
    težko ga je prepríčati he is hard to convince
    prepríčati nasprotnika to convince one's opponent
    prepríčati se to convince oneself, to assure oneself (of, that); to make sure (o of), to ascertain (da that)
    prepričal sem se na lastne oči I saw it with my own eyes
    prepríčati koga o čem (pogovorno) to bring something home to someone
  • presenéčenje surprise; astonishment; amazement

    kakšno presenéčenje! what a surprise!
    na veliko moje presenéčenje much to my surprise
    napraviti otroku presenéčenje to give a child a surprise
    povzročiti veliko presenéčenje to cause great surprise
  • presenétiti to surprise; to take (someone) by surprise; to astonish; to astound, to confound

    prijetno koga presenétiti to give someone a pleasant surprise
    čisto me je presenetil he took me by surprise, he came upon me unawares
    novica me je presenetila the news amazed me
    dež nas je presenetil na pol pota the rain caught us when we were halfway there
    noč me je presenetila na poti nightfall caught me on my way
    smrt ga je presenetila sredi dela death came upon him in the middle of his work
    presenétiti (zasačiti) tata (vlomilca) pri samem dejanju to surprise (ali to catch) a thief (a burglar) in the act (ali red-handed)
    presenétiti se to be surprised, to be taken by surprise, to be taken unawares
  • preskočíti to jump (ali to leap, to spring, to hop, to skip) over (ali across); (zapreko, figurativno) to clear, to negotiate

    preskočíti dve leti to skip two years
    preskočíti vrsto to skip a line; (jarek) to jump over, to leap over; (besedo, stavek) to omit, to skip, to leave out
    preskočíti od ene téme na drugo to skip from one topic to another