
Zadetki iskanja

  • navodílo instruction; directive; direction; guideline, guidance

    po navodílu delati to act upon instruction
    navodílo za uporabo directions pl for use
    po navodílih according to directions (ali instructions)
    vam v navodílo for your guidance
    dobesedno se držati navodíl to follow the instructions to the letter
    obvezno navodílo binding directive
  • navzád (ritensko) backwards

    zapeljati avto navzád v garažo to back one's car into the garage
  • navzóčnost presence

    tvoja navzóčnost pri slovesnosti je neobhodna your presence (ali attendance) at the ceremony is indispensable
    v naši navzóčnosti nihče ne govori o tem no one speaks openly of it in our presence (ali in front of us)
  • nazáj back; backwards

    moram nazáj I must go back, I must return
    ni ga še nazáj he is not yet back, he has not yet returned
    nazáj datirati to antedate
    nazáj dati to give back, to return, to restore, to refund
    nazáj dobiti to get back, to recover; to be reimbursed, to be repaid
    nazáj delovati to retroact, to be retroactive
    iti nazáj to go back, to return, to recede; to retrogress; to retrograde; to retrace one's steps
    nazáj poklicati to recall
    nazáj pripeljati to reconvey
    nazáj kupiti to repurchase
    nazáj osvojiti to reconquer
    pasti nazáj v isto napako, razvado to be a backslider, to backslide
    pasti nazáj v bolezen to relapse
    nazáj poslati to send back
    stopiti nazáj to step back
    priti nazáj to come back, to return
    udariti nazáj (o puški) to recoil
    želim si nazáj I long to return
    nekaj let nazáj some years ago, some years since
    tja in nazáj there and back
    vozovnica tja in nazáj return ticket
  • nebésa (raj) heaven, paradise

    deveta nebésa (figurativno) the Heaven of heavens
    kakor v nebésih, tako na zemlji on earth as it is in heaven
    (pri omenjanju pokojnega) Bog mu daj sveta nebés! may God rest his soul!
    priti v nebésa to join the angels
    v sedmih nebésih in the seventh heaven
    sveta nebés! good heavens!, by heaven!
    hvaliti koga do nebés to praise someone to the skies
  • nebó (vidno) sky; firmament; pesniško welkin; (v ustih) palate

    na nebu in the sky
    nebó nad prestolom, nebó pri procesiji baldachin, canopy
    visok do neba skyhigh, very high
    iz vedrega neba out of the blue, out of a clear sky
    pod milim nebom under the open sky, in the open air
    med nebom in zemljo between heaven and earth
    kot strela z jasnega neba like a bolt from the blue, all of a sudden
    proti nebu skyward(s)
    do neba segajoč reaching up to the sky, touching the sky
    bitka pod nebom air battle
    modro nebó blue sky
    oblačno nebó cloudy sky, overcast sky
    do neba vpijoč crying to heaven
    štiri strani neba the four points of the compass
    (dimna) pisava (reklama) na nebu aeronavtika skywriting; ZDA smoke-writing (sky advertising)
    pisec (reklame) na nebu skywriter
    košček modrega neba a patch of blue sky
    nebó je modro (oblačno) the sky is blue (cloudy, overcast)
    dvigati se v nebó to rise to the skies
    koga v nebó povzdigovati to praise someone to the skies, to laud to the skies, to extol
    (kot) z neba pasti (figurativno) to come out of the blue, to drop from the skies
    noben mojster ni z neba padel (figurativno) no one is born a master
    v nebó vpijoča krivica a crime crying to heaven for vengeance
    moder kot nebó sky blue, skylike
    do neba (= čez vse mere) sky-high, to the sky (ali to the skies)
  • nedélja Sunday; Lord's Day

    ob nedéljah on Sundays
    prihodnjo (zadnjo) nedéljo next (last) Sunday
    v nedéljo zvečer on Sunday evening
    vsako nedéljo every Sunday
    cvetna (velikonočna, binkoštna, bela, pustna) nedélja religija Palm (Easter, Whit, Low, Shrovetide) Sunday
    ni vsak dan nedélja (figurativno) Christmas comes but once a year
  • nedoglèd far distance (out of view)

    gledal je za čolnom, dokler mu ne izginil v nedoglèdu he gazed after the boat until it disappeared in the far distance
    v nedoglèd as far as the eye can see, infinitely, far into the distance
    v nedoglèd odložiti to postpone indefinitely
  • nedólžnost innocence; guiltlessness; harmlessness; blamelessness; (deviškost) virginity, maidenhood; purity

    dokazati svojo nedólžnost (nekrivdo) to clear oneself of a charge
    umijem si roke v nedólžnosti I wash my hands of it, my hands are clean
    izjaviti svojo nedólžnost to plead not guilty
  • nedostátek deficiency; (pomanjkanje) shortage, lack, want; default

    v nedostátku for want of, in default of, in absence of
    odpraviti nedostátek to make good a deficiency
  • negíben negibčen, negibljív immobile; motionless; immovable; stiff, rigid; not stirring; inflexible

    spraviti v negíben, negibčen, negibljív položaj to immobilize
  • negližé negligee, negligé; housecoat; deshabille, dishabille

    ženska v negližéju a woman in dishabille (ali lightly dressed, wearing a negligee)
  • negotóvost uncertainty; doubt; suspense; insecurity; doubtfulness, dubiousness

    v negotóvosti in suspense
    biti v negotóvosti (ne se moči odločiti) to be in suspense
    mučna negotóvost agony of suspense
    vse je boljše kot negotóvost! anything is better than suspense!
    držati koga v negotóvosti to keep someone in suspense
    napraviti skok v negotóvost to take a leap in the dark
    muči ga negotóvost he is on tenterhooks, the suspense is killing him
  • nekóč once, at one time, in times past, in old times, in former times; (v bodočnosti) some day

    nekóč boš moral vse poplačati you'll have to pay it all back some day
    davno nekóč long ago, in times past, in ancient times; pesniško in olden days, in days or yore
    nekóč je bil kralj... (v pravljicah) once upon a time there was a king
    nekóč sem to delal (zdaj ne več) I used to do it
  • nekóliko a bit, a little, a trifle; some, somewhat, several, a few, not many

    nekóliko dni a few days
    nekóliko okajen (v rožicah) a bit tipsy (ali squiffy)
    nekóliko predolg a trifle too long
    nekóliko ga poznam I know him a little
    nekóliko časa (for) some time
    nekóliko ljudi some people
    počakaj nekóliko! wait a bit!
  • Némčija Germany

    v Némčiji in Germany
    Vzhodna (Zahodna) Némčija East (West) Germany
  • nemílost disgrace; disfavour; displeasure

    biti v nemílosti to be out of favour, not to be in someone's good graces
    priti v nemílost to be disgraced, to fall from grace
    padel je v nemílost pri kralju he fell into disgrace with the king
    biti v nemílosti (pogovorno) to be in the doghouse
  • nemír unrest, disquiet, disquietude; restlessness; (kraval, izgred) riot, tumult, uproar; (zaskrbljenost) anxiety, anxiousness, uneasiness; worry, concern; (razburjenost) agitation, commotion; excitement

    ulični nemíri riots pl, disorders pl
    težki nemíri so izbruhnili v mestu serious rioting has broken out in the town
  • neobvézen not obligatory (ali compulsory, binding, enforced), optional

    neobvézen predmet (v šoli) optional subject
  • neposréden direct; immediate; next, nearest; firsthand; (blizek) contiguous

    neposrédni davki direct taxes pl
    neposrédni ukrepi immediate steps pl
    v neposrédni bližini in the immediate neighbourhood, in the immediate vicinity, in close proximity