
Zadetki iskanja

  • začétek beginning; start; commencement; outset; origin; (pisma) opening

    v začétku at (ali in) the beginning, initially, first, at the outset
    od vsega začétka, od samega začétka from the very beginning, from the start
    od začétka do konca from beginning to end, from start to finish, from first to last
    za začétek for the present, to begin with
    začétek in konec (figurativno) alpha and omega
    dober začétek v življenju a good start in life
    skromen začétek (figurativno) the thin end of the wedge
    slab začétek, slab konec a bad beginning makes a bad ending
    dober začétek je že pol zmage a good start (ali beginning) is half the battle, well begun is half done
    to je začétek konca it is the beginning of the end
    vsak začétek je težak the beginning is always hard, it is always hard to make a start
    dober začétek je že pol opravljenega dela (figurativno) a good lather is half the shave
  • začéti to begin, to start; to commence; to set about; to make a start; (ples) to open, to lead off; (razgovor) to launch, to broach, to moot (a subject)

    zopet, znova začéti to begin (ali to start) again; (biti prvi) to be a pioneer, to pave the way (for), to break (new) ground
    začéti diskusijo to start a discussion
    začéti delikaten pogovor (figurativno) to break the ice
    začéti na napačnem koncu to begin at the wrong end
    začéti pogajanja z to enter into negotiations with
    začéti s proizvedbami to set enquiries on foot
    začéti pravni postopek proti to institute (ali to take) legal proceedings against
    začéti pogovor z to engage in a conversation with
    začéti govor to begin a speech
    začéti kampanjo to open a campaign
    začéti prepir to begin to quarrel
    začéti z učenjem latinščine to start learning Latin, pogovorno to start Latin
    začéti neko stvar (lotiti se) to start on a thing
    začéti trgovino to set up (ali to start in) a business
    začéti pri sebi (figurativno) to begin at home
    začéti peti to burst into song
    začel je pisati he began writing (ali to write)
    začel je z malega he began on a small scale
    zopet je začelo deževati the rain has set in again
    šole (pouk) se začno 1. oktobra school starts on October 1st
    začéti delati to start work, to commence working (ali to work)
    začni(te) od začetka! begin at the beginning!
    slabo je začel he has had a bad start
    začel je piti (figurativno) he has taken to drink
    predstava se začne ob devetih the performance begins at nine
    najslabši del poti se začne v X. the worst stretch of road begins at X.
    letos se je zima zgodaj začela winter has set in early this year
  • začúden astonished; amazed; surprised

    bolj začúden kot prestrašen more surprised than frightened
    biti začúden to be astonished (at), to be amazed (at), to be surprised, to wonder (at, about)
    bil sem začúden, da me ne pozna I was surprised he did not know me
    bil sem močnó začúden I was struck with wonder, I was lost in astonishment, I was amazed
    bil je zelo začúden, ko me je videl he was astonished to see me
    ne bodi tako začúden! don't put on that look of surprise!
  • zádnji last; final; ultimate; rear; posterior, back; latter, lattermost

    zádnji del the hindpart, the backside, (ladje) stern
    zádnji del hiše the back of the house
    moj zádnji (najvišji) cilj my ultimate goal
    zádnja četa rearguard
    zádnji del telesa posterior
    zádnja (zadajšnja) luč (pri vozilu) rear light
    zádnje tri ure the last three hours
    te zádnje tri dni (for) these three days
    v zádnjem času latterly
    zádnje čase recently
    v zádnjih dneh julija in the latter days of July
    zádnja leta življenja the latter days of one's life
    v zádnjih izdihljajih at one's last gasp
    na vse zádnje after all, finally, at last
    (ta) zádnja leta, v (teh) zádnjih letih in recent years, arhaično of late years
    prav do zádnjega to the very last
    do zádnjega moža to the last man
    zádnje noge hind legs pl
    zádnji, a ne najmanj važen last but not least
    to je zádnje, kar se lahko zgodi this is the last thing one would expect to happen
    zádnja leta sem jo zelo redko videla I have seen very little of her these last (ali in recent) years
    prišel je (kot) zádnji he was the last to come
    upati do zádnjega to hope to the last
    to so zádnja poročila this is the latest news (ali stop-press news)
    ležati v zádnjih izdihljajih to be at the last gasp
    zabaviščni lokali so bili zasedeni do zádnjega prostora the places of entertainment were crowded to the doors
    izkazati komu zádnjo čast to attend someone's funeral
  • zadréga embarrassment; difficulty; quandary; perplexity; predicament

    denarne zadrége financial difficulties pl, evfemizem humoristično pecuniary embarrassment
    biti v zadrégi to be in difficulties, to be in a quandary, to be ill at ease, to be at a loss, to be in a fix, to be in embarrassed circumstances
    v lepi zadrégi smo we are in a nice (pretty, sorry) pickle
    sem v veliki zadrégi, kaj naj storim I am completely at a loss what to do
    biti v denarni zadrégi to be short of money
    bili smo v veliki zadrégi, kaj naj odgovorimo we were hard put to it to find an answer, we were completely at a loss (ali we were stumped) for an answer
    moja edina zadréga je, kaj naj izberem my only trouble is which one to choose
    spretno se izvleči iz zadrége (iz stiske) to extricate oneself neatly from a predicament, to find a neat way out of a difficult situation
    pomagati komu iz zadrége to save someone from embarrassment
    spraviti koga v zadrégo to put (ali pogovorno to land) someone in an embarrassing situation, to embarrass someone, to put someone in a predicament (ali in a quandary)
    njega hitro spraviš v zadrégo he is easily embarrassed
    biti v zadrégi za odgovor to be stumped for an answer
  • zadréti

    zadréti si trn v roko to run a thorn into one's hand
    zadréti se na koga to roar at someone, to shout at someone
    zadréti se (zavreščati) to shriek out
  • zaglédati to catch sight of, to sight, to see; to perceive; to lay eyes on; to behold

    zaglédati luč sveta to see the light, to be born
    zaglédati se v koga (figurativno) to fall in love with someone
    zaglédati se kam to stare (ali to gape) at
    zaglédati kopno zemljo to sight land, to make a landfall
  • zagnáti to throw; to fling, to hurl

    zagnáti krik to set up (ali to raise) a cry, to cry out, to shriek
    zagnáti na tla to hurl down
    zagnáti hrup to make a noise, to cause an uproar
    zagnáti se na to fall upon, on; pounce upon, at; to leap at
    zagnáti se za čim to make a dash for
    zagnáti se na sovražnika to make a dash at the enemy
  • zagrozíti to threaten; to menace

    zagrozíti komu s pestjo to shake one's fist at someone
    zagrozíti komu s smrtjo to threaten someone with death
    vsem nam je zagrozil s kaznijo he threatened to have us all punished
    zagrozili so mi s kaznijo they threatened me with punishment
  • zahtéva demand; claim; request; (pretirana) exaction; requirement; postulation; pretension (po to)

    na zahtévo on request, on demand
    na splošno zahtévo by request
    utemeljena zahtéva a just claim
    zahtéva za plačilo demand for payment
    kakšne so vaše zahtéve? what are your demands?
    biti kos vsem zahtévam to be up to all demands
    napraviti kaj na zahtévo to do something at the demand (of)
    umakniti svoje zahtéve to withdraw one's claims
    ugoditi, ustreči zahtévam to comply with the requirements
    da ustrežemo zahtévam naših odjemalcev to meet our customers' requirements
    popustiti v svojih zahtévah to moderate (ali to abate) one's demands
  • zahvála thanks pl; giving thanks; acknowledgment

    v zahválo za in (grateful) thanks for
    izraziti svojo zahválo to express one's thanks
    veliko zahválo sem dobil za to! (ironično) small (pogovorno much) thanks I got for it!
    dolžan sem vam globoko zahválo I owe you a great debt of thanks
    blagovolite sprejeti mojo najtoplejšo (iskreno) zahválo please accept my warmest (heartfelt) thanks
    prisrčna zahvála cordial thanks
    vreden zahvále thankworthy, worthy of thanks, deserving thanks
    izražamo vam najtoplejšo zahválo za vašo naklonjenost we express to (ali we tender) you our warmest thanks for your favour
    odkloniti z zahválo to decline with thanks
    tolikšna plemenitost (radodarnost) je zaslužila vsaj nekaj zahvále such generosity deserved at least some acknowledgment
  • zakadíti to smoke, to fill with smoke

    zakadíti se v (planiti na) to fall upon, to rush at, to pounce on
    on vse zakadi he spends all his money on smoking
    zakadilo se je za njim a cloud of smoke rose behind him
  • zakáj


    zakáj? why?, for what reason?
    zakáj ne? why not?
    ne vedeti zakáj not to know why

    2. (kajti) for

    odločili so se ostati doma, zakáj bilo je grdo vreme they decided to stay at home, for the weather was vile
  • zakljúček conclusion; deduction; decision; resolution; (računa) balance; (konec) close, winding up

    priti do zakljúčka to come to a conclusion, to arrive at a decision (ali a conclusion), to decide
    pri zakljúčku naših knjig smo opazili... on closing our books we noticed...
    nismo mogli priti do nobenega zakljúčka we could not arrive at a decision
    prišel sem do istega zakljúčka I came to the same conclusion
    ne delaj(te) prehitrih (prenaglih) zakljúčkov! don't jump (ali leap) to conclusions!
  • zakljúčiti to conclude (iz, da... from, that...); to draw a conclusion, to deduce, to infer (iz from); (dokončati) to bring to an end

    zakljúčiti se to close
    razstava se je zaključila the exhibition has closed
    svoj govor je zaključil s temi besedami he concluded his speech with these words
    zaključil je sejo he declared the sitting to be at an end
    seja je zaključena the sitting is concluded
  • zakúp lease; rent; pravo tenancy

    v zakúpu on lease, rented, tenanted
    dosmrten zakúp tenancy for life
    (vedno možen) odpovedljiv zakúp tenancy at will
    povraten zakúp leaseback
    dati v zakúp to let out on lease, to put out to lease, to lease
    (daje se) v zakúp (oglas) to let
    imeti v zakúpu to hold on (ali by) lease, to tenant
    vzeti v zakúp to take on lease, to rent
  • zaničevánje disdain; scorn; contempt; disregard

    z zaničevánjem se izraziti to scoff (at)
    zaničevánja vreden contemptible, despicable
  • zapírati to close, to shut; to lock up; (v zapor) to imprison, to arrest; to incarcerate; to commit to prison, to take into custody

    zapírati se to shut, to close
    se ta vrata zapirajo s ključem? does this door lock?
    trgovina se zapira ob šestih the shop closes at six
    zapiramo! (v parku, muzeju ipd.) we're closing!, it's closing time!, all out!
  • zapréka obstacle, hindrance (komu to someone), impediment; hitch; obstruction; barrier; (nenadna) check; bar, hurdle

    brez zaprék without obstacles, without a hitch
    tek čez zapréke šport hurdles pl; obstacle race
    naleteti na zapréke to meet with obstacles, to run into obstacles
    naleteti na nepričakovano zapréko to run into a snag
    premagati zapréke to overcome obstacles
    on je rekorden tekač čez zapréke he is a record hurdler
    odstraniti zapréke to remove obstacles
    delati komu zapréke to put (ali to throw) obstacles in someone's way
    visoke gore so velika zapréka za promet the high mountains are a great obstacle to communication
    konj je padel pri prvi zapréki the horse fell at the first jump
    biti zapréka za to be an obstacle to
    to je bila zapréka za njegovo napredovanje it was a bar (ali a barrier) to his advancement
    nekje je bila kaka zapréka (figurativno) there was a hitch somewhere
    ni poti brez zaprék no road is without obstacles
  • zapréti (knjigo, vrata ipd.) to shut; to close; to shut in; (s ključem) to lock (up); (z zapahom) to bolt; (ulico) to block, to bar, to obstruct

    zapréti dežnik to fold one's umbrella
    zapréti v ječo to lock up in jail, to take to jail, to imprison, to commit to prison, to take into custody
    zapréti jetnika v njegovo celico to shut a prisoner up in his cell
    zapréti oči to shut one's eyes, (umreti) to close one's eyes, to die, to expire
    zapréti oči pred čim (= ne hoteti videti) to connive at something, to shut one's eyes to something
    zapréti vodovodno pipo to turn the tap off
    zapréti plin to turn the gas off
    zaprl (zamašil) sem mu usta I shut him up
    zapréti steklenico to cork (up) a bottle
    zapréti za promet to close to traffic
    zapréti tovarno (nehati z delom) to shut (ali to close) down a factory, to shut the works down
    zapréti prodajalno, trgovino (pogovorno) to shut up shop
    zapréti vstop v pristanišče to bar (ali to close) the entrance to a port
    zaprli so pot, ki pelje preko njihovega polja they have closed the path that leads across their field
    zapréti vrata pred kom (ne hoteti govoriti z njim) to shut the door on someone
    pred nosom komu zapréti vrata to shut the door in someone's face
    silovito zapréti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door
    zapréti se (zakleniti se) to shut oneself up
    zapréti se (o vratih) to swing to, to swing shut
    zapréti se vase (figurativno) to shut oneself away, to immure oneself