úra (čas) hour; (žepna) watch; (stoječa, stenska, stolpna) clock; (namizna) timepiece
úra budilka alarm clock
peščena úra sand glass
sončna úra sundial
cerkvena úra church clock
úra z nihalom pendulum clock
zapestna úra wristwatch
ladijska úra chronometer
úra štoparica stopwatch
policijska úra curfew
konične úre rush hour
huda úra thunderstorm
učna úra lesson
proste úre free (ali spare) hours pl
smrtna úra the hour of death, dying hour, last hour
v zgodnjih úrah in the small hours
úra X vojska zero hour
v teku ene úre, v manj kot eni úri in less than an hour, within an hour
o úre do úre from hour to hour
prav ob tej úri at this very hour
po moji úri by my watch
pol úre half an hour, a half hour
pred pol úre half an hour ago
5 milj na úro 5 miles per hour, 5 miles an hour
vsake tri úre every three hours
več kot eno úro over one hour
ob tej úri at the present time, ZDA presently
polni, celi 2 úri for two hours at a stretch (ali pogovorno on the trot)
dobro úro a good hour
ob 12. úri at 12 o'clock, at noon
v smeri kazalca úre clockwise, (v nasprotni) anticlockwise
jermenček za zapestno úro watch strap, strap for wristwatch; (wrist) watch band; strap (ali cord, link, expansion) band
verižica za úro watch chain, (pri telovniku) watch guard
kolesje úre movement of a watch
ohišje úre clock case
vzmet úre watch spring
utež pri úri clock weight
kazalec úre hand
kazalec sončne úre gnomon
številčnica úre dial
tovarna úr clock factory, watch factory
trgovina z úrami clock trade, watch trade, trade in clocks and watches
koliko je úra? what time is it?, what's the time?, (redko) what o'clock is it
úra je 5 it is five o'clock
četrt na šest je it is a quarter past five
pol šestih je it is half past five
tri četrt na šest je it is a quarter to six
na moji úri je tri it is three by my watch
ob kateri úra? at what time?
je ta úra prav? is that clock (tvoja zapestna úra your wristwatch oziroma pogovorno watch) right?
on je točen kot úra he is as regular as clockwork
moja úra je točna my watch keeps perfect time
dobrih 5 úr je do mesta it's a good five hours to the town
moja úra gre dobro my watch is a good timekeeper
moja úra ne gre (se je ustavila, se je iztekla) my watch is not going (has stopped, isn't working)
moja úra je pokvarjena there is something wrong with my watch
navijte svojo úro! wind up your watch!
moja úra je navita my watch is wound up
úra bíje the clock strikes (oziroma is striking)
úra bo zdajci (od)bila 11 the clock is just about to strike eleven
úra je odbila 7 the clock has struck seven
odbila mu je zadnja úra his last hour is come
moja úra prehiteva my watch is fast (ali gains, is gaining)
moja úra zaostaja my watch is slow (ali loses, is losing)
vprašati koliko je úra to ask the time
naravnati (regulirati) úro po... to regulate (ali to set) one's watch by...
držati se rednih úr to keep regular hours
letalo je doseglo poprečno 450 milj na úro the plane averaged 450 miles an hour
dajati angleške úre (= lekcije) to give English lessons
to úro je treba naviti this clock needs winding up (ali rewinding)
moja úra je potrebna popravila my watch needs repairing
razmakniti konične úre (da ni navala na avtobuse itd.) to stagger office hours
rana úra zlata úra early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
delati 24 úr brez prekinitve (noč in dan) to work around the clock
Zadetki iskanja
- urédba ordinance; edict; enactment; order; (odlok) decree
razveljaviti urédbo to annul an order - urézati to cut; to incise; to notch; to make a cut, to make a nick; to score
urézati se to cut oneself, (figurativno, obrisati se pod nosom) to miss (ali to bungle, pogovorno to muff) an opportunity
v prst sem se urezal I cut my finger - urgénten urgent
skrajno urgéntno of the utmost urgency
je urgéntno? is it urgent (ali pressing)?
urgéntno poklicati zdravnika to call the doctor urgently, to make an emergency call for the doctor - ustáviti to stop, to put a stop to; to bring to a standstill, to stay; to arrest, to cease; to bring to a halt; to suspend; to check; to hold up
ustáviti se to stop, to halt; to come to a standstill (ali hold-up)
ustáviti delo to stop (ali to suspend, to cease) work, to strike; (pogovorno) to knock off work
ustáviti kri to staunch blood
ustáviti krvavitev rane to stop a wound
ustáviti plačo to withold someone's salary, to stop someone's pay
ustáviti plačila to stop payments
ustáviti (štopati) avto to stop a car
ustáviti sovražnosti to suspend hostilities
ustavil me je na ulici he stopped me in the street
ustavili so mu pokojnino his pension (ali allowance) has been stopped
ustáviti napredovanje sovražnika to halt an enemy advance
ustavili so ga sredi njegovega govora he was interrupted right in the middle of his speech
ustáviti vlak, stroj to stop a train, a machine
zdravnik je ustavil krvavenje the doctor staunched the flow of blood
ves promet je bil ustavljen all traffic was stopped, (začasno was suspended)
biti ustavljen (ne moči naprej) to be at a stop
nenadoma se ustáviti to stop short, to stop dead
popolnoma se ustáviti to come to a full (ali dead) stop
on se ne bo pred ničemer ustavil he'll stop at nothing
ura se mi je ustavila my watch has stopped
se ta vlak ustavi v Kranju? does this train stop at Kranj?
za nekaj dni se bom ustavil v Parizu I am going to stay a few days in paris - ustvárjen created; made; žargon cut out
on je ustvárjen za igralca (žargon) he is cut out to be an actor - úzus usage
star úzus an old usage
splošen úzus a common usage - vabílo invitation
vabílo komu, na večerjo invitation to someone, to dinner
pismeno vabílo invitation card
sprejeti vabílo to accept an invitation
na vabílo g. X. at the invitation of Mr. X.
odkloniti vabílo to decline an invitation - vájenec apprentice
biti vájenec to serve one's apprenticeship
dati v uk kot vájenca v obrt to bind an apprentice to a trade
biti vájenec pri to be apprenticed to - večína majority; the greater (ali major) part; the bulk; most; plurality
absolutna (ogromna, vladna, velika, pičla, silna, relativna, potrebna, enostavna, dvetretjinska) večína absolute (crushing, government, great, narrow, overwhelming, relative, necessary, simple, two-thirds) majority
ogromna večína a swingeing victory
večína naroda the mass of the nation
večína (od) nas the bulk of us, most of us
večína glasov majority of votes
večína ljudi the majority of people, most people
z dvema glasovoma večíne by a majority of two
z večíno glasov by a majority of votes, ZDA by a plurality (of votes)
biti v veliki večíni to be in a substantial majority
večína je za predlog the ayes have it
ženske so bile v večíni the women were in the majority
dobiti absolutno večíno to obtain an absolute majority
bila je dosežena večína 200 glasov proti zakonskemu osnutku there was a majority of 200 against the bill
s svojim glasom je odločil večíno he had a casting vote
priključiti se večíni parlament to join the majority - veljáti (stati, stanem) to cost, to be worth; (biti veljaven) to be valid, to be in force; to hold good, to hold true, to be true
koliko velja ta knjiga? how much does this book cost?
to zemljišče velja 2.000 funtov m2 this land is worth 2,000 pounds a square metre
naj velja, kar hoče! cost what it may!
veljáti za poštenjaka to pass for an honest man
isto velja za vas the same holds good for you
hoteti veljáti za... to set oneself up as...
ne maram veljáti za moralista (purista) I don't set myself up as a moralist (a purist)
velja (za) dva meseca valid for two months
veljá! agreed!, it's a deal!
ta vstopnica velja za večerno predstavo this ticket admits (you) to the evening performance - verificírati to verify, to check; (račune) to audit
verificírati mandat to verify someone's credentials
verificírati račun to verify an account - vést2 conscience
brez vésti conscienceless
čista vést clear (ali good) conscience
slaba vést guilty (ali bad) conscience
z mirno vestjo with an easy conscience
proti moji vésti contrary to my conscience
kosmata vést elastic conscience
glas vésti the voice of conscience
izpraševanje vésti examination of one's conscience
grizenje vésti twinges pl of conscience, pangs pl of remorse, qualms pl of conscience, scruples pl
oseba, človek brez vésti conscienceless (ali unscrupulous, unconscionable, unprincipled) person
za pomirjenje vésti for conscience(') sake
izprašati si vést to examine one's conscience
imeti koga na vésti to have someone on one's conscience
imeti kosmato vést to have an easy-going conscience
vest ga grize his conscience is bothering him
ima dva umora na vésti he has two murders on his conscience
ne maram imeti tega na vésti I don't want to have that on my conscience
vést me peče I am conscience-stricken; my conscience is tormenting me (ali is giving me no peace), I am stung with remorse
vést ga je pekla his conscience troubled him, he had qualms of conscience, he was conscience-stricken
olajšati si vést to get something off one's conscience
pomiriti si vést to appease (ali to soothe, to salve, to quieten) one's conscience
z mirno véstjo lahko to storite you may do it with an easy conscience - veščák expert; proficient person, specialist; knowledgeable person
biti dober veščák za kaj to be an expert in something - vídeti to see; to get sight of; to notice; (opaziti) to become aware, to perceive
dobro (slabo) vídeti to have good (bad) sight, to have good (bad) eyes
bežno vídeti to get a fleeting glimpse of
nič ni vídeti there is nothing to be seen
na prvi pogled, mižé vídeti (žargon) to see with half an eye
vídeti je zdrav he looks well
vídeti je, da... it seems that...
vídeti v prihodnost to see into the future
vídeti vse zvezde (figurativno, od udarca) to see stars
če prav vidim if my eyes do not deceive me
iz tega se vidi hence it appears
jasno se vidi it is clear
na prvi pogled se vidi you can see at a glance, it is self-evident
vreden, da se vidi worth seeing
sam lahko vidiš you can see it for yourself
malo se vidiva we see little of each other
sam sem to videl I saw it myself
nič ga ni vídeti he is nowhere to be seen
konca vojne še ni vídeti the end of the war is not yet in sight
videl sem smrt od blizu I looked death in the face
mesto se vidi od daleč the town can be seen from far away
videl je že lepše čase he has seen better times
si že kdaj videl kaj takega? did you ever see the like of it?; pogovorno can you beat it?
naj vidim, da vidim! (naj pomislim) let me see!
naj te več ne vidim! don't let me see you again!
rajši vidim, da ne prideš you had better not come
ne vidiš péd pred nosom! you can see no further than the end of your nose
vaš prijatelj je, kot je vídeti (kot vidim) starejši od vas your friend, I find, is older than you
videl sem, kako je padel I saw him fall
bomo videli! we shall see!, wait and see!
bomo že videli we'll see, time will tell
to bomo še (šele) videli that remains to be seen
rad bi to videl! I'd like to see that!
videl bo, kdor bo živel live and learn - vídez appearance; likeness; outward form
na vídez apparently, seemingly
po vsem vídezu to (ali by) all appearances, as far as appearances go
(le) na vídez for the sake of appearances, for appearance's sake
imeti vídez to seem to be, to have the air of
dajati si vídez to pretend to be, to pass for, to assume an a pearance
ohraniti vídez (normalnosti, uglednosti) to save appearances, to keep up appearances
biti lepega vídeza to make a fine sight
soditi po vídezu to judge by appearances
le na vídez je zdrav he merely seems healthy
proti vsemu vídezu, v nasprotju z vídezom contrary to all appearances, to all likelihood
vídez vara all is not gold that glitters, beauty is but skin deep
vídez (dostikrat) vara appearances pl are (often) deceptive - vlóga gledališče part, role, rôle; (v banko) deposit; (prošnja) application; petition; (v igri, vložek) stake
nehvaležna vlóga an ungrateful part
zasedba vlóg gledališče cast
néma vlóga gledališče nonspeaking role, walk-on part
hranilna vlóga savings-bank deposit
film X. v glavni vlógi Y. a film featuring Y.
igrati negativno vlógo gledališče, lopov, kriminalec to play a baddy (ali a heavy)
igrati vlógo v... gledališče to act a part in...
igrati glavno vlógo v igri ipd. to star in a play, to feature in a play, to play the main role, (figurativno) to play the key role, to be the kingpin
igrati važno vlógo v... to play an important part in...
igrati žalostno, klavrno vlógo to cut a poor figure
igral je klavrno vlógo v tej zadevi he cut a poor figure in that affair
igrati stransko vlógo (figurativno) to play second fiddle, to be of second-rate importance
to ne igra nobene vlóge (figurativno) that does not matter, that makes no difference
denar ne igra vlóge money is no object
napraviti pismeno vlógo to put in a written application
napraviti vlógo na... to make an application to...
péti vodilno vlógo v operi to sing the lead in an opera - vložíti to put in; to lay in; to insert in; (investirati) to invest; (denar v banko) to deposit; (sadje) to preserve (fruit); (v igro) to stake
vložíti film v fotoaparat to fill, to load a camera
vložíti v kis to pickle
vložíti prihranke v... to put one's savings into...
vložíti priziv to appeal, to file (ali to lodge) an appeal, to give notice of appeal
vložíti interpelacijo to table a motion
vložíti obtožnico to file a charge
vložíti prošnjo (pritožbo, zahtevo, protest) to put in (ali to make, to lodge) an application (a complaint against, a claim, a protest against)
vložíti mnogo truda to make every effort, to spare no effort, to take great pains, to exert oneself, arhaično to bestow great pains (v kaj on, upon something)
vložíti dobro besedo za... to put in a good word for...
vložíti zahtevo za povzročeno škodo, za odškodnino to put in a claim for damages
vložíti protest proti... to enter a protest against...
vložíti prošnjo to make an application, to present a petition
vložíti tožbo proti komu to bring an action against someone
vložíti veto to veto - vodíti (iti prvi) to lead, to go first; to lead the way; to take the lead; to conduct; (upravljati) to manage, to direct, to be the manager; to control; to boss; to run; (ladjo) to pilot, to steer
vodíti v modi to set the fashion
vodíti ples to lead the dance
vodil nas je skozi pravi labirint ulic he guided us through an absolute labyrinth of streets
pes je vodil slepca the dog was leading the blind man
pustí se vodíti od žene he lets his wife manage him
vodíti s 3 goli šport to lead by 3 goals
človeka često vodijo njegove strasti a man is often swayed by his passions
vodíti koga za nos (figurativno) to lead someone up the garden path, to pull someone's leg
vodíti psa na vrvici to lead a dog on the leash
vodíti razpašno življenje to lead a life of debauchery
vodíti v skušnjavo to lead into temptation
vodíti vojno z... to make war on..., to wage war with...
cesta vodi v X. the road leads to X.
vodíti pogajanja to be in negotiation
vodíti v teku (preteči druge) to get ahead of, to outstrip
kdo vodi (v teku, šport) who is ahead?
vodíti posle to manage, to run a business
on vodi vse (pogovorno) he runs the whole show
kam to vodi? what are we coming to?
to ne vodi nikamor that gets us nowhere
to lahko daleč vodi that could take us a long way
vodíti knjige ekonomija to keep the books
vodíti sestanek (sejo, zborovanje) to be in the chair, to (take the) chair, to preside over a meeting
kdo je vodil sestanek? who presided over the meeting?, who was in the chair?
dejavnosti, zadeve to conduct activities, affairs
vodíti družbene odnose to manage a society's affairs
vsa pota vodijo v Rim all roads lead to Rome - vódstvo guidance; leadership; lead; conduct; (uprava) administration, management, managing; direction
vódstvo ekspedicije leadership of an expedition
vódstvo tvrdke running of a firm
pod vódstvom under the direction (ali lead) of
prevzeti vódstvo to take the lead (tudi šport)
prevzeti vódstvo tvrdke to take over the management (ali running) of a firm