
Zadetki iskanja

  • preoráti to plough up (down, over); to turn over with a plough; (znova orati) to plough over again (ali once again)

    do konca tedna bodo vse preorali by the end of the week they will have finished ploughing
    avtomobili so preorali cesto the cars have ploughed up (ali churned up) the road
    ladja je preorala morske valove the ship ploughed through the waves
  • prepésniti to re-create ali rework a poem
  • prepírati se to quarrel; to have a row (s kom with someone); to dispute (o on, about); to wrangle; to have words (s kom with someone); to squabble (s kom o čem with someone about something); (pričkati se) to bicker

    prepírati se s kom za kaj to contend with someone for something
    prepírati se za prazen nič to argue about trifles
    o tem se ne bomo prepirali that admits of no argument
  • prepísati to copy (in writing), to make a copy; to transcribe; (v šoli nalogo) to copy, to crib

    prepísati na čisto to make a fair copy, to copy out; (literarna kraja) to plagiarize
    točno, dobesedno prepísati to copy out exactly, to copy to the letter; (v lepopisu, dokumente ipd.) to engross; (lastništvo) to convey, to transfer, to make over (property)
    še enkrat prepísati to write out once again
    prepisal je nalogo, vajo od mene he copied (ali cribbed) his exercise from me
  • prepláčan overpaid; bought at too high a price
  • preplàčati to pay too high a price (for); to overpay

    močnó preplàčati to pay an exorbitant price, to pay through the nose; not to get one's money worth; (pasivno) to be overcharged
    ne preplàčati to get one's money worth
    preplačali smo we did not get our money's worth
  • preplúti to sail across, to cross by sailing; to voyage across; to make a passage
  • preplúžiti to plough up (over); to turn over with a plough; (znova plužiti) to plough
  • prepovédati to forbid, to prohibit; to disallow; (uradno) to interdict; to suppress; to ban; to veto, to put a veto on; (svobodo govora itd.) to suppress, pogovorno to gag

    prepovédati vsa zborovanja to ban all meetings
    prepovedali so mi iti tja I was forbidden to go there
    prepovédati vstop v hišo to forbid someone the house
    prepovedujem ti iti vén I forbid you to go out
    zdravnik mi prepoveduje (piti) vino the doctor forbids me (to drink) wine
  • prerísati to copy a drawing (ali plan), to draw from the original; (skozi papir) to trace, to make a tracing
  • preséka narrow strip cut through a forest
  • prestrášiti to frighten; to scare, to alarm, to give (someone) a fright; to startle; to dismay, to appal

    kako si me prestrašil! what a fright you gave me!
    pošteno ste me prestrašili you gave me a real scare
    na smrt prestrášiti to scare someone to death
    prestrášiti se to take fright; to get frightened (ali alarmed), to be startled
  • prestrél a shot (through something); medicina ➞ prestrelina
  • prestrelíti to shoot through; to shoot a hole in
  • pretegníti se to injure oneself by lifting a heavy load; (od dela) to be overworked, to overwork
  • pretépati pretêpsti to beat (ali to thrash) thoroughly (ali all over), to beat someone black and blue; to maul; pogovorno to whop; to hide; to tan someone's hide; to give someone a good hiding

    pretépati, pretêpsti s palico to belabour with a stick
    pretépati, pretêpsti do mrtvega to thrash someone within an inch of his life
    te bom pretepel, da boš črn I'll beat you black and blue
  • pretkánec cunning fellow; (figurativno) a sly dog, humoristično a slyboots
  • prevájati to translate; to make a version; to render into another language; to interpret

    prevájati Cankarja v angleščino to translate Cankar into English
    prevájati iz nemščine v fancoščino to translate from German into French
    dobesedno prevájati to translate word for word
    ta knjiga se da lepo prevájati this book translates well; elektrika to conduct
    kovine dobro prevajajo električni tok metals are good conductors of electricity
  • prevéjanec a cunning (ali crafty, wily, sly, smart) fellow
  • preveseljáčiti (denar) to spend (one's money) having a good time, enjoying oneself; to squander (away); žargon to blue