abrogácija abrogation; cancelling; rescission; repeal
abrogírati to abrogate; to cancel; to repeal; to rescind
abrúpcija abruption
abrupten abrupt
abscísa geometrija abscissa, pl -ssae
abscisna os α-axis
absénca (odsotnost) absence
absentácija absence without leave
absénten (odsoten) absent
absentírati se to absent someone (od from); to be absent
absentízem (odsotnost) absenteeism
absínt (pelinkovec) absinthe (tudi absinth)
absolúcija religija absolution; pravo acquittal
absolúten absolute; positive
absolútni ablativ gramatika ablative absolute
absolútni alkohol absolute alcohol
absolúten dokaz absolute proof
absolútna monarhija absolute monarchy
absolútna oblast absolute power
absolútna večina an absolute majority
absolútna višina altitude; height above sea-level
absolútno zaupanje complete (ali perfect ali absolute) confidence
absolútna potreba absolute necessity
absolútni posluh glasba perfect pitch
absolutíst; absolutístičen absolutist
absolútno prislov absolutely; positively; strictly; really
absolútno moraš biti tu ob petih you must be here at five o'clock without fail
absolutórij release ali discharge from duty; completion of high school or university studies; certificate to this effect
absolvírati (nalogo) to discharge, to accomplish; (študij) to finish; (visoko šolo) to graduate from, to take one's degree
absolviral je študije he has taken his degree
absolvent graduate
absórbens medicina absorbefacient
absorbént absorbent
absorbíranje absorbing; absorption