
Zadetki iskanja

  • stréljati to shoot; to fire, to fire a gun

    stréljati na... to fire at...
    stréljati na koga to shoot at someone
    stréljati čez cilj to overshoot the mark
    stréljati (loviti) veliko divjad to shoot big game
  • telefónski telephonic, telephone(-)

    telefónska centrala (telephone) exchange, ZDA telephone central (office)
    javna telefónska kabina callbox, ZDA telephonebooth (ali box)
    telefónski imenik telephone directory
    telefónska linija telephone line
    telefónska mreža telephone network
    telefónski naročnik telephone subscriber
    telefónska številka telephone number
    telefónska slušalka (telephone) receiver, handset
    telefónski pogovor telephone conversation, (na veliko oddaljenost) long-distance telephone conversation
    telefónska instalacija telephone installation
    telefónski poziv telephone call
    telefónski urad telephone office
    telefónska zveza telephone communication, ZDA telephone connection
    telefónska žica telephone wire
    vzpostaviti telefónsko zvezo to put through a call
    naprava za prisluškovanje telefónskih pogovorov bug
    prisluškovati telefónskemu pogovoru to tap a telephone
    telefónski znak, da je telefónska linija prosta dialling tone
  • toaléta toilet; (obleka) dress, costume, clothes pl; (stranišče) lavatory, W.C., toilet; (za ženske) powder room

    ona veliko izda za svojo toaléto she spends a lot of money on her toilet
    opraviti (svojo) toaléto to make one's toilet, to tidy oneself up, pogovorno to have a wash and brush up
  • trúd trouble, effort; exertion; pains pl; hard work, labour, toil; endeavour

    trúda poln painful, troublesome
    s trúdom with an effort
    brez trúda without trouble, easily, effortlessly
    z velikim trúdom with great difficulty
    z lahkim trúdom easily
    izgubljen trúd a waste of effort
    trúd brez haska wasted effort
    ves trúd je zaman pogovorno it's all a waste of time, pesniško it is labour lost
    ni mi žal trúda I don't mind hard work, I don't shrink from hard work
    hvala za vaš trúd I thank you for the trouble you have taken
    z malo trúda with a little trouble, by taking a little trouble
    po velikem trúdu sem uspel I succeeded after a great deal of trouble
    ni vredno trúda it isn't worth while, it is not worth the trouble
    veliko trúda si da(ja)ti to take great trouble
    dal si je mnogo trúda, da (bi naredil izpit) he was at great pains to (pass the examination)
    nobenega trúda se ne bati, se ne ustrašiti to spare no effort, to grudge no pains
    povzročil, dal ti bom veliko trúda I'm going to cause you a lot of trouble
    prav nobenega trúda si ne vzeti, dajati to take no trouble at all
    ne varčevati s trúdom to spare no effort (ali no pains)
    naredil sem to, da bi ti prihranil trúd I did it to save you trouble
    biti tepen v zahvalo za svoj trúd to get a thrashing for one's pains
    tratiti, zapravljati (svoj) trúd (figurativno) to plough the sand
    ni si vzel niti trúda, da bi odgovril he didn't even take the trouble to answer
  • V v (kje?) in, at; (kam?) into, to

    v šoli (= v zgradbi) in the school, (pri pouku) at school
    v šolo to school
    v gledališču at the theatre
    v 3. nadstopju on the third (3rd) floor, ZDA on the fourth (4th) floor
    v Londonu (veliko mesto) in London
    v Kamniku (malo mesto) at Kamnik
    v London, v Francijo to London, to France
    v mestu in town
    v inozemstvu, v inozemstvo abroad
    izgubljen v temi lost in the dark (ali darkness)
    slab v angleščini weak in English
    v torek on Tuesday
    dvakrat v letu twice a year
    v tistem času at that time
    v starih časih in ancient times
    v novejšem času in recent times
    v mojih letih at my age
    v pradobi in prehistoric times
    v tem trenutku at this moment
    v pravem času at the right moment, just in time
    pozno v noč late into the night
    v roku 10 dni within 10 days
    v vojni in miru at war and at peace
    v ta namen for this purpose
    v imenu... in the name of...
    v redu in order
    biti v dobrih odnosih s kom to be on good terms with someone
    hiša je bila v plamenih the house was on fire
    biti v skrajni bedi to be in utter poverty
    ste kdaj bili v Londonu? have you ever been to London?
    biti v vojni to be at war
    dospeti, prispeti v London to arrive in London
    hoditi v šolo to go to school
    pasti v vodo to fall into the water
    ne morem mu tega vbiti v glavo I can't drive it into his head
    vreči v koš za odpadke to throw into the wastepaper basket
    vreči v zrak to throw into the air
    zdrobiti v prah to pulverize, to reduce to dust
    živeti v Sloveniji to live in Slovenia
    to delo bom končal v roku treh mesecev (v treh mescih) I shall finish this job (ali work, task) within three months
  • vélik big, large; great; (visok) tall, high; (razsežen) vast, spacious

    v vélikem obsegu on a large scale
    vélika črka capital letter, upper-case letter, majuscule
    véliki četrtek Maundy Thursday
    vélik del a great deal
    lov na véliko divjad big-game hunting
    Aleksander Veliki Alexander the Great
    véliki (glavni) dobitek first prize
    vélika bitka great battle
    véliki in mali (figurativno) great and small
    véliki inkvizitor grand inquisitor
    vélika gospoda (imenitniki) the great
    Karel Veliki Charlemagne, Charles the Great
    vélika laž a big lie
    vélika luža (figurativno, Atlantik) the big pond, the big drink
    vélik (slaven) mož great man, (visok) tall man
    Veliki Medved astronomija Ursa Major, the Great Bear, the Plough
    véliki mojstri the great masters pl
    vélika noč religija Easter
    véliki petek religija Good Friday
    vélika sobota religija Holy Saturday
    vélika obzirnost great discretion
    véliko naročilo large order
    vélik(i) nakup(i) bulk purchases pl
    véliko podjetje largescale enterprise
    vélik pesnik great poet
    véliki stroški heavy expenses pl
    z vélikim trudom with great pains
    vélik umetnik great artist
    véliki teden religija Holy Week
    Veliki Voz astronomija the Great Bear, the Plough, Charles's Wain, the Wain, ZDA the Big Dipper
    vélika soba large room
    véliki vezir Grand Vizier
    véliki vojvoda Grand Duke (ženski spol Duchess)
    vélika žival large animal
    vélika živina (figurativno, žargon) big shot, big noise, big wheel
    oba sta enako vélika they are both the same size
    pisati, tiskati z véliko črko to capitalize
    oni živijo v vélikem slogu they live in great style
  • vesêlje joy, gaiety; joyfulness; gladness; pleasure; delight

    komu v vesêlje to the delight (ali to the joy) of someone
    z vesêljem with plesure
    solze vesêlja tears pl of joy
    kvarilec vesêlja killjoy, wet blanket
    bil je ves iz sebe od vesêlja he could not contain himself for joy
    imam veliko vesêlje s svojimi otroki my children give (ali afford) me much pleasure
    ne maram vam kvariti vesêlja I won't spoil your pleasure
    radi bi ji napravili nekaj vesêlja we would like to give her some pleasure
    skakati od vesêlja to leap for joy
    z vesêljem sem sprejel vaše vabilo I gladly accepted your invitation
    vriskati od vesêlja to shout with joy
  • vík cry, shout; crying; clamour

    krik in vík hue and cry
    zagnati krik in vík proti komu to raise a hue and cry against someone
    mnogo víka za prazen nič (veliko truda in malo uspeha) much ado about nothing
  • vprášati vpraševáti to ask, to ask a question, to put a question, to question; to interrogate

    vprášati, vpraševáti za to inquire about; to raise a question
    vprašajte v hiši! inquire within!
    vprášati, vpraševáti koga za kaj, o čem to ask someone for (after, about) something
    vprášati, vpraševáti po kom, za koga to ask for someone, to inquire about someone
    vprášati, vpraševáti koga za čas (koliko je ura) to ask someone the time
    vprášati, vpraševáti za pot to ask one's way
    vprášati, vpraševáti koga za svèt to ask someone's advice, to consult someone
    on rad, veliko sprašuje (figurativno) he is inquisitive
    vprašal me je za moje ime he asked me my name
    morali bi vprášati, vpraševáti zdravnika you ought to consult a physician
    neštetokrat koga vprášati, vpraševáti to ask someone times without number (ali pogovorno tons of times)
    preveč me vprašuješ o tem (= tega ne vem) you want to know more than I can tell you, that is beyond my ken
    vprašujem se, če je ta obisk potreben (primeren) I question the necessity of this visit
    vprašujem se (= bogve), kdo je to rekel I wonder who said it
    često sem se vprašal, kaj bi se zgodilo, če... I have often wondered what would happen if...
    zelo vprašujejo po tem artiklu this article is in great demand (ali in great request)
    za to blago nikdo ne vprašuje this article is a drug on the market
    po kavi zelo vprašujejo coffee is very much in demand
  • vrát neck; (grlo) throat

    trd vrát stiff neck
    labodji vrát swan's neck
    na vrát na nos helter-skelter, head over heels, headlong; precipitately
    do vrátu v težavah up to the eyes (ali ears) in difficulties
    do vrátu v delu up to the elbows in work
    biti do vrátu v vodi to be up to the ears in water
    biti do vrátu sit česa to be fed up to the back teeth with something
    vrát me boli I have a sore throat
    imeti koga na vrátu (figurativno) to have someone on one's back
    imeti veliko družino na vrátu to be encumbered with a large family
    držati koga za vrát to hold someone by the throat
    pasti komu okoli vrátu to fall on someone's neck, to embrace someone
    prerezati komu vrát to cut someone's throat
    razbiti vrát steklenice to break the neck of a bottle
    stegovati vrát to stretch (ali to crane) one's neck (za, po at, for)
    tičati do vrátú v dolgovih to be up to one's eyes (ali ears) in debt
    vreči se komu okoli vrátú to throw one's arms round someone's neck
    zaviti komu vrát to wring someone's neck, to tread on someone's neck
    zgrabiti koga za vrát to grab someone by the throat, to take someone by the neck
    zlomiti komu vrát to break someone's neck
    zlomiti si vrát to break one's neck
    zmagati za dolžino vrátú (pri konjskih dirkah) to win by a neck
  • vrédnost value; worth; price

    brez vrédnosti valueless, worthless, of no worth
    vrédnost dela value of labour
    v vrédnosti od... to the value of..., worth...
    nekaj brez vrédnosti (figurativno) a dead loss
    kalorična vrédnost calorific value
    komercialna vrédnost commercial value
    maksimalna vrédnost maximum value
    stalna vrédnost fixed value
    zamenjalna vrédnost exchange value
    vrédnost po računu value according to the account
    nominalna vrédnost face value
    vrédnost 1.000.000 SIT a million tolars' worth
    prijava vrédnosti declaration of value
    diamant zelo velike vrédnosti a very valuable diamond
    ocenjevalec vrédnosti valuer
    vzorec brez vrédnosti sample of no value
    znamke v vrédnosti 50.000 SIT fifty thousand tolars' worth of stamps
    to nima nobene vrédnosti there is no price for it
    izvleči polno vrédnost iz... to get full value out of...
    pasti v vrédnosti to depreciate
    podcenjevati (precenjevati) vrédnost česa to undervalue (to overvalue) something
    prekositi v vrédnosti to outvalue
    pripisovati preveliko vrédnost čemu to set too much value upon something
    polagati veliko vrédnost na... to make much of..., to care much about..., to set great store by...
  • vzdrževáti to keep (up), to maintain; to support, to sustain, to provide sustenance (for)

    vzdrževáti veliko družino to keep (ali to maintain) a large family
    vzdrževáti prijateljske stike, zveze to maintain friendly relations
    vzdrževáti se česa to abstain from something
    sam se vzdrževáti to keep oneself in food and clothing, to be selfsupporting; to support oneself
    njegov stric ga vzdržuje his uncle pays for his upkeep
    vzdrževáti se s čim to subsist by something
    vzdrževáti pogovor to keep a conversation going
    vzdrževáti pogum (moralo) čet to support the courage (to maintain the morale) of the troops
    vzdrževáti svojo družino to support one's family
    vzdrževan kept, supported; provided for (od koga by someone)
  • začúdenje astonishment, amazement; surprise

    na (veliko) moje začúdenje to my (great) surprise
    strmeti, debelo gledati od začúdenja to stare in surprise
    spraviti koga v začúdenje, zbuditi komu začúdenje to astonish someone
    nobena stvar me ne spravi več v začúdenje nothing surprises me any more
  • zahvála thanks pl; giving thanks; acknowledgment

    v zahválo za in (grateful) thanks for
    izraziti svojo zahválo to express one's thanks
    veliko zahválo sem dobil za to! (ironično) small (pogovorno much) thanks I got for it!
    dolžan sem vam globoko zahválo I owe you a great debt of thanks
    blagovolite sprejeti mojo najtoplejšo (iskreno) zahválo please accept my warmest (heartfelt) thanks
    prisrčna zahvála cordial thanks
    vreden zahvále thankworthy, worthy of thanks, deserving thanks
    izražamo vam najtoplejšo zahválo za vašo naklonjenost we express to (ali we tender) you our warmest thanks for your favour
    odkloniti z zahválo to decline with thanks
    tolikšna plemenitost (radodarnost) je zaslužila vsaj nekaj zahvále such generosity deserved at least some acknowledgment
  • zamúda lateness; delay; coming behind one's time

    imeti zamúdo to be behind time
    imeli smo pet minut zamúde we were five minutes late
    vlak je imel precéj zamúde the train was very late (ali was well behind time)
    ladja ima veliko zamúdo the boat is long overdue
    vlak ima zamúdo the train is late (ali behind time, not up to time)
    vlak ima 10 minut zamúde the train is 10 minutes overdue
    to je povzročilo našo zamúdo that is what delayed us (ali threw us late)
    biti v zamúdi za plačilo davkov to be in arrears (ali behind) with one's taxes
    sem v zamúdi s svojo korespondenco I am behindhand (ali in arrears) with my correspondence
  • zaposlováti to employ

    tovarna zaposluje veliko število delavcev the factory employs a large number of workers
    zaposlováti koga (figurativno) to keep someone on the go ➞ zaposliti
  • zapráviti to waste, (denar) to squander; to fritter away; (razpisano) to spend lavishly, to lavish, to be prodigal with; to dissipate; to throw away (svoj denar one's money)

    zapravil je veliko premoženje he squandered a large fortune
    zapráviti (svoj) čas to waste one's time
    ne zapravljaj časa! don't waste your time!
  • zdrževáti to maintain; to support; to keep (up)

    zdrževáti veliko družino to maintain (ali to keep) a large family
    zdrževáti prijateljske zveze to maintain friendly relations
    zdrževáti se (alkohola) to abstain from (alcohol)
    sam se zdrževáti to be self-supporting
  • žálost sadness; sorrow; mournfulness; depression; gloom; melancholy; distress; affliction; grief

    veselje se spremeni v žálost joy turns to grief
    v dvoje se žálost laže prenaša (arhaično) two in distress make sorrow less
    na mojo žálost to my sorrow
    na njegovo veliko žálost to his regret (ali annoyance, vexation)
    biti v globoki žálosti to be in deep mourning
  • živíti to nourish

    živíti veliko družino to keep (ali to maintain) a large family
    on se sam živí he is self-supporting