tàm there; in that direction; in (ali at) that place
tu pa tàm here and there
tàm doli down there
tàm notri in there
tàm preko over there
tàm zunaj out there
tàm góri up there
tàm nekje thereabouts
tàm daleč yonder
ne tu ne tàm neither here nor there
Zadetki iskanja
- tíčati to be; to stick (v in)
tíčati do ušes, do vratú v dolgovih to be up to one's ears in debt
kje pa tičiš ves ta čas? where have you been all this time?
vedno doma tíčati to be a stay-at-home
on vedno doma tiči he stays indoors; he is a stay-athome, he is a homebody (ali homebird)
vedno skupaj tíčati (figurativno) to be inseparable
v tem grmu tiči zajec (figurativno) that's the gist (of the whole matter), that is where the dog is buried, (tu je težava) there's the rub, that's the whole point
ključ tiči v vratih the key is in the lock - tolerírati to tolerate; (vero, mnenje) to admit, to allow; (zlorabo, krivico) to suffer, to put up with, to endure; medicina (drogo) to tolerate
tu ga (pač) tolerirajo (trpé) he is here on sufferance - túdi also; too; as well; likewise; so; moreover, in addition
ne samo... ampak tudi... not only... but also
jaz túdi I too, me too, so (am) I, so (do) I
on govori tudi nemško he speaks German too
túdi tu here too
túdi ne nor, neither
lahko prideš in tvoja sestra túdi you can come, and your sister too (ali and so can your sister)
on prihaja in njegov brat túdi he is coming and his brother is too (ali also ali and so is his brother)
Moj brat govori angleško. - Jaz tudi. My brother speaks English. - So do I.
Jaz tega ne morem verjeti. - Mi tudi ne. I cannot believe it. - Neither (ali nor) can we.
Tega nisem vedel. - Jaz tudi ne. I didn't know that. - Neither did I.
Tudi če bi to bilo res, ne smeš tega reči Even if it were true you should not say that
to mislim túdi narediti I mean to do it, too - tújec stranger; (inozemec) foreigner; (tuj državljan) alien, foreign subject, unnaturalized foreigner; (neznanec) unknown person
jaz sem tu tújec I am a stranger here
nezaželen tújec undesirable alien
knjiga tújcev visitors' book
vodnik za tújce (tourist) guide
sovražen do tújcev hating aliens, xenophobic
sovraštvo do tújcev xenophobia
sovražnik tújcev xenophobe - ugájati
ugaja mi... I like, I am pleased with, I relish; I am fond of, I love, I am partial to; I find it agreeeable; (ustreza mi) it suits me, it is convenient to me
to mi ugaja I am pleased with it, it pleases me
ne ugaja mi... I don't like, it displeases me, (mrzim) I detest, I abhor, I am loath to...
kakor vam ugaja as you like
meni ugaja (je všeč) I have taken a fancy (ali a liking) to...
ti ta soba ugaja? does this room suit you?
kako vam ugaja naše mesto? how do you like our town?
kako ti ugaja to vino? how do you find this wine?
ta vrsta glasbe mi ne ugaja that sort of music does not appeal to me
ta kava mi ni ugajala (prijala) I did not like this coffee
misel, da bi ostal tu, mi ne ugaja I do not relish the idea of staying here - váren safe; secure
váren pred safe from
na várnem in safety
absolutno, popolnoma váren (pogovorno) as safe as houses
toliko bolj várno so much the safer
váren kraj a safe place
váren pred napadi secure from attacks
váren obstoj, eksistenca a secure existence
váren pred nevarnostjo secure from danger
várna investicija a safe investment
most ni váren the bridge is not safe
biti na várnem to be on the safe side
biti váren pred volkovi to be safe from the wolves
hraniti kaj na várnem to keep something safe
tu smo na várnem pred vetrom here we are sheltered from the wind
moje življenje ni več várno my life is no longer secure
ni várno dotakniti se tega psa it is not safe to touch this dog, beware of the dog!
zdaj se čutimo várne we feel safe now
várno sem ga spravil (spremil) domov I saw him safe home
spravil sem ga na várno I have taken him to (ali put him in) a safe place
peljati na várno to lead to safety
položiti na várno mesto to put in a safe place - ves vsa, vse all; whole; entire; total; complete
mi vsi all of us
vse, razen... all but...
vsa Slovenija all Slovenia
vsa dežela the whole country
po vsej Angliji all over England
vsa Evropa all Europe, the whole of Europe
po vsem svetu all over the world
na vseh straneh on all sides
vsa družba the whole (ali all the) company
vsa moja družina je tu all my family are here
(skozi) ves dan all day long, the whole day long
vsi in vsak all and sundry
vse moje življenje all my life
v vseh ozirih in all respects
po vseh štirih on all fours
vse mogoče all sorts, all kinds (of)
za ves svet ne not for all the world
z vso (možno) hitrostjo with all speed
vse mesto je bilo tam the whole town was there
vse je zaman it is all in vain, it is all to no avail
to je vse, kar lahko storim zate that's all I can do for you
vsi trije so krivi they are all three guilty
delati vso noč to work all night
preživeli smo skoraj ves julij na deželi we spent nearly the whole of July in the country
biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with fury
on je vse prej kot pošten he is anything but honest
hiša je vsa iz kamna the house is entirely of stone
to je vse, kar lahko rečem that is all I can say
prebral sem vso knjigo I have read the book from cover to cover
pripravljeni smo storiti vse zanj we are ready to do anything for him
razpravljati o vsem mogočem, samo ne o politiki to discuss anything but politics
tresti se po vsem telesu to tremble all over
ne delaj si skrbi, vse se bo uredilo! don't worry, it'll be all right! - zájec zoologija hare; ZDA (kunec) rabbit; figurativno (bojazljivec) coward
zájec samec male hare, ZDA buck rabbit
zájec za sezuvanje bootjack
boječ, plah kot zájec chickenhearted
lov na zájce hare hunt, hare hunting
teči, bežati kot zájec to run like a hare
ploditi se, množiti se kot zájci (kunci) to breed like rabbits
v tem grmu tiči zájec (figurativno, tu je težava ipd.) there's the rub, that is the crux of the matter, there lies the difficulty, that's where the shoe pinches - zdéti se to seem; to appear; to look (like); to have the air (of)
zdi se mi it seems to me
zdi se (kazno je, kaže) it seems, it would seem
to se mi zdi zelo čudno I find that very strange
naj se zdi še tako čudno, nenavadno strange as it may appear
tako se zdi (tako je videti) so it seems
kot se vse zdi as it seems, to all appearances
kot se zdi (kot je videti) apparently, seemingly
zdi se, da bo deževalo it looks like rain
zdi se mi znan I think I know him
zdi se, da je bolan he seems to be ill
zdi se, da pomoč ni potrebna it seems there is no need of help
ni se mi zdel posebno inteligenten he did not strike me as being particularly intelligent
meni se zdi (= jaz mislim) I think, in my opinion
kakor se ti zdi primerno as you think proper (ali fit)
zdi se, da jaz (ti, mi... itd.) I (you, we... etc) seem to...
zdi se, da to verjamete (verjamejo) you seem (they seem) to believe it
zdi se, da tega ne more zanikati it seems that he cannot deny it
zdi se, da jabolka tu ne rastejo apples do not seem to grow here
ta vest se zdi resnična this news rings true - zób1 -a tooth, pl teeth; (glavnika) tooth; (čipk) jag; (skale) jag; (žage) tooth, jag
zób kočnik molar, grinder, molar (ali grinding) tooth
zób mlečnik milk tooth
zób podočnik canine, dogtooth, (gornje čeljusti) eyetooth
zób sekalec incisor
zób strupnik poison fang
zób čekan fang, (veprov, slonov) tusk
zób kolesa cog, tooth
modrostni zób wisdom tooth
gnil zób rotten (ali decayed) tooth
majav zób loose tooth
mlečni zóbje milk teeth, baby teeth, first teeth
drugi, stalni zóbje second, permanent teeth
spodnji (zgornji) zóbje lower (upper) teeth
sprednji zóbje front teeth
umeten zób false tooth, artificial tooth
zdrav zób sound tooth
vrsta umetnih zob denture
brez zób toothless
škrbina zóba stump of a tooth
zób za zób, oko za oko an eye for an eye, measure for measure, retaliation, (latinsko) lex talionis
zób časa (figurativno) the ravages of time
do zob oborožen armed to the teeth
dobivanje zob cutting teeth, dentition, teething
izdrtje zoba extraction
jezik za zobé! (= molči!) shut up!, hold your tongue!
boriti se z zóbmi in nohti (= na vso moč) to fight tooth and nail
dobiti kaj za pod zób to have a snack, pogovorno to get some grub
dobivati (prve) zóbe to be cutting one's teeth, to be teething
dobiti zóbe to cut one's teeth, to teethe
zób me (zelo) boli I have (a bad) toothache, my tooth aches
(o)čistiti si zóbe to clean (ali to brush) one's teeth
ničesar ne imeti za pod zób to have nothing to eat, to have neither bite nor sup
izdreti zób to pull a tooth
dati si izdreti zób to have a tooth out, to have a tooth pulled
plombirati zób to stop (ali to fill) a tooth
pokazati zóbe to show one's teeth
človek bi si pri tem polomil zóbe (figurativno) it's a hard nut to crack
tu si boste polomili zóbe (figurativno, to je za vas posebno nevarno) that's where you'll come to grief
priti ljudem v zóbe (figurativno) to become the talk of the town
stisniti zóbe to clench one's teeth, to set one's teeth, (figurativno) to keep a stiff upper lip
škripati, škrtati z zóbmi to gnash (ali to grind, to grit) one's teeth
trebiti si zóbe to pick one's teeth
upirati se zóbu časa to stand the test of time
vsi jo vlačijo po zóbeh everyone's talking (ali gossiping) about her
vreči komu kaj v zóbe (figurativno, v obraz) to cast something in someone's teeth - že already; as early as; yet
ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
že 30 let as long as 30 years
že včeraj as early as yesterday
že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
dan je že it is daylight already
(do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it! - žénska woman, pl women
žénska (deklè) za vsa dela maid of all work
sovražnik žénsk woman-hater, misogynist
svetska žénska woman of the world
za tem tiči (kaka) žénska, tu ima žénska prste vmes (figurativno) there is a woman involved here
sovraštvo do žénsk misogyny
ki sovraži žénske misogynous
žénske pl women pl, females pl, womenfolk
moje žénske (pogovorno) my womenfolk
letati za žénskami (figurativno) to philander, (pogovorno) to chase after skirt - živéti to live, to be alive; to exist, to subsist; to be
ali ona še živi? is she still alive?
dolgo naj živi! long may he (oziroma she) live!
živéti dvojno življenje to live a double life
živéti od svojega kapitala to live off one's capital
živéti v odmaknjenosti to lead a retired life
živéti od zraka (figurativno) to live on air
živéti po svojih načelih to live up to one's principles
živéti od svoje plače, od svojih dohodkov to live on one's earnings, on one's income
živéti od sadja to live on fruit
živéti na tuj račun to sponge on others, (pogovorno) to free-load, biblija to eat the bread of idleness
živéti preko svojih sredstev, dohodkov to live beyond one's means (ali income)
živéti v mejah svojih sredstev, dohodkov to live within one's income
živéti od slikanja to live by painting
živéti kot ptiček na veji pogovorno to live the life of Riley, to have it made
živéti razkošno to live the high life, to live in style
živéti udobno to live comfortably, to keep a good table
živéti kot zajec v detelji (figurativno, v obilju) to live in clover
živéti iz rok v usta to live from hand to mouth, to be living a hand-to-mouth existence
živéti sam zase to live by oneself, to keep to oneself
živéti od pridelkov svojega vrta to subsist on the produce of one's garden
živéti od dela svojih rok to live by the labour of one's hands
živéti od svojega zaslužka to live on one's earnings
brezskrbno živéti to lead a carefree existence
tu se dobro živi! it is a good life here!
bedno živéti to lead a miserable existence, to be just (ali barely) keeping body and soul together, to keep the wolf from the door
dolgo živéti to live to (ali to reach) a great age, to live to be old
sloni dolgo živijo elephants live a long time
skromno živéti to live in a small way
razkošno živijo they lead a life of luxury
težkó živéti to manage to make a livelihood
ne imeti od česa živéti not to have enough to live on
rajši živimo na deželi kot v mestu we prefer living in the country to living in town
z njim se ne da živéti (figurativno) there is no living with him, pogovorno he's impossible
človek se uči, dokler živi live and learn!
živéti in pustiti, dati živéti to live and let live