
Zadetki iskanja

  • navskríž

    priti s kom navskríž to come into conflict with someone ➞ navzkriž
  • nazáj back; backwards

    moram nazáj I must go back, I must return
    ni ga še nazáj he is not yet back, he has not yet returned
    nazáj datirati to antedate
    nazáj dati to give back, to return, to restore, to refund
    nazáj dobiti to get back, to recover; to be reimbursed, to be repaid
    nazáj delovati to retroact, to be retroactive
    iti nazáj to go back, to return, to recede; to retrogress; to retrograde; to retrace one's steps
    nazáj poklicati to recall
    nazáj pripeljati to reconvey
    nazáj kupiti to repurchase
    nazáj osvojiti to reconquer
    pasti nazáj v isto napako, razvado to be a backslider, to backslide
    pasti nazáj v bolezen to relapse
    nazáj poslati to send back
    stopiti nazáj to step back
    priti nazáj to come back, to return
    udariti nazáj (o puški) to recoil
    želim si nazáj I long to return
    nekaj let nazáj some years ago, some years since
    tja in nazáj there and back
    vozovnica tja in nazáj return ticket
  • nebésa (raj) heaven, paradise

    deveta nebésa (figurativno) the Heaven of heavens
    kakor v nebésih, tako na zemlji on earth as it is in heaven
    (pri omenjanju pokojnega) Bog mu daj sveta nebés! may God rest his soul!
    priti v nebésa to join the angels
    v sedmih nebésih in the seventh heaven
    sveta nebés! good heavens!, by heaven!
    hvaliti koga do nebés to praise someone to the skies
  • nemílost disgrace; disfavour; displeasure

    biti v nemílosti to be out of favour, not to be in someone's good graces
    priti v nemílost to be disgraced, to fall from grace
    padel je v nemílost pri kralju he fell into disgrace with the king
    biti v nemílosti (pogovorno) to be in the doghouse
  • nepríličen inopportune; inconvenient; embarrassing; ill-timed; unseasonable, out of season

    ob nepríličnem času priti h komu (nadlegovati koga) to intrude upon someone's time
  • neréd disorder; derangement, untidiness, confusion; disturbance, tumult, riot; disarrangement; litter; (zmešnjava) chaos, jumble, mess, mishmash, shambles

    v nerédu out of order, disordered, in a mess, out of gear, topsy-turvy
    v velikem nerédu in a state of great confusion
    biti v nerédu to be in a muddle
    priti v neréd to fall into disorder
    spraviti v neréd to derange, to throw into confusion, to mess up
    poulični nerédi riots pl, disturbances pl
    povzročitelj nereda, -ov troublemaker
    poročajo o nerédih na jugu disturbances are reported in the South
    biti v popolnem nerédu to be at sixes and sevens
    kakšen neréd je v tvoji sobi! what a mess your room is in!, your room's a real shambles!
    ; ne morem živeti v takem nerédu I can't live in a pigsty like this
    pustiti svoje knjige v nerédu to leave one's books in a jumble (ali in a muddle)
    ob svoji smrti je pustil vse svoje zadeve v nerédu at his death he left all his affairs in a mess (ali in a muddle)
    zasejati neréd v vrste to throw the ranks into confusion
    njegovo poslovanje je v največjem nerédu his business is in a (rare) muddle (ali a terrible state)
  • níč nothing; not anything; nought; not a thing; arhaično, pesniško naught, ZDA nought

    čisto níč nothing at all
    prav níč, popolnoma níč nothing at all; nothing whatever
    níč razen nothing but
    níč več nothing more, no more, nothing further
    za níč for nothing
    za níč na svetu not for the world; not for love or money; not for anything
    níč in zopet níč nothing-repeat-nothing, absolutely nothing
    níč drugega nothing else
    níč novega nothing new
    níč takega nothing of the kind, none of that
    níč koliko (= mnogo) very much, very many
    toliko kot níč, skoraj níč next to nothing
    za prazen níč for no reason
    vse ali níč all or nothing, neck or nothing
    meni níč, tebi níč quite coolly, bold as brass
    níč manj kot... no less than, anything but...
    prav níč slabši kot... no whit inferior to...
    níč boljšega od no better than..., nothing like as good as...
    to ti ni níč mar! none of your business!
    to še ni níč that is nothing
    to ni níč zame that is no use for me, that won't do for me
    to ni níč vredno that is worthless
    on ni níč boljši he isn't any better
    iz tega ni bilo níč nothing came of it, it came to nothing
    níč novega ni v časopisu there is nothing new in the paper
    iz tebe ne bo nikoli níč you will never be anything, you are a worthless fellow (ali pogovorno a dead loss)
    nisi prav níč prekmalu you are none too soon
    če ni níč drugega! if that's all there is to it!
    rezultat je 2 níč (2:0) šport the score is two nil
    to ni níč v primeri s tem, kar sem nekoč videl that is nothing to what I once saw
    iz níč ni níč nothing begets nothing, one cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs
    ne morem níč za to I can't help it
    níč ne dé, níč za to all right, there's no harm done, it doesn't matter, no matter, never mind
    níč se ne da napraviti! there's nothing we can do (ali nothing to be done) about it!
    (to ni važno) to níč ne pomeni this is of no consequence
    níč ne marati, ne se meniti za níč not to care (ali pogovorno not to give a hoot) about anything
    v níč devati to disparage, to belittle, to depreciate, to discredit, to attach no value (to)
    níč več nimam povedati I have nothing more to say
    s tem nimam níč opraviti I have nothing to do with it
    to níč ne stane it is gratis, it is free, it may be had for the asking
    na níč priti to be ruined, to come to grief
    na níč spraviti koga to ruin someone
    začel je z níč (v življenju) he started from nothing (ali from scratch)
    kdor nič ne riskira, nič nima nothing venture, nothing gain
  • običáj (osebni) habit, habitude, wont; (splošen) use, usage, custom

    po mojem običáju according to my wont
    dvorski običáj etiquette
    trgovski običáj (uzanca) usance
    splošno privzet običáj common practice
    star običáj an old (ancient) usage
    ukoreninjen običáj inveterate habit
    običáji in navade habit and custom, arhaično use and wont
    to mu je postal običáj it became a habit with him, this has grown habitual with him, it grew upon him
    prekiniti z običájem to break a habit
    priti iz običája to fall out of use (ali into disuse)
    običáj nastane, vznikne custom springs up (ali arises)
    drugi časi, drugi običáji other times, other manners
    običájen habitual; customary; usual; wonted; common
    nekaj običájnega a common (ali a usual) thing
    to ni več običájno that's no longer the way
    to pri nas ni običájno this is not the custom here
    to je postalo običájno pri nas it has become the usual thing with us
  • obísk visit; call; (prisotnost) attendance; (oseba) visitor, company

    dan obiskov visiting day
    ure obiskov visiting hours pl, at home
    zelo kratek obísk a flying visit
    državni obísk state visit
    nastopni obísk first visit
    vljudnostni obísk duty call
    službeni obísk formal call
    poslovilni obísk farewell visit
    prijateljski obísk informal call; goodwill visit
    obísk bolnikov visit to (ali visiting of) patients
    letni poprečni obísk average annual attendance
    biti na obísku to be on a visit
    biti pri kom na obísku to be calling on someone
    delati obíske (o zdravniku) to make (ali to do, to go) one's rounds (z avtom by car)
    sem le na obísku tu I am only a visitor here
    sestra je na obísku pri teti my sister is on a visit to her aunt('s)
    imeti obísk to have visitors
    imamo vedno mnogo obískov we always have a lot of visitors
    danes sem imel mnogo obískov today I have had many calls (ali many callers)
    napraviti kratek obísk to pay a call, to drop in, (pri kom) to pay someone a flying visit
    vrniti obísk komu to return someone's visit (ali someone's call)
    priti na obísk to pay a visit (h komu to someone), to call (up)on someone, to come to see someone
  • oblást (uradna) authority, (sodna) jurisdiction; (moč) power, might; the powers that be; (absolutna) absolutism, despotism; (najvišja) sovereignty; (gospostvo) dominion, rule, sway

    na oblásti in power
    ki ima oblást put in charge (of), set in authority
    civilna in vojaška oblást civil and military authorities
    državna oblást state authority
    neomejena oblást absolute power
    posvetna oblást secular arm
    tuja oblást alien rule
    zakonodajna oblást legislative power
    borba za oblást struggle for power
    oblást nad samim seboj self-possession
    prevzem oblásti assumption (ali seizure) of power
    prisvojitev oblásti usurpation of power
    pohlep po oblásti greed for power
    biti na oblásti to be in power
    biti v oblásti koga to be in someone's power
    vsa oblást je v rokah ljudstva all power is vested in the people (izvira iz oblásti all power derives from the people)
    imeti oblást to be in authority, to carry authority
    imeti v oblásti to have command of, to be master of
    ne imeti oblásti to be without authority
    imeti se v oblásti to have self-control, to be master of oneself, to be in control (ali command) of one's feelings
    to ni v moji oblásti that's beyond my power
    ni v moji oblásti, da... it is not in my power to...
    imeti koga v oblásti to have someone in one's power
    izgubil je oblást nad seboj he lost his self-control
    ivajati oblást nad to exercise (ali to wield) power (ali authority) over
    polastiti se oblásti to seize power
    prevzeti oblást to assume (ali to take over) power
    priti na oblást to come to power
    priti pod pristojnost sodne oblásti to come under the jurisdiction (of)
  • ôsel ass; (sivec) donkey; he-ass, jackass, jack; VB žargon moke, narečno cuddy; ZDA burro; figurativno (bedak) ass, jackass; duffer, dunce, ZDA mutt

    ôsle komu pokazati (figurativno) to put one's fingers to one's nose at someone, to thumb one's nose at someone, to make a long nose at someone
    ne bodi tak ôsel! don't be an ass!
    ôsel gre samo enkrat na led even a fool learns by bitter experience
    priti s konja na ôsla (figurativno) to come down in the world
  • pálica stick; (sprehajalna) walking stick, cane; staff; (kovine) ingot; rod; (majhna) baton, cane; zgodovina, orožje quarterstaff, pl -staves

    biljardna pálica (billiard) cue
    Eskulapova pálica rod of Aesculapius, caduceus
    beraška pálica beggar's staff
    priti na beraško pálico to be reduced to beggary, to be utterly ruined, to go to the dogs
    spraviti koga na beraško pálico to bring someone to the parish, to reduce someone to beggary (ali to mendicancy), to eat someone out of house and home
    čarovna pálica magic wand
    gorska pálica alpenstock
    hokejska pálica hockey stick
    maršalska pálica baton
    ribiška pálica fishing rod
    romarska pálica pilgrim's staff
    skok s pálico šport pole vault
    škofovska pálica crosier, crook, pastoral staff
    kratka, zelo obtežena pálic short, heavily weighted stick, žargon cosh
    predati štafetno pálica to pass the baton
    biti tepen z lastno pálico to be beaten with one's own stick
    on je potreben pálice (figurativno) he needs the cane
  • pámet (um) intellect, intelligence, sense, brains pl, wits pl; (duh) reason, mind; prudence; mother wit; (razumevanje) understanding; (spomin) memory; pogovorno gumption

    na pámet by heart
    zdrava pámet common sense, sanity
    si ob pámet? are you out of your senses?, have you lost your wits?
    ali si pri pámeti? are you in your right mind?
    sem pri kraju s svojo pámetjo I am at my wit's end
    bodi no pri pámeti! be sensible!, be reasonable!, have a bit of common sense!
    on ni pri pravi pámeti he is not in his right mind, he is out of his mind
    nisem bil pri pravi pámeti I had not my wits about me
    on je počasne pámeti he is slow-witted, pogovorno he is slow on the uptake
    ona je kratke pámeti she is rather slow (ali dull, slow on the uptake)
    še (vedno) mi je na pámeti... it is still fresh in my mind...
    nima toliko pámeti, da bi (u)videl... he has not the wits to see...
    to se krega s pámetjo it is thoughtless (ali senseless)
    si se s pámetjo skregal? have you taken leave of your senses?
    padlo mi je na pámet it occurred to me, the idea struck me, the thought crossed my mind
    na kraj pámeti mi ne pade, da bi (rekel) far be it from me to (say)
    reči, kar človeku pade na pámet to say whatever comes to mind
    imeti več sreče kot pámeti to have more luck than brains
    izgubiti pámet to go out of one's mind (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali one's reason)
    to presega mojo pámet this is beyond me, that's over my head, that passes my comprehension
    priti k pámeti to come to one's senses
    kdo, ki je pri pravi pámeti, bi šel...? who in his senses would go...?
    moram ga spraviti k pámeti I must make him see reason (oziroma see sense)
    spraviti koga ob pámet to drive someone out of his mind (ali pogovorno up the wall, round the bend)
    sklicevati se na zdravo pámet to appeal to reason
    (iz)računati na pámet to calculate mentally
    učiti se na pámet to learn by heart, to commit to memory
    znati na pámet to know by heart (ali from memory), (vlogo) to be word-perfect
    ko te bo pámet srečala... when you see reason...
  • pès dog; (v otroškem jeziku) bowwow; figurativno (psovka) scoundrel, rascal, cur, dog

    mlad pès pup, puppy
    pès čuvaj house-dog, watchdog
    pès na verigi arhaično bandog
    pès jazbečar terrier
    lovski pès hound
    trop, povezka lovskih psov a pack of hounds, dog couple
    pès mešanec mongrel; ZDA žargon mutt
    mesarski pès, doga mastiff
    morski pès shark
    ovčarski pès shepherd dog
    pès prepeličar spaniel
    pès ptičar pointer
    stekel pès mad dog
    ljubitelj psov dog lover, arhaično cynophile
    oddelek za pse dog box
    konopec, vrvica za psa lead, leash, slip
    reja psov breeding of dogs
    sledilni pès bloodhound
    lačen kot pès as hungry as a wolf
    utrujen kot pès dogtired
    biti na psu (figurativno) to be on one's beam-ends
    naščuvati psa na koga to set the dog on someone
    priti na psa to go to the dogs, to go down in the world, (žargon) to go to pot
    vem, kam pès taco moli (figurativno) I know which way the wind blows
    razumeti se kot pès in mačka to agree like cat and dog
    živita (gledata se) kot pès in mačka they live (ali lead) a cat-and-dog life
    pès, ki laja, ne grize his bark is worse than his bite
    psom vstop prepovedan! no dogs admitted
    pozor, hud pès! beware of the dog!
    vidim, kam pès taco moli pri tebi I get your drift, I see what you're getting at
  • pomóč help, aid, assistance, (v sili) succour; (denarna) subvention, bounty, subsidy, support, standby; (olajšanje) relief; (lek) remedy, cure

    brez pomóči helpless
    na pomóč! help! help!
    klic na pomóč cry for help
    klic za hitro, nujno pomóč v sili emergency call
    garnitura, oprema za prvo pomóč first aid kit
    s pomóčjo by the help of, by means of, by dint of, by (ali with) the aid of, by the agency of
    z božjo pomóčjo with God's help
    temu ni pomóči there's nothing to be done about it, there's no help for it, it cannot be remedied (ali helped)
    zanj ni več pomóči he is past help
    klicati na pomóč to shout (ali to call) for help, to call for assistance
    nuditi pomóč komu to offer help to someone
    nuditi prvo pomóč na postaji prve pomóči to give first aid at the dressing station (ali first-aid post)
    ponuditi svojo pomóč to offer one's aid
    hoditi s pomóčjo palice to walk with the aid (ali help) of a stick
    iti komu na pomóč to go to someone's help
    to mi ni bilo v nobeno pomóč it was no help to me
    poslati pomóč žrtvam potresa to send relief to the victims of an earthquake
    priti komu na pomóč to come to someone's rescue (ali aid, assistance)
    priskočil mi je na pomóč he ran (ali came) to my help (ali to my assistance)
    prositi za pomóč to ask for help
    napraviti kaj brez tuje pomóči to do something off one's own bat
    obrniti se na koga za pomóč to turn for aid (ali help) to someone, to resort to someone
    vsa zdravniška pomóč ga ni mogla rešiti all the resources of medical skill could not save him
    ne vem si (več) pomóči I am at my wits' end, I am in a quandary (ali a dilemma, a rare fix), pogovorno I'm up the creek, I'm up a gum tree
  • poslédnji the last; (končni) final

    poslédnji dan the last day
    do poslédnjega moža to the last man
    poslédnje olje religija extreme unction
    poslédnja runda šport final round
    poslédnja volja (the last) will
    biti v poslédnjih vzdihljajih to be at one's last gasp, to be dying
    izkazati komu poslédnjo čast to attend someone's funeral
    priti v poslédnjem trenutku to come at the last moment
  • poštèv consideration; regard

    ne v poštèv jemati not to take into account, to take no account of
    vzeti okoliščine v poštèv to take the circumstances into consideration
    priti v poštèv to be relevant ali germane
    ne priti v poštèv to be irrelevant ali beside the point
    vzeti v poštèv to take into consideration
  • pót1 way, (steza) path, footpath, trail; (cesta) road, street; (utrta) track, walk; (planeta) orbit, course; (smer) route, course; (potovanje) (splošno) travel, (peš) march, (po kopnem) journey, trip, (po morju) voyage, crossing, passage

    prepovedana pót! no thoroughfare!, (čez tuje zemljišče) trespassers will be prosecuted!, no trespassing!, keep out, private!
    srečno pót! a pleasant journey!, arhaično God speed you!, (ironično, neprijetnemu gostu) good riddance
    to pót (tokrat) this time
    vsaki pót each time
    božja pót (romanje) pilgrimage
    pót nazaj return journey, pogovorno the way back
    pót domov homeward journey, journey home, pogovorno the way home
    pót po morju voyage
    javna pót public road
    jahalna, jezdna pót bridle path
    gozdna pót forest road
    križev pót religija Way of the Cross, figurativno via dolorosa
    prečna pót crossroad
    neravna pót bumpy road
    neutrjena pót gravel road
    shojena pót beaten track
    trnova pót thorny path
    vodna pót waterway
    vozna pót carttrack, cart-road
    uporabna pót serviceable road, thoroughfare
    zaprta pót closed path (ali way)
    ob póti by the roadside
    preko póti over the way, across the road
    na pol póta halfway, midway
    po mirni, prijateljski póti in a friendly manner, amicably
    na vsej póti od... all the way from...
    biti na napačni póti to be on the wrong road ali track, to lose one's way
    biti na slabi póti (figurativno) to lead a wicked life
    biti na póti (potovanju) to travel, to journey, (poslovno) to be on te road
    biti na dobri póti (do uspeha) to be well on the road (to success), (o stvari) to be working out well
    ta pót je neprehodna, nemogoča this road is impassable, there is no through road
    biti sredi póti to be halfway on one's journey
    biti na najlepši póti, da... to be well on the way to...
    utreti pót za... to pave the way for...
    otrok je na póti (figurativno) there is a baby on the way
    njen je na póti (= noseča je) she is expecting (a child), she is with child, pogovorno she is in the family way
    biti komu na póti to be in someone's way, to stand in someone's light
    on mi je na póti he is in my way
    pót je prosta the way is clear (za koga for someone)
    on je na póti v X. he is on his way to X.
    biti na pravi póti to be on the right track, pogovorno to be on the ball
    iti po (isti) póti nazaj to turn back
    iti komu s póti to get out of someone's way (ali to shun someone, avoid someone)
    iti rakovo pót to go backward
    iti svojo pót to go one's own way
    iti na pót to set out (ali forth, off) (on one's way), to embark upon a journey, to start out, (v tujino) to go abroad; to be bound for
    iti po najkrajši póti v... to make a bee-line...
    šli so vsak svojo pót they went their respective ways
    krčiti si, utirati si pót to cut (ali to carve) one's way, to plough one's way through, to remove obstacles
    napraviti pót komu to make way for someone
    narediti, utreti pót (figurativno) to pave the way, to blaze a trail, to be a pioneer ali trailblazer
    s silo si napraviti pót to force (ali to fight) one's way
    kazati, voditi pót to lead the way
    polena komu na pót metati (figurativno) to place difficulties in someone's way
    našel bom sredstva in póti I shall find ways and means
    izgubiti (najti) pót to lose (to find) one's way
    pót si prihraniti (figurativno) to save shoe leather
    napravite prosto pót! make way!
    moramo pustiti, da gre stvar svojo pót we must let matters take their course
    dobro poznati pót to know every bump (ali twist and turn) in the road
    priti pol póti komu naproti to meet someone halfway
    spraviti koga s póti (figurativno, na oni svet) to kill, (žargon) to bump someone off
    utreti si pót skozi... to force one's way through (robidje the brambles)
    ustaviti se na pol póta to stop halfway
    vprašati za pót to ask one's way
    vrniti se po isti póti nazaj (obrniti se) to retrace one's steps
    pošteno (krepko) vzeti pót pod noge to put one's best foot forward
    zaiti na krivo pót to take the wrong road ali path ali turning
  • pozába oblivion; silence

    priti, pasti v pozábo to fall (ali to sink, to slip) into oblivion
    rešiti pozábe kaj to save (ali to rescue) something from oblivion
    iskati pozábo v pijači to drown one's sorows
    ki je prišel, padel v pozábo lost ali sunk in oblivion
  • práv just, right; (zelo) very

    práv zdaj just now
    práv rad with (great) pleasure, very (ali most) willingly, gladly
    práv! all right!, okay! (krajšava: O.K., OK)
    takó je práv that's right, all right
    práv dobro quite well
    práv takó! just so!, quite!, quite so!
    práv nič nothing at all
    práv škoda je, da... it is a great pity that...
    práv nobenega denarja nimam I have no money whatever
    nimamo práv nobenih izkušenj we have no experience whatsoever
    ta klobuk mi je práv this hat suits (ali fits) me well
    moja ura gre práv my watch goes well (ali keeps good time)
    moja ura ne gre práv my watch is going wrong
    ravno práv prihajaš you come just in time
    práv blizu stanujemo we live quite close by
    ne razumeš me práv you do not rightly understand me, you mistake my meaning
    ne vem práv, kaj naj naredim I hardly know (ali I am at a loss) what to do
    to mi je ravno práv it is just what I want
    če vam je to práv if it is convenient for you, pogovorno if it's all right by you
    če ti je práv ali ne whether you like it or not
    práv ti je; práv se ti je zgodilo (se ti godi) it serves you right; you got what you deserved
    práv mu je! serves him right!
    imeti práv to be right
    imaš práv you are right
    práv napraviti, delati to do right, to do what is right
    komu práv napraviti to suit, to please someone
    vsem ne moreš práv narediti you can't please everybody
    to ni práv od tebe you are wrong there
    meni je práv I don't mind (ali object), that's all right with me, I agree
    vam je práv, če pridete jutri? does it suit you to come to-morrow?
    to mi je práv (mi ustreza) that suits me fine
    práv priti (koristiti) to come in handy
    vse práv pride every little helps
    to utegne práv priti it may come in useful
    práv tako bi lahko rekli, da... we might just as well say that...
    ta vrvica utegne pozneje práv priti this string may come in handy later on
    priti ravno práv (kot nalašč) to be most welcome
    práv takó likewise
    práv nocoj (še nocoj) this very night
    práv na začetku at the very beginning