košárica small basket
košárica za kruh bread basket; (za jagode itd.) chip basket
dati komu košárico (figurativno) to turn someone down, to rebuff
dobiti košárico (figurativno) to be turned down, to meet with a rebuff, to suffer a rebuff (od koga from someone), to be rejected
Zadetki iskanja
- kóža skin; (odrta z živali, za izdelovanje usnja) hide; (polt) complexion
brez kóže skinless
debela kóža thick skin
kóža z dlako fell
kóža z glave scalp
surova kóža rawhide
strojena kóža dressed skin, tanned hide, (z lasmi) coat; (kačji lev) slough
občutljiva kóža sensitive skin
zunanja kóža epidermis
le kost in kóža nothing but skin and bone
do kóže moker, premočen wet to the skin, soaked (ali drenched) to the skin, dripping wet, sopping wet, wringing wet
barva kóže colour (of the skin), (obraza) complexion, (temna) tanned (ali bronzed) complexion, (svetla) fair complexion
krema za kóžo skin cream, cold cream, face cream
mazilo za kóžo skin ointment
presaditev kóže medicina skin-grafting
vnetje kóže medicina skin inflammation, dermatitis
srbenje kóže itching, medicina prurigo; pruritus
ne bi hotel biti v njegovi kóži I wouldn't like to be in his shoes (ali in his skin)
braniti svojo kóžo to defend oneself
sama kost in kóža ga je he is nothing but (ali he is only) skin and bone, he is as thin as a lath, he is a bag of bones
iz kóže dati to skin, to flay; to strip the skin off
za kóžo mi gre my life is at stake
on ima debelo kóžo (figurativno) he is not thin-skinned, he is thick-skinned
kóža se mi je ob tem naježila it made my flesh creep
na lastni kóži občutiti to learn something to one's cost
nositi svojo kóžo na prodaj (figurativno) to do something at one's personal risk
odnesti celo (zdravo) kóžo to escape safely, to escape without a scratch; to save one's bacon, to escape unscathed; to get away scotfree; to escape with life and limb; to get off with a whole skin; to come out of something with a whole skin
gre za mojo kóžo my safety (ali my life) is at stake (ali is in danger)
iz kóže skočiti (figurativno) to jump out of one's skin
kóžo odreti to flay
strojiti kóže to dress (ali to tan, to curry) skins (ali hides)
ustrojiti komu kóžo (figurativno) to tan (ali to curry, to warm) someone's hide - kredít credit; loan
na kredít or credit, pogovorno on tick
dolgoročen (kratkoročen) kredít long-term (shortterm) credit
dati, dodeliti kredít to grant a credit
dati komu kredít v višini X SIT to give someone credit for X tolars
imeti kredít to enjoy credit
kupiti na kredít to buy on credit
odpreti kredít pri kom to open a credit account with someone
prekoračiti kredít to overdraw one's credit
trgovati na kredít to deal on credit
vzeti kredít to raise credit
odobritev kredíta allowance of credit - kúp2 heap; (drv) pile; stack; figurativno great number, quantity
na kúpe, v kúpih in heaps
kúp dela a lot of work
kúp ljudi a crowd of people
ima denarja na kúpe he has heaps (ali piles) of money
dati na kúp to put on a heap
v kúpe dati to form into heaps, to heap (up), to pile up, to accumulate, to stack - kvitánca acquittance; receipt; quittance; VB pravo acknowledgment, quietus
proti kvitánci on receipt
dati kvitánco to give a receipt, pogovorno to clear the slate
izstaviti kvitánco to give a receipt, to receipt (za for), to mark paid, to acknowledge receipt (of) - ládja ship; (velika) vessel; (splošno, kolektivno) craft; (majhna) boat; pesniško argosy
cerkvena ládja nave
na ládji on board, on shipboard
sprednji (zadnji) del ládje bow (stern)
(žepna) bojna ládja (pocket) battleship
vojna ládja warsip, naval unit, man-of-war
bolniška ládja hospital ship
linijska ládja liner
potniška ládja passenger ship, passenger steamer
oskrbovalna ládja supply ship
ládja neredne plovbe za tovor tramp, (za premog) collier
prevozna ládja transport ship
šolska ládja training ship
trgovska ládja merchant ship, merchantman, pl merchantmen
petrolejska ládja (tanker) oil tanker
ládja na paro steamboat, steamer, steamship
ládja na lopate paddle steamer
ládj topničarka gunboat
zračna ládja airship, air liner
pomožna ládja auxiliary ship
roparska ládja pirate ship
poštna ládja mail boat
ribiška ládja fishing boat, trawler
gradnja ladij shipbuilding
graditelj ladij shipwright, shipbuilder
potovanje z ládjo, na ládji voyage
razbita, brodolomska ládja wreck
splovitev (krst) ládje launching (naming) of a ship
ládja na nafto oil-burner
ládja dolge plovbe ocean-going vessel
ládja je na poti (plove, je namenjena) v... the ship is bound for...
ládja je doživela brodolom, se je razbila the ship has been wrecked
dati ládjo v dok to dock a vessel
najeti ládjo to charter a ship
ládja je dobila luknjo the ship has sprung a leak
sploviti ládjo to launch a ship (ali a vessel)
privezati ládjo (z vrvmi) to moor a ship
ládja je v stiski the ship is in distress
ládja se je potopila the ship has sunk, the ship has gone down (ali to the bottom)
ládja se je prevrnila the ship has capsized
razstaviti, demontirati ládjo to break up a ship
vkrcati se na ládjo to board, to go aboard, to embark, arhaično to take ship (za for)
biti na ládji to be on board (ali on board ship, on shipboard)
zapustiti ládjo to abandon ship
zapeljati ládjo na sipino to run a ship aground - lás lasjé hair; (ščetina) bristle
brez las hairless, (plešast) bald
kratki (dolgi) lás, lasjéje short (long) hair
gosti (redki) lás, lasjéje thick (thin) hair
kodrasti (gladki) lás, lasjéje curly (straight) hair
tanek kot lás, lasjé hair-thin; as fine as a hair
za las natančno to a hair, to a T
niti za las boljši not a bit (ali whit) better
beljeni lasje bleached hair
valoviti lasje wavy hair
rdeči lasje red hair, žargon carrots pl
na balin ostriženi lasje hair cut close to the skull
negovani lasje well-groomed hair
plavi (blond) lasje fair hair
umetni lasje false hair
za lasé privlečen (figurativno) far-fetched, strained
za lás, lasjé within (ali by) a hair's breadth; narrowly, nearly
beljenje las bleaching of hair
barva las colo(u)r of hair
barva za lase hair dye
sredstvo za krepitev lás, lasjé hair restorer
čop las tress, braid, pigtail
kita las braid of hair
čop las tuft of hair
izpadanje las hair loss, loss of hair, fall of the hair
pranje las shampoo, shampooing
losjon za lás, lasjéé hair lotion, hair tonic
pomada za lás, lasjéé pomade
puder za lás, lasjéé hair powder
navijač za lás, lasjéé wave clip, curler, curl clip, (iz papirja) curlpaper
klešče za kodranje lás, lasjé curling tongs pl, curling iron
rast las growth of hair
striženje las haircut, haircutting
sušílec za lás, lasjéé (fen) electric hairdryer, dryer
mrežica za lás, lasjéé hairnet
nakit za lás, lasjéé ornament for the hair
ščetka za lás, lasjéé hairbrush
trak za lás, lasjéé ribbon, bow for the hair
koder las curl, ringlet, lock
sredstvo za odstranjevanje las depilatory
biti si v lás, lasjééh z to be at loggerheads with, to be at daggers drawn with, (gledé, zaradi) over
lasje mi izpadajo my hair is thinning
delati sive lás, lasjéé komu (figurativno) to prove a headache for someone, to turn someone's hair grey
ne si delati sivih las glede, zaradi not to distress oneself about something
lás, lasjéé si puliti to tear one's hair
izgubiti lás, lasjéé to lose one's hair
(po)česati si lás, lasjéé to comb one's hair
urediti si lás, lasjéé, sfrizirati si lás, lasjéé to do (ali to dress) one's hair, ZDA to fix one's hair, to set one's hair
pristriči lás, lasjéé to trim the hair
razpustiti (si) lás, lasjéé to let one's hair down
(po)vleči koga za lás, lasjéé to pull someone's hair
imeti plave, blond lás, lasjéé to have fair hair
dati si ostriči lás, lasjéé to have (ali to get) one's hair cut
skočiti si v lás, lasjéé (figurativno) to come to blows; VB žargon to get stuck in
to je nekoliko za lás, lasjéé privlečeno that's a little far-fetched
lasje se mi ježé I feel my hair standing on end
lasje so se mi ježili my hair stood on end
pepelnato pobarvati lás, lasjéé to dye the hair grey
za lás, lasjé je manjkalo it was a close shave, it was within a hair's breadth, it was a near thing
za las je šlo! that was a touch too near (for comfort)!
niti lás, lasjéú ji niso skrivili they didn't harm a hair of her head, not a hair on her head has been touched
on ne bi nikomur skrivil lasá he would not hurt (ali harm) a fly
za lás, lasjéé privleči to drag in by the head and shoulders, to force in
oprati si lás, lasjéé to wash one's hair
za las uiti to have a narrow (ali a hairbreadth) escape, to have a narrow (ali close, tight) squeeze
za las smo ušli smrti we were within a hair's breadth of being killed, we just escaped death by the skin of our teeth
za lás, lasjé zgrešiti to miss by a hair
ni vredno, da si delate sive lás, lasjéé glede tega it is not worth while worrying yourself to death over it
to visi (je) na lás, lasjéu zdaj it is touch and go now
ta otrok mi dela sive lás, lasjée (figurativno) this child is a great worry (ali trial) to me - léd ice
umeten léd artificial ice
plavajoči léd floating (ali drift, loose) ice
topeči se léd melting ice
hokej na lédu ice hockey
drobilec lédú ice-crusher
jadranje na lédu ice-yachting, ice-boating
jadrnica na lédu iceboat, ice yacht
plast lédú na ribniku a sheet of ice on the pond
mrzel kot léd ice-cold, frigid
v léd ujeta ladja icebound ship
dati na léd, pokriti z lédom to ice
iti komu na léd to allow oneself to be taken in
ne moreš me speljati na léd you can't take me in
léd prebiti to break the ice
léd se udre the ice gives way
sekati stopinje v léd to cut steps in the ice
spremeniti se v léd (o vodi) to turn into ice
léd se lomi, poka the ice breaks, cracks (ali is breaking, cracking)
léd se topi the ice melts (ali is melting)
léd ne drži the ice won't hold you, the ice is giving way
upati si na tanek léd (figurativno) to skate on thin ice - lékcija lesson
dajati (jemati) učne lékcije to give (to take) lessons
jemati francoske lékcije pri X-u to take lessons in French from X
dati komu lékcijo (figurativno) to teach someone a lesson
začeti z lékcijami to start lessons
dobil sem svojo lékcijo (figurativno) I've learnt (ali had) my lesson
to je bila dobra lékcija zame this was a good lesson for me
dobil je lékcijo, ki jo bo dobro pomnil he's had a lesson he won't forget in a hurry - ločíti to separate; to sever; (razlikovati) to distinguish, to differentiate; (razporočiti) to divorce, to separate by divorce
ločíti se kot prijatelji to part as friends
ločíti se (razporočiti se) to divorce
ločíti se od moža (žene) to divorce one's husband (one's wife)
ločíti se (odcepiti se) to secede (od from)
dati se ločíti od moža to obtain a divorce from one's husband
ločíti se (raziti se) to part company
ločíti se (razlikovati se) to be distinguished by, to differ from, to vary (from)
zakon je bil ločen (razvezan) the marriage has been dissolved
preden se ločimo (razidemo) before parting - lúpa optika magnifying glass, magnifying lens, magnifier; (časovna) slow-motion camera, time-lens
dati, vzeti pod lúpo to examine under a magnifying glass, figurativno to examine closely, to scrutinize - mávec plaster (of Paris); gypsum
dati ud v mávec medicina to set a limb in plaster - méra measure; (velikost) size; (obsežnost) extent, dimension
normalna méra standard; gauge; (stopnja) degree; (merjenje) measurement; (razmerje) rate, scale, index; (zmernost) moderation, temperance; (verz) metre, measure; glasba bar, time; (ukrep) measure, step
mére in uteži measures and weights pl
dobra (slaba) méra full (short) measure
dolžinska méra linear (ali long) measure
ploščinska méra square (ali superficial) measure
prostorninska méra cubic measure
votla méra measure of capacity
največja skupna méra matematika greatest common measure
obrestna méra rate of interest
zvrhana méra heaped up (ali strike, struck-) measure
do neke mére to a certain degree, in some measure; to a certain extent, to some extent
v obilni méri amply, richly
v veliki méri to a high degree, to a great (ali large) extent; largely, higly
prek mére beyond measure, beyond all bounds
v neki méri in a measure
čez vse mére exceedingly, excessively, immoderately, out of all measure
v isti méri kot... in the same measure as...
v enaki méri alike
napravljen po méri made to measure
obleka po méri bespoke suit, ZDA custom suit
po méri narejena oblačila clothes pl made to measure, ZDA custom clothes pl
enota mére unit of measure
krojač, ki dela po méri bespoke tailor
dati dobro méro to give good measure
držati se mére to be moderate, to observe due moderation
napraviti vse potrebne mére (ukrepe) to take all the necessary steps
podvzeti (lotiti se) primerne mére (ukrepe) to take appropriate action
podvzeti temeljite, dalekosežne mére to take sweeping measures
podvzeti vse potrebne previdnostne mére to take all due precautions
on ne pozna mére he knows no bounds
to presega vse mére that goes beyond all bounds
prekoračiti méro (figurativno) to overstep the mark, to go too far
napraviti méro polno (figurativno) to fill the cup to the brim
do kolikšne mére mu moremo zaupati? how far can he be trusted?
vzeti komu méro za kaj to take someone's measurements for something
vzeli so mi méro za plašč (za obleko) I have been measured for a coat (for a suit) - migljáj hint; nod; sign; (namig) tip; suggestion; (z očmi) wink
dati migljáj to drop a hint, to give a hint
migljáj s kolom a broad hint
razumeti migljáj to take a hint - milodár alms
dajanje milodárov charity; donations pl
dati komu milodár to give someone alms, to give someone charity
prositi za milodár to ask (ali beg) for alms, to ask for charity
živeti od milodárov to live on charity - naftalín naphthalene
dati naftalín v odeje to put mothballs in the blankets - nagóbčnik muzzle (tudi figurativno)
natakniti nagóbčnik komu (figurativno) to muzzle someone
dati nagóbčnik psu to muzzle a dog - nagráda reward; award; prize, premium; recompense; (honorar) fee, royalty, honorarium; (plačilo) remuneration; bonus, bounty
kot nagráda (plačilo) za... as a reward for...
Kidričeva nagráda the Kidrič award (za leto 1977 for 1977)
dobitnik nagráde prizewinner
razdelitev nagrad (v šoli) prize-giving
dobiti nagrádo to win a prize
dobil je prvo nagrádo he won (ali he carried off) the first prize
dati nagrádo to award a prize
razpisati nagrádo to offer a reward
razpisati nagrádo na glavo kake osebe to set a price on someone's head (ali life)
podelitev Prešernovih nagrád the presentation of the Prešeren Awards
tolažilna nagráda consolation prize - najèm hire; lease; rent; (ladje, letala) charter; (avta) car hire; (konja, kočije) hire; tenancy; letting (out), let
v najèm on lease
dati v najèm to lease; to hire (for rent), to rent, to let (out on lease)
v najèm vzeti to take on lease, to hire, to rent, (ladjo, letalo) to charter
vzeli smo posestvo v najèm we have taken the farm on lease
imeti v najèmu to have on lease, to rent, to hold as tenant - nálog order; commission; charge; instruction; errand; writ
po nálogu by order
po vašem nálogu in accordance with your order (ali your instructions)
plačilni nálog order to pay
sodni nálog court order
zaporni nálog writ of attachment
imam nálog I am charged
dati nálog to give a commission (za kaj for something)
izvršiti nálog to execute an order