
Zadetki iskanja

  • bítka battle; fight; (spopad, praska) skirmish, action, brush, engagement, encounter, combat

    bítka do uničenja fight to a finish (ali to the bitter end, to the last man)
    obkoljevalna bítka battle of encirclement
    prava pravcata bítka a pitched battle
    dobiti bítko to win a battle
    bítka je na višku the battle is at its height
    pripravljati se za bítko to prepare for battle
    spustiti se v bítko to give battle, to join battle, to wage a battle, to fight a battle
    prišlo je do bítke it came to a fight; a battle was fought
    sprejeti bítko to accept battle
    neodločena bítka indecisive battle
  • blagájna (železna) safe, strongbox; (majhna) money box, cash box; (v trgovini) till; cash desk, cashier's desk, pay desk; cashpoint

    plačajte pri blagájni, prosim pay at the desk, please; please pay the cashier; (v uradu) cashier's office; (gledališka) box office; (železniška) VB booking office, ZDA ticket office
    državna blagájna (redko) fisc, treasury, public purse; (v banki) teller's department
    mala blagájna petty cash
    vojaška blagájna military chest
    bolniška blagájna sick fund, health insurance
    podporna blagájna relief fund
    registracijska blagájna cash register
    stanje blagájne cash balance
    zaključek blagájne closing of accounts, balancing
    skupna blagájna common purse
  • blagó (roba) goods pl, merchandise; ZDA wares pl; commodity, commodities pl; article; (tekstil) material, textile, cloth, stuff

    blagó v carinskem skladišču bonded goods
    blagó za damsko obleko dress material
    luksuzno blagó luxury goods
    lončarsko blagó hollow ware
    kolonijalno blagó groceries
    mešano blagó assorted goods
    najboljše blagó prime goods
    neprodajno blagó a drug on the market
    prvovrstno (drugovrstno) blagó firsts (seconds) pl
    slabo blagó inferior goods
    subvencionírano blagó subsidized goods
    tekstilno blagó textiles pl
    tkano blagó fabric, tissue
    volneno blagó woollen goods
    vozno blagó freight
    blagó na poti goods in transit
    dobava blaga supply, purveyance
    dostava, izročitev blaga delivery
    pošiljka blaga (z vlakom) consignment, (z ladjo) shipment
    skladišče blaga warehouse
    zaloga blaga stock
    dobro blagó se samo hvali good wine needs no bush
  • blamáža disgrace; discomfiture; shame; (neuspeh) failure, discredit

    to je blamáža za Vas it is a disgrace for you
    v blamáži sem I feel (very) foolish
    to bo blamáža zame pogovorno I'm going to finish up with egg on my face
  • bláto mud; (tudi figurativno); dirt; mire; filth; (rečno, jezersko) slime

    človeško bláto excrement, excreta
    oškropljen od bláta spattered with mud
    obmetavati z blátom koga figurativno to throw (ali to fling) mud at someone
    potegniti, povleči v bláto figurativno to drag through the mud
    tičati v blátu to stick in the mud
    (po)vleči iz bláta to pull out of the mud (ali mire)
  • bláznost lunacy, madness, insanity; mental disorder; mania; frenzy

    pripraviti koga do bláznosti to drive someone mad
    verska bláznost religious mania
    pisanje me spravlja v bláznost writing drives me crazy
  • blestéti blesketáti se to glitter, to glimmer, to glare, to glisten; to shine; to sparkle; to blaze

    ni blestel v družbi he did not shine in society
  • blísk lightning; ash; (strele) flash (of lightning)

    cikcakast blísk forked lightning
    kot blísk hitro like lightning, with lightning speed
    kot blísk like (greased) lightning
    kot blísk se razširiti to spread like wildfire
    iti kot blísk to go like lightning
    novica se je razširila v taborišču kot blísk the news ran through the camp like wildfire
  • blížanje approaching, approach; coming near

    blížanje sovražnika je zasejalo paniko v mestu the approach of the enemy spread panic in the town
  • bližína nearness; closeness; proximity; propinquity; (soseščina) vicinity, neighbourhood

    v bližíni in (one's) vicinity, near, nearby, close at hand
    iz bližíne at close quarters, closely
    v neposredni bližíni in the immediate vicinity, close by
    nekje v bližíni somewhere around, somewhere in the neighbourhood ali vicinity
  • blížnji near; imminent; forthcoming; nearby (hiša house)

    smo v blížnjem sorodstvu we are close relatives ali near relations
  • bóbnati to drum; to beat the drum; to play the drum

    s prsti bóbnati po to drum with one's fingers upon
    s prsti bóbnati po mizi to beat a tattoo on the table with one's fingers
    v nestrpnosti bóbnati s prsti to tap (ali to rap) one's fingers impatiently
  • bodisi

    bodisi... bodisi either... or; whether... or
    bodisi v času bodisi v prostoru in either time or space
  • bodóč future; coming; next

    v bodóče in the future, in times to come, for the future; henceforth; from this time on; hereafter, henceforward
    moj bodóči mož, moja bodóča žena my intended
    njen bodóči mož her future husband, her intended, her husband to-be
    njegova bodóča žena his wife-to-be
    bodóči župan the mayor elect
  • bodóčnost the future; futurity; time to come

    v bližnji bodóčnosti in the near future
    v dogledni bodóčnosti in the foreseeable future
    mož bodóčnosti an up-and-coming man, a man with a future
    imeti veliko bodóčnost to have a great future
    napovedati, prerokovati bodóčnost to predict, to foretell, to prophesy the future
    sanje bodóčnosti (figurativno) dreams pl of the future, castles pl in the air
    načrti za bodóčnost plans pl for the future
    bodóčnost bo pokazala it remains to be seen
    videti v bodóčnost to look into the future
    kaj nam bo prinesla bodóčnost? what does the future hold in store for us?
  • bòj fight (tudi figurativno), fighting; (oborožen) combat; (bitka) battle, engagement, action; (bojevanje) struggle (za for, z with); (spopad) encounter, (praska) skirmish; (tekmovanje) contest, match; (spor, figurativno) conflct

    hud težak bòj hard, heavy fighting
    bòj moža proti možu, bòj od blizu hand-to-hand fighting, dog-fight, close combat
    vroč bòj a ding-dong fight
    v vročem bòju in the heat of the battle
    surov bòj rough-and-tumble fight
    neodločen bòj drawn battle
    bòj na nož fight to the finish, skin-game
    bòj na življenje in smrt life-and-death struggle; all-in fighting, a deadly fight
    bòj za obstanek struggle for life, struggle for existence
    smrtni bòj death agony
    poulični bòji street fighting
    bòj nazorov conflict of opinions
    politični bòji political conflicts
    duševni bòj mental strife, mental struggle
    volilni bòj election contest, election campaign
    pripravljen za bòj ready to fight, (na morju) decks cleared for action
    sposoben za bòj able to fight, in fighting trim
    nesposoben za bòj disabled, out of action
    bíti (bijem) bòj to fight a battle
    izločiti iz bòja to put out of action
    ne izbirati sredstev za bòj to fight with one's gloves off
    izzvati na bòj to challenge; to throw down the gauntlet
    pasti v bòju to be killed in action, to fall in action
    sprejeti bòj (figurativno) to accept the challenge, to pick up the gauntlet; to accept battle
    spustiti se v bòj to join battle
  • bók flank; side; (kolk) hip; zastarelo huckle; (pri živalih) haunch

    levi (desni) bók ladje port (starboard)
    bók ob bóku side by side
    z rokami v bókih akimbo
    napad z bóka a flank attack
    kritje z bóka vojska flank guard
    izpostaviti, odkriti bók vojska to expose the flank
    napasti z bóka sovražnika to attack the enemy flank, to attack the flank of the enemy
    obiti bók to turn the enemy flank
    imeti bolečine v bóku to have a pain in one's side
    ladja je zelo nagnjena na bók the ship is listing
    leži na bóku the ship is over on her side
  • bólnica bolnišnica hospital; infirmary

    bólnica, bolnišnica za duševne bolezni mental hospital, lunatic asylum
    poljska bólnica, bolnišnica field hospital
    prevoz, sprejem v bólnico, bivanje v bólnici hospitalization
    odpeljati v bólnico to put in (a) hospital, to hospitalize
    sprejeti v bólnico to admit to (a) hospital
  • bómba bomb; žargon egg; figurativno bombshell

    atomska bómba atom bomb, atomic bomb, A-bomb
    ročna bómba hand grenade
    leteča bómba flying bomb, pogovorno doodlebug
    eksplozivna (raketna, vžigalna) bómba (high-) explosive (rocket, incendiary) bomb
    vodikova bómba H-bomb, hydrogen bomb
    globinska bómba depth charge, (žargon) ash can
    smrdljiva bómba stink bomb
    tempirana bómba time bomb, delayed-action bomb
    zračna bómba aerial bomb
    poškodovan od bómb bomb damaged, blitzed
    razdejan od bómb bomb-battered
    od bómb razrušeno mesto bombwrecked town
    varen pred bómbami bomb-proof
    metalec bómb bomb-thrower
    odmet bómb bomb dropping, bomb release, bombing
    novica je učinkovala kot bómba the news was like a bombshell
    bómba je počila the bomb (figurativno bombshell) burst (ali exploded)
    odvrečI bómbe to release bombs, to drop bombs (na cilj on a target)
    obsuti z bómbami mesto to bomb a town
    odvreči bómbe (v prisilnem odmetu) to jettison bombs
    položiti preprogo bómb vojska to saturate
    težka letalska bómba vojska žargon tallboy
    zažigalna bómba incendiary bomb
  • bórba fight; fighting; struggle; strife; contest; (tekmovanje) competition

    po ostri bórbi after sharp fighting
    bórba moža proti možu hand-to-hand fighting
    bórba na življenje in smrt life-and-death struggle
    bórba na nož skin-game, fight to the finish
    bórba za obstanek, za življenje struggle for life (ali for existence)
    surova bórba a rough-and-tumble
    volilna bórba election campaign
    vroča bórba a ding-dong fight
    izločiti iz bórbe to put someone out of action; to knock someone out
    pasti v bórbi to be killed in action
    začeti bórbo to start a fight