boríšče arena; scene of contest; (boks) (boxing-) ring; (turnirsko) lists pl, tilting ground; (rokoborba) ring
prihajati na boríšče zgodovina to enter the lists
Zadetki iskanja
- boríti se (telesno) to fight; šport to fence; figurativno to conflict, to battle, to war; (meriti se) to contend, to cope (z with); to contest; (upirati se) to resist, to combat, to withstand; (konkurirati) to compete (z with), to vie (with someone for something), to rival (in something); (stremeti za) to strive for
boríti se za to struggle for
boríti se za koga (figurativno zastarelo) to break a lance for someone
boríti se za golo življenje (figurativno) to live from hand to mouth, to struggle to make ends meet, to struggle to survive
boríti se proti močnejšemu to fight against the odds
boríti se s seboj to be undecided
boríti se s smrtjo to struggle with death, to suffer one's last agony, to suffer the pangs of death
boríti se na vse kriplje, z vsemi sredstvi to fight tooth and nail
boríti se s težavami to contend with difficulties
boríti se z velikimi težavami to labour under great difficulties
boríti se z valovi to battle against the waves
boríti se z vetrom to battle against the wind
do zadnjega (diha) boríti se to fight till the last gasp - bórza trgovina Exchange, exchange
londonska bórza Royal Exchange; (pogovorno zastarelo) 'Change
bórza dela Labour Exchange
bórza vrednostnih papirjev stock exchange
črna bórza black market
neuradna bórza kerb market, outside market
na bórzi on the exchange, (pogovorno zastarelo) on'Change
kotirati na bórzi to be quoted (ZDA listed) on the stock exchange - bránik bulwark; bastion; figurativno stronghold; (nasip) rampart, breastwork; barricade
biti na brániku, stati na brániku to man the defences, to stand firm - braníti to defend (pred from, proti against); to protect; to shield; (prepovedati) to prohibit, to forbid
braníti komu to restrain someone (from doing something), to forbid someone (to do something); (na sodišču) to defend, to advocate, to plead for
braníti svojo pravico to maintain one's right
braníti se to defend oneself, (upirati se) to resist, to withstand
braníti se česa (odklanjati) to refuse, to decline
tudi najmirnejši človek se brani, če je napaden (figurativno) even a worm will turn - brášno
brášno za na pot food for a journey - bráti (čitati) to read
skrbno bráti to peruse; (nabirati ipd.) to collect, to gather (in), to pick; (trgati) to pluck; to cull
bráti grozdje to gather grapes, to vintage
bráti hmelj to pick hops
bráti mašo to say mass
napačno bráti to misread
do konca bráti to read through
bráti zase (skrivaj) to read to oneself
bráti med vrsticami to read between the lines
to sem bral v časopisu I read it in the paper
ne zna ne bráti ne pisati he can neither read nor write
to se bere kot roman it reads like a novel
tvoja knjiga se mnogo bere your book is much read
bráti komu na obrazu to read someone's face
nedolžnost se mu bere na obrazu innocence is written all over his face, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth
hoteti bráti v besedilu nekaj, česar v njem ni to read something into a text
vsak večer berem očetu časopis every evening I read the paper to my father
rada ima, da ji kaj berejo she likes being read to - brég (rečni) bank, (morski) shore, (morski, peščeni) strand, beach; (strmina) slope, hill; (nagib) incline
na breg, na bregu ashore
reka je prestopila brégove the river has overflowed ali has burst its banks
imeti nekaj za brégom (figurativno) to have an ulterior motive; to have something at the back of one's mind; to have some design, to harbour a design
ne vem, kaj imaš za brégom I don't know what you're after ali what you're driving at
kaj ima (on) za brégom? what is he up to? - brézovka birch, birch rod
(na)tepsti z brézovko to birch - bríga care; trouble; worries pl; (zaskrbljenost) concern, anxiety, solicitude, uneasiness, apprehension
bríga za (kaj) care for (something)
moreča bríga zastarelo carking care
to je moja bríga I shall see to it
to ni moja bríga this is no business of mine, this is no concern of mine
to mi je deveta bríga I don't care about it at all
bodi brez bríge! don't worry; never you fear; be easy on that score
dajati, povzročati bríge to cause anxiety (ali uneasiness)
imeti na brígi to take care of, to attend (ali to see) to - brúhanje vomiting; (vulkana) eruption
sredstvo za brúhanje emetic
na brúhanje mi gre I feel sick - búcika pin
pripeti z búciko to pin (na to, on) - budílka alarm clock, pogovorno the alarm
budílka zvoni the alarm clock rings ali goes off
nastaviti budílko na šesto uro to set the alarm (clock) for six - carína (urad) customs pl; (dajatev) duty, pl duties; tariff
brez caríne, prost caríne duty-free, custom-free; non dutiable
carína plačana duty-paid
podvržen caríni liable to duty; liable to customs, dutiable
neplačana carína unpaid duty
izvozna carína export duty
uvozna carína import duty, duties on entry
zaščitna carína protective tariff
trgovina brez caríne free trade
iti skozi caríno to go (ali to pass) through the customs
plačati caríno to pay duty (za, na on)
pobirati caríno to collect duty - cedílo colander; strainer; percolator; filter
na cedílu ostati (figurativno) to get left in the lurch
pustiti koga na cedílu to let someone down, to desert someone, to leave someone in the lurch, to forsake someone, to fail someone, to leave someone in a jam ali in a mess; to abandon someone, ZDA to go back on someone, (razočarati) to disappoint someone
ne pusti me na cedílu v sili! don't fail me now I need you!
pustiti dekle na cedílu to leave a girl in the lurch - cenén cheap; low-priced; inexpensive; reasonable
na cenén (lahek) način on the cheap - cénjen (stvari) appreciated; (osebe) esteemed, respected, dear
cénjni bralec dear reader
cénjni gostje dear guests
zelo cénjen highly thought-of
cénjni gospod! (nadpis v pismu) Dear Sir, (naslov na pismu)
cénjen g. Henry Brown Mr. Henry Brown ali Henry Brown Esq.
vaše cénjno pismo your kind letter, trgovina zastarelo your favour, your esteemed letter - césta (public) road, (v mestu, vasi) street; way; ZDA (široka v velemestu) avenue
deželna césta highway, main road, VB highroad, trunk road, arterial road
glavna césta highway, highroad (between towns); high street, ZDA main street
državna césta, avtomobilska cést motorway, ZDA expressway, superhighway; (široka prehodna) thoroughfare, ZDA artery
césta v Oxford the Oxford road, the road to Oxford
stranska césta side road, (v mestu) side street
makadamizírana césta macadamized road
prometna, živahna césta busy (ali crowded) street
javna césta public road
asfaltirana césta asphalted road
z gramozom nasuta césta metalled road
tlakovana césta paved road
vijugasta césta winding road
hitra césta ZDA speedway
dobra (slaba) césta road in good (bad) repair
césta s prepovedjo parkiranja no-parking street, street closed to parking
rimska, mlečna césta astronomija galaxy, Milky Way
na césti in the street, on the street
delo na césti roadworks
gostilna ob césti roadside inn, VB žargon roadside caff
uporabnik céste road user
za promet zaprta césta! road closed to traffic!
ta césta je zaprta za promet z vozili this road is closed to vehicular traffic
césta je zagačena the road is jammed
iti po césti to go by the road
ta cesta gre (pelje, vodi) iz Londona v Southampton this road goes from London to Southampton
stanujem čez césto I live just across the street
vreči koga na césto to turn someone out, to put someone out (in the street); to send someone packing - cíkati (namigovati) to hint (na at); to allude, to make an allusion (na to)
ne vem, na kaj cikate I don't know what you're getting (ali driving) at
vino cika the wine tastes sour - cílj aim, end; object, vojska objective; scope; view; purpose; goal, mark; (tarča) target, butt, mark; (dirkalni, šport) winning post; (življenjski, željá) goal; (potovanja) destination; (stremljenje) aspiration
brez cílja aimless, purposeless, without aim or end
za ta cílj to this end
mimo cílja beside (ali wide of) the mark
doseči svoj cílj to attain (ali to secure) one's end, to achieve one's purpose, to attain one's objectives, to gain one's end(s), to reach one's goal, ZDA to get there; to carry one's point
imeti za cílj to aim at
ima visok cílj he is aiming high
doseči cílj svojih želja to attain the object of one's desires
iti za svojim cíljem, zasledovati svoj cílj to pursue one's end (ali one's aim)
iti, priti skozi cílj šport to breast the tape
postaviti cílj to set an aim
postaviti si za cílj to aim at
vzeti si za cílj to make it one's business (to)
zadeti cílj to hit the mark
zasledovati preveč cíljev to have too many irons in the fire
pogoditi cílj to pinpoint
zgrešiti cílj to miss the mark
vojaški cílji so bili bombardirani military targets (ali objectives) have been (letalsko) bombed, (artilerijsko) shelled
priti na cílj svojega potovanja to reach the end (ali the destination) of one's journey, to reach one's journey's end