
Zadetki iskanja

  • nekóč once, at one time, in times past, in old times, in former times; (v bodočnosti) some day

    nekóč boš moral vse poplačati you'll have to pay it all back some day
    davno nekóč long ago, in times past, in ancient times; pesniško in olden days, in days or yore
    nekóč je bil kralj... (v pravljicah) once upon a time there was a king
    nekóč sem to delal (zdaj ne več) I used to do it
  • neréden disorderly; untidy; without order; irregular; careless; happening at irregular intervals
  • nervózen nervous; uneasy, fidgety, fretful; highlystrung, high-strung; ill at ease

    nervózno se premikati sem in tja to fidget
  • neslóžen discordant, dissenting, dissentient; disagreeing, divided, at odds, at loggerheads, at variance

    biti neslóžen s kom glede česa to be at variance with someone over something; to dissent (ali to disagree, to differ) with someone about something; (prepirati se) to quarrel, to be at odds with someone, to squabble with someone about something, to wrangle over something
  • neudóben uncomfortable; inconvenient; uneasy; (občutek) ill at ease; not homely, not homelike

    neudóben za inconvenient for
  • nikákor ne by no means, not at all, on no account; in no way; arhaično nowise

    tega nikákor ne morem storiti I can't possibly do it
  • níkdar never; at no time; not once, never once, not a single time

    skoraj níkdar hardly ever
    níkdar več never again, arhaično pesniško nevermore
  • nobénkrat never; at no time; not once, not a single time; on no occasion
  • o (predlog) of; about; on; at, upon; in

    o pravem času in time, at the right time
    o božiču at Christmas
    o dejavnosti Inštituta za... about (ali on) the activities of the Institute for...
    nimam informacij o tem I have no information on this point
    govoriti o vojni to speak (ali to talk) about the war
    govorili smo o njem we were talking about him
    kaj misliš o tem? what do you think of that?
    pisati o revoluciji to write about the revolution
    kaj veš o njih? what do you know about them?
    pripovedovati, povedati o čem to tell of something
    predavanje o čem a lecture on something
    govoriti o nekem predmetu to talk on a subject
  • ob at; by, along, on

    ob treh at 3 o'clock
    sestati se ob šestih to meet at six (o'clock)
    ob sobotah on Saturdays
    ob prvi priliki at the first opportunity
    ob letu in a year, in a year's time, a year from today, a year today
    ob takih okoliščinah under such circumstances
    ob ves (svoj) denar sem I have lost all my money
    ob vse so ga spravili he has lost everything (ali his all)
    pri tem sem ob mojih 10 funtov I am ten pounds out of pocket over it
    on je ob pamet he is out of his mind, he is not in his senses
    si ob pamet? are you out of your senses?
    hoditi gor in dol ob hiši to walk up and down by (ali outside) the house
    to se samo ob sebi razume this is a matter of course
    živeti ob kruhu in vodi to live on bread and water
  • obdóben periodic, periodical; returning (ali occurring) at intervals
  • obdolžíti to charge (koga česa someone with something), to lay something to someone's charge; to accuse someone of something, to indict someone for something; to impute something to someone; to bring an accusation against someone; to arraign, (javno) to impeach; pravo to prosecute; to denounce; figurativno to throw stones at someone
  • obênem at the same time; simultaneously
  • obgrísti to bite at, to nibble at
  • obkléj at what time?; when?
  • obratováti to work; to be at work; to be in operation; (martinova peč) to be in blast

    ne obratováti to be idle, to shut down; to be inactive
    ta tovarna ne obratuje this factory is standing idle
    ta stroj ne obratuje this machine is not working
    le dve peči obratujeta only two furnaces are in blast
  • obrégniti se to snub (ob koga someone), to rebuke someone, to fly at someone, to blow someone up
  • obšírno prislov amply, circumstantially, at full (ali great) length, in detail, fully
  • obtóženec the accused; the defendant; (v ločitveni pravdi) respondent; prisoner at the bar
  • oddahníti se to recover breath, pogovorno to get one's breath back; (po naporu) to rest after a spell of hard work; to begin to feel at ease

    oddahníti se od strahu to recover from a fright
    oddahníti se po težavah to have some respite from difficulties
    malo oddahníti se to take a breather
    dajte mi, da se malo oddahnem give me time to breathe, give me time to draw breath
    malo si oddahníti se to take time to breathe