
Zadetki iskanja

  • klistírati medicina to apply an enema
  • klopôtec (v vinogradu itd.) rattle operated by the wind, flapper; (gnilo jajce) a rotten egg, a bad egg, an addled egg; (klepetava oseba) chatterbox
  • kolkovánje stamping; providing with an adhesive stamp
  • konkludírati (sklepati) to conclude; to deduce, to infer; to draw a conclusion, to draw an inference
  • korzelét (steznik) corslet, corselet; zoologija (prsni ščit insekta) corslet, thorax of an insect
  • krasíti to adorn; to embellish; to be an ornament; to beautify; to decorate; to trim
  • kritizírati to criticize; to review; to write an appreciation; (grajati) to censure, to find fault with, to comment upon

    biti ostro kritiziran to run the gauntlet
    ostro kritizírati (figurativno) to excoriate, to pull to pieces, to lay strictures on
  • kvánta a dirty story, an indecent (ali smutty) joke, obscenity
  • lenáriti to be idle (ali lazy); to lie idle; to idle; to drone; to be indolent; to lounge; to lead an idle life; pogovorno to laze
  • lišájast botanika lichenous; medicina tetterous, having an eruption on the skin
  • málodane almost; nearly; well-nigh; within an ace

    málodane nemogoče well-nigh impossible
  • naredíti to do; (izdelati) to make, to manufacture; (izvršiti) to carry out, to perform, to execute; (dovršiti) to bring to an end, to complete

    kaj naredíti? what is to be done?
    ne vem kaj naredíti (figurativno) I am all at sea
    kaj naj človek naredi? what is one to do?
    prav vse (možno) naredíti to leave no stone unturned
    nerad kaj naredíti to do something with a bad grace
    površno, slabo naredíti to bungle
    naredíti čemu konec to put an end to something
    naredíti napako to make a mistake (ali a blunder)
    naredíti komu uslugo to do someone a service (ali a favour)
    naredíti komu slabo uslugo to do someone a bad turn, to do someone a disservice
    rad kaj naredíti to do something willingly, to do something with a good grace
    to bi se dalo naredíti that could be done
    naredíti se nevednega to pretend not to know, to act as if one did not know
    naredil sem se gluhega I pretended to be deaf
    naredíti se bolnega to feign illness, to malinger
    naredil sem (se), kot da sem jezen I pretended to be angry
  • naročíti to order; to command; to commission; to give a commission (for); to give (ali to place) an order; arhaično to bespeak

    naročíti kaj pri kom to order something from someone
    naročíti sedež prostor to book a seat
    naročíti se na časopis to subscribe to a paper
    si naročen na ta časopis? do you take this paper?
    naročil sem se na to knjigo I ordered this book
  • naročník person placing an order; (časopisa) subscriber; (komur se pošlje blago) consignee

    ta časopis ima mnogo naročníkov this paper has many subscribers
  • nehvaléžnež nehvaléžnik an ungrateful person
  • nehvaléžnica an ungrateful woman (oziroma girl)
  • neimenovánec anonym, an anonymous person (krajšava: anon)
  • nenavádnež (čudak) a queer (ali eccentric) person; an original (ali odd) fellow

    on je nenavádnež he is a queer fish, he is a bit of a card
  • neróda an awkward fellow, a clumsy person; figurativno a bull in a china shop
  • nesmŕtnik an immortal, a person of undying fame

    nesmŕtniki pl the immortals, the Gods