soaréja evening party
iti na soaréjo to go out to an evening party
Zadetki iskanja
- sódba sentence, judg(e)ment; (porotnikov) verdict; condemnation; (razsodba) arbitrament, arbitration; (mnenje) judgment, opinion, estimation, thinking
poslednja sódba religija Judgment Day, Doomsday, the Last Judgment
božja sódba judgment of God, zgodovina ordeal
napačna sódba error of judgment, wrong verdict
oprostilna sódba porotnikov verdict of not guilty
smrtna sódba death sentence, (listina) death warrant
po moji sódbi in my opinion (ali judgment)
sódba v korist tožnika verdict for the plaintiff
izvršitev sódbe execution of a sentence
pravnomočna sódba final judgment
izvršiti sódbo to carry out (ali to execute) a sentence
izreči sódbo to give (ali to pass, to deliver, to pronounce) sentence (nad on)
razveljaviti sódbo to quash a sentence
spodbijati sódbo to impugn a judgment
spremeniti sódbo to commute a sentence
sprejeti sódbo to submit to a sentence
napraviti, ustvariti si sódbo to form an opinion (ali judgment)
vzdržati se vsake sódbe o neki zadevi to abstain from giving any opinion on a matter - sodelováti to collaborate (s kom pri čem with someone in something); to cooperate (with someone in something); to take part in
aktivno sodelováti pri to take an active part in
sodeloval je z nami pri delu he cooperated with us in the work - sodíšče court of justice (ali of law), law court, court of judicature, tribunal; (poslopje) court house
sodíšče za mladoletne juvenile court
ljudsko sodíšče people's court
vojaško sodíšče court-martial
preiskovalno sodíšče court of inquiry
cerkveno sodíšče ecclesiastical court, consistory
arbitražno sodíšče arbitration tribunal
kasacijsko sodíšče (v nekaterih deželah) Court of Cassation, supreme court of appeal
apelacijsko sodíšče court of appeal, appellate court
porotno sodíšče court of assizes, assize court
gospodarsko sodíšče court of claims
tajno sodíšče secret court
konkurzno sodíšče bankruptcy court
višje sodíšče high court (of justice)
najvišje, vrhovno sodíšče supreme court
civilno sodíšče civil court
neupoštevanje poziva sodíšča contempt of court
postopek na sodíšču legal proceedings pl
pristojnost sodíšča competence of court
zasliševanje na sodíšču hearing, judicial examination
zasedanje sodíšča session of court
sodíšče združenega dela court of associated labour
ustavno sodíšče constitutional court
zvezno sodíšče federal court
na sodíšču in court
iti tožit na sodíšče to go to law
pod prisego izjaviti na sodíšču to make a statement on oath in court
ne se odzvati sodíšču to fail to appear in court
predati sodíšču to commit for trial
postaviti pred vojaško sodíšče to court-martial
predložiti zadevo sodíšču to take a case to court
priti pred sodíšče to appear in court
vložiti priziv proti sklepu sodíšča to appeal against a decision of the court
odbiti priziv sodíšču to dismiss an appeal
ugoditi priziv sodíšču to allow an appeal
predati, postaviti pred sodíšče to send for trial - sòkriv accessory
biti sòkriv to be an accomplice (v zločinu in a crime), to he accessory (to a crime) - sòkrivec accomplice, accessory, arhaično complice; fellow criminal
bil je sòkrivec pri zločinu he was an accessory to the crime
bil je sòkrivec z morilcem he was an accomplice of the murderer - sovrážnik enemy; hater; fiend; foe, pesniško foeman
glavni sovrážnik archenemy, archfiend
najhujši sovrážnik deadliest enemy
smrtni sovrážnik deadly enemy, sworn enemy
sovrážnik ljudstva public enemy
nevaren sovrážnik arhaično a foeman worthy of one's steel
napraviti si koga za sovrážnika to make an enemy of someone
biti sovrážnik komu to be someone's enemy - spametováti to make wiser; to bring someone to his senses; to make someone see sense; to teach someone a lesson
to me je spametovalo that was a (real) lesson for me
spametováti se to grow wiser, to cut one's wisdom teeth (ali eyeteeth), to profit by an unpleasant experience, to come to one's senses
nikoli se ne bo spametoval he will never grow wiser
moram ga spametováti I must bring him to his senses, I must make him see reason - spláv2 medicina (induced) abortion, miscarriage
legalen, ilegalen spláv legal, illegal abortion
povzročiti, narediti spláv to induce (ali to procure) a miscarriage (ali an abortion) - spòr quarrel (z with, med between); dispute; disagreement; conflict; difference, dissention; contest (o, gledé over, about); ligitation
jabolko spòra bone of contention
izgladiti spòr to make (ali to patch) up a quarrel
ne imeti povoda za spòr to have no quarrel with
poravnati spòr to settle a quarrel
zanetiti spòr to pick (ali to seek) a quarrel (z with)
med njima je star spòr there is an old quarrel between them
urediti, izgladiti spòr to settle a dispute - sporazúm agreement; settlement; arrangement; understanding
samoupravni sporazúm self-managing agreement
doseči sporazúm to reach agreement (o on), to come to an agreement, to enter into (ali to make) an arrangement (s kom with someone)
noben sporazúm ni bil dosežen no agreement has been reached
med njimi je prišlo do sporazúma they came to an understanding (ali arrangement)
skleniti sporazúm to make an agreement
po splošnem (medsebojnem) sporazúmu by general (by mutual) agreement - sprejéti to accept; to receive; to admit; (predlog) to adopt
sprejéti darilo to receive a present
sprejéti (po)vabilo to accept an invitation
sprejéti pod streho (krov) to give shelter
prisrčno sprejéti to accord a warm welcome
sprejéti koga med svoje prijatelje to accept someone as one's fiend, to admit someone to one's circle of ffiends
sprejeli so ga z veselimi vzkliki he was received with cheers
sprejel nas je predsednik kluba we were received by the president of the club
prijazno sprejéti to give a friendly reception, to receive kindly
bil je hladno sprejet he was coldly received
ne hoteti sprejéti to refuse to accept
ni me hotela sprejéti (v hišo) I was refused her door
sprejel je otroka za svojega he acknowledged the child as his
zakonski osnutek je bil sprejet v Spodnji zbornici the Bill has passed the House of Commons
sprejeto od... passed by...
sprejéti zakon o to pass a law on
sprejéti proračun to pass (ali to adopt) the budget
sprejéti ustavo to adopt a constitution
sprejéti odločitev to reach (ali to take) a decision - spremeníti to change; to alter; to modify; to convert; to vary
to na stvari nič ne spremeni it doesn't make any difference to things, it does not alter the facts
spremeníti barvo to change colour
spremeníti svoje vedenje to change one's behaviour, (figurativno) one's approach
prepisal sem to, ne da bi spremenil eno samo vrsto I copied it without altering a single line
spremeníti se to change, to alter, to undergo a change
spremeníti se na boljše (slabše) to change (ali to alter) for the better (for the worse)
se ne da nič spremeníti (pomagati) it can't be helped
s tem se položaj spremeni that changes the case
časi so se zelo spremenili times have (ali are) greatly changed
vreme se je nenadoma spremenilo a sudden change of weather has taken place
spremeníti zakon to revise an act - spróžiti to pull the trigger; to fire, to fire off; to actuate; to unlatch, to release, to disconnect, to launch; to touch off
spróžiti pištolo to fire a pistol
sprožil je predlog he threw out the suggestion
spróžiti vprašanje to raise a question
spróžiti atomsko vojno to unleash an atomic war
spróžiti se to go off - srédnji middle; central
srédnji stan middle classes pl, ZDA white-collar section of the population
srédnja pozicija central position
Srednja Amerika Central America
Srednja Nemčija Central Germany
srédnji vek Middle Ages pl
Srednja Azija Central Asia
srédnja črta šah middle line (fourth or fifth rank on a chessboard)
srédnja stvar intermediate thing, something between
srédnja teža middleweight
srédnje uho middle ear
vnetje srédnjega ušesa inflammation of the middle ear
srédnji čas mean time
srédnja kakovost medium quality
srédnji kos middle piece, central portion
srédnja stopnja (šole) last three classes (classes 5, 6 and 7) of an elementary school
srédnji spol gramatika neuter (gender)
srédnja šola secondary school, ZDA high school
srédnji napadalec šport centre forward
srédnji igralec centre, ZDA center
srédnja pot middle course, mean, compromise
kreniti po srédnji poti to adopt a middle course
srédnji val (radio) medium wave
srédnja vrednost mean (value), average
izračunati srédnjo vrednost to calculate an average
Srednja Evropa Central Europe
Srednji Vzhod the Middle East
srédnja žetev average crop - srédstvo means (sg in pl); (lek) remedy, medicine; expedient; way; medium; agent; instrument; pravo (ukrep) measure; (denar) funds pl, means pl, resources pl, the wherewithal
brez sredstev resourceless, lacking means, indigent, poor, destitute
srédstvo proti a remedy for
srédstvo za življenje livelihood, subsistence
denarna srédstva funds pl, means pl
kemično srédstvo chemical agent
osnovna srédstva trgovina assets pl
proizvodna srédstva means of production
prometna srédstva means of communication (of conveyance, ZDA of transportation)
zakonita srédstva legal measures pl
srédstvo za dosego cilja a means to an end
družbena srédstva social resources pl
združevanje sredstev pooling of resources
srédstva združenega dela means of associated labour
vsako srédstvo je dobro za dosego cilja (figurativno) all's fair in love and war
namen posvečuje srédstva the end justifies the means
poskusiti vsa srédstva (figurativno) to leave no stone unturned
ali ni nobenega srédstva? is there no way?
naša srédstva so zelo omejena our means are very limited
on je brez vsakih sredstev he is poverty-stricken, he is destitute, he is resourceless, he is penniless
moja srédstva mi tega ne dopuščajo I cannot afford it
porabiti, izčrpati vsa srédstva to exhaust all resources
poseči po skrajnih srédstvih to take extreme measures
odločil se je, da bo dosegel svoj cilj z vsemi srédstvi he is determined to go to any length
živeti preko svojih sredstev to live beyond one's means
združevati srédstva to pool resources
zagotoviti denarna srédstva to provide funds - stán
1. state, class, profession
delavski stán working class
duhovniški stán priesthood
kmečki stán peasantry
vojaški stán military profession
srednji stán middle casses pl
tretji stán zgodovina commons pl, third estate
viteški stán knighthood
plemiški stán nobility
deželni stanovi States pl
skupščina treh stánov zgodovina v Franciji the States pl General
samski stán single state
zakonski stán married state
svojemu stánu primerno in a style befitting one's state
2. (bivališče) residence, domicile, dwelling, habitation; abode; quarters pl; (stanovanje) lodgings pl, apartments pl, (niz sob) suite of rooms
glavni vojaški stán headquarters pl
3. (stanje) state, condition, status, (položaj) situation, position, (okoliščine) circumstances pl
dejanski stán facts pl of the case, fact (ali facts pl) of the matter
pravni stán legal status, legal situation
biti v drugem stánu (noseča) to be in the family way, to be expecting a child (ali a baby), to be expecting, to be pregnant, (v visokem stanu) to be in an advanced state of pregnancy, pogovorno to be far-gone, arhaično to be quick with child - stár old; aged; advanced in years; (starodaven) ancient; (postaran) elderly; (staromoden) old-fashioned, (zastarel) antiquated, rusty; (beseda) archaic, obsolescent, obsolete; (obrabljen) used, worn, (ponošen) wornout, threadbare; (fraza) hackneyed, trite, timeworn; exploded; (že rabljen) secondhand (pohištvo furniture); (kruh, pivo, novica, šala) stale
stári vek ancient times, antiquity
stár dovtip, vic old joke
stáro železo scrap iron, scrap
stár grešnik inveterate sinner
stár (izkušen) mornar (figurativno) old salt
stár (odslužen) vojak veteran
stári Rimljani the ancient Romans pl
stára obleka worn-out (ali cast-off) clothes pl
na stára leta in one's old age
v stárih časih in ancient (ali in former) times
stári oče, stára mati grandfather, grandmother
stáro in mlado young and old
stára šara junk, lumber
stár kot zemlja as old as the hills
srednje stár middle-aged
stár kot Matuzalem as old as Methuselah
po stárem (načinu) in the old way
dobri stári časi the good old times pl
stára devica an old maid
diplomat stáre šole a diplomat of the old school
zgodba stára kot svet a story as old as the hills
stári jeziki ancient languages pl, classics pl (s konstr. v sg)
stára zgodovina ancient history
stára številka (časopisa) back number
iz stárih časov from days of yore
stára navada železna srajca habit is second nature
koliko ste stári? how old are you?, what age are you?, what is your age?
on je 15 let stár he is fifteen (years of age)
toliko je stár kot jaz he is my age, pogovorno he's the same age as me
stár sem več kot 30 let I am over thirty
on še ni (je blizu) 40 let stár he is on the right (ali on the sunny) side of forty
je že preko 40 let (star) he is on the wrong (ali on the shady) side of forty
ona še ni 20 let stára she is not yet out of her teens
to te dela stárega that makes you look old, pogovorno it puts years on you
on je kaki dve leti starejši od mene he is some two years my senior
on je (že) čez 70 let (star) he is seventy odd
ne bo delal stárih kosti he won't make old bones
stár postajati to grow old
vse gre po stárem everything's going on in the same old way
vse ostane pri stárem everything stays as it was (ali as before)
(zdravstveno) še nisem »stari« I am not my old self yet
kje so dobri stári časi? where are the good old days? - stárost age, old age, oldness; advanced years pl; declining age
na stárost in one's old age
v stárosti od at the age of
prezgodnja stárost premature decrepitude
mož srednje stárosti a man of middle age
visoka stárost extreme old age
doživel je visoko stárost he lived to a great age
umrl je v visoki stárosti (v stárosti 20 let) he died at a great age (at the age of twenty years)
doseči visoko stárost to reach a great age, (pogovorno) to make old bones
sem njegove stárosti I am his age
ne kaže svoje stárosti he doesn't look his age
v tem poklicu človek ne doživi stárosti in that occupation men never reach a great age
on je palica moje stárosti (figurativno) he is the staff of my old age
če bi mladost znala, če bi stárost mogla... if one had an old head on young shoulders... - stártati to start
znova to make a fresh start; (letalo) to take off
letalo je startalo pred pol ure the plane took off half an hour ago